RNS Number:1707S
Petaling Tin Berhad
28 February 2002

                            PETALING TIN BERHAD 
                        (Incorporated in Malaysia) 

                    FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST OCTOBER, 2001 


1.   Directors' Report 

7.   Statement by Directors 

7.   Statutory Declaration 

8.   Report of the Auditors to the Members 

10.  Balance Sheets 

12.  Income Statements 

13.  Statements of Changes in Equity 

15.  Cash Flow Statements 

18.  Notes to the Financial Statements 

Company No: 324-H

                               PETALING TIN BERHAD 
                            (Incorporated in Malaysia) 

                                DIRECTORS' REPORT 

The Directors have pleasure in submitting their report and the audited financial
statements of the Group and of the Company for the year ended 31st October,


The Company is principally engaged in the business of investment holding and
provision of management services. The principal activities of the subsidiary
companies are disclosed in note 3 to the financial statements. There have been
no significant changes in the nature of these activities during the year. 

                                              GROUP       COMPANY
                                               RM           RM

Profit/(Loss) for the year                  588,661     (4,020,108) 


No dividend has been paid, declared or proposed since the end of the Company's 
previous financial year. 


There were no material transfers to or from reserves or provisions during the 
year other than those mentioned in the financial statements.


Before the income statements and balance sheets of the Group and of the Company
were made out, the Directors took reasonable steps to ascertain that action had
been taken in relation to the writing off of bad debts and the making of
provisions for doubtful debts, and have satisfied themselves that there were no
known bad debts and that adequate provision had been made for doubtful debts.


At the date of this report, the Directors of the Company are not aware of any
circumstances which would require the writing off of bad debts, or the amount of
the provision for doubtful debts in the financial statements of the Group and of
the Company inadequate to any substantial extent. 


Before the income statements and balance sheets of the Group and of the Company
were made out, the Directors took reasonable steps to ensure that any current
assets which were unlikely to realise in the ordinary course of business their
values as shown in the accounting records of the Group and of the Company have
been written down to an amount which they might be expected so to realise.
At the date of this report, the Directors are not aware of any circumstances
which would render the values attributed to the current assets in the financial
statements of the Group and of the Company misleading. 


At the date of this report, the Directors are not aware of any circumstances
which have arisen which render adherence to the existing method of valuation of
assets or liabilities of the Group and of the Company misleading or


At the date of this report there does not exist:- 

(i)   any charge on the assets of the Group or of the Company which has arisen 
      since the end of the financial year which secures the liabilities of any 
      other person, or 

(ii)  any contingent liability in respect of the Group or of the Company which 
      has arisen since the end of the financial year. 

No contingent liability or other liability of the Group or of the Company has
become enforceable, or is likely to become enforceable within the period of
twelve months after the end of the financial year which, in the opinion of the
Directors, will or may substantially affect the ability of the Group or of the
Company to meet their obligations as and when they fall due.


At the date of this report, the Directors are not aware of any circumstances,
not otherwise dealt with in this report or the financial statements of the Group
and of the Company which would render any amount stated in the financial
statements misleading. 



In the opinion of the Directors:- 

(i)   the results of the operations of the Group and of the Company for the 
      financial year were not substantially affected by any item, transaction or 
      event of a material and unusual nature. 

(ii)  there has not arisen in the interval between the end of the financial year 
      and the date of this report any item, transaction or event of a material 
      and unusual nature likely to affect substantially the results of the 
      operations of the Group and of the Company for the financial year in which 
      this report is made. 


During the year, the following issues of shares were made by the Company:-

Date of Issue      Class                Number                  Terms And Purpose of Issue 

5.3.2001 and    Ordinary RM1/-    73,577,586 and                Conversion of Irredeemable 
4.9.2001                          72,801,724 respectively       Convertible Unsecured 
                                                                Loan Stocks 2000/2010 

The particulars of the conversion of the ICULS up to the end of the current 
financial year are as follows:- 

(a) on 5th March, 2001, RM85,350,000/- nominal value of ICULS were converted 
    into 73.577,586 fully paid ordinary shares of RM1/- each of the Company at a 
    conversion price of RM1.16 each; and 

(b) on 4th September, 2001, RM84,450,000/- nominal value of ICULS were converted 
    into 72,801,724 fully paid ordinary shares of RM1/- each of the Company at a 
    conversion price of RM1.16 each.
The terms of issue of the ICULS are as disclosed in note 20 to the financial 


There were no warrants exercised during the financial year. 



The Directors in office since the date of the last report are:-



WONG SWEE MIN                                 (Resigned on 31.10.01)



DATUK WAN KASSIM BIN AHMED                    (Appointed on 2.7.01)
CHONG KOK KONG                                (Appointed on 31.10.01)


Particular of Directors' interest in the shares, ICULS and warrants of the
Company during the financial year according to the registers required to be kept
under Section 134 of the Companies Act, 1965 are as follows:-

                                                 Number of Ordinary Shares of RM1/- Each 

                                               At                                         At
                                            1.11.00         Bought          Sold       31.10.01
Direct Interest

Datuk Haji Jaafar bin Abu Bakar               5,000              -             -          5,000
Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong               20,435,096    *48,362,068             -     68,797,164
Lai Gin Nyap                                  5,000              -             -          5,000
Chin Yit Kong                                 1,000              -             -          1,000

Indirect Interest 

Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong                5,097,524    *22,060,345             -     27,157,869

*Conversion of ICULS 

                                               Amount of ICULS At Nominal Value of RM1/- Each

                                              At                      Converted/          At
                                            1.11.00       Acquired   Transferred       31.10.01
Direct Interest 

Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong               93,499,999              -   (56,100,000)    37,399,999
Indirect Interest 
Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong               85,300,001              -   (51,180,000)    34,120,001


                                                             Number of Warrants 
                                               At                                         At   
                                            1.11.00       Allotted          Sold       31.10.01
Direct Interest 

Datuk Haji Jaafar bin Abu Bakar               2,000              -             -          2,000 
Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong               10,217,048              -             -     10,217,048 
Lai Gin Nyap                                  2,000              -             -          2.000 

The conversion price of ICULS and the exercise price of Warrants have been
determined at RM1.16 for each new ordinary shares of RM1/- of the Company.
In accordance with the existing Articles 77 and 79(c) of the Company's Articles
of Association and paragraph 7.28 (2) of the Listing Requirements of the Kuala
Lumpur Stock Exchange, Mr. Chin Yit Kong, Datuk Wan Kassim bin Ahmed, Mr. Chong
Kok Kong and Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong retire from the board at the forthcoming
annual general meeting and being eligible offer themselves for re-election.


Since the end of the previous financial year, no director of the Company has
received or become entitled to receive any benefit (other than the Directors'
remuneration disclosed in note 23 to the financial statements) by reason of a
contract made by the Company or a related corporation with the Director or with
a firm of which the Director is a member, or with a company in which the
Director has a substantial financial interest. 

Neither during nor at the end of the financial year, was the Company a party to
any arrangements whose object is to enable the Directors to acquire benefits by
means of the acquisition of shares in or debentures of the Company or any other
body corporate. 


(a) On 20th November, 2000, a subsidiary company, Golden Domain Holdings Sdn. 
    Bhd., subscribed 249,998 ordinary shares of RM1/- each in its subsidiary 
    company, Lembah Langat Development Sdn. Bhd., for a total cash consideration
    of RM249,998/-.

(b) On 5th March, 2001, RM85,350,000/- nominal value of ICULS were converted 
    into 73,577,586 fully paid ordinary shares of RM1/- each of the Company at a 
    conversion price of RM1.16 each. The new shares rank pari passu with the
    existing shares. 

    As a result of the conversion, the issued and fully paid share capital of 
    the Company was increased from RM100,844,060/- to RM174,421,646/- as at 5th 
    March, 2001. 


