RNS Number : 7756Y

PSource Structured Debt Limited

27 February 2013






 Company Information                                                            1 
 Chairman's Statement                                                         2-3 
 Responsibility Statement                                                       4 
 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
  (unaudited)                                                                   5 
 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive 
  Income (unaudited)                                                            6 
 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
  (unaudited)                                                                   7 
 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (unaudited)                     8 
 Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 
  (unaudited)                                                                9-13 
 Analysis of Significant Investments (unaudited)                               14 


Company Information

 Company Number:                        Financial adviser and stockbroker 
  47075 (Registered in Guernsey)         to the Company: 
                                         Numis Securities Limited 
                                         The London Stock Exchange Building 
                                         10 Paternoster Square 
                                         London, EC4M 7LT 
 Directors:                             Auditors to the Company: 
  William Scott, Independent Chairman    KPMG Channel Islands Limited 
  Soondra Appavoo                        20 New Street 
  Peter Niven, Independent Director      St Peter Port 
  Tim Jenkinson, Independent Director    Guernsey, GY1 4AN 
  Keith Dorrian, Independent Director 
 Company Secretary and Administrator:   Solicitors to the Company: 
  Praxis Fund Services Limited           Eversheds LLP 
  Sarnia House                           1 Wood Street 
  Le Truchot                             London, EC2V 7WS 
  St Peter Port 
  Guernsey, GY1 4NA 
 Registered office of the Company:      Guernsey Lawyers to the Company: 
  Sarnia House                           Mourant Ozannes 
  Le Truchot                             PO Box 186 
  St Peter Port                          1 Le Marchant Street 
  Guernsey, GY1 4NA                      St Peter Port 
                                         Guernsey, GY1 4HP 
 Investment Manager:                    U.S. Counsel: 
  Laurus Capital Management, LLC         Alston & Bird LLP 
  875 Third Avenue, 3(rd) Floor          90 Park Avenue 
  New York, NY 10022                     New York, NY 10016-1387 
  USA                                    USA 
 Manager:                               Bankers: 
  PSource Capital Guernsey Limited       Investec Specialist Private Bank 
  Sarnia House                           Glategny Court, 
  Le Truchot                             Glategny Esplanade, 
  St Peter Port                          St Peter Port, 
  Guernsey, GY1 4NA                      Guernsey, GY1 3LP 
  Until 31 July 2012 
 Investment Consultant Promoter         Custodian: 
  & Manager:                             Wells Fargo Bank 
  PSource Capital Limited                45 Broadway,14th Floor 
  126 Jermyn Street                      New York, NY 10006 
  London, SW1Y 4UJ                       USA 
  Manager - effective 31 July 2012 
 Independent Valuation Consultant:      Registrar: 
  MountainView IPS (formerly Clayton     Capita Registrars (Guernsey) Limited 
  IPS Corporation)                       Mont Crevelt House 
  999 18(th) Street                      Bulwer Avenue 
  Suite 1001                             St Sampson 
  Denver, Colorado 80202                 Guernsey, GY2 4JN 
 Clearing Broker:                       Executing Broker: 
  Albert Fried & Company, LLC            GP Nurmenkari Inc. 
  45 Broadway, 24th Floor                6 East 39(th) Street 
  New York, NY 10006                     New York, NY 10016 
  USA                                    USA 
 Financial Public Relations: 
  Weber Shandwick Financial 
  Fox Court 
  14 Gray's Inn Road 
  London, WC1X 8WS 


Chairman's Statement

Period end 31 December 2012

I set out below the interim report for the half year ended 31 December 2012. The most important development of the past half year has been significant investment made by an Abu Dhabi investment group in Parabel, the Company's largest investment.

PSD has been in wind-down for some time now. As mentioned in the 2012 Annual Accounts, the Board has been looking at liquidation options. Following the funding of Parabel, the Board believes that this is now an appropriate point to put PSD into liquidation. We set out further detail on this process below.

Review of the portfolio

Following the vote to put PSD into wind down in April 2012, the Company no longer prepares its accounts on a going concern basis. On the advice of the Independent Valuation Consultant, Mountainview, and reflecting the recent Parabel transaction, the Board has written the NAV down by US$33,693,279 (80.49%) to US$8,166,684.

