(All amounts in C$ unless otherwise stated)

Sherwood Copper Corporation (TSX VENTURE:SWC)(TSX VENTURE:SWC.DB) today
announced its results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2008 (the
"Current Quarter" and the "Current Period", respectively) including results of
operations at its high grade Minto copper-gold mine located in the Yukon.

Sherwood generated cash flow from mining operations(i) of $21.4 million and an
adjusted net income(i) of $7.1 million in the Current Quarter and $38.3 million
of cash flow from mining operations(i) and an adjusted net income(i) of $10.8
million for the Current Period, based on the following concentrate sales:

                            Concentrate -     Copper -    Gold -   Silver -
Sales                       tonnes sold       pounds    ounces     ounces
First Quarter 2008                9,158    7,087,088     3,950     25,016
Second Quarter 2008               9,849    7,933,592     4,087     37,304
Total - Current Period           19,007   15,020,680     8,037     62,320

With completion of the Phase 2 mill expansion during the first quarter of 2008,
increasing mill throughput from 1,563 tonnes per day to 2,400 tonnes per day,
the Current Quarter production increased to 12.8 million pounds of payable
copper at an estimated cash cost of $0.96(i) per pound of payable copper,
bringing the Current Period production total to 23.8 million pounds of payable
copper at an estimated cost of $0.99(i) per pound of payable copper. The
difference in the metal produced and the metal sold is due to timing differences
between when the material is produced at the mine and when a sale can be
recognized under Sherwood's revenue recognition policy. Under that policy, in
order for a sale to be recognized, the metals have to be sold. Metals produced
but not sold are carried as inventory at the cost of production. This timing
difference is also affected by the availability of road transport from the mine
to the Port of Skagway due to the freeze up and breakup of the Yukon River in
fall and spring of each year.

"Our high grade Minto copper-gold mine continues to generate strong financial
results," said Stephen Quin, President & CEO. "Recognizing that there is an
approximate three month lag between metal production and the related financial
return, we generated cash flow from mining operations(i) of $21.4 million in the
second quarter and $38.3 million in the first six months of 2008. Given that
copper production totalled 12.8 million pounds in the second quarter and that
there will be two concentrate shipments in the third quarter (as compared to one
in each of the first two quarters) we are well positioned to deliver a strong
set of third quarter results," he said. "Going forward, we expect to achieve our
objective of 55 million pounds of copper production in 2008 and to benefit from
(1) lower unit operating costs as mill throughput is sustained at or above
design levels, (2) head grades increase into the fourth quarter as fresh high
grade ore is accessed following the current pushback in the open pit, and (3)
lower energy costs as we connect to lower cost grid power. In 2009, we are
targeting production of 70 million pounds of copper as a result of a sustained
period of processing high head grades and we complete our Phase 3 expansion to
3,200 tpd of mill throughput."

Highlights for the Current Quarter

The following highlights summarize results for Sherwood and its high grade Minto
copper-gold mine, owned through its wholly owned subsidiary, Minto Explorations
Ltd. ("MintoEx"):

- Produced 14,468 dry metric tonnes ("dmt") of copper concentrate containing
12.8 million pounds of payable copper at an estimated total cash cost(i)
(inclusive of shipping, treatment and refining charges, insurance and by-product
credits) of $0.96 per pound of payable copper.

- Shipped 9,849 dmt of concentrate from the Port of Skagway in April with an
estimated net revenue value of $3,282 per dmt at June 30, 2008.

- Held 15,397 dmt of concentrate in inventory at June 30, 2008 with a carrying
value of $1,482 per dmt comprised of $1,075 cash and $407 non-cash
(substantially below current net realizable values).

- Shipped 9,840 dmt of the above inventory in July 2008. The balance of the June
30, 2008 inventory and a portion of the July production (approximately 9,800
tonnes) is scheduled for shipment in late August.

- All mining activity concentrated on removing 3.3 million dmt of waste to
facilitate access to the Phase 3 higher grade ore by the latter part of the
third quarter 2008.

- Processed 206,263 dmt of ore from stockpiles at an average grade of 3.26%
copper at an average cost(i) of $68 per tonne (which includes all mine site
production costs).

- Generated cash flow from mining operations(i) of $21.4 million and income from
mining operations(i) of $17.4 million on the sale of 9,849 dmt of copper

- Generated an adjusted net income(i) of $7.1 million.