(c) The Company executed a share sale agreement on 11th September, 2000 for the 
    proposed acquisition of 62,400,000 ordinary shares of HKD1/- each 
    representing 80% equity interest in Naga Resorts & Casinos Limited from 
    Sharpwin International Limited for a purchase consideration of 
    RM1,307,200,000/- (equivalent to USD344,000,000/-based on the exchange rate 
    of RM3.80 per USD1/-) to be satisfied by the issuance of 1,233,207,547 new 
    ordinary shares of RM1/- each in the Company at an issue price of RM1.06 per 
    share, subject to approval from the relevant authorities. The above 
    application to the relevant authorities has been withdrawn on 23rd July, 
    2001 and therefore the conditional share sale agreement was aborted.

(d) On 4th September, 2001, RM84,450,000/- nominal value of ICULS were converted 
    into 72,801,724 fully paid ordinary shares of RM1/- each of the Company at a 
    conversion price of RM1.16 each. The new shares rank pari passu with the
    existing shares. 

    As a result of the conversion, the issued and fully paid share capital of 
    the Company was increased from RM174,421,646/- to RM247,223,370/- as at 4th 
    September, 2001. 

(e) On 30th October, 2001, the Company acquired 2 ordinary shares of RM1/- each 
    representing 100% of the issued and paid-up share capital of Petaling 
    Ventures Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Intensive Strategies Sdn. Bhd.), a 
    company incorporated in Malaysia, for a cash consideration of RM2/-. 


The auditors, Messrs. Moore Stephens, have expressed their willingness to 
continue in office. 

                                                         On Behalf of the Board

                                                DATUK HAJI JAAFAR BIN ABU BAKAR

                                                                   LAI GIN NYAP


                             STATEMENT BY DIRECTORS 

We, the undersigned, being two of the Directors of the Company, state that in
the opinion of the Directors, the accompanying financial statements as set out
on pages 10 to 42, are drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act, 1965 and applicable approved accounting standards in Malaysia so
as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and of the
Company as at 31st October, 2001 and of the results of the operations, changes
in equity and cash flows of the Group and of the Company for the year ended on
that date.
                                                         On Behalf of the Board

                                                DATUK HAJI JAAFAR BIN ABU BAKAR

                                                                   LAI GIN NYAP


                            STATUTORY DECLARATION 

I, Lai Gin Nyap, NRIC No.: 680731-08-5493, being the Director primarily
responsible for the financial management of the Company, do solemnly and
sincerely declare that the financial statements as set out on pages 10 to 42 are
to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct and I make this solemn
declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the
provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act, 1960.
Subscribed and solemnly declared at 

Kuala Lumpur in the Federal Territory 

this 25th day of February 2002

Before me

                                                                   LAI GIN NYAP



(Incorporated in Malaysia) 

We have audited the financial statements set out on pages 10 to 42. 

The preparation of the financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's Directors. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the
financial statements based on our audit. 

We conducted our audit in accordance with the approved standards on auditing in
Malaysia. These standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
all the information and explanations, which we considered necessary to provide
us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. Our audit includes examining, on a
test basis, evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. Our audit includes an assessment of the accounting principles used
and significant estimates made by the Directors as well as evaluating the
overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements.
We believe our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. 

In our opinion:- 

(a) the financial statements which have been prepared under the historical cost 
    convention, are properly drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the 
    Companies Act, 1965 and applicable approved accounting standards in Malaysia 
    so as to give a true and fair view of:- 

    (i)  the matters required by Section 169 of the Companies Act, 1965, to be 
         dealt with in the financial statements of the Group and of the Company; 

    (ii) the state of affairs of the Group and of the Company as at 31st October, 
         2001 and of the results of the operations, changes in equity and cash 
         flows of the Group and of the Company for the year ended on that date; 


(b) the accounting and other records and the registers required by the Companies 
    Act, 1965, to be kept by the Company and its subsidiary companies of which 
    we have acted as auditors have been properly kept in accordance with the
    provisions of the said Act. 

We are satisfied that the financial statements of the subsidiary companies that
have been consolidated with the Company's financial statements are in form and
content appropriate and proper for the purposes of the preparation of the
consolidated financial statements and we have received satisfactory information
and explanations required by us for these purposes. 


Our auditors' reports on the financial statements of the subsidiary companies
were not subject to any qualification and did not include any comment made under
Section 174(3) of the Companies Act, 1965. 

25 FEB 2002



                  BALANCE SHEETS AS AT 31ST OCTOBER, 2001 

                                                                    GROUP                         COMPANY
                                                            2001            2000            2001            2000
                                              NOTE            RM              RM              RM              RM

Property, plant and equipment                   2     14,259,520      16,630,276         410,384         246,495
Investment in subsidiary companies              3              -               -     187,555,004     188,013,207
Interest in associated company                  4              -               -               -               -
Investment properties                           5     87,638,700      87,638,700               -               -
Deferred land and development expenditure       6    161,564,689     161,485,197               -               - 
                                                     263,462,909     265,754,173     187,965,388     188,259,702


Land and development expenditure                6    127,697,868     119,825,869               -              -
Inventories                                     7     15,658,252      18,225,092               -              -
Short term investments                          8        372,982         372,982         371,001        371,001
Trade debtors                                   9     38,668,957      30,096,479               -              -
Other debtors, deposits and prepayments        10      1,110,557       3,385,836         163,041      1,294,951
Amount owing by subsidiary companies           11              -               -     184,050,661    153,792,051
Deposits with licensed banks                   12        484,500      33,724,000          50,000     33,285,000
Cash and bank balances                         13      2,335,165       4,857,535         319,238      1,011,386
                                                     186,328,281     210,487,793     184,953,941    189,754,389


                                                                    GROUP                         COMPANY
                                                            2001            2000            2001            2000
                                              NOTE            RM              RM              RM              RM


Trade creditors                                14      8,112,231       5,882,354           7,091          19,109
Other creditors and accruals                   15     17,853,431      46,316,551       4,107,274       5,214,018
Hire purchase creditors                        16         63,630          70,728          13,619          26,718
Term loan - secured                            17      1,032,206       3,662,206               -               -
Taxation                                              10,614,352       8,169,622               -               - 
                                                      37,675,850      64,101,461       4,127,984       5,259,845
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                   148,652,431     146,386,332     180,825,957     184,494,544 
                                                     412,115,340     412,140,505     368,791,345     372,754,246 

Share capital                                  18    247,223,370     100,844,060     247,223,370     100,844,060
Reserves                                       19      9,867,289     (14,142,062)      6,798,930     (12,601,652)
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                 257,090,659      86,701,998     254,022,300      88,242,408


Hire purchase creditors                        16         69,045          54,608          69,045          11,838  
Irredeemable Convertible 
 Unsecured Loan Stocks                         20    114,700,000     284,500,000     114,700,000     284,500,000 
Deferred taxation                              21     40,255,636      40,883,899               -               - 
                                                     155,024,681     325,438,507     114,769,045     284,511,838  
                                                     412,115,340     412,140,505     368,791,345     372,754,246 

                    The annexed notes form an integral part of, 
       and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. 


                               INCOME STATEMENTS 
                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST OCTOBER, 2001 

                                                                    GROUP                         COMPANY
                                                            2001            2000            2001            2000
                                              NOTE            RM              RM              RM              RM

OPERATING REVENUE                              22     23,826,851      40,440,822       1,349,536         933,829
COST OF SALES                                        (12,947,842)    (29,460,476)              -               -
GROSS PROFIT                                          10,879,009      10,980,346       1,349,536         933,829
OTHER OPERATING REVENUE                                1,212,596       1,327,319         709,772         849,267 
DISTRIBUTION COSTS                                       (82,717)        (74,032)        (21,883)        (33,934)
ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS                                  (5,636,521)     (3,624,592)     (3,506,261)     (2,431,716)
OTHER OPERATING COSTS                                 (3,820,401)       (952,522)     (2,534,916)       (869,000)
                                                      (9,539,639)     (4,651,146)     (6,063,060)     (3,334,650) 

PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS                          2,551,966       7,656,519      (4,003,752)     (1,551,554)

FINANCE COSTS                                            (46,091)       (345,995)        (16,356)        (10,179)

PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE TAXATION                  23      2,505,875       7,310,524      (4,020,108)     (1,561,733)

TAXATION                                       24     (1,917,214)     (2,979,073)              -               -

PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE YEAR                               588,661       4,331,451      (4,020,108)     (1,561,733) 

EARNINGS PER SHARE (SEN)                       25 

- Basic                                                     0.36             5.3
- Fully diluted                                             0.17             1.9

                    The annexed notes form an integral part of, 
       and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. 