The two largest components of this write down were:

   --      US$27,155,566 write down in the Company's holding in Parabel to US$4,600,000 
   --      US$3,650,095 write down in the Company's holding in Biovest to US$1,617,573 

The Parabel write down follows an investment by an Abu Dhabi Investment Group (Dhabi Cayman One Limited) into Parabel Limited (a newly formed subsidiary of Parabel, Inc.). This is a complex transaction, and has resulted in a dilution of PSD's holding. However, it is also an important step forward for Parabel to have secured this material investment (US$15 million) from a third party which Parabel management believes will assist in significantly accelerating Parabel's commercial development. As PSD shareholders will recall, it has been the intention and hope of Parabel to achieve an IPO which, amongst other things would have provided funding to the operating business of Parabel for the purposes described above. Circumstances have dictated that this has not been achieved in our holding period to date. Accordingly, Parabel has sought and has obtained third party funding which has resulted in the Abu Dhabi transaction described above. Shareholders will appreciate that there is a material difference to be expected in the valuation that an embryonic business such as Parabel (or indeed almost any business) will achieve in a private off-market transaction such as that with Abu Dhabi and that which could be achieved in a public market IPO. The write down in the value of our holding reflects two elements: the relatively modest structural dilution from new money referred to above; and the larger from the re-pricing of our holding in line with the significant cash transaction with the new external investor. Only the structural element of the value reduction is necessarily permanent; whether (and when) the remainder might reverse will of course be determined by the evolution of future events.

The Biovest write down follows an event of default declared by certain of Biovest's creditors (including PSD and other funds affiliated with the Investment Manager) in respect of indebtedness which fell due in November 2012 and which Biovest failed to repay or refinance and the further investment in that company by funds affiliated with the Investment Manager and the consequent assessment of the valuation of that company and the relevant elements of its capital structure by our Independent Valuation Consultant.

NAV Performance

The NAV has reduced by US$33.69 million or 80.49% during the period and was 0.1371 US cents per PSD share or 8.4p/share (US$8.17m in total) at 31 December 2012. Bearing in mind the illiquid nature of the Company's investments, the realisation of this NAV is highly dependent on market conditions.


Chairman's Statement, continued

Period end 31 December 2012

Cash flows and bank position

There have been only limited disposals during the half year, the only significant sale being the disposal of the Company's holdings in BioDelivery Sciences for net proceeds of US$671,309.

The Company had a small cash balance of US$336,683 at 31 December 2012. As at 27 February, this cash balance had reduced to US$281,633.

The Company has no debt or overdraft facility with its bankers, Investec Specialist Private Bank.

Liquidation of the Company

Following the write down of the portfolio, the monthly expenses of the Company in its current form equate to approximately US$37,000. In the absence of any further cash inflows (none of which can be guaranteed), the Company does not have the cash resources to continue operation in its current form for an extended period.

The Board has considered a number of possible mechanisms for the Company during the realisation of the remaining holdings. Although there are several potential ways of operating on a reduced-cost basis, the Board has concluded that the most appropriate and lowest-cost option is to appoint a liquidator. Therefore, the Board intends before the end of March to put proposals for the delisting and the appointment by shareholders of a liquidator to represent their interests while ongoing efforts are made to realise PSD's residual assets.

Shareholders voted to put PSD into wind-down in April 2012. Following the Parabel funding transaction, the Board believes it is now an appropriate time to put PSD into liquidation.

William Scott (Chairman)

Date: 27 February 2013


Responsibility Statement

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge and in accordance with DTR 4.2.10R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules:

a) The condensed consolidated financial statements (the "financial statements") have been properly prepared in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Services Authority and with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Group as at and for the period ended 31 December 2012.

b) The interim report, which includes information detailed in the Chairman's Statement and Notes to financial statements, includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six months ended 31 December 2012 and description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); and

c) The interim report, which includes information detailed in the Chairman's Statement and Notes to financial statements, includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related party transactions and changes therein).