- Repaid US$16.9 million of the project loan facility, leaving a balance of
US$40.9 million outstanding at June 30, 2008.

- Acquired the final 7% of Western Keltic Mines Inc. in May 2008 through the
amalgamation of Western Keltic Mines Inc. and a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Company, giving the Company a 100% interest in the high grade Kutcho Copper
Project in north western British Columbia. The amalgamated company's name was
changed to Kutcho Copper Corp. ("Kutcho Copper").

- Completed a 43-101 compliant preliminary economic assessment ("PEA") on the
high grade Kutcho Copper Project. The PEA evaluated the potential for the
development of a smaller, less capital intensive open pit mining operation on a
portion of the Main deposit that can be developed relatively quickly. Two
parallel tracks are being pursued to enhance this base case option by
evaluating: (a) a number of opportunities identified within the study that could
significantly enhance the economics of the project as defined, and (b) the
potential of increasing the production and mine life by incorporating some of
the more than 50% of the project mineral resources not considered in this study.

- Announced a 50% increase in the copper and a 40% increase in the precious
metals contained in mineral resource estimates for the Minto mine. New mineral
resource estimates were completed for the Area 118 and the Ridgetop deposits,
while those for the Main Minto and Area 2 deposits were updated to incorporate
the results of 101 new holes drilled across these four deposits in 2007. These
resource estimates exclude the results of drilling in 2008.

- Closed the transaction with Firestone Ventures Inc. ("Firestone") whereby
MintoEx received an equity interest in a new public company (Northern Tiger
Resources Inc.) created by Firestone in exchange for contributing four sets of
mineral claims in the Minto region, access to MintoEx's extensive Yukon
exploration database and participation in a regional exploration alliance.

Highlights Subsequent to Current Quarter

- Announced initial results from the 2008 drill program, which was undertaken in
order to increase confidence in the mineral resources that comprise the bulk of
the "Main" deposit at the Kutcho Project, to infill gaps in the previous
resource model, test potential along open high grade trends within the Main
deposit and to provide ample sample material for an extensive metallurgical
program, all in support of advancing the Kutcho Project toward completion of a
feasibility study.

- Announced results for 34 drill holes completed at the Minto Mine. Highlights
of these recent results include: (a) confirmation of a high grade zone within
the Area 118 deposit, including the highest reported intercept from Area 118 to
date (4.7% copper and 3.4g/t gold over 8.5 metres (m)), and (b) the discovery of
further high grade mineralization in wide-spaced drilling on the south and east
margins of the Area 2 and (c) a significant intercept in the Copper Keel area.

- Completed a National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report that details two
significant developments at the high grade Minto copper-gold mine:

-- Rescheduling of the open pit currently being mined, higher grade copper
production has been brought forward from 2010 to 2009.

-- Details the updated mineral resource estimates announced in June 2008,
increasing the mineral resources by approximately 50%.

Financial Results

In Current Quarter and the Current Period, the Company recorded net revenue of
$32.3 million on the sale of 9,489 dmt of copper concentrate (at $3,282 per dmt)
and $61.0 million on the sale of 19,007 dmt (at $3,209 per dmt), respectively.
These sales generated cash flow from mining operations(i) in the Current Quarter
of $21.4 million and income from mining operations of $17.4 million. In the
Current Period, $38.3 million of cash flow from mining operations(i) and $30.4
million of income from mining operations(i) were generated.

A total of 14,468 dmt of copper concentrate were produced in the Current Quarter
for a total of 27,711 tonnes produced during the Current Period. There was no
production in the comparable periods as the Company only achieved commercial
production on October 1, 2007. In the Current Quarter, 9,849 dmt were shipped,
bringing the total for the Current Period to 19,007 dmt. At the end of the
Current Period, 15,397 dmt of copper concentrate with an average attributable
cost of $1,482 per dmt (cash $1,075 and non-cash $407) were held in inventory.
The attributable cost reported is substantially below current net realizable
values for this concentrate held in inventory. The difference between the
average attributable cost of the concentrate and the current net realizable
value is substantial but is not reflected in the interim consolidated financial
statements and will not be so reflected until these concentrates are shipped.