                       STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 
                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST OCTOBER, 2001 

                                          SHARE           SHARE                     ACCUMULATED     SHAREHOLDERS'
                                        CAPITAL         PREMIUM         RESERVES         LOSSES           EQUITY
                                             RM              RM               RM             RM               RM 

At 1.11.99                           20,168,412      11,171,411        2,583,709    (25,769,839)       8,153,693 
Allotted during the year             80,673,648               -                -               -      80,673,648
Warrants exercised during the year        2,000             320                -               -           2,320
Expenses in connection with the 
 issue of shares                              -      (6,459,114)               -               -      (6,459,114)
Net profit for the year                       -               -                -       4,331,451       4,331,451
At 31.10.00                         100,844,060       4,712,617        2,583,709     (21,438,388)     86,701,998

Conversion of Irredeemable 
 Convertible Unsecured Loan 
 Stocks                             146,379,310      23,420,690                -               -     169,800,000

Net profit for the year                       -               -                -         588,661         588,661
At 31.10.01                         247,223,370      28,133,307        2,583,709     (20,849,727)    257,090,659


                                          SHARE           SHARE                     ACCUMULATED     SHAREHOLDERS'
                                        CAPITAL         PREMIUM         RESERVES         LOSSES           EQUITY
                                             RM              RM               RM             RM               RM 

At 1.11.99                           20,168,412      11,171,411        3,363,987    (19,116,523)      15,587,287
Allotted during the year             80,673,648               -                -              -       80,673,648
Warrants exercised during the year        2,000             320                -              -            2,320
Expenses in connection with the 
 issue of shares                              -      (6,459,114)               -              -       (6,459,114)
Net loss for the year                         -               -                -     (1,561,733)      (1,561,733)  

At 31.10.00                         100,844,060       4,712,617        3,363,987    (20,678,256)      88,242,408
Conversion of Irredeemable 
 Convertible Unsecured Loan 
 Stocks                             146,379,310      23,420,690                -              -      169,800,000
Net loss for the year                         -               -                -     (4,020,108)      (4,020,108)

At 31.10.01                         247,223,370      28,133,307        3,363,987    (24,698,364)     254,022,300

                    The annexed notes form an integral part of, 
       and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. 


                            CASH FLOW STATEMENTS 
                    FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST OCTOBER, 2001

                                                                    GROUP                         COMPANY
                                                            2001            2000            2001            2000
                                              NOTE            RM              RM              RM              RM

Profit/(Loss) Before Taxation                          2,505,875       7,310,524      (4,020,108)     (1,561,733)

Adjustments for:- 

Bad debts written off                                          -         287,229               -         287,229
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment          1,878,172       1,838,956         143,527          64,635
Dividend revenue                                         (19,786)        (10,561)        (19,520)        (10,281)
Gain on disposal of property, 
 plant and equipment                                     (66,807)        (80,608)        (66,807)              -
Loss on disposal of quoted shares                              -           3,905               -           3,905
Impairment loss on property, plant and 
 equipment                                               800,000               -               -               -
Interest expenses                                         43,181         342,580          13,446           8,334
Interest revenue                                        (664,955)       (544,533)       (457,958)       (531,932)       
Preliminary expenses written off                               -           5,833               -               - 
Pre-operating expenses written off                             -          26,959               -               -
Write down inventories to net realisable value            93,973               -               -               -
Provision for diminution in value of quoted 
 shares                                                        -         129,164               -         129,164
Provision for doubtful debts                             141,325               -          56,873               -
Provision for doubtful debts no 
 longer required                                               -         (37,327)              -         (37,327)       
Operating Profit/(Loss) Before 
 Working Capital Changes                               4,710,978       9,272,121      (4,350,547)     (1,648,006)
Decrease/(Increase) in inventories                     2,472,867     (18,213,083)              -               -
(Increase)/Decrease in debtors                        (6,443,562)    (24,695,571)      1,069,999        (430,989)
(Decrease)/Increase in creditors                     (25,722,964)     29,602,787        (660,557)      1,221,528
Increase in amount owing by 
 subsidiary companies                                          -               -     (30,258,610)    (39,646,490)
Increase in land and development expenditure          (8,409,696)    (22,815,363)              -               - 

Cash Used In Operations Carried Down                 (33,392,377)    (26,849,109)    (34,199,715)    (40,503,957)


                                                                    GROUP                         COMPANY
                                                            2001            2000            2001            2000
                                              NOTE            RM              RM              RM              RM
Cash Used In Operations 
 Brought Down                                        (33,392,377)    (26,849,109)    (34,199,715)    (40,503,957)

Interest paid                                            (43,181)       (342,580)        (13,446)         (8,334)
Interest received                                        664,955         544,533         457,958         531,932 
Tax (paid)/refunded                                     (147,783)        (26,312)          5,038               -

Net Cash Used In Operating Activities                (32,918,386)    (26,673,468)    (33,750,165)    (39,980,359)


Acquisition of subsidiary companies, net 
 of cash acquired                              26              -           1,998               -               -
Deferred expenditure incurred                                  -          (5,708)              -               -
Dividend received                                         19,786          10,561          19,520          10,281
Proceeds from disposal of property, 
 plant and equipment                                      90,250         217,000          90,250               -
Proceeds from disposal of quoted shares                        -           1,750               -           1,750
Purchase of property, plant and equipment      27       (246,859)        (63,881)       (246,859)        (63,881)
Placement of fixed deposits                             (434,500)              -               -               -
Purchase of investment                                         -               -              (2)             (2)

Net Cash (Used In)/Generated From 
 Investing Activities                                   (571,323)        161,720        (137,091)        (51,852)
                                                     (33,489,709)    (26,511,748)    (33,887,256)    (40,032,211)


Expenses in connection with the 
 issue of shares                                              -       (6,459,114)              -      (6,459,114)
Proceeds from issuance of share capital                       -       80,675,968               -      80,675,968
Repayment to hire purchase creditors                    (76,661)        (215,140)        (39,892)        (30,916)
Term loan repayment                                  (2,630,000)      (9,316,629)              -               -

Net Cash (Used In)/Generated From 
 Financing Activities                                (2,706,661)      64,685,085         (39,892)     74,185,938 

 CASH EQUIVALENTS CARRIED DOWN                      (36,196,370)      38,173,337     (33,927,148)     34,153,727 


                                                                    GROUP                         COMPANY
                                                            2001            2000            2001            2000
                                              NOTE            RM              RM              RM              RM

EQUIVALENTS BROUGHT DOWN                             (36,196,370)     38,173,337     (33,927,148)     34,153,727 

 THE YEAR                                             38,531,535         358,198      34,246,386          92,659 

 YEAR                                          28      2,335,165      38,531,535         319,238      34,246,386 

                    The annexed notes form an integral part of, 
       and should be read in conjunction with, these financial statements. 



The financial statements of the Group and of the Company have been prepared in
accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1965 and applicable
approved accounting standards in Malaysia.


     (a) Basis of Accounting 

         The financial statements of the Group and of the Company have been 
         prepared under the historical cost convention other than those 
         mentioned in note 7 to the financial statements. Certain development 
         properties of the subsidiary companies are stated in the Group's 
         financial statements at values reflecting the effective acquisition 
         costs to the Group (Group cost) of these assets. 