   Director:                                                               William Scott 
   Director:                                                               Peter Niven 

Date: 27 February 2013

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (unaudited)

As at 31 December 2012

                                   Notes  31 December    30 June 2012 
---------------------------------  -----  ------------   ------------ 
                                              US$            US$ 
Investments                          6 
  Fair value through profit and 
   loss                                      5,089,843     30,422,024 
  Held for trading                                   -        723,605 
  Loans and receivables                      7,035,190     10,642,455 
                                          ------------   ------------ 
Total investments                           12,125,033     41,788,084 
                                          ------------   ------------ 
Current assets 
  Cash and cash equivalents                    336,683        293,808 
  Unsettled investment sales                    59,330              - 
  Other receivables                  7          24,511      4,275,920 
                                          ------------   ------------ 
                                               420,524      4,569,728 
                                          ------------   ------------ 
Current liabilities 
  Other payables                     8     (4,378,873)    (4,497,849) 
                                           (4,378,873)    (4,497,849) 
                                          ------------   ------------ 
Net current (liabilities)/assets           (3,958,349)         71,879 
                                          ------------   ------------ 
Total net assets                             8,166,684     41,859,963 
                                          ============   ============ 
Represented by Shareholders' 
  Share Premium                             47,512,742     47,512,742 
  Distributable reserve                     42,793,973     42,793,973 
  Reserves                                (82,140,031)   (48,446,752) 
Total Shareholders' equity                   8,166,684     41,859,963 
                                          ============   ============ 
Net asset value per Ordinary         9       US$0.1371      US$0.7028 
                                          ============   ============ 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income (unaudited)

For the period ended 31 December 2012

                                           Notes   1 July 2012     1 July 2011 
                                                        to              to 
                                                    31 December     31 December 
                                                       2012            2011 
-----------------------------------------  -----  --------------  -------------- 
                                                       US$             US$ 
  Loan interest income                                   507,994       1,223,005 
  Bank interest                                              162              89 
  Fee income                                                   -           5,400 
  Other income                                            18,043          12,868 
  Bad debt provision                                 (4,747,188)        (14,595) 
  Net losses on investments at fair 
   value through profit or loss                     (25,325,147)    (22,357,987) 
  Net losses on investments at amortised 
   cost                                              (3,529,502)     (1,545,958) 
  Net foreign exchange gains                             (6,554)           4,605 
                                                  --------------  -------------- 
Net investment deficit                              (33,082,192)    (22,672,573) 
                                                  --------------  -------------- 
  Management fee                                       (306,461)       (935,738) 
  Directors' fees and expenses               4          (54,566)        (89,892) 
  Administration fees                                   (77,830)       (117,914) 
  Custodian fees                                        (13,245)        (14,000) 
  Registrar fees                                        (11,784)         (9,526) 
  Auditor's remuneration                                 (2,710)        (56,079) 
  Loan arrangement fees                                        -       (210,106) 
  Legal and professional fees                           (91,335)       (153,561) 
  Independent valuation consultancy 
   fee                                                  (25,206)        (60,493) 
  US Taxation                                              (288)        (22,369) 
  Other expenses                                        (27,662)        (27,525) 
                                                  --------------  -------------- 
Operating expenses before finance 
 costs                                                 (611,087)     (1,697,203) 
                                                  --------------  -------------- 
Net deficit from operations before 
 finance costs                                      (33,693,279)    (24,369,776) 
                                                  --------------  -------------- 
Finance costs 
  Bank interest                                                -        (20,201) 
  Loan interest                                                -       (103,696) 
Deficit after finance costs for 
 the period                                         (33,693,279)    (24,493,673) 
Total comprehensive deficit for 
 the period                                         (33,693,279)    (24,493,673) 
                                                  ==============  ============== 
Basic & diluted deficit per Ordinary         5       US$(0.5657)     US$(0.4112) 
                                                  ==============  ============== 

The results for the current and prior periods are derived from continuing operations.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (unaudited)

For the period ended 31 December 2012

                                       1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012 
                            Share     Distributable 
                            Premium      Reserve        Reserves         Total 
------------------------  ----------  -------------  --------------  -------------- 
                             US$           US$            US$             US$ 
Balance brought forward   47,512,742     42,793,973    (48,446,752)      41,859,963 
Total comprehensive 
 deficit for the period            -              -    (33,693,279)    (33,693,279) 
Balance carried forward   47,512,742     42,793,973    (82,140,031)       8,166,684 
                          ==========  =============  ==============  ============== 
                                       1 July 2011 to 31 December 2011 
                            Share     Distributable 
                            Premium      Reserve        Reserves         Total 
------------------------  ----------  -------------  --------------  -------------- 
                             US$           US$            US$             US$ 
Balance brought forward   47,512,742     42,793,973       8,343,394      98,650,109 
Total comprehensive 
 deficit for the period            -              -    (24,493,673)    (24,493,673) 
Balance carried forward   47,512,742     42,793,973    (16,150,279)      74,156,436 
                          ==========  =============  ==============  ============== 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (unaudited)

