Sherwood Copper Corporation (TSX VENTURE:SWC)(TSX VENTURE:SWC.DB) today
announced results for 19 drill holes completed as part of its 2008 exploration
program at the high grade Minto copper-gold mine in the Yukon. Highlights of
these recent results include: (a) confirmation of a high grade zone within the
Area 118 deposit, including the highest reported intercept from Area 118 to date
(4.7% copper and 3.4g/t gold over 8.5 metres (m)), and (b) the discovery of
further high grade mineralization in wide-spaced drilling on the south of the
Area 2 and Area 118 deposits. The Area 2 and Area 118 deposits are each located
less than 500m from the Minto pit, currently being mined. As a result of the
successes to date, Sherwood has increased the 2008 exploration budget by $1.2
million to $5.6 million and will now include approximately 24,000m of drilling.
Highlights from the most recent 19 holes are tabulated below, while complete
results are attached.

                                     Inter-  Inter-
                        From     To    val     val  Copper   Gold   Silver
Hole ID   Target          (m)    (m)    (m)    (ft)     (%)  (g/t)    (g/t)
08SWC-287 Area 118     173.8  182.5    8.7    28.5    2.27   0.82     12.1
 including             173.8  178.6    4.8    15.7    2.60   0.80      9.5
08SWC-289 Area 118     153.2  164.9   11.7    38.4    1.42   0.44      5.2
 including             157.4  163.9    6.5    21.3    1.59   0.47      5.1
08SWC-296 Area 2 South  71.3   75.9    4.6    15.1    2.02   0.51     10.8
08SWC-298 Area 118      26.4   31.2    4.8    15.7    1.93   0.50     10.2
 and                   163.1  173.7   10.6    34.8    1.55   0.48      4.4
08SWC-299 Area 2 South 182.7  192.5    9.8    32.1    1.75   0.63  pending
08SWC-300 Area 118     163.7  186.7   23.0    75.5    1.21   0.36  pending
 including             180.2  186.7    6.5    21.3    1.99   0.65  pending
08SWC-301 Area 118     161.7  179.5   17.8    58.4    1.05   0.20  pending
08SWC-303 Area 118     216.9  225.7    8.8    28.9    2.26   0.92      7.4
 and                   252.5  261.9    9.4    30.8    1.86   0.70      5.6
 including             256.9  261.9    5.0    16.4    2.63   0.98      8.0
08SWC-310 Area 118     189.9  198.4    8.5    27.9    4.71   3.43  pending
 including             193.1  197.6    4.5    14.8    5.78   5.41  pending

"The recent infill drilling results confirm that the Area 118 discovery contains
a significant, high grade resource, while the expansion of the Area 2 and Area
118 deposits demonstrates continued opportunities to increase resources at the
Minto Mine," said Stephen Quin, President & CEO of Sherwood Copper. "Based on
the 140% increases in resources in 2006 and 2007, plus the tremendous results
being generated in 2008, we have further expanded the 2008 exploration program
to build off these successes," he said. "Further, the results to date suggest
that the deposits discovered thus far may all comprise one large mineralized
system, so we intend to test the potential for linking up the deposits by
testing the largely undrilled area between the Area 2, Area 118, Ridgetop and
Copper Keel areas as part of this expanded program."

2008 Drill Program

The objective of the 2008 exploration program is to both (a) increase confidence
in the existing resources to a level that would support conversion to reserves
through infill drilling and (b) to increase the overall resource through
drilling of previously untested areas. Following a successful exploration
program in the upper Minto Valley in early 2008, drilling focused on infill
drilling on Area 118, discovered in 2007, and has subsequently moved on to
systematically defining the Ridgetop deposit through a combination of infill and
step-out drilling. Recently, a program of wide spaced drill holes has commenced
that will evaluate the potential for linking the Area 2, Area 118, and Ridgetop
resources into one large mineralizing system.