     (b) Basis of Consolidation 

         The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements 
         of the Company and its subsidiary companies made up to the balance 
         sheet date. The results of subsidiary companies acquired during the 
         year are included in the consolidated income statement from the date of 
         their acquisition. All intercompany balances and significant 
         transactions have been eliminated on consolidation. 

         All subsidiary companies are consolidated using the acquisition 
         accounting method. The results of subsidiary companies acquired or 
         disposed of during the financial year are included in the consolidated 
         income statements from the date of their acquisition or up to the date 
         of their disposal.

         At the date of acquisition, the fair values of the subsidiary 
         companies' net assets are determined and these values are incorporated 
         in the consolidated financial statements. Any difference between the 
         cost of investment and the fair value of the net assets of the 
         subsidiary companies that remains is shown in the balance sheet as 
         goodwill or reserve on consolidation. 

     (c) Investments 

         Investment in subsidiary companies and associated company are stated at 
         cost and provision is made for any permanent diminution in value 
         determined on an individual basis. 


         Investment in quoted and unquoted shares held as long term investments 
         are stated at cost and are only written down when the Directors 
         consider that there is a permanent diminution in the value of the 

         Short term investments in quoted shares are stated at lower of cost and 
         market value on an aggregate basis.

     (d) Investment Properties
         Investment properties comprises properties which are held for 
         investment potential. It is the Group's policy to maintain these 
         properties in a high standard and condition. As such, these properties 
         maintain their residual value of not less than their respective book 
         value such that depreciation would be negligible. In view of this, no
         depreciation is provided for these properties. The related maintenance 
         expenditure is dealt with in the income statement. It is the Group's 
         policy to appraise the investment properties once in every five years 
         by independent professional valuation based on open market values. 
         Any surplus or deficit therefrom will be dealt with in the revaluation 
         surplus account. 

    (e) Associated Companies 

        An associated company is defined as a company, not being a subsidiary 
        company, in which the Group has a long term equity interest of between 
        20% to 50% and in whose financial and operating decisions, the Group 
        exercises significant influence. 

        The consolidated income statement includes the Group's share of the 
        associated companies' profits less losses based on the audited or 
        management accounts of the associated companies after adjustments for 
        depreciation of depreciable assets stated at fair values to the Group 
        and amortisation or write down of goodwill or reserve on acquisition of 
        the associated companies. The share of losses of associated companies 
        are limited to the carrying value of the investment determined on an 
        individual basis. 

    (f) Property, Plant and Equipment and Depreciation 

        Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated 
        depreciation and impairment loss except for freehold land which is not 

        Leasehold land and mines' development costs are amortised on a straight 
        line basis over the expected working lives of the mines. Since the 
        cessation of the mining operations in 1997, all mines' development costs 
        have been fully amortised to the income statement. 

        Dredge is depreciated on a straight line basis so as to write down its 
        cost to its estimated net residual value by the end of its expected 
        useful life. 


        Fully depreciated property, plant and equipment are retained in the 
        financial statements at a nominal value of RM1/- each until they are no 
        longer in use and no further charge for depreciation is made in respect 
        of these assets.

        All other property, plant and equipment are depreciated on the straight 
        line method to write off the cost of the assets over their estimated 
        useful lives. 

        The principal annual rates used for this purpose are:-
        Buildings                                 2% 
        Plant and equipment                      10% - 33% 
        Motor vehicles                           20% 

        The carrying amounts of property, plant and equipment are reviewed at 
        each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication of 
        impairment. If such an indication exists, the asset's recoverable amount 
        is estimated. An impairment loss is recognised whenever the carrying 
        amount of an item of property, plant and equipment exceeds its 
        recoverable amount. 

        An impairment loss is recognised as an expenses in the income statement. 
        However, an impairment loss on a revalued asset will be treated as a 
        revaluation deficit to the extent that the loss does not exceed the 
        amount held in the revaluation reserve account in respect of the same 

        Any subsequent increase in recoverable amount due to a reversal of 
        impairment loss is restricted to the carrying amount that would have 
        been determined (net of accumulated depreciation) had no impairment loss 
        been recognised in prior years. The reversal of impairment loss is 
        recognised as revenue in the income statement. However, the reversal
        of impairment loss on a revalued asset will be treated as a revaluation 

    (g) Land and Development Expenditure 

        Land and development expenditure consists of land, stated at cost to the 
        Group which is currently under active development and it is expected to 
        be completed within the normal operating cycles, and development 
        expenditure incurred to date including borrowing costs and a proportion 
        of estimated profit attributable to development work performed to date, 
        less progress payments received and receivable. 

        Group cost arising from acquisition of property development subsidiary 
        companies is amortised over the period of development by reference to 
        the percentage of completion of the development properties.

        Where foreseeable losses on development projects are anticipated, full 
        provision for these losses is made in the financial statements. 

        Deferred land and development expenditure comprise land held for future 
        development, are stated at Group cost. 


   (h) Inventories 

       Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value and 
       are determined on the weighted average basis. Costs include the actual 
       cost of materials and incidental in bringing the inventories into store 
       and for finished goods, they include labour and an appropriate proportion 
       of production overheads. 

       In arriving at net realisable value, due allowance has been made for all 
       obsolete and slow-moving inventories. 

       Inventories of completed unsold properties are stated at the lower of 
       cost or net realisable value. Cost comprise attributable land and 
       development expenditure incurred up to completion of the properties. 

   (i) Debtors 

       Known bad debts are written off and specific provision is made for those 
       debts considered to be doubtful of collection. 

   (j) Revenue Recognition 

       Profit from development properties sold is recognised based on the 
       percentage of completion method where the outcome of the development can 
       be reliably estimated, in the proportion which total costs incurred to 
       date bear to the total estimated costs of the development. 

       Sales of goods are recognised when goods are delivered or services 

       Dividend revenue from quoted investment and rental revenue are recognised 
       on the receipt basis. 

       Interest revenue is recognised on receivable basis. 

   (k) Hire Purchase 

       Cost of property, plant and equipment acquired under the hire purchase 
       instalment plans are capitalised as property, plant and equipment and 
       depreciated in accordance with the Company's policy on depreciation of 
       property, plant and equipment. The hire purchase obligations are included 
       in creditors and the related financing charges are allocated to the 
       income statement on the sum-of-digit method.


   (I) Transactions In Foreign Currencies 

       Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into Ringgit Malaysia 
       at the rates of exchange ruling at the dates of the transactions and 
       where settlement had not taken place by 31st October, 2001, at the 
       approximate rates ruling as at that date. All gains and losses on 
       exchange are included in the income statement. 

       The principal exchange rate (denominated in unit of Ringgit Malaysia per 
       foreign currency) used in translating at the financial year end is as 

                                                     2001        2000 
                                                       RM          RM 

                       U.S. Dollar                   3.80        3.80 

   (m) Deferred Taxation 
       Provision is made by using the liability method for deferred taxation in 
       respect of all material timing differences except where it is thought 
       reasonable that the tax effects of such deferrals will continue in the 
       foreseeable future. Deferred tax benefits are only recognised to the 
       extent of any deferred tax liability and where there is a reasonable
       expectation of realisation in the near future. 

   (n) Cash and Cash Equivalents 

       Cash and cash equivalents consists of cash and bank balances, demand 
       deposits, bank overdrafts and highly liquid investments that are readily 
       convertible to known amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant 
       risk of changes in value. 

   (o) Capitalisation of Borrowing Costs 
       Interest incurred on borrowings related to development properties is 
       capitalised during the period when activities to develop and construct 
       these assets are in progress. Capitalisation of borrowing costs will 
       cease when these assets are ready for their intended sale.