For the period ended 31 December 2012

                                         1 July 2012    1 July 2011 
                                              to             to 
                                          31 December   31 December 
                                             2012           2011 
---------------------------------------  ------------  ------------- 
                                             US$            US$ 
Cash flows from operating activities 
  Loan interest received                            -        239,744 
  Fee income received                               -          5,400 
  Other income received                        18,043         12,868 
  Operating expenses paid                   (717,976)    (1,832,806) 
  Sale proceeds received from disposal 
   of investments                             671,309        682,832 
  Amounts received on loan repayments          77,763      6,457,225 
                                         ------------  ------------- 
  Net cash from operating activities           49,139      5,565,263 
                                         ------------  ------------- 
Cash flows from/(used in) financing 
  Bank interest received                          290             89 
  Bank interest paid                                -       (20,201) 
  Loan interest paid                                -      (103,696) 
  Loan liability repayments                         -    (3,867,480) 
  Net cash from/(used in) financing 
  activities                                      290    (3,991,288) 
                                         ------------  ------------- 
  Net increase in cash and cash 
   equivalents                                 49,429      1,573,975 
  Cash and cash equivalents, start 
   of period                                  293,808      (510,243) 
  Effect of exchange rate changes 
   during the period                          (6,554)          4,605 
                                         ------------  ------------- 
  Cash and cash equivalents, end 
  of period                                   336,683      1,068,337 
                                         ============  ============= 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise 
 the following amounts: 
  Bank deposits                      336,683  1,068,337 
                                     336,683  1,068,337 
                                     =======  ========= 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended 31 December 2012

   1.   The Company: 

The Company is a closed-ended investment company, incorporated and registered with limited liability in Guernsey on 5 June 2007 and formed in accordance with The Control of Borrowing (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Ordinance, 1959 to 2003 as amended. The Company commenced business on 3 August 2007 when the initial 30,000,000 Ordinary Shares of the Company were admitted to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange. The Company is a Guernsey Authorised Closed-ended Investment Scheme and is subject to the Authorised Closed-ended Investment Scheme Rules 2008.

The Group also includes PSD SPV 2, Inc ("SPV2" or "Subsidiary") a wholly own subsidiary of the Company. SPV2 was incorporated in the State of Delaware on 2 April 2009 and commenced trading on 1 May 2009. SPV2 was established to hold certain US assets. For reasons of tax efficiency, newly originated direct investments and co-investments after that time were made through this Subsidiary.

The Group comprises PSource Structured Debt Limited and SPV2.

   2.   Principal Accounting Policies: 

The following accounting policies have been applied consistently in dealing with items which are considered material in relation to the Group's financial statements:

(a) Basis of Preparation:

(i) General

The condensed interim financial statements (the "financial statements") have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard ("IAS") 34 "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union and are in compliance with the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008.

The financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures required in annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2012. The same accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation are followed in these financial statements as those followed in the preparation of the Group's annual audited financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2012.

These financial statements have been prepared on a break up basis as the Company may go into voluntary liquidation during the next 12 months. The only impact of adopting the break-up basis compared to the going concern basis on the financial statements is the provision of liquidation costs, because in the Directors opinion the Company's investments are being carried at the best estimate of their realisable value as at the period end.

(ii) Judgements and estimates

The preparation of financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be relevant.

The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an on-going basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate was revised if the revision affects only that period or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.

In preparing these financial statements, the significant judgements made by management and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those applied to the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2012.

   3.   Material Agreements & Related Parties, continued: 

Management Agreement

With effective from 16 May 2012, the Management Agreement was amended so that the annual management fee would be paid at the rate of 2 per cent per annum of NAV up to 31 March 2013 and will thereafter drop to a rate of 1.25 per cent per annum of NAV. The management fee will continue to be accrued daily and calculated and paid monthly.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, continued

For the period ended 31 December 2012

   3.   Material Agreements & Related Parties, continued: 

Management Agreement, continued

As at 31 December 2012, the management fee creditor was US$27,408 (30 June 2012: US$70,877).

