RNS Number : 9248L 
Nippon Sheet Glass Company Limited 
14 May 2010 

 FY2010 Annual Consolidated Financial Results 
(English translation of the Japanese original) 
Note: Fractional amounts rounded to nearest million yen 
Consolidated financial statements 
(1) Consolidated balance sheet 
|                                   |  FY2009   |             FY2010              | 
|                                   |    JPY    |          JPY million            | 
|                                   |  million  |                                 | 
| ASSETS                            |           |                                 | 
| Current assets                    |           |                                 | 
| Cash and deposits                 |    94,979 |                          79,796 | 
| Notes and account receivables -   |    94,291 |                          97,680 | 
| trade                             |           |                                 | 
| Merchandise and finished goods    |    69,335 |                          56,107 | 
| Work in Process                   |    10,352 |                          10,375 | 
| Raw materials and supplies        |    34,139 |                          32,309 | 
| Deferred tax assets (current)     |       974 |                             560 | 
| Other current assets              |    24,977 |                          24,765 | 
| Allowance for doubtful accounts   |   (3,815) |                         (4,146) | 
| Total: Current assets             |   325,231 |                         297,446 | 
|                                   |           |                                 | 
| Fixed assets                      |           |                                 | 
| Tangible assets                   |           |                                 | 
| Buildings and structures          |   147,014 |                         141,122 | 
| Accumulated depreciation          |  (79,334) |                        (78,184) | 
| Buildings and structures - net    |    67,679 |                          62,938 | 
| Machinery and vehicles            |   366,197 |                         357,689 | 
| Accumulated depreciation          | (188,927) |                       (199,666) | 
| Machinery and vehicles - net      |   177,270 |                         158,023 | 
| Tools and dies                    |    41,603 |                          45,330 | 
| Accumulated depreciation          |  (25,200) |                        (28,768) | 
| Tools and dies - net              |    16,403 |                          16,562 | 
| Land                              |    46,483 |                          39,774 | 
| Leased assets                     |     8,089 |                           8,179 | 
| Accumulated depreciation          |   (3,136) |                         (3,820) | 
| Leased assets - net               |     4,953 |                           4,359 | 
| Construction in progress          |     4,690 |                           1,486 | 
| Total: Tangible fixed assets      |   317,478 |                         283,140 | 
|                                   |           |                                 | 
| Intangible assets                 |           |                                 | 
| Goodwill                          |   132,882 |                         122,653 | 
| Other intangible assets           |   127,283 |                         113,381 | 
| Total: Intangible fixed assets    |   260,165 |                         236,034 | 
|                                   |           |                                 | 
| Investments and other assets      |           |                                 | 
| Investments                       |    55,935 |                          59,224 | 
| Deferred tax assets (non-current) |    48,363 |                          47,836 | 
| Other non-current assets          |    19,382 |                          12,009 | 
| Allowance for doubtful accounts   |   (1,334) |                         (1,969) | 
| Total: Investments and other      |   122,347 |                         117,100 | 
| assets                            |           |                                 | 
| Total: Fixed assets               |   699,989 |                         636,275 | 
| Total : Assets                    | 1,025,221 |                         933,721 | 
| LIABILITIES                       |                      |           |          | 
| Current liabilities               |                      |           |          | 
| Notes and accounts payable -      |               61,902 |    68,898 |          | 
| trade                             |                      |           |          | 
| Short-term bank borrowings        |               84,784 |    25,619 |          | 
| Current portion of long-term bank |                    - |    41,533 |          | 
| borrowings                        |                      |           |          | 
| Bonds maturing within one year    |                    - |    10,000 |          | 
| Lease obligations                 |                3,038 |     1,984 |          | 
| Accrued income tax                |               19,369 |     6,023 |          | 
| Provision for employees' bonuses  |                2,458 |     5,405 |          | 
| Provision for directors' bonuses  |                    8 |        14 |          | 
| Provision for losses incurring    |                  245 |         - |          | 
| from enhanced                     |                      |           |          | 
| early retirement program          |                      |           |          | 
| Provision for Netherlands fine    |                2,590 |       625 |          | 
| Provision for warranties and      |                4,968 |     7,225 |          | 
| claims                            |                      |           |          | 
| Provision for restructuring       |               10,941 |     3,485 |          | 
| expenditure                       |                      |           |          | 
| Provision for German minority     |                3,192 |       353 |          | 
| interest                          |                      |           |          | 
| Deferred tax liabilities          |                    3 |     5,562 |          | 
| (current)                         |                      |           |          | 
| Other current liabilities         |               75,817 |    58,409 |          | 
| Total: Current liabilities        |              269,315 |   235,134 |          | 
| Non-current liabilities           |                      |           |          | 
| Bonds                             |               60,000 |    50,000 |          | 
| Long-term bank borrowings         |              273,557 |   262,326 |          | 
| Lease obligations                 |                4,943 |     2,980 |          | 
| Accrued retirement benefits for   |               62,808 |    59,319 |          | 
| employees                         |                      |           |          | 
| Accrued retirement benefits for   |                  183 |         - |          | 
| directors                         |                      |           |          | 
| Provision for rebuilding furnaces |               10,159 |    10,560 |          | 
| Environmental provision           |                6,531 |     7,401 |          | 
| Deferred tax liabilities          |               62,271 |    45,919 |          | 
| (non-current)                     |                      |           |          | 
| Other non-current liabilities     |               18,232 |    20,152 |          | 
| Total: Non-current liabilities    |              498,683 |   458,656 |          | 
| Total : Liabilities               |              767,998 |   693,790 |          | 
| NET ASSETS                        |                      |           |          | 
| Shareholders' Equity              |                      |           |          | 
| Common stock                      |               96,147 |    96,147 |          | 
| Capital surplus                   |              105,287 |   135,290 |          | 
| Retained earnings                 |              118,159 |    71,696 |          | 
| Treasury stocks - at cost         |                (585) |     (589) |          | 
| Total: Shareholders' equity       |              319,009 |   302,544 |          | 
| Valuation and translation         |                      |           |          | 
| adjustments                       |                      |           |          | 
| Unrealized holding gain on        |                2,339 |       836 |          | 
| securities                        |                      |           |          | 
| Net unrealized loss on derivative |             (10,756) |   (5,026) |          | 
| instruments                       |                      |           |          | 
| Foreign currency translation      |             (63,944) |  (68,048) |          | 
| adjustments                       |                      |           |          | 
| Total: Valuation and translation  |             (72,361) |  (72,238) |          | 
| adjustments                       |                      |           |          | 
| Stock Options                     |                  493 |       684 |          | 
| Minority interests in             |               10,082 |     8,942 |          | 
| consolidated subsidiaries         |                      |           |          | 
| Total: Net assets                 |              257,223 |   239,931 |          | 
| Total: Liabilities and Net Assets |            1,025,221 |   933,721 |          | 
|                                   |           |          |           |          | 
(2) Consolidated income statement 
|                                 |      FY2009        |      FY2010        | 
|                                 |        JPY         |        JPY         | 
|                                 |      million       |      million       | 
| Net sales                       |         |  739,365 |         |  588,394 | 
| Cost of sales                   |         |  537,269 |         |  440,055 | 
| Gross Income                    |         |  202,095 |         |  148,339 | 
| Selling, general and            |         |  200,187 |         |  165,522 | 
| administrative expenses         |         |          |         |          | 
| Operating income/(loss)         |         |    1,908 |         | (17,183) | 
| Non-operating income            |         |          |         |          | 
| Interest income                 |   6,787 |          |   1,929 |          | 
| Dividend income                 |   1,471 |          |     780 |          | 
| Equity in earnings of           |   1,585 |          |   2,396 |          | 
| affiliates                      |         |          |         |          | 
| Other non-operating income      |   1,526 |   11,369 |   1,336 |    6,441 | 
| Non-operating expense           |         |          |         |          | 
| Interest expense                |  19,956 |          |  14,252 |          | 
| Foreign exchange loss           |   2,807 |          |       - |          | 
| Other non-operating expense     |   2,773 |   25,537 |   3,558 |   17,809 | 
| Ordinary loss                   |         | (12,259) |         | (28,552) | 
| Extraordinary income            |         |          |         |          | 
| Gain from sale of fixed assets  |   1,337 |          |   1,809 |          | 
| Gain from sale of investments   |   7,720 |          |   4,137 |          | 
| in securities                   |         |          |         |          | 
| Gain from sale of investments   |  30,023 |          |       - |          | 
| in subsidiaries and affiliates  |         |          |         |          | 
| Other                           |     813 |   39,893 |   3,367 |    9,313 | 
| Extraordinary loss              |         |          |         |          | 
| Loss on retirement of non       |   1,106 |          |       - |          | 
| current assets                  |         |          |         |          | 
| Loss on sale of non current     |     714 |          |     164 |          | 
| assets                          |         |          |         |          | 
| Impairment of fixed assets      |   9,899 |          |  10,669 |          | 
| Revaluation of investments in   |   1,388 |          |       - |          | 
| securities                      |         |          |         |          | 
| Loss arising on notification of |   7,773 |          |         |          | 
| EC fine                         |         |          |         |          | 
| Restructuring expenditure       |  15,375 |          |   4,629 |          | 
| Other                           |   4,895 |   41,149 |   7,714 |   23,176 | 
| Net loss before taxation and    |         | (13,515) |         | (42,414) | 
| minority interest               |         |          |         |          | 
| Income tax - current            |  17,999 |          |   5,538 |          | 
| Income tax - deferred           | (5,167) |   12,833 | (8,015) |  (2,477) | 
| Minority interest in net income |         |    2,044 |         |    1,375 | 
| of subsidiaries                 |         |          |         |          | 
| Net loss                        |         | (28,392) |         | (41,313) | 
|                                                                           | 
(3)  Consolidated statements of movement in net assets 
| | | | |                |                |           |           | 
| | | | |                |                |  FY2009   |  FY2010   | 
| | | | |                |                |    JPY    |    JPY    | 
| | | | |                |                |  million  |  million  | 
|  | Shareholders' equity                  |           |           | 
|  |  | Capital stock                       |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of previous    |    96,147 |    96,147 | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Changes of items during the       |           |           | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
| | | | | Issuance of new shares          |         - |    15,000 | 
| | | | | Transfer of capital stock to    |         - |  (15,000) | 
| | | | | capital surplus                 |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Total changes of items during   |         - |         - | 
| | | | | the period                      |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of current     |    96,147 |   96,147  | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  | Capital surplus                     |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of previous    |   105,292 |   105,287 | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Changes of items during the       |           |           | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Movement in treasury stock      |       (5) |         3 | 
| | | | | Issuance of new shares          |         - |    15,000 | 
| | | | | Transfer of capital stock to    |         - |    15,000 | 
| | | | | capital surplus                 |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Total changes of items during   |       (5) |   30,003  | 
| | | | | the period                      |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of current     |   105,287 |   135,290 | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  | Retained earnings                   |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of previous    |   152,097 |   118,159 | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Changes of items during the       |           |           | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Dividends from surplus          |   (4,009) |   (5,152) | 
|  |  |  |  | Net loss                        |  (28,392) |  (41,313) | 
|  |  |  |  | New inclusion of a subsidiary   |   (1,537) |         - | 
|  |  |  |  | Total changes of items during   |  (33,939) |  (46,465) | 
| | | | | the period                      |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of current     |   118,159 |    71,696 | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  | Treasury stock                      |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of previous    |     (541) |     (585) | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Changes of items during the       |           |           | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Purchase of treasury stock      |      (67) |      (15) | 
|  |  |  |  | Disposal of treasury stock      |        24 |        11 | 
|  |  |  |  | Total changes of items during   |      (43) |       (4) | 
| | | | | the period                      |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of current     |     (585) |     (589) | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  | Total shareholders' equity          |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of previous    |   352,995 |   319,009 | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Changes of items during the       |           |           | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
| | | | | Issuance of new shares          |         - |    30,000 | 
| | | | | Transfer of capital stock to    |         - |         - | 
| | | | | capital surplus                 |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Dividends from surplus          |   (4,009) |   (5,152) | 
|  |  |  |  | Net loss                        |  (28,392) |  (41,313) | 
|  |  |  |  | Purchase of treasury stock      |      (67) |      (15) | 
|  |  |  |  | Disposal of treasury stock      |        19 |        14 | 
|  |  |  |  | New inclusion of a subsidiary   |   (1,537) |         - | 
|  |  |  |  | Total changes of items during   |  (33,986) |  (16,466) | 
| | | | | the period                      |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of current     |   319,009 |   302,544 | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  | Valuation and translation adjustments |           |           | 
|  |  | Valuation difference on             |           |           | 
| | | available-for-sale securities       |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of previous    |     9,194 |     2,339 | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Changes of items during the       |           |           | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Net changes of items other than |   (6,855) |   (1,503) | 
| | | | | shareholders' equity            |           |           | 
| |  |  |  | Total changes of items during   |   (6,855) |   (1,503) | 
| | | | | the period                      |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of current     |     2,339 |       836 | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  | Deferred gains or losses on hedges  |           |           | 
|  |  | | Balance at the end of previous    |     (127) |  (10,756) | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Changes of items during the       |           |           | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Net changes of items other than |  (10,628) |     5,730 | 
| | | | | shareholders' equity            |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Total changes of items during   |  (10,628) |     5,730 | 
| | | | | the period                      |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of current     |  (10,756) |   (5,026) | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  | Foreign currency translation        |           |           | 
| | | adjustment                          |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of previous    |   (3,626) |  (63,944) | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Changes of items during the       |           |           | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Net changes of items other than |  (60,318) |   (4,104) | 
| | | | | shareholders' equity            |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Total changes of items during   |  (60,318) |   (4,104) | 
| | | | | the period                      |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of current     |  (63,944) |  (68,048) | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  | Total valuation and translation     |           |           | 
| | | adjustments                         |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of previous    |     5,439 |  (72,361) | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Changes of items during the       |           |           | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Net changes of items other than |  (77,801) |       123 | 
| | | | | shareholders' equity            |           |           | 
|  |  |  |  | Total changes of items during   |  (77,801) |       123 | 
| | | | | the period                      |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Balance at the end of current     |  (72,361) |  (72,238) | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  | Subscription rights to shares         |           |           | 
|  |  | Balance at the end of previous      |       253 |       493 | 
| | | period                              |           |           | 
|  |  | Changes of items during the period  |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Net changes of items other than   |       239 |       191 | 
| | | | shareholders' equity              |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Total changes of items during the |       239 |       191 | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  | Balance at the end of current       |       493 |       684 | 
| | | period                              |           |           | 
|  | Minority interests                    |           |           | 
|  | | Balance at the end of previous      |    13,310 |    10,082 | 
| | | period                              |           |           | 
|  |  | Changes of items during the period  |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Net changes of items other than   |   (3,228) |   (1,140) | 
| | | | shareholders' equity              |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Total changes of items during the |   (3,228) |   (1,140) | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  | Balance at the end of current       |    10,082 |     8,942 | 
| | | period                              |           |           | 
|  | Total net assets                      |           |           | 
|  |  | Balance at the end of previous      |   371,998 |   257,223 | 
| | | period                              |           |           | 
|  |  | Changes of items during the period  |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Issuance of new shares            |         - |    30,000 | 
|  |  |  | Transfer of capital stock to      |         - |         - | 
| | | | capital surplus                   |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Dividends from surplus            |   (4,009) |   (5,152) | 
|  |  |  | Net loss                          |  (28,392) |  (41,313) | 
|  |  |  | Purchase of treasury stock        |      (67) |      (15) | 
|  |  |  | Disposal of treasury stock        |        19 |        14 | 
|  |  |  | New inclusion of a subsidiary     |   (1,537) |         - | 
|  |  |  | Net changes of items other than   |  (80,789) |     (826) | 
| | | | shareholders' equity              |           |           | 
|  |  |  | Total changes of items during the | (114,776) |  (17,292) | 
| | | | period                            |           |           | 
|  |  | Balance at the end of current       |   257,223 |   239,931 | 
| | | period                              |           |           | 
(4)  Consolidated cash flow statement 
|                                       |  FY2009  |                                       |  FY2010   |          | 
|                                       |   JPY    |                                       |    JPY    |          | 
|                                       | million  |                                       |  million  |          | 
| Cash flows from operating activities: |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Loss before income taxes and minority | (13,515) |                                       |  (42,414) |          | 
| interests                             |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Adjustments for:                      |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Depreciation and amortization         |   57,772 |                                       |    49,560 |          | 
| (excluding goodwill)                  |          |                                       |           |          | 
|  Amortization of goodwill             |    8,486 |                                       |     7,501 |          | 
|  Loss on impairment of fixed assets   |    9,899 |                                       |    10,669 |          | 
|  Allowance for doubtful debts         |    (198) |                                       |       876 |          | 
|  Accrued retirement benefits          | (16,682) |                                       |   (1,340) |          | 
|  Provision for repairs                |      395 |                                       |       401 |          | 
|  EC automotive glass provision        | (43,448) |                                       |         - |          | 
|  German minority interest provision   |    3,967 |                                       |   (2,839) |          | 
|  Netherlands fine provision           |    3,219 |                                       |   (1,965) |          | 
|  Restructuring expenditure provision  |   13,296 |                                       |   (7,456) |          | 
| Loss/(Gain) on disposal of non        |      483 |                                       |     (873) |          | 
| current assets                        |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Gain on sale of investments in        |  (7,662) |                                       |   (4,137) |          | 
| securities                            |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Loss on valuation of investment       |    1,388 |                                       |         - |          | 
| securities                            |          |                                       |           |          | 
| (Gain)/loss on sale of stocks of      | (30,023) |                                       |     1,086 |          | 
| subsidiaries and affiliates           |          |                                       |           |          | 
|  Equity in earnings in affiliates     |  (1,585) |                                       |   (2,396) |          | 
|  Interest and dividend income         |  (8,258) |                                       |   (2,709) |          | 
|  Interest expense                     |   19,956 |                                       |    15,261 |          | 
| (Increase)/decrease of note and       |   37,271 |                                       |  (12,696) |          | 
| account receivable                    |          |                                       |           |          | 
|  (Increase)/decrease of inventories   |  (9,971) |                                       |    12,845 |          | 
| Increase/(decrease) of note and       | (30,290) |                                       |       736 |          | 
| account payable                       |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Other, net                            |  (6,820) |                                       |     9,440 |          | 
| Sub total                             | (12,321) |                                       |    29,553 |          | 
| Interest and dividend income          |   10,861 |                                       |     5,797 |          | 
| received                              |          |                                       |           |          | 
|    Interest paid                      | (19,518) |                                       |  (19,523) |          | 
|    Income taxes paid                  | (11,619) |                                       |  (18,594) |          | 
| Net cash used in operating activities | (32,597) |                                       |   (2,768) |          | 
|                                       |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Cash flows from investing activities: |          |                                       |           |          | 
|         Payments into time deposits   |    (196) |                                       |     (361) |          | 
|      Withdrawals from time deposits   |      994 |                                       |       454 |          | 
| Purchase of investment                |    (671) |                                       |      (17) |          | 
| securities                            |          |                                       |           |          | 
|      Sales of investment securities   |    9,705 |                                       |     7,668 |          | 
| Acquisition of investments in         |  (2,559) |                                       |   (7,016) |          | 
| subsidiaries and affiliates           |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Sale of investments in                |   42,639 |                                       |    14,454 |          | 
| subsidiaries and affiliates           |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Purchase of property, plant           | (42,635) |                                       |  (15,746) |          | 
| and equipment                         |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Sales of property, plant and          |    3,722 |                                       |     2,920 |          | 
| equipment                             |          |                                       |           |          | 
|      Purchase of intangible assets    |    (473) |                                       |   (1,012) |          | 
| Movement in short term loans          |  (6,727) |                                       |   (2,055) |          | 
| receivable                            |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Payments of long term loans           |    (115) |                                       |  (10,720) |          | 
| receivable                            |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Proceeds from repayment of long       |        - |                                       |     5,543 |          | 
| term loans receivable                 |  (1,095) |                                       |         - |          | 
|                                       |    2,589 |                                       |           |          | 
|                                       |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Other, net                            |  (1,095) |                                       |         - |          | 
| Net cash provided by/(used in)        |    2,589 |                                       |   (5,887) |          | 
| investing activities                  |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Cash flows from financing activities: |          |                                       |           |          | 
| (Decrease)/Increase in                | (22,902) |                                       |       441 |          | 
| short-term borrowings                 |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Proceeds from long-term loan          |   98,160 |                                       |   144,846 |          | 
| payable                               | (65,858) |                                       | (176,030) |          | 
| Repayment of long-term loan           |          |                                       |           |          | 
| payable                               |          |                                       |           |          | 
+                                       +          +---------------------------------------+           +----------+ 
|                                       |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Repayment of finance lease            |  (3,847) |                                       |   (3,087) |          | 
| obligations                           |          |                                       |           |          | 
|      Proceeds from issuance of bonds  |   26,828 |                                       |         - |          | 
|      Redemption of bonds              | (10