To date, 17,099 metres of drilling have been completed in 81 holes in the 2008
drill program. Seventeen holes for 4,470 metres were completed in early 2008,
the results of which were reported on May 14, 2008. Following a break, a further
64 holes for 12,629 metres have been completed and drilling is continuing.
Copper and gold assay results have been received for only 19 of these 64 holes
and are reported herein. Results are pending on the remaining 48 holes drilled
to date.

Please follow the link below to a map identifying the priority exploration areas
for 2008.

Comments on Results to Date

The 2008 drill program is proceeding well and a preliminary geological
interpretation, based upon very wide spaced drill holes, appears to support the
hypothesis proposed by Sherwood's exploration group in 2006 that all the
copper-gold mineralization at Minto is part of one continuous to contiguous
system. Post-mineralization deformation (in the form of broad open folding and
late brittle faults) gives the impression that the many mineralized centers
identified to date are separate deposits. However, with the density of drilling
that Sherwood has completed over three years, it now appears that faults and
folds have just complicated the interpretation of what is perhaps one very large
mineralized system. Since 2006, Sherwood has worked toward linking these
prospects and deposits on a geological basis, supported by drilling, and this
process will continue in 2008 as drilling steps into crucial areas where there
was little or no previous data, between previously defined zones of

A summary table of drill statistics, attached to this release, details how the
drilling in 2008 is distributed thus far, while a synopsis of results is set out

Area 118: Infill and some step-out drilling at Area 118 has returned excellent
results, with 8 of 11 holes reported so far grading better than 1% copper over
significant intervals; four of which grade better than 2% copper, including the
highest grade intersection ever reported at Area 118: 4.71% copper and 3.4g/t
gold over 8.5m (27.9ft) in 08SWC-310.

Area 2: Follow-up drilling in 2008 on the last hole of 2007, 07SWC-269 in the
southeast of Area 2, returned significant grade intersections both at shallow
and intermediate depths. The Area 2 deposit remains open at shallow depths to
the southeast and at intermediate to greater depths to the east. Preliminary
geological interpretations suggest possible continuity between Area 2 and Copper
Keel to the east. More drilling is required to test this hypothesis.

For current drill hole locations, please view the accompanying map:

About Sherwood Copper

Sherwood Copper's objective is the profitable production of base and precious
metals from high grade, open pit mines in Canada. Sherwood's first operating
mine, the high grade Minto copper-gold mine in Yukon, Canada, was built on
budget and ahead of schedule. The Minto Mine is one of the highest-grade open
pit copper-gold mines in the world, and is forecast to be a low cost producer.
Aggressive exploration on the Minto property has yielded significant success,
providing Sherwood the opportunity to 'grow from within' by expanding the
resource and reserve base, potentially leading to further production increases.
To further accelerate its production growth, Sherwood intends to pursue merger &
acquisition opportunities that fit its business model and, in May 2008, Sherwood
acquired 100% ownership in Western Keltic Mines (now Kutcho Copper Corp.), owner
of the high-grade Kutcho copper-zinc-gold-silver deposit in northwestern British
Columbia. Sherwood expects to lever off its successful development of the Minto
Mine and advance the Kutcho project to a production decision.

Quality Assurance

The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance
with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 and
reviewed by Stephen P. Quin, P. Geo., President & CEO for Sherwood Copper
Corporation. The exploration activities at the Minto project site are carried
out under the supervision of Brad Mercer, P. Geol., V.P. Exploration for

The analytical method for copper and silver performed by SGS Laboratories under
a contract arrangement at the Minto Mine Site, Yukon includes digestion in aqua
regia followed by absorption spectroscopy. Gold is measured using fire assay
with atomic absorption spectroscopy; analysis is performed by SGS Laboratories
at Red Lake, Ontario. When visible gold is noted in drill core samples or
regular analytical values exceed 5 grams per tonne, the pulp and screen metallic
assay method is used to determine total gold content and gold content of
different size fractions. This is considered industry best practice when dealing
with coarse gold mineralization where a nugget effect is suspected. The result
of the pulp and screen metallic assay is accepted as the most representative
value and used in the assay database for resource calculations. Blank and
standard samples are added to all sample shipments prior to submittal to the lab
for quality assurance and quality control. If more than two check samples assay
outside of expected ranges, the work order is re-assayed. After the completion
of planned drill programs, random check assays will be carried out by ALS Chemex
of North Vancouver, BC.