In addition, the Manager is entitled to a Performance Fee in respect of any Performance Fee Period in which the Performance Trigger has been achieved. As at 31 December 2012, the Performance Fee creditor was US$4,185,888 (30 June 2012: US$4,185,888). In January 2009, the Manager agreed to defer payment of the Performance Fee owed by the Group until such time as the Group has resumed dividend payments.

With effective from 16 May 2012, the Company waived the condition that any performance fee payments would be deferred until such date as the Company has resumed payment of dividends to Shareholders.

During the prior year, the Manager (and in turn the Investment Manager) also agreed to waive 25 per cent (being US$ 1,395,296) of its entitlement to the deferred Performance Fee. This amount was written back in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income during the prior year. The Manager (and in turn the Investment Manager) further agreed that it will only be entitled to receive the remaining 75 per cent (being US$ 4,185,888) of its entitlement to the deferred Performance Fee if following such waiver:

-- Parabel, Inc ("Parabel"), formerly Petro Algae Inc, is the subject of an IPO whereby its shares are listed on either NASDAQ or the NYSE or another stock exchange approved by the Company, and the proceeds of such IPO are distributed to the Company by PetroTech; or

-- more than 50 per cent of the shares of common stock in Parabel, attributable to the Company by virtue of its investment in PetroTech, are sold by private sale and the proceeds of such sale net of the proportion of expenses of PetroTech in respect of such sale attributable to the Company which were sold are distributed to the Company by PetroTech.

Upon termination of the Management and Investment Management Agreement, the Company may discharge its performance fee obligation in specie in Parabel, Inc stock or securities in PetroTech Holdings Inc (an intermediate holding company) based on a valuation of Parabel, Inc common stock of $8.70/share. Based on the Company's current valuation of its Parabel, Inc holding, such an in specie payment could discharge the Company's obligation at a substantially lower value than the current balance sheet liability ($4.185m). However, any such in specie payment is subject to a "True Up" revaluation if there is a subsequent exit event within six months of the date of transfer of shares in payment of the performance fee and based on this, the Board consider it appropriate to maintain the current full liability provision.

For details of changes to potential future performance fees please refer to the EGM Circular dated 16 May 2012.

Administration Agreement

As at 31 December 2012, the administration fee payable was US$20,322 (30 June 2012: US$12,166).

Registrar Agreement

As at 31 December 2012, theregistrar fee payable was US$4,991 (30 June 2012: US$5,942).

Custodian Agreement

As at 31 December 2012, the custodian fees payable was US$nil (30 June 2012: US$nil).

Independent Valuation Consultant

As at 31 December 2012, the independent valuation consultancy fee payable was US$12,706 (30 June 2012: US$12,500).

Related Party Transactions

There were no transactions with related parties during the current or immediately prior periods.

Directors' and Other Related Parties' Interests

As at 31 December 2012, the interests of the Directors and their families who held office during the period are set out below:

                              31 December 2012    30 June 2012 
                              Ordinary Shares    Ordinary Shares 
                             -----------------  ---------------- 
  William Scott (Chairman)         50,000                 50,000 
  Peter Niven                      30,000                 30,000 
  Soondra Appavoo                  20,000                 20,000 
  Tim Jenkinson                    50,000                 50,000 
  Keith Dorrian                              -                 - 


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, continued

For the period ended 31 December 2012

   3.   Material Agreements & Related Parties, continued: 

Directors' and Other Related Parties' Interests

There were no changes in the interests of the Directors prior to the date of this report.

No Director, other than those listed above, and no connected person of any Director has any interest, the existence of which is known to, or could with reasonable diligence be ascertained by that Director, whether or not held through another party, in the share capital of the Company.

As at 31 December 2012, the Investment Manager held 500,000 (30 June 2012: 500,000) Ordinary Shares in the Company.

   4.   Directors' Fees: 

Each of the Directors has entered into an agreement with the Company providing for them to act as a non-executive director of the Company. Their annual fees, excluding all reasonable expenses incurred in the course of their duties which were reimbursed by the Company were as follows for the year:

                                            31 December   30 June 2012* 
                                            Annual Fee     Annual Fee 
                                           ------------  -------------- 
                                                GBP            GBP 
  William Scott (Chairman)                       20,000          27,500 
  Soondra Appavoo                                     -               - 
  Peter Niven (Audit Committee chairman)         17,000          24,500 
  Tim Jenkinson                                  15,000          22,500 
  Keith Dorrian                                  15,000          22,500 

*All Directors annual fees were reduced by GBP10,000 per annum per Director with effect from 1 April 2012.