                                           TERM     DEVELOPMENT
                         FREEHOLD     LEASEHOLD         COSTS &                      PLANT &        MOTOR
                             LAND          LAND          DREDGE      BUILDINGS     EQUIPMENT     VEHICLES       TOTAL
                               RM            RM              RM             RM            RM           RM          RM 


At 1.11.00                 95,118     3,431,398      26,481,516      6,889,909    19,937,252      432,778  57,267,971 
Additions                       -             -               -              -       210,859      120,000     330,859 
Disposals                       -             -               -              -      (240,592)    (175,426)   (416,018) 
At 31.10.01                95,118     3,431,398      26,481,516      6,889,909    19,907,519      377,352  57,182,812 


At 1.11.00                      -     3,431,396      26,481,516      1,921,206     8,508,712      294,865  40,637,695 
Charge for 
the year                        -             -               -        105,715     1,696,118       76,339   1,878,172 
Disposals                       -             -               -              -      (240,592)    (151,983)   (392,575)

At 31.10.01                     -     3,431,396      26,481,516      2,026,921     9,964,238      219,221  42,123,292 

31.10.01                   95,118             2               -      4,862,988     9,943,281      158,131  15,059,520 
IMPAIRMENT LOSS                 -             -               -       (600,000)     (200,000)           -    (800,000) 

31.10.01                   95,118             2               -      4,262,988     9,743,281      158,131  14,259,520 

31.10.00                   95,118             2               -      4,968,703    11,428,540      137,913  16,630,276

charge for 
the year 
31.10.00                        -             -               -        105,741     1,614,819      118,396   1,838,956


                                           TERM     DEVELOPMENT
                         FREEHOLD     LEASEHOLD         COSTS &                      PLANT &        MOTOR
                             LAND          LAND          DREDGE      BUILDINGS     EQUIPMENT     VEHICLES       TOTAL
                              RM            RM              RM             RM            RM           RM          RM 


At 1.11.00                 95,118     3,431,398      26,481,516      1,604,061     4,065,790      176,626  35,854,509
Additions                       -             -               -              -       210,859      120,000     330,859 
Disposals                       -             -               -              -      (240,592)    (175,426)   (416,018) 

At 31.10.01                95,118     3,431,398      26,481,516      1,604,061     4.036,057      121,200  35,769,350


At 1.11.00                      -     3,431,396      26,481,516      1,604,058     3,961,728      129,316  35,608,014
Charge for 
 the year                       -             -               -              -       114,460       29,067     143,527 
Disposals                       -             -               -              -      (240,592)    (151,983)   (392,575) 

At 31.10.01                     -     3,431,396      26,481,516      1,604,058     3,835,596        6,400  35,358,966


At 31.10.01                95,118             2               -              3       200,461      114,800     410,384 

At 31.10.00                95,118             2               -              3       104,062       47,310     246,495 

charge for 
the year 
31.10.00                        -             -               -             27        29,553       35,055      64,635

The lease period of the short term leasehold land of the Group and of the
Company expired in year 2004.
The impairment loss of a subsidiary company is determined based on the
difference between the carrying amount of its property, plant and equipment and
recoverable amount estimated by independent valuation based on open market value
basis carried out on 25th and 28th January, 2002. 


Included in the above property, plant and equipment are motor vehicles acquired
under the hire purchase instalment plans as follows:-
                          GROUP                COMPANY 
                      2001      2000       2001       2000
                       RM        RM         RM         RM
Cost               356,352   411,778     120,000   175,426
Net book value     157,331   136,713     114,000    46,110 


                                                       2001        2000 
                                                        RM          RM 

Unquoted shares, at cost                            188,013,209    188,013,207
Less: Reduction in stamp duty on acquisition of 
subsidiary companies                                   (458,205)             -

                                                    187,555,004    188,013,207

The above reduction in stamp duty was given by Stamp Duty Office upon approval
of appeal.
The particulars of the subsidiary companies are as follows:- 

                             Country of      Equity
Name of Company             Incorporation   Interest    Principal Activities
                                          2001   2000

PTB Clay Products Sdn. Bhd.   Malaysia    100%   100%   Ceased operations      

Ukaylake Country Club Sdn.    Malaysia    100%   100%   Dormant

Golden Domain Holdings        Malaysia    100%   100%   Investment holding 
Sdn. Bhd.
Petaling Ventures Sdn.        Malaysia    100%     -    Dormant*
Bhd. (formerly known as 
Intensive Strategies Sdn.

                             Country of      Equity
Name of Company             Incorporation   Interest    Principal Activities
                                          2001   2000

Interest Held Through 
Golden Domain 
Holdings Sdn. Bhd. 

Lembah Langat 
Development Sdn. Bhd.       Malaysia      100%  100%    Property investment and development

PTB Development
Sdn. Bhd.                   Malaysia      100%  100%    Property investment 

PTB Horticulture Farm 
Sdn. Bhd.                   Malaysia      100%  100%    Property investment and property development

Golden Domain Development   Malaysia      100%  100%    Investment holding, property investment and property
Sdn. Bhd.                                               development

Interest Held Through 
Golden Domain Development 
Sdn. Bhd. 

Majurama Developments 
Sdn. Bhd.                   Malaysia      100%  100%    Property development

Magilds Industrial Park 
Sdn. Bhd.                   Malaysia      100%  100%    Property development

* The financial statements of this subsidiary company is based on 
unaudited management financial statements. 


                                                              2001          2000 
                                                                RM            RM 
Unquoted shares, at cost                                       114         (114) 
Provision for diminution in value                             (114)        (114) 
                                                                 -            -

The Group's share of" losses in the associated company totalling RM2,929,713/- 
(2000: RM2,594,700/-) are not recognised as the share of losses of associated 
company are limited to the carrying value of the investment. 

                                         - 26 -

                                                              2001          2000 
                                                                RM            RM
Amount owing by an associated company                    8,004,752     8,004,752 
Provision for doubtful debts                            (8,004,752)  (8,004,752) 
                                                                 -            -
The particulars of the associated company is as follows:- 

Name of Company                           Country of     Effective Equity     Principal Activities
                                       Incorporation             Interest     
                                                         2001        2000
Fandison Resources Management Ltd.         Hong Kong      40%         40%     Investment holding 

                                                              2001          2000 
                                                                RM            RM
Long term leased land, at Group cost                    87,638,700    87,638,700

The long term leased land stated at Group cost are based on independent valuation 
on open market value basis carried out in 1999. 

                                                              2001          2000 
                                                                RM            RM
Freehold land                                           77,648,756   89,900,000  
Long term leased land                                   95,361,300   95,361,300 
                                                       173,010,056  185,261,300 
Leasehold land                                          94,175,370   88,435,880 
Add: Adjustment to Group cost                             (458,205)   7,986,434 
                                                        93,717,165   96,422,314 
Total land stated at Group cost carried down           266,727,221  281,683,614 


                                                              2001          2000 
                                                                RM            RM
Total land stated at Group cost brought down           266,727,221   281,683,614 
Development expenditure, at cost                        47,499,820    36,518,455
Total land and development expenditure                 314,227,041   318,202,069 
Less: Long term portion (disclosed in deferred land 
      and expenditure) 
- land                                                 160,525,501   160,858,907 
- development expenditure                                1,039,188       626,290 
                                                      (161,564,689) (161,485,197) 
                                                       152,662,352   156,716,872
Add: Portion of profit attributable to development 
     work performed to date                             10,406,409    14,715,592 
                                                       163,068,761   171,432,464
Less: Progress billings                                (35,370,893)  (51,606,595) 
                                                       127,697,868   119,825,869 

(a)  Included in development expenditure are interest on borrowing incurred 
during the year amounting to RM171,814/- (2000: RM270,791/-). 

(b)  Land and development properties amounting to RM46,225,088/- (2000 : 
RM45,007,288/-) are pledged as security for the term loan facility of a 
subsidiary company. 

(c)  The adjustment to Group cost during the year was due to reduction in stamp 
duty from Stamp Duty Office upon approval of appeal by the Company. The 
adjustment to Group cost in year 2000 was in respect of underprovision of 
deferred tax on fair value of development properties which were acquired in 1999. 


                                                                2001        2000 
                                                                  RM          RM 
Completed unsold properties 
At cost                                                   10,122,258  18,225,092 
At net realisable value                                    5,535,994           -
                                                          15,658,252  18,225,092 

                                      - 28 -


                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM
Quoted shares, at cost 
At beginning of the year                                   1,152,400   1,158,055         1,150,419        1,156,074  
Less: Disposal                                                     -      (5,655)                -           (5,655)    

At end of the year                                         1,152,400   1,152,400         1,150,419        1,150,419 

Less: Provision for diminution in value 

At beginning of the year                                     779,418     650,254          779,418           650,254 
Addition during the year                                           -     129,164                -           129,164     

At end of the year                                          (779,418)   (779,418)        (779,418)         (779,418)    
                                                             372,982     372,982          371,001           371,001     

Market value of quoted shares                                389,801     380,216          382,241           371,606     
                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM
Total outstanding                                         38,762,909  30,105,979             9,500            9,500
Less: Provision for doubtful debts                           (93,952)     (9,500)           (9,500)          (9,500)
                                                          38,668,957  30,096,479                 -                -

                                             - 29 -


                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM
Other debtors, deposits and prepayments                    1,158,080   3,371,448           210,564        1,280,563 
Less: Provision for doubtful debts                           (56,873)          -           (56,873)               -
                                                           1,101,207   3,371,448           153,691        1,280,563 
Income tax recoverable                                         9,350      14,388             9,350           14,388 
                                                           1,110,557   3,385,836           163,041        1,294,951 


Included in the amount owing by subsidiary companies is an amount of 
RM152,735,000/- (2000 : RM119,500,000/-) representing the purchase consideration 
paid by the Company for the acquisitions made by Golden Domain Holdings Sdn.
Bhd., a wholly owned subsidiary company, comprising the Ulu Kelang Project, 
Ulu Yam Project, Bukit Ceylon Project and all of the preference shares in Golden 
Domain Development Sdn. Bhd., Magilds Industrial Park Sdn. Bhd. and Majurama
Developments Sdn. Bhd.. The purchase consideration was satisfied by the Company 
via the issuance of ICULS and rights issue of RM99,500,000/- and RM53,235,000/- 

These balances are non-trade in nature, unsecured, interest free and have no 
fixed term of repayment. 


The following deposits are included in the deposits with licensed banks of the 
Group and Company:- 

(a) fixed deposit of RM484,500/- (2000 : RM50,000/-) is pledged as security for 
a bank guarantee facility granted to the Group; and 

(b) Cash deposit of Nil (2000 : RM33,235,000/-) representing the balance of 
purchase consideration payable by the Company to the vendor of Ulu Kelang Project. 

                                       - 30 -


                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM
Cash and bank balances                                     1,343,364   4,857,535           319,238        1,011,386 
Cash held under housing development account                  991,801           -                 -                -
                                                           2,335,165   4,857,535           319,238        1,011,386 


Included in trade creditors are:- 
                                                                2001        2000 
                                                                  RM          RM 

Amount owing to companies in which a director of the Company, 
Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong, has substantial indirect
financial interest 

Subsidiary companies of FACB Resorts Berhad

Arosa Builders Sdn. Bhd.                                     974,973   1,227,071
FACB Construction Sdn. Bhd.                                  147,071           -
                                                           1,122,044   1,227,071 

These amounts are unsecured, interest free and are repayable based on the 
commercial terms of the Company. 

                                            - 31 - 


Included in the other creditors and accruals are:- 
                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM
Amount owing to companies in which a director, 
Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong, has substantial direct and indirect
financial interest:- 

FACB Resorts Berhad                                           29,148      43,317            28,131           42,300

Subsidiary companies of FACB 
Resorts Berhad

Bukit Unggul Country Club Berhad                               4,330       2,692             4,330            2,692
FACB Industries Sdn. Bhd.                                     68,654      68,870            68,654           68,870
First Travel And Tours (M) Sdn. Bhd.                           1,702       8,670             1,702            8,670
Bukit Unggul Golf and Country Resort Sdn. Bhd.                    93          93                 -                -
                                                             103,927     123,642           102,817          122,532

The above balances are unsecured, interest free and are repayable at terms 
mutually agreed upon between the parties involved. 


                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM
Gross instalments                                            156,108     164,457           103,530           50,388     
Less: Interest in suspense                                   (23,433)    (39,121)          (20,866)         (11,832)    
                                                             132,675     125,336            82,664           38,556
Amount repayable within 1 year                               (63,630)    (70,728)          (13,619)         (26,718)    
Amount repayable after 1 year but not later than 5 years      69,045      54,608            69,045           11,838 
                                            - 32 -


                                                               2001         2000 
                                                                 RM           RM 
Term loan - repayable within 1 year                       1,032,206    3,662,206 
The above term loan bears interest at rates ranging from 7% to 8.05% (2000 : 7% 
to 8%) per annum and is repayable as  follows:- 

(a) payments totalling RM600,000/- is to be made through redemption of 12 units 
of the lots at RM50,000/- per unit; 

(b) first 12 monthly instalments of RM25,000/- commencing on 31st May, 2000; 

(c) second 5 monthly instalments of RM360,000/-; and 

(d) a final instalment of RM362,206/-.

The term loan is secured on the following:- 

(a) a debenture over the assets of a subsidiary company including a first legal 
charge over the development land; 

(b) assignment of sales proceeds from a phase of the development project; and 

(c) a corporate guarantee from the Company.

                                                               2001         2000 
                                                                 RM           RM 
Ordinary shares of RM1/- each 

500,000,000 ordinary shares                             500,000,000  500,000,000 

Issued and fully paid: 

At beginning of the year                                100,844,060   20,168,412 
Allotted during the year                                          -   80,673,648 
Warrants exercised during the year                                -        2,000 
Conversion of Irredeemable Convertible 
 Unsecured Loan Stocks 2000/2010 ("ICULS")              146,379,310            -

At end of the year                                      247,223,370  100,844,060 

                                         - 33 -

During the financial year, RM169,800,000/- nominal value of ICULS has been 
converted into 146,379,310 fully paid ordinary shares of RM1/- each of the 
Company at a conversion price of RM1.16 per share. 

The new shares issued rank pari passu in all respect with the existing ordinary 
shares of the Company. 

As at year end, the number of unexercised detachable warrants 2000/2010 of the 
Company was 40,335,824 (2000 : 40,335,824). The exercise price of these warrants 
is at RM1.16 per new ordinary share of the Company. 

                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM

Reserve on consolidation                                     212,472     212,472                 -                -
Share premium                                             28,133,307   4,712,617        28,133,307        4,712,617 
                                                          28,345,779   4,925,089        28,133,307        4,712,617 

Accumulated losses *                                     (20,849,727)(21,438,388)      (24,698,364)     (20,678,256) 
Profit on sales of properties                              2,371,237   2,371,237         3,363,987        3,363,987  
                                                         (18,478,490)(19,067,151)      (21,334,377)    (17,314,269)     
                                                           9,867,289 (14,142,062)        6,798,930     (12,601,652) 

*Accumulated By:- 

The Company                                              (24,698,364)(20,678,256) 
Subsidiary companies                                       3,848,637    (760,132) 


                                                                2001        2000
                                                                  RM          RM
At beginning of the year                                 284,500,000           -
Issued during the year                                             - 284,500,000 
Converted during the year                               (169,800,000)          -

At end of the year                                       114,700,000 284,500,000 

                                    - 34 -

The ICULS at nominal value of RM1/- each were issued on 2nd February, 2000 and 
are constituted by a Trust Deed dated 28th January, 2000 made between the 
Company and the trustee for the holders of the ICULS. The main feature of the
ICULS are as follows:- 

(a) the ICULS may be convertible at a conversion price of RM1.16 nominal value 
of ICULS for each new ordinary share of RM1/- each in the Company on the 
following staggered conversion period:-

Year Of ICULS In Issue                   Percentage Convertible 
First                                    Up to maximum of 30% of their holding
Second                                   Up to maximum of 30% of their holding 
Third                                    Up to maximum of 40% of their holding 

(b) the remaining ICULS shall be converted into fully paid ordinary shares of 
RM1/-each in the Company on the maturity date of ten years from the date of 
issue of the ICULS at the rate of RM1.16 nominal value of the ICULS; and 

(c) upon conversion of the ICULS into new ordinary shares, such shares should 
rank pari passu in all respect with the existing ordinary shares of the Company 
in issue at the time of conversion except that they would not be entitled to
any rights allotment, dividends or other distributions declared in respect of a 
financial year on or before the financial year in which the ICULS are converted 
or any interim dividend declared on or before the date of conversion of the 

During the financial year, RM169,800,000/- nominal value of ICULS has been 
converted into 146,379,310 fully paid ordinary shares of RM1/- each of the 
Company at a conversion price of RM1.16 nominal value of the ICULS.