                                                      Cost per      Total
                                    Dry     Cost per     tonne,      cost
                                 metric        tonne, non-cash        per
Copper Concentrate                tonne       cash(i)       (i)   tonne(i)
Opening inventory                 6,692       $1,775      $427     $2,202
Produced - First Quarter 2008    13,243       $  985      $388     $1,373
Inventory adjustment               (580)           -         -          -
Sold - First Quarter 2008        (9,158)      $1,288      $413     $1,701
Inventory March 31, 2008         10,196       $1,288      $413     $1,701
Produced - Second Quarter 2008   15,049       $  930      $403     $1,333
Sold - Second Quarter 2008       (9,489)      $1,075      $407     $1,482
Inventory - June 30, 2008        15,397       $1,075      $407     $1,482

Production costs (cash and non-cash) per dmt of copper concentrate continue
trending down at $1,333 in the Current Period compared with $1,373 and $2,202 in
the first quarter of 2008 and the fourth quarter of 2007, respectively, as costs
and production levels ramped up to full capacity in the Current Period. The
expectation is that, over the balance of 2008, the cost per dmt of concentrate
produced will be further reduced as unit costs decrease and production levels

Current Quarter

The Company reported an overall net loss of $0.2 million in the Current Quarter
compared with a net loss of $21.3 million for the three months ended June 30,
2007 (the "Comparative Quarter"). The main reason for this improvement was the
generation of income from mining operations(i) of $15.7 million in the Current
Quarter compared to a loss from mining operations(i) of $2.3 million in the
Comparative Quarter. The quarters are not readily comparable as the Company was
in the development stage in the Comparative Quarter. Another significant
difference was a lower loss on derivative instruments (i.e. forward metal sales)
in the Current Quarter of $7.0 million realized and $6.1 million unrealized
compared with only an unrealized loss of $22.8 million in the Comparative
Period. These changes were partially offset by higher interest expense ($1.1
million), a lower foreign exchange gain ($3.7 million) and higher tax expenses
($2.4 million).

Current Period

The Company reported a net loss of $66.3 million in the Current Period compared
with a net loss of $22.9 million for the six months ended June 30, 2007 (the
"Comparative Period"). The main reasons for the higher net loss were due to the
realized ($7.7 million) and unrealized ($76.6 million) loss of derivative
instruments (i.e. forward metal sales) compared with an unrealized loss of $22.8
million in the Comparative Period, higher interest expense ($3.3 million), a
foreign exchange loss compared with a gain ($7.6 million) and higher tax
expenses ($2.6 million).

A realized loss on derivative instruments is related to the settlement of
forward metal sales contracts closed out. Sherwood only settles forward metal
sales contracts in periods that actual metal sales are settled. An unrealized
loss on derivative instruments is an estimate of the mark-to-market cost of
closing out all the longer term forward metal sales contracts where metal is to
be delivered against these in future periods, assuming the forward copper prices
as of June 30, 2008. However, since these deliveries have not yet taken place
and metal prices could be different by the time such deliveries are made, such
losses are unrealized and could be quite different by the time the deliveries
occur. For example, the mark-to-market loss on derivative instruments in the
Current Period of $76.6 million would be less than half of the amount reported,
based on current metal prices.

Sherwood's net income or loss may vary significantly from quarter to quarter
based on revenue recognition timing. In addition, the mark-to-market of forward
metal sales, expenses for stock based compensation and foreign exchange
adjustments, all of which are non-cash adjustments, can swing significantly from
period to period and therefore affect reported net income without any impact on
cash or the financial strength of the Company. For example, the mark-to-market
loss on derivative instruments in the Current Period of $76.6 million would be
less than half of the amount reported based on current metal prices.

Additional details on the financial and production results are available in the
Company's unaudited consolidated interim financial statements and management
discussion and analysis for the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2008
filed on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

Concentrate Shipments

15,397 dmt of copper concentrate were held in inventory at June 30, 2008, of
which 9,840 dmt were shipped in early July of 2008. This tonnage, and an
additional 9,800 dmt scheduled for shipment in late August, will be recognized
as revenue in the third quarter of 2008. Sherwood settled 2,786 tonnes of
forward copper sales in July 2008, matching these sales to the final price
settlement of the April 2008 concentrate shipment. These forward copper sales
had an average strike price of $6,276 per tonne of copper. In addition, these
concentrates contain significant gold and silver credits. The Company expects to
settle forward sales against approximately 50% of 2008 forecast production,
providing Sherwood with significant exposure to current high spot prices for
copper, gold and silver in 2008.