Mr Appavoo has waived his Director's fees for the year. As at 31 December 2012, the Directors' fees payable was US$27,227 (30 June 2012: US$nil).

   5.   Basic & diluted deficit per Ordinary Share: 

Basic deficit per Ordinary Share is based on the net deficit for the period of US$33,693,279 (period ended 30 June 2012: US$24,493,673) and on a weighted average of 59,564,681 (30 June 2012: 59,564,681) Ordinary Shares in issue.

Diluted deficit per Ordinary Share is the same as basic deficit per Ordinary Share since there are no dilutive potential Ordinary Shares arising from financial instruments.

   6.   Investments: 
                                     31 December   30 June 2012   31 December 
                                         2012                         2011 
                                    ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Fair Value Through Profit               US$           US$            US$ 
  or Loss Investments: 
 Investments listed on recognised 
  investment exchanges                   489,814      1,744,422     1,685,106 
 Unlisted investments                  4,600,029     28,677,602    60,413,523 
                                    ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                       5,089,843     30,422,024    62,098,629 
                                    ============  =============  ============ 
                                        31 December    30 June 2012   31 December 
                                            2012                          2011 
                                       -------------  -------------  ------------ 
       Held for Trading Investments:        US$            US$            US$ 
       Unlisted investments                        -        723,605       251,485 
                                       =============  =============  ============ 
                                   31 December   30 June 2012   31 December 
                                       2012                         2011 
                                  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
       Loans and Receivables at        US$           US$            US$ 
        amortised cost: 
       Loans                         7,035,190     10,642,455    13,123,167 
                                  ============  =============  ============ 


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, continued

For the period ended 31 December 2012

   6.   Investments, continued: 
                                     31 December   30 June 2012   31 December 
                                         2012                         2011 
                                    ------------  -------------  ------------ 
       Total Investments:                US$           US$            US$ 
 Investments listed on recognised 
  investment exchanges                 5,089,843      1,744,422     1,685,106 
       Unlisted investments                    -     29,401,207    60,665,008 
       Loans                           7,035,190     10,642,455    13,123,167 
                                    ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                      12,125,033     41,788,084    75,473,281 
                                    ============  =============  ============ 
 7. Other Receivables:                    31 December 2012   30 June 2012 
                                         -----------------  ------------- 
                                                US$              US$ 
       Loan interest & fee receivables                   -      4,239,484 
       Prepayments                                  24,511         36,436 
                                                    24,511      4,275,920 
                                         =================  ============= 

The Directors consider that the carrying amount of other receivables approximates fair value.

 8. Other Payables:                         31 December 2012   30 June 2012 
                                           -----------------  ------------- 
                                                  US$              US$ 
       Management fee payable                         27,408         70,877 
       Performance fee payable                     4,185,888      4,185,888 
       Administration fee payable                     20,322         12,166 
       Audit fee payable                                   -         78,535 
       Legal & professional fees payable             100,000        100,000 
       US Tax payable                                    333             46 
       Other payables                                 44,922         50,337 
                                           -----------------  ------------- 
                                                   4,378,873      4,497,849 
                                           =================  ============= 

The Directors consider that the carrying amount of other payables approximates fair value.

   9.   Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share: 

The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on the net assets attributable to Ordinary shareholders of US$8,166,664 (30 June 2012: US$41,859,963) and on the period end Ordinary Shares in issue of 59,564,681 (30 June 2012: 59,564,681).

10. Financial Risk Management:

Strategy in Using Financial Instruments:

The Group's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk, fair value, interest rate risk, cash flow interest rate risk and price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The Group's overall risk management program focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise potential adverse effects on the Group's financial performance. These policies include the use of certain financial derivative instruments. The risk management policies employed by the Group to manage these risks are discussed below.

These financial statements do not include all financial risk management information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2012. There have been no changes in risk management policies since the last year end.

11. Significant Investment Holding:

Parabel, Inc./PetroTech Holdings Inc.

