CALGARY, April 12, 2013 /CNW/ - Sea Dragon Energy Inc. ("Sea Dragon" or the "Company") (TSXV: SDX) is pleased to announce its financial and operating results for the three months and year ended December 31, 2012.  All dollar values are expressed in United States dollars unless otherwise stated. 

2012 Highlights:

  • Increased oil sales during the last three months of 2012 by 28% to 1273 bopd as compared to 991 bopd during the same period in 2011
  • Increased Netbacks during the last three months of 2012 by 43% to $5.3MM ($45.09/bbl) as compared to $3.7MM($40.75/bbl) during the same period in 2011
  • Reduced 2012 G&A costs by 22% to $4.7MM from $6.0MM in 2011
  • Completed the acquisition of National Petroleum Company Shukheir Marine Ltd. ("NPC SHM") as of December 1st.2012, thus adding circa 500 bopd from the Shukheir Bay and Gamma oil fields in the Gulf of Suez
  • Exited the year with production of 1665 bopd, cash and cash equivalents of $5.7MM and working capital of $6.6 MM and no net debt
  • Realized a net loss of $28.1MM, due to an impairment loss on the Company's Kom Ombo asset.

Subsequent to year-end:

  • Production is currently 1911 boepd
  • Collected $6.2MM in outstanding accounts receivable, thus reducing the Company's receivables to $3.5MM, equating to two months of production
  • Paid back $1.0MM of debt, with a current cash balance of $5.1MMand nill net debt
  • Successfully completed the AASE#14 well as a Kareem Formation producer in NW Gemsa initially contributing 1333 boepd of new production
  • Successfully drilled the AASE#16 well as a new Kareem Formation water injector
  • Finalized the West Al Baraka Development Lease and placed the West Al Baraka#2 well on extended production testing
  • Completed the gas conservation project in the NW Gemsa concession with condensate, NGL and sales gas commencing in February, 2013 and adding some 180boepd of net production
  • During the first quarter of 2013 additional testing results from West Al Baraka field were significantly lower than anticipated.  These results are an indicator of impairment for the Kom Ombo concession and as a result the carrying amount will be tested for impairment in the subsequent period.

    Three months ended Twelve months ended
    December 31 December 31
$000's except per unit amounts   2012   2011 2012   2011
Oil sales   12,353   9,527  44,998 
Royalties   (6,496)   (4,713) (23,804)   (21,407)
Operating costs   (578)   (1,100) (3,680)   (3,007)
Netback (1)   5,279   3,714  17,514    17,487 
Net loss   (6,447)   (14,389) (28,108)   (12,838)
Cash and cash equivalents   5,658   6,125  5,658    6,125 
Cash and cash equivalents plus working capital   6,645   11,939  6,645    11,939 
Total assets   52,006   75,663  52,006    75,663 
Debt   3,000   3,000  3,000    3,000 
Shareholders' equity   41,250   68,877  41,250    68,877 
Capital expenditures   1,358   1,892  8,355    8,024 
Weighted average outstanding  shares   376,459     376,459  376,459      376,459 


Gross wells (number of wells)   1   2 10   9
Success rate (%)   100   100 80   89
Net wells (number of wells)   0.1    0.2 2.6    2.1
Success rate (%)   100   100 62   76
Company Gross Reserves (2)              
  Natural gas (mmcf)   2,532   2,664 2,532   2,664
  Oil and liquids (mbbl)   3,370   3,815 3,370   3,815
  Total oil equivalent (mboe)   3,792   4,259 3,792   4,259
Proved plus probable             -
  Natural gas (mmcf)   3,897   3,839 3,897   3,839
  Oil and liquids (mbbl)   5,894   6,608 5,894   6,608
  Total oil equivalent (mboe)   6,544   7,248 6,544   7,248
Proved plus probable plus possible             -
  Natural gas (mmcf)   3,988   3,940 3,988   3,940
  Oil and liquids (mbbl)   6,993   8,829 6,993   8,829
  Total oil equivalent (mboe)   7,658   9,486 7,658   9,486


  Three months ended   Twelve months ended
  December 31   December 31
$000's except per unit amounts 2012 2011   2012 2011
Net present value of future cash flows after tax ($000's) (3)         -
Proved         -
5% discount rate 45,015 56,630   45,015 56,630
10% discount rate 38,433 46,856   38,433 46,856
15% discount rate 33,499 39,883   33,499 39,883
Proved plus probable         -
5% discount rate 77,290 97,327   77,290 97,327
10% discount rate 62,115 73,336   62,115 73,336
15% discount rate 51,593 57,194   51,593 57,194
Proved plus probable plus possible         -
5% discount rate 105,255 148,252   105,255 148,252
10% discount rate 82,754 109,300   82,754 109,300
15% discount rate 67,259 83,389   67,259 83,389
Reserve life index (years) (4)         -
Proved 8.2 11.8   8.2 12
Proved plus probable 14.1 20.0   14.1 20
(1) Netback is a non-GAAP measure that represents sales net of all operating expenses and government royalties.
Management believes that netback is a useful supplemental measure to analyze operating performance and provide
an indication of the results generated by the Company's principal business activities prior to the consideration of other
income and expenses. Management considers netbacks an important measure as it demonstrates the Company's
profitability relative to current commodity prices. Netback may not be comparable to similar measures used by other
(2) Company gross reserves are gross working interest reserves before the deduction of royalties as determined
by the Company's independent reserves evaluators. 
(3) As determined by Ryder Scott, the Company's independent reserves evaluators. Estimated values of future net
revenue disclosed do not represent fair market values. 
(4) Calculated by dividing the Company's gross reserves by the 2012 fourth quarter production rate 
(5) Disclosure provided herein in respect of BOEs may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A BOE
conversion ratio of 6 Mcf:1 Bbl is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at
the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.


CEO's Message:

In 2012, the Company closed on the acquisition of the shallow offshore Shukheir Marine concession in the prolific Gulf of Suez area in Egypt, thus adding circa 500 bopd to its production from the Shukheir Bay and Gamma fields, with significant upside potential once we firm up new drillable loctions. With the capital markets remaining difficult, the Company was able to conclude this acquisition with a cash consideration of only $250,000 after working capital adjustments.

The following highlights the results of our 2012 activities,

  • Exited the year with production of 1665 bopd compared to 1012 bopd in December, 2011
  • Reduced 2012 G&A costs by 22%
  • Exited the year with cash and cash equivalent of $5.7 million and no net debt.

Through the use of its existing cash flows, the Company continued to exploit its reserves in the NW Gemsa and Kom Ombo concessions. The Company participated in the drilling of 10 wells with a success ratio of 80%. As well, the solution gas conservation and hydrocarbon extraction project in NW Gemsa was completed and gas and liquids sales commenced in February 2013 adding to the peak production being almost double over a 1-year period.

In 2013, the Company intends to continue to consolidate its reserve and production base in Egypt through exploration and appraisal drilling of existing properties, the acquisition of new properties and participation in concession bid rounds. The recently acquired Shukheir Marine concession holds significant upside potential which is currently being evaluated for future appraisal.

The Company is also continuing to search for attractive acreage in Africa, which could add significantly to the Company's resources and reserves, and contribute towards its diversification strategy.

Year in Review:

North West Gemsa

The 2012 activity was directed towards continued development/appraisal drilling and waterflood expansion.  The program was successful with six wells drilled and completed, four producers and two injectors.  Two additional wells have, thus far, been drilled in 2013.

Production averaged 8674 bopd in 2012 (867 net to Sea Dragon) and is currently averaging 11200 boepd (1120 net to Sea Dragon, including 120 boepd of gas and liquids).  Cumulative oil production from the Concession has now exceeded 10.9 million barrels.  Water injection which began in 2011 in the Al Amir SE field was expanded to include the Geyad field in January 2012, with a continued positive pressure response to water injection being observed in several wells. The netback for NW Gemsa for 2012 is $25.5 per barrel.

The NW Gemsa year-end independent reserves report supports the Company's Gross Proven and Proved plus Probable reserves of 3.23 and 4.96 million barrels of oil equivalent, respectively.

The Company's $3.0MM capital expenditure program for 2013 includes, but is not limited to, the drilling of two development wells, three water injection wells, and completing the gas compression facilities.

Kom Ombo

In 2012 the Company's exploration commitments were fulfilled, with the West Al Baraka Development lease receiving Government approval in January 2013 following the drilling of the West Al Baraka-2 discovery well.  The Kom Ombo concession generated netbacks of $39.0 per barrel.

Gross production averaged 490 bopd in 2012 (245 bopd net to Sea Dragon) with current rates averaging 378 bopd gross (189 bopd net to Sea Dragon).

The Kom Ombo year-end independent reserves report estimates Company Gross Proven and Proved plus Probable reserves of 0.38 and 1.29 million barrels of oil, respectively. The Company's $0.5 million capital expenditure program for 2013 is covering the monitoring of production performance of the West Al Baraka-2 well.

Shukheir Marine

Effective December 1, 2012, the Company acquired all of the issued and outstanding shares of National Petroleum Company Shukheir Marine Limited.  The acquired assets include a 100% participating interest in the Shukheir Marine Concession which contains the Shukheir Bay and Gamma oil fields, both located in the shallow offshore Gulf of Suez, 300 Km SE of Cairo.

In December 2012, the Company installed a new water injection pump to replace the previous rental unit and in February 2013 a workover was successfully completed on the SHB-5 producer to replace a corroded tubing string, with production being restored at previous levels.