Assay intervals reported herein are drill core lengths unless otherwise stated.
Because the known deposits are essentially flat lying and most drill holes
reported to date are vertical, true widths are generally expected to be the same
as reported core lengths unless otherwise stated.

Additional Information

Additional information on Sherwood and its Minto Project can be obtained on
Sherwood's website at

On behalf of the board of directors


Stephen P. Quin, President & CEO

Forward Looking Statements

This document may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of
Canadian securities legislation and the United States Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are made as of
the date of this document and the Company does not intend, and does not assume
any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements.

Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and
reflect management's expectations or beliefs regarding future events and
include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the estimation of
mineral reserves and resources, the realization of mineral reserve estimates,
the timing and amount of estimated future production, costs of production,
capital expenditures, success of mining operations, environmental risks,
unanticipated reclamation expenses, title disputes or claims and limitations on
insurance coverage. In certain cases, forward-looking statements can be
identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect",
"is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends",
"anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such
words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may",
"could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved" or the
negative of these terms or comparable terminology. By their very nature
forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of
the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or
achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such
factors include, among others, risks related to actual results of current
exploration activities; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be
refined; future prices of resources; possible variations in ore reserves, grade
or recovery rates; accidents, labour disputes and other risks of the mining
industry; delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing or in the
completion of development or construction activities; as well as those factors
detailed from time to time in the Company's interim and annual financial
statements and management's discussion and analysis of those statements, all of
which are filed and available for review on SEDAR at Although the
Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual
actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in
forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions,
events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be
no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as
actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated
in such statements.

Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

2008 Drill Statistics - Minto Property
To accompany Sherwood Copper News Release Dated July 17, 2008

                                   Completed               Status
-----------------  -------------------------  -----------------------------
Drill Area and           2008           2008       Assay Data    Assay Data
Type of Hole          Phase 1        Phase 2      Released (i)      Pending
Exploration Holes
Airstrip SW                 0              1                1             0
Airstrip C.                 0              0                0             0
Area 2                      0             14                6             8
Area 118                    0             22               11            11
Area 118 SW                 3              1                3             1
Copper Keel                 0              2                1             1
Gap                         1              0                1             0
Minto Valley               13              0               13             0
Ridgetop                    0             21                0            21
Ridgetop W                  0              3                0             3
                           17             64               36            45
# of Holes to Date              81
# of Metres to Date         17,099
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Details of Drill Results
To accompany Sherwood Copper News Release Dated July 17, 2008

