Directorate Change
09 September 2003 - 2:49AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:5232P
Beaufort International Group PLC
08 September 2003
8 September 2003
Directorate change
The Company announced the resignation of Andy Moore, Henry Wolfond and Robin
Abeyesinhe earlier today.
Mr Alan Chamberlain joined the board today to take specific responsibility for
the financial affairs of the Group.
The following disclosures are made in accordance with Paragraph 16.4 of the
Listing Rules.
Alan John Chamberlain (aged 60)
Current directorships Previous directorships
* Chime Communications plc * SWP plc
* Gaskell plc * Choicedate Limited
* Saker Management Limited * Bell Pottinger Esp Limited
* AMD Group Plc * Equity Growth Research Limited
* Insight Marketing and Communications Limited * Equine Publishing Limited
* Harvard Public Relations Limited * Fitba Limited
* Insight Public Relations Limited * T.S.E.C. Realisations Limited
* Brass Tacks Publishing Portfolio Limited
* Brass Tacks Publishing Group Limited
* Harvard Marketing Services Limited
* Brass Tacks Customer Magazines Limited
* AMD Brass Tacks Limited
Mr Chamberlain resigned as a director of T.S.E.C. Realisations Limited on 30
November 2001 which went into creditors' voluntary liquidation on 19 March 2002
with #494,512 owed to creditors.
Save as disclosed above, there are no details to be disclosed under paragraph
6.F.2. (b) to (g) of the Listing Rules for Mr Chamberlain.
The Company has today raised #450,000, before expenses, by a placing of
450,000,000 new ordinary shares in the Company at 0.1p per share. Application
has been made for 450,000,000 new ordinary shares to be admitted to trading on
AIM and dealings are expected to commence on 12 September 2003.
The directors, Ken Harvey, Harry Cowan and Alan Chamberlain have acquired, in
aggregate, 25,000,000 new ordinary shares in the placing and their resulting
interests in the Company are as follows:
Name of Director Number of Ordinary Shares held % of Ordinary Shares held
following placing following placing
Ken Harvey 20,075,240 1.75
Harry Cowan 27,573,644 2.41
Alan Chamberlain 7,500,000 0.66
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange