3rd Quarter Results
10 February 2004 - 9:27PM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:2089V
Nipro Corporation
10 February 2004
February 10, 2004
Summary Report of Consolidated Financial Results
For the Nine Months Period ended December 31, 2003
(Fiscal Yearending March 31, 2004)
Company name: NIPRO CORPORATION (Code No.: 8086 TSE-1st Section)
(URL: http://www.nipro.co.jp/)
Representative: Minoru Sano, President and Representative Director
Contact: Akihiko Yamabe, Director, General Manager of Accounting Division
(TEL: +81 (0)6 6372 2331)
1. Matters related to the preparation of quarterly financial summary
(1) Difference in the method of accounting recognition from the most recent
fiscal year: N/A
(2) Changes of reporting entities: N/A
2. Business results and financial position for the Nine Months ended December
31, 2003 (From April 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003)
(1) Results of Operations
(Note: Amounts are rounded off per one million yen)
Net Sales Operating Recurring Net Income
Income Income
Millions % Millions % Millions % Millions %
of yen of yen of yen of yen
Nine months ended 142,256 - 10,066 - 8,049 - 3,889 -
December 31, 2003
Nine months ended - - - - - - - -
December 31, 2002
Previous fiscal 180,369 14,899 11,397 5,077
Basic Earnings Diluted Earnings
per Share per Share
Yen Yen
Nine months ended 61.13 -
December 31, 2003
Nine months ended - -
December 31, 2002
Previous fiscal year 84.25 78.48
(Note) Figures of the nine months period of the previous fiscal year and the
ratios in comparison with the corresponding period of the previous fiscal
year are not given, as the preparation of the consolidated quarterly
financial statements was initiated in this fiscal year.
(Supplementary information on the consolidated results of operations)
The Japanese economy for this nine months period of the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2003 showed some signs of recovery in terms of increase in
production and capital investments. However, individual income conditions were
continuously severe, and the mood of recession generally remained for the period
under review.
Under such conditions, Nipro has focused on Research and Development and
conducted active sales activities.
As a result, net sales for the nine months period ended December 31, 2003
amounted to 142,256 million yen, operating income amounted to 10,066 million
yen, recurring income amounted to 8,049 million yen and net income amounted to
3,889 million yen.
(2)Financial Position
Total Assets Shareholders' Shareholders' Shareholders'
Equity Equity Ratio Equity per
Millions Millions % Yen
of yen of yen
Nine months ended 272,347 90,573 33.3 1423.59
December 31, 2003
Nine months ended - - - -
December 31, 2003
Previous fiscal 252,847 83,532 33.0 1,310.72
(Note) Figures of the nine months period of the previous fiscal year are not
given, as the preparation of the consolidated quarterly financial
statements was initiated in this fiscal year.
Cash Flows
(Millions of yen)
Cash flowsCash flows Cash flows Cash and
from from from cash
operating investing financing equivalents
activities activities activities
Millions Millions Millions Millions
of yen of yen of yen of yen
Nine months ended 7,926 (9,867) 13,642 40,937
December 31, 2003
Nine months ended - - - -
December 31, 2002
Previous Fiscal 5,453 (30,107) 11,469 29,393
(Note) Figures of the nine months period of the previous fiscal year are not
given, as the preparation of the consolidated quarterly financial
statements was initiated in this fiscal year.
(Supplementary information on the changes in the financial position)
(1) Changes in the financial position
Total assets increased by 19,499 million yen from the end of the previous fiscal
year to 272,347 million yen. Current assets increased by 11,406 million yen to
127,837 million yen, and fixed assets increased by 8,092 million yen to 144,509
million yen. In the current assets, cash and bank deposits increased by 11,064
million yen. In the fixed assets, investment securities increased by 7,269
million yen. Liabilities increased by 12,471 million yen from the end of the
previous fiscal year to 180,018 million yen. Current liabilities increased by
6,948 million yen to 95,837 million yen, and noncurrent liabilities increased by
5,523 million yen to 84,180 million yen. In the current liabilities, current
portion of bonds increased by 8,000 million yen, and in the noncurrent
liabilities, convertible-bond-type bonds with stock acquisition rights increased
by 14,000 million yen. Shareholders' equity increased by 7,040 million yen
from the end of the previous fiscal year to 90,573 million yen. In this
section, earned surplus increased by 2,378 million yen to 30,283 million yen and
valuaton differences of other securities increased by 4,919 million yen to 7,770
million yen.
(2) Cash flows
Net cash provided by operating activities was 7,926 million yen, net cash used
in investing activities was 9,867 million yen, net cash provided by financing
activities was 13,642 million yen and cash and cash equivalents increased by
11,544 million yen to 40,937 million yen. Net cash used in investing activities
mainly reflected the purchases of fixed assets for 11,139 million yen, and net
cash provided by financing activities was mainly due to proceeds from issuance
of bonds for 13,921 million yen.
3. Projected Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year ending
March 31, 2004 (From April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004)
Net Sales Recurring Net Income Net Income per
Income Share
Millions of Millions of Millions of Yen
yen yen yen
Fiscal year ending 187,000 9,200 4,150 63.48
March 31, 2004
(Supplementary information on the business forecasts)
The Japanese economy is anticipated to remain in the uncertainty, due to the
concerns in appreciation of yen and rise of interest rate arising from the
expectation of economic recovery. Under such circumstances, we will strive to
improvethe business performance by focusing on Research & Development and Sales
& Marketing.
There is no amendment to the forecast announced on November 25, 2003.
The projections shown above are prepared based on information available as of
the issuing date of this report. The actual results may differ from the
projected figures due to various factors.
This information is provided by RNS
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