Production Outlook

As announced August 5, 2008 and detailed in a Technical Report filed on SEDAR,
Sherwood is targeting production of approximately 55 million pounds of payable
copper and more than 24,000 oz of payable gold in 2008 and 70 million pounds of
payable copper and more than 31,000 oz of payable gold in 2009. As outlined in
the Technical Report, this production profile is a result of rescheduled mine
production from the main pit at the Minto Mine that accelerates the mining of
high grade ore previously scheduled for production in 2010. This rescheduled
production profile excludes consideration of the significant increase in mineral
resource detailed in the Technical Report, or consideration of the extensive and
successful 2008 drill program. Sherwood has engaged SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc.
("SRK") to prepare an updated pre-feasibility study on the Minto Mine
incorporating the results of the new resource estimates, the 2008 drilling and
other activities with the objective of demonstrating sustained production at a
rate of 60-70 million pounds of copper per year in that study, likely entailing
a Phase 4 mill expansion.

About Sherwood Copper

Sherwood Copper's current focus is profitable production of base and precious
metals from high grade, open pit mines in Canada. Sherwood's first operating
mine, the high grade Minto copper-gold mine in Yukon, Canada, was built on
budget and ahead of schedule. The Minto Mine is one of the highest-grade open
pit copper-gold mines in the world, and is forecast to be a low cost producer.
Aggressive exploration on the Minto property has yielded significant success,
providing Sherwood the opportunity to 'grow from within' by expanding the
resource and reserve base, potentially leading to further production increases.
To further accelerate its production growth, Sherwood intends to pursue merger &
acquisition opportunities that fit its business model and, in May 2008, Sherwood
acquired 100% ownership in Western Keltic Mines, owner of the high-grade Kutcho
copper-zinc-gold-silver deposit in northwestern British Columbia. Sherwood
expects to lever off its successful development of the Minto Mine and advance
the Kutcho project to a production decision.

Quality Assurance

The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance
with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 and
reviewed by Stephen P. Quin, P. Geo., President & CEO for Sherwood Copper
Corporation. The operational activities carried out at the Minto Mine have been
carried out under the supervision of Randall Thompson, General Manager of the
Minto Mine, and Kevin Weston, Chief Operating Officer for Sherwood Copper, who
have reviewed and approved the information contained herein. The exploration
activities at the Minto Mine and Kutcho Project have been carried out under the
supervision of Brad Mercer, P. Geo., Sherwood's VP Exploration.

Additional information on Sherwood and its Minto Project can be obtained on
Sherwood's website at http://www.sherwoodcopper.com.

On behalf of the board of directors


Stephen P. Quin, President & CEO

This document may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of
Canadian securities legislation and the United States Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are made as of
the date of this document and the Company does not intend, and does not assume
any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements.

Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and
reflect management's expectations or beliefs regarding future events and
include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the estimation of
mineral reserves and mineral resources, conversion of inferred mineral resources
to the measured and indicated categories, the realization of mineral reserve
estimates in mining, the timing and amount of estimated future production, costs
of production, capital expenditures, success of mining operations, environmental
risks, unanticipated reclamation expenses, title disputes or claims and
limitations on insurance coverage. In certain cases, forward-looking statements
can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects" or "does not
expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts",
"intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations
of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results
"may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved" or
the negative of these terms or comparable terminology. By their very nature,
forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
other factors, which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements
of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance
or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such
factors include, among others, risks related to actual results of current
exploration activities; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be
refined; future prices of metals; future currency exchange rates; conversion of
mineral resources to higher confidence levels or to mineral reserves; possible
variations in mineral reserves, grade or recovery rates; accidents, labour
disputes and other risks of the mining industry; changes in the legal or
regulatory regime affecting the Company's operations; delays in obtaining
governmental approvals or financing or in the completion of development or
construction activities; as well as those factors detailed from time to time in
the Company's interim and annual financial statements and management's
discussion and analysis of those statements, including those for the Current
Period, all of which are filed and available for review on SEDAR at
www.sedar.com. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors
that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from
those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that
cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or
intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove
to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from
those anticipated in such statements.

Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

(i) These are non-GAAP performance measures and readers should refer to notes on
non-GAAP performance measures on page 17 of the Company's management discussion
and analysis for the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2008 as filed on
Sedar for further details.

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