Production in 2012 averaged 486 bopd. The Shukheir Marine concession generated netbacks of $26.85 per barrel in December 2012.

The Shukheir Marine year-end independent reserves report supports Company Gross share of Proved and Proved plus Probable reserves of 0.18 and 0.30 million barrels of oil equivalent, respectively.

The Company's $0.5MM capital expenditure program for 2013 includes minor fixed asset expenditures and well performance monitoring and stimulation plans.


Reserve estimates have been calculated in compliance with the National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure ("NI 51-101").  Under NI 51-101, proved reserves are defined as reserves that can be estimated with a high degree of certainty to be recoverable with a target of a 90 percent probability that the actual reserves recovered over time will equal or exceed proved reserve estimates, while probable reserves are defined as having an equal (50%) probability that the actual reserves recovered will equal or exceed the proved and probable reserve estimates.  In accordance with NI 51-101, proved undeveloped reserves have been recognized in cases where plans are in place to bring the reserves on production within a short, well defined time frame.  Proved undeveloped reserves often involve infill drilling into existing pools. Of the net present value of the Company's reserves, 100 percent were evaluated by an independent third party engineer, Ryder Scott Company Canada ("Ryder Scott") in their report dated February 21, 2013.

    Total     Proved Plus
Company gross reserve reconciliation (mboe)   Proved     Probable
December 31, 2011 Reserves (mboe)   4,259     7,248
2012 Production (mbbl)   (410)     (410)
Net Additions (mboe)   (879)     (1,111)
December 31, 2012 Reserves (mboe)   3,792     6,544
Year over year increase (decrease) in reserves   -11%     -10%
Production replacement   -214%     -271%


Company gross reserves   Natural Gas   Liquids   Oil   Total
Reserves Category   (mmcf)   (mbbls)   (mbbls)   (mboe)
  Proved Producing   1,280   87   1,817   2,117
  Undeveloped   1,252   85   1,381   1,675
Total Proved   2,532   172   3,198   3,792
Probable   1,365   92   2,432   2,752
Total Proved Plus Probable   3,897   264   5,630   6,544
Possible   91   7   1,092   1,114
Total Proved Plus Probable Plus Possible   3,988   271   6,722   7,658


Net present value after income tax ($000's) Discount Factor
Reserves Category 0%   5%   10%   15%
  Proved Producing 30,496   27,073   24,459   22,399
  Undeveloped 23,588   17,941   13,975   11,100
Total Proved 54,084   45,015   38,433   33,499
Probable 46,260   32,276   23,682   18,095
Total Proved Plus Probable 100,344   77,290   62,115   51,593
Possible 39,083   27,964   20,639   15,665
Total Proved Plus Probable Plus Possible 139,427   105,255   82,754   67,259


Reserves and Netbacks   Proved   Proved Plus
Capital expenditures ($000's)   8,355   8,355
Change in future development costs   2,197   (9,718)
Total costs   10,552   (1,363)
Net additions (mboe) excluding acquisitions   (467)   (705)
2012 Netback ($/bbl)   39.85   39.85


Net Asset Value     2012   2011
Net present value of oil and gas reserves, discounted at 10%, after  income tax     $ 62,115   $ 73,336
Working capital     $ 6,143   $ 11,939
Net asset value     $ 68,258   $ 85,275
Shares outstanding (000's)       376,459     376,459
Net asset value per share     $ 0.18   $ 0.23


The disclosures required in accordance with National Instrument 51‐101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators will be available in the Company's Annual Information Form to be filed on the SEDAR website at

Certain statements contained in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements" as such term is used in applicable Canadian and US securities laws. These statements relate to analyses and other information that are based upon forecasts of future results, estimates of amounts not yet determinable and assumptions of management. In particular, statements concerning the 2013 drilling and capital expenditure programs of the NW Gemsa, Kom Ombo and Shukheir Marine Concessions and the results referenced or implied herein should be viewed as forward-looking statements.

Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or are not statements of historical fact and should be viewed as "forward-looking statements". All reserves information contained herein as well as the net present value of such reserves should be considered as forward looking statements. Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and other factors include, among others, costs and timing of exploration and production development, availability of capital to fund exploration and development and political, social and other risks inherent in carrying on business in Egypt. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could vary or differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements contained in this news release.

Forward-looking statements are made based on management's beliefs, estimates and opinions on the date the statements are made and the Corporation undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements and if these beliefs, estimates and opinions or other circumstances should change, except as required by applicable law. Although Sea Dragon has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated. See Sea Dragon's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2012 for a description of the risks and uncertainties associated with the Company's business, including its exploration activities. The forward-looking statements contained herein are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

A "boe" conversion ratio of 6 Mcf of natural gas = 1 barrel of oil has been used and is based on the standard energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.




SOURCE Sea Dragon Energy Inc.

Copyright 2013 Canada NewsWire

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