                                                                2001        2000 
                                                                  RM          RM 

At beginning of the year                                 40,883,899   35,346,674
Transfer to income statements (note 24)                    (628,263)  (2,449,209)
Adjustment to Group cost                                          -    7,986,434
At end of the year                                       40,255,636   40,883,899 

                                      - 35  -

The above deferred tax is in respect of:- 

                                                                2001        2000 
                                                                  RM          RM 
Deferred tax liability on timing differences arising from 
revaluation surplus as a result of revaluation of
development properties in the subsidiary companies        41,207,536  41,835,799

Others                                                      (951,900)   (951,900)

                                                          40,255,636  40,883,899 

The adjustment to Group cost is in respect of underprovision of deferred tax on 
fair value of development properties which were acquired in 1999. 

The estimated deferred tax liabilities/(benefits) arising from timing 
differences not provided in the financial statements are as follows:- 

                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM

Capital allowances claimed 
in excess of depreciation 
charge                                                       600,000   1,026,300           (29,000)         (74,700)    
Unrelieved tax losses                                     (5,633,000) (5,069,000)       (4,648,000)      (4,228,000)  
Unabsorbed capital allowance                              (2,708,000) (2,154,000)         (154,000)        (101,000)    
Others                                                      (653,000)   (530,000)                -                -     
                                                          (8,394,000) (6,726,700)       (4,831,000)      (4,403,700)  
The estimated unrelieved tax losses and unabsorbed capital allowances are subject 
to agreement by the Inland Revenue Board and are not available for set-off 
within the Group. 

                                     - 36 -


                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM
Revenue comprises the following:- 

Revenue from completed and 
uncompleted development properties 
sold including commercial and residential lots            23,826,851  40,437,672                 -                -
Sales of bricks                                                    -       3,150                 -                -
Management fee received and receivable                             -           -         1,349,536          933,829 
                                                          23,826,851  40,440,822         1,349,536          933,829 


(a) Profit/(Loss) before taxation is arrived at after charging/(crediting):- 

                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM
Auditors' remuneration 
- current year                                                47,000      49,500            20,000           20,000 
- underprovision in prior year                                 3,000           -                 -                -
Bad debt written off                                               -     287,229                 -          287,229 
Bank overdraft interest                                            -      34,874                 -                -
Professional fees incurred on corporate exercise           2,298,451           -         2,298,451                -
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment              1,878,172   1,838,956           143,527           64,635 
Directors' remuneration 
- fees                                                       118,472           -           118,472                -
- other emoluments                                           529,312     399,674           529,312          399,674 
Hire purchase interest                                        43,181      36,915            13,446            8,334 
Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment             800,000           -                 -                -
Loss on disposal of quoted investment                              -       3,905                 -            3,905 
Office rental                                                261,360     234,600           261,360          234,600 
Write down inventories to net realisable value                93,973           -                 -                -

                                             - 37 -

                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM
Provision for diminution in value of quoted shares                 -     129,164                 -          129,164
Provision of doubtful debts                                  141,325           -            56,873                -
Preliminary expenses written off                                    -      5,833                 -                -
Pre-operating expenses written off                                  -     26,959                 -                -
Term loan interest                                                  -    270,791                 -                -
Dividend revenue                                              (19,786)   (10,561)          (19,520)         (10,281)
Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment             (66,807)   (80,608)          (66,807)               -
Interest revenue                                             (664,955)  (544,533)         (457,958)        (531,932)
Rental revenue                                               (125,632)   (51,895)         (125,632)         (51,895)
Provision of doubtful debt no longer required                       -    (37,327)                -          (37,327)

(b) Employees Information 

                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM
Staff costs                                                2,381,527   1,544,617         2,332,868        1,466,858 
The number of employees of the Group and of the Company as at financial year end 
were 49 (2000 : 45) and 48 (2000 : 45) respectively. 


                                                                2001        2000      
                                                                  RM          RM      
Based on results for the year                              3,381,270  5,430,235
Overprovision in prior year                                 (835,793)    (1,953)
Transfer to deferred taxation (note 21)                     (628,263)(2,449,209)
                                                           1,917,214  2,979,073 

The effective tax rate of the Group is higher than the standard tax rate as 
there is no Group relief for losses suffered by certain subsidiary companies and 
certain expenses were disallowed for tax purposes. 

                                          - 38 -

The Company has estimated tax credit of RM6,440,000/- (2000 : RM6,440,000/-) 
under Section 108 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, to frank future payment of 
dividends of approximately RM16,560,000/- (2000 : RM16,560,000/-) without 
incurring additional tax liability, subject to agreement by Inland Revenue Board. 

The Group and the Company have the following estimated unrelieved tax losses and 
unabsorbed capital allowances available for set off against future taxable 
profits, subject to agreement by the Inland Revenue Board:- 

                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM
Unrelieved tax losses                                     20,119,000  18,104,000        16,600,000       15,100,000 
Unabsorbed capital allowances                              9,673,000   7,693,000           550,000          360,000 
                                                          29,792,000  25,797,000        17,150,000       15,460,000 

The Group has approximately RMl3,882,000/- (2000 : RM13,882,000/-) tax exempt 
income available for distribution by way of tax exempt dividend, subject to 
agreement by the Inland Revenue Board. The tax exempt income account is in
respect of chargeable income for the year ended 31st October, 1999 of which 
income tax has been waived.

The basic earnings per share of the Group is calculated by dividing the Group's 
profit for the year of RM588,661/- (2000 : RM4,331,451/-) by the weighted 
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of 162,029,405
(2000 : 81,681,224) ordinary shares of RM1/- each. 

The fully diluted earnings per ordinary share for the year has been calculated 
based on the net profit for the year of RM588,661/- (2000 : RM5,215,924/- 
adjusted net profit for the year) and on the adjusted weighted average number of
ordinary shares issued and issuable of 346,102,681 (2000 : 272,165,971) shares. 
The adjusted net profit for the year 2000 has been arrived at after adding back 
notional saving (net of tax) on the cost of borrowing and notional interest 
income from fixed deposits (net of tax). The adjusted weighted average number 
of ordinary shares issued and issuable has been arrived at based on the 
assumption that all the warrant and ICULS issued are convened into
ordinary shares at the respective conversion date. 


During the year, the Company had acquired 2 ordinary shares of RM1/- each 
comprising the entire equity interest in Petaling Ventures Sdn. Bhd. (formerly 
known as Intensive Strategies Sdn. Bhd.) for a purchase consideration of RM2/.
(In year 2000, the Company acquired Ukaylake Country Club Sdn. Bhd.). 

                                - 39 -

(a) The effect of the acquisition on the consolidated financial position of the 
Group at the year end is as follows:- 
                                                        2001          2000 
                                                          RM            RM 
Inter-company balance                                 (1,798)            -
Decrease in Group's net assets                        (1,798)            -

(b) The effect of the acquisition on the consolidated financial results of the 
Group for the current period from date of acquisition was as follows:- 

                                                        2001          2000 
                                                          RM            RM 
Administrative costs                                  (1,798)            -
Loss before taxation                                  (1,798)            -

(c) Cash flow on acquisition. 