                                     Inter-  Inter-
                        From     To    val     val  Copper   Gold   Silver
Hole ID   Target          (m)    (m)    (m)    (ft)     (%)  (g/t)    (g/t)
08SWC-287 Area 118     173.8  182.5    8.7    28.5    2.27   0.82     12.1
 including             173.8  178.6    4.8    15.7    2.60   0.80      9.5
                       221.1  224.7    3.6    11.8    0.54   0.18      3.3
08SWC-288 Copper Keel  Geochemically anomalous - no significant
          South        intersections
08SWC-289 Area 118      66.5   69.0    2.4     7.9    0.81   0.10      2.0
 and                   153.2  164.9   11.7    38.4    1.42   0.44      5.2
 including             157.4  163.9    6.5    21.3    1.59   0.47      5.1
08SWC-290 Airstrip SW  262.6  265.6    3.0     9.8    1.11   0.14      5.1
08SWC-291 Area 118      42.4   44.8    2.4     7.9    1.32   0.26      2.5
                       148.2  158.3   10.1    33.1    0.76   0.34      3.3
08SWC-292 Area 118     134.4  143.8    9.4    30.8    0.32   0.04      0.9
08SWC-293 Area 2 South  44.6   56.3   11.7    38.4    0.45   0.10      1.1
                       126.8  133.1    6.3    20.7    0.40   0.06      0.6
08SWC-294 Area 118      22.1   27.7    5.6    18.4    0.43   0.02      0.6
 including              22.1   23.6    1.5     4.9    1.11   0.03      0.8
 and                    83.6   87.2    3.6    11.8    0.91   0.25      4.0
 and                   157.4  165.9    8.5    27.9    1.38   0.88      9.4
08SWC-295 Area 2 South Geochemically anomalous - no significant
08SWC-296 Area 2 South  52.4   62.2    9.8    32.1    0.47   0.14      2.7
                        71.3   75.9    4.6    15.1    2.02   0.51     10.8
08SWC-297 Area 2 South  81.3   86.8    5.5    18.0    1.18   0.42      4.8
 including              81.3   83.1    1.8     5.9    2.59   0.92      9.3
08SWC-298 Area 118       2.1    6.1    4.0    13.1    0.41   0.01      1.4
                        26.4   31.2    4.8    15.7    1.93   0.50     10.2
 including              27.4   29.6    2.2     7.2    3.46   0.77     20.0
 and                   115.4  119.4    4.0    13.1    0.46   0.03      0.7
 and                   163.1  173.7   10.6    34.8    1.55   0.48      4.4
08SWC-299 Area 2 South  25.7   37.3   11.6    38.1    0.71   0.13  pending
 and                    89.9   92.6    2.7     8.9    1.06   0.21  pending
 and                   108.5  113.1    4.6    15.1    0.41   0.05  pending
 and                   130.4  135.0    4.6    15.1    0.47   0.01  pending
 and                   182.7  192.5    9.8    32.1    1.75   0.63  pending
 and                   228.3  236.3    8.0    26.2    0.82   0.33  pending
 and                   241.8  247.2    5.4    17.7    0.38   0.07  pending
08SWC-300 Area 118      60.2   68.1    7.9    25.9    0.32   0.10  pending
 and                   126.6  130.7    4.1    13.4    0.93   0.02  pending
 and                   163.7  186.7   23.0    75.5    1.21   0.36  pending
 including             180.2  186.7    6.5    21.3    1.99   0.65  pending
08SWC-301 Area 118      58.1   66.7    8.6    28.2    0.93   0.29  pending
 and                   161.7  179.5   17.8    58.4    1.05   0.20  pending
 and                   224.0  226.1    2.1     6.9    1.35   0.55  pending
08SWC-302 Area 2 South 238.8  247.8    9.0    29.5    0.99   0.58      4.1
08SWC-303 Area 118     216.9  225.7    8.8    28.9    2.26   0.92      7.4
 and                   232.0  238.7    6.7    22.0    0.40   0.06      1.1
 and                   252.5  261.9    9.4    30.8    1.86   0.70      5.6
 including             256.9  261.9    5.0    16.4    2.63   0.98      8.0
08SWC-304 Area 118      57.1   74.2   17.1    56.1    0.52   0.10      3.7
 including              57.1   71.0   13.9    45.6    0.60   0.12      4.3
 and                    57.1   65.3    8.2    26.9    0.81   0.14      6.1
08SWC-305 Area 2 East                Assay Results Pending
08SWC-306 Area 2 East                Assay Results Pending
08SWC-307 Area 118                   Assay Results Pending
08SWC-308 Area 2 East                Assay Results Pending
08SWC-309 Area 2 East                Assay Results Pending
08SWC-310 Area 118      71.2   74.4    3.2    10.5    0.85   0.12  pending
 and                   111.4  116.9    5.5    18.0    0.50   0.06  pending
 and                   189.9  198.4    8.5    27.9    4.71   3.43  pending
 including             193.1  197.6    4.5    14.8    5.78   5.41  pending
              08SWC-311 to 08SWC-350 are all awaiting assay results

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