20 December 2024
(Incorporated in Australia under the Corporations Act
2001 (Cth))
(ACN 093
732 597)
/ JSE Share Code: S32; ADR: SOUHY
South32 Limited (ASX / LSE / JSE: S32; ADR: SOUHY)
(South32) advises that the Western
Australian Minister for Environment has approved the Worsley Mine
Development Project (the Project)[1].
A copy of the Ministerial Statement
is available at: https://www.epa.wa.gov.au/all-ministerial-statements.
We welcome this approval after an
extensive environmental assessment, consultation and review
process, which commenced in 2019.
The Project will enable access to
bauxite to sustain production at Worsley Alumina, maintain its
competitive position in the global alumina sector, and continue its
significant contribution to the South West. Worsley Alumina is one
of the largest employers in the region, supporting jobs for
thousands of workers and contractors.
The supply of alumina from Worsley
Alumina is a vital component in the production of aluminium,
a commodity critical for the global energy transition.
Worsley Alumina recently achieved certifications against the
Aluminium Stewardship Initiative, which reinforces that the alumina
produced at Worsley Alumina meets relevant global standards of
responsible production.
The conditions of the approval
reflect in all material respects the Minister's determination on
the appeal outcome for the Project as outlined in our announcement
released on 13 December 2024[2].
Overall, the conditions are a
positive outcome for Worsley Alumina and represent an improved
position compared to the Western Australian Environmental
Protection Authority's assessment report published in July
Receipt of this State approval
triggers the Federal approval process. We expect to receive Federal
approval for the Project in early calendar year 2025.
About us
Our purpose is to make a difference
by developing natural resources, improving people's lives now and
for generations to come. We are trusted by our owners and partners
to realise the potential of their resources. We produce
minerals and metals critical to the world's energy transition from
operations across the Americas, Australia and Southern Africa and
we are discovering and responsibly developing our next generation
of mines. We aspire to leave a positive legacy and build
meaningful relationships with our partners and communities to
create brighter futures together.
Further information on South32 can
be found at www.south32.net.
for release to the market by Graham Kerr, Chief Executive
JSE Sponsor: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
20 December 2024