The Group has a significant holding in Parabel, Inc (formerly PetroAlgae), a food, feed and fuel development stage company based in Florida, through its holding in PetroTech Holdings Inc. The holding structure and some of the commercial progress of PetroAlgae is discussed below.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, continued

For the period ended 31 December 2012


11. Significant Investment Holding (continued):

Parabel, Inc./PetroTech Holdings Inc. (continued)

Holding structure

The Group has a significant holding in PetroTech Holdings Inc, a Delaware corporation. PetroTech Holdings Inc is a privately held holding company whose principal asset at 30 June 2012 was 100,000,000 shares (30 June 2011: 100,000,000 shares) of the common stock of Parabel, Inc ("Parabel") and US$101,000,000 of debt issued by Parabel, Inc. PetroTech Holdings Inc is owned jointly by the Group, Laurus Master Fund and Valens (which are funds managed by the Investment Manager).

Parabel is registered with the SEC and quoted on OTC Link (PABL.US), following a reverse merger into a quoted shell in December 2008. OTC Link is an electronic quotation system that displays quotes from broker dealers for many over-the-counter securities.

On 1 February 2012, Parabel, Inc announced an investment of US$15m by Dhabi Cayman One Ltd., a Cayman domiciled entity linked to an Abu Dhabi partner. Parabel Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of PA LLC, which is a subsidiary of Parabel, Inc.


The Group owns 8.24% (30 June 2011: 8.24%) of the common stock and US$7.2 million (30 June 2011: US$7.2 million) in preferred stock in PetroTech Holdings Inc.

The PSD Board has undertaken a review of the valuation of Parabel, Inc as at 31 December 2012. It has set the valuation at US$4,600,000 (including accrued income) (30 June 2011: US$31,755,566).This is based on a valuation of the Parabel, Inc debt held by Petrotech Holdings Inc of US$100m and no value being ascribed to the common stock of Parabel, Inc held by PetroTech Holdings Inc. This represents 64% of the par value of the preference shares PSD holds in PetroTech Holdings Inc (with accrued interest held at nil, 30 June 2012: US$3.1m).

In coming to this assessment of value, the Board, with advice from the Independent Valuation Consultant and the Investment Consultant, have taken the following factors into account:

   --         Public trading of stocks on OTC Link 
   --         Model based valuations 
   --         The value implied of Parabel by the Dhabi Cayman One transaction 

The shares of Parabel, Inc are traded on OTC Link. The trading is irregular and volumes traded are very limited. The Directors note the public trading but do not principally rely upon it for valuation purposes. The Volume Weighted Average Price of the shares traded in the period ended 31 December 2012 was as follows (source: Bloomberg):

   --                 1 Month VWAP = US$1.02/share 
   --                 6 month VWAP = US$1.13/share 
   --                 12 month VWAP = US$1.60/share 

The Directors have looked at model based discounted cash flow valuations. The models used have been based on the latest Parabel management forecasts.

Both a valuation based on the trading in Parabel, Inc stock and a discounted cashflow valuation would result in a significantly higher valuation than US$4,600,000 for PSD's holding in Parabel.

In assessing the appropriate valuation of PSD's Parabel holding, the Directors have placed greatest emphasis on the recent transaction with Dhabi Cayman One Ltd.

   12.   Post Period End Events: 

There are no other significant post period end events that require disclosure in these financial statements.


Analysis of Significant Investments (unaudited)

As at 31 December 2012


The largest holdings of the Group, by underlying investment company as at 31 December 2012 are set out below:

                                            Book        Fair        of 
  Name of investment                        Cost       Value        NAV 
--------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                           US$         US$          % 
Petrotech Holdings Corp                  7,198,509   4,600,000      56.33% 
Creative Vistas                          3,646,615   3,646,631      44.65% 
Biovest International                    8,105,768   1,617,573      19.81% 
Mascon Global Consulting Inc             3,069,867   1,534,934      18.80% 
Accentia Biopharmaceuticals                437,569     371,084       4.54% 
North Texas Steel                          592,350     186,907       2.29% 
Presilient, LLC                            837,529     167,529       2.05% 
Prolink Holdings                                 -         375       0.00% 
Other underlying investment companies    4,366,111           -       0.00% 
                                        ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                        28,254,318  12,125,033     148.47% 
                                        ==========  ==========  ========== 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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