                                                        2001          2000 
                                                          RM            RM 
Intangible assets                                          -         7,190
Cash deposits and bank balances                            2         2,000
Creditors                                                  -        (9,188)
Total Purchase Consideration                               2             2
Less: Cash and cash equivalents acquired                  (2)       (2,000) 
Cash Flow On Acquisition, Net of Cash and 
Cash Equivalents Acquired                                  -         (1,998)


During the year, the Group and the Company acquired property, plant and 
equipment with aggregate costs of RM330,859/- (2000 : RM63,881/-) of which 
RM84,000/- (2000: Nil) was acquired by means of hire purchase. Cash payments of 
RM246,859/- (2000: RM63,881/-) were made to purchase property, plant and 


                                                                      GROUP                           COMPANY
                                                                2001        2000              2001             2000
                                                                  RM          RM                RM               RM
Deposits with licensed banks                                       -  33,674,000                 -       33,235,000 
Cash and bank balances                                     2,335,165   4,857,535           319,238        1,011,386 
                                                           2,335,165  38,531,535           319,238       34,246,386 

                                           - 40 -

Included in cash and bank balances of the Group are amounts totalling 
RM99l,801/-(2000 : Nil) held under housing development account maintained 
pursuant to the requirements of the Housing Developers (Housing Development 
Account) Regulations, 1991, which are not freely available for use. 


                                                               2001         2000 
                                                                 RM           RM 
In respect of corporate guarantee for term loan 
facility granted to a subsidiary company as stated 
in note 17 to the financial statements                    1,032,206    3,662,206 


Significant related parties transactions for the year are as follows:- 

                                                               2001         2000 
                                                                 RM           RM 
(i) Companies in which a director of the 
Company, Tan Sri Dr. Chen Lip Keong, has substantial direct 
and indirect financial interest:- 

Office rental paid and payable to FACB Resorts Berhad.      261,360      217,800 

Contract costs paid and payable to Arosa Builders Sdn. 
Bhd., a subsidiary company of FACB Resorts Berhad, for a
contract awarded on 21st August, 1997                     1,382,843    3,435,201 

Travelling expenses paid to First Travel and 
Tours Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary company of 
FACB Resorts Berhad.                                        58,900        90,014 

Contract costs paid and payable to FACB 
Construction Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary company 
of FACB Resorts Berhad., for a contract 
awarded on 18th November, 2000                             617,321             -

(ii) Legal services charged by a firm in which a director 
of the Company, Wong Swee Min, has substantial interest          -       395,093 

(iii) Management fee charged to subsidiary 
companies                                               (1,349,536)    (933,829) 

The Directors are of the opinion that the above transactions have been entered 
in the normal course of business and have been established under terms mutually 
agreed upon between the parties concerned. 

                                        - 41 -


                                                            (LOSS)/PROFIT       TOTAL
                                                  OPERATING        BEFORE      ASSETS
                                                    REVENUE      TAXATION    EMPLOYED
                                                         RM            RM          RM
Investment holding                                        -    (5,429,931)  1,313,666
Manufacturing                                             -    (2,691,065) 13,888,301
Property development                             23,826,851    10,626,871 434,589,223 
                                                 23,826,851     2,505,875 449,791,190 
Investment holding                                        -   (2,562,269)  36,208,833
Manufacturing                                         3,150   (2,162,324)  16,755,241 
Property development                             40,437,672   12,035,117  423,277,892
                                                 40,440,822    7,310,524  476,241,966 

As the Group operates within one geographical segment, geographical segment 
analysis is not applicable. 


(a) Registered Office 

Level 19, Menara PanGlobal, No. 8, Lorong P. Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. 

(b) Principal Place of Business 

Level 18, Menara PanGlobal, No. 8. Lorong P.Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. 

                                    - 42 -

                             DETAILED INCOME STATEMENT 
                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST OCTOBER, 2001 

                                                          2001             2000
                                                            RM               RM 

Management fee                                       1,349,536         933,829 


Dividend revenue                                        19,520          10,281
Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment       66,807               -
Gain on foreign exchange                                 3,896               -
Overprovision of retrenchment benefit                        -          63,497
Provision for doubtful debts no longer required              -          37,327
Interest revenue                                       457,958         531,932
Rental revenue                                         125,632          51,895
Sundry revenue                                          35,959         154,335
                                                     2,059,308       1,783,096 
DISTRIBUTION COSTS - SCHEDULE A                         21,883          33,934   
ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS - SCHEDULE B                    3,506,261       2,431,716  
OTHER OPERATING COSTS - SCHEDULE C                   2,534,916         869,000   
FINANCE COSTS - SCHEDULE D                              16,356          10,179   
                                                    (6,079,416)     (3,344,829)          
LOSS FOR THE YEAR                                   (4,020,108)     (1,561,733) 
        (This statement is prepared for management purposes only and 
   does not form part of the audited financial statements of the Company) 

                                        - 43 -

                         SCHEDULE OF DISTRIBUTION COSTS 
                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST OCTOBER, 2001 

                                                          2001             2000
                                                            RM               RM
Advertising expenses                                    14,316           12,621  
Travelling expenses                                      7,567           21,313  
                                                        21,883           33,934  
        (This statement is prepared for management purposes only and 
   does not form part of the audited financial statements of the Company) 

                                      - 44 -

                  FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST OCTOBER, 2001 

                                                          2001             2000
                                                            RM               RM
Audit - fee                                             20,000           20,000
      - service tax                                      1,000            1,000
Bonus                                                   11,368           38,666
Broker fees                                                  -               28
Business promotion                                      77,091           63,966
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment          143,527           64,635
Directors' remuneration - fees                         118,472                -
                        - other emoluments             529,312          399,674
Electricity                                              8,403           10,883
Employees' Provident Fund and Socso                    168,500          102,946
Entertainment                                            7,622           13,296
ICULS and warrants maintenance                          50,750                -
Insurance and licence fee                               22,050            9,614
Medical expenses                                        13,687            5,386
Office rental                                          261,360          234,600
Postage                                                    778              797
Printing and stationery                                 27,717           36,264
Professional fees - current year                        19,609           58,105
                  - overprovision in prior year              -           (4,841)
Quit rent and assessment                                95,600          154,896
Salaries, allowances and overtime                    1,581,774          967,983
Secretarial fees                                        58,647           74,912
Share registration fee                                 113,931           90,993
Staff welfare and refreshment                           18,835           21,039
Stamp duty                                              77,163                -
Subscription fees                                        4,792            2,781
Sundry expenses                                             96              450
Telephone charges                                       43,462           47,019
Upkeep of motor vehicles                                15,947            6,745
Upkeep of office                                         3,666            5,264
Upkeep of office equipment                              11,102            4,615
                                                     3,506,261        2,431,716

       (This statement is prepared for management purposes only and 
   does not form part of the audited financial statements of the Company) 

                                        - 45 -

                   FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST OCTOBER, 2001 

                                                          2001             2000
                                                            RM               RM
Bad debts written off                                        -          287,229
Professional fees                                    2,298,451                -
Donation                                                 5,180            1,300
Electricity on dredge                                   39,947           30,584
Labour costs                                             9,392          369,504
Loss on disposal of quoted shares                            -            3,905
Mines maintenance costs                                 85,106           41,560
Penalty                                                  6,875            3,584
Provision for diminution in value of quoted shares           -          129,164
Provision for doubtful debts                            56,873                -
Transportation                                          19,467                -
Upkeep of office                                             -            2,170 
Valuation fees                                          13,625                -
                                                     2,534,916          869,000

      (This statement is prepared for management purposes only and 
   does not form part of the audited financial statements of the Company) 

                                  - 46 -

                       SCHEDULE OF FINANCE COSTS 
                FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST OCTOBER, 2001 

                                                          2001             2000
                                                            RM               RM

Bank charges                                             2,910            1,845
Hire purchase interest                                  13,446            8,334  
                                                        16,356           10,179       
       (This statement is prepared for management purposes only and
 does not form part of the audited financial statements of the Company) 

                                    - 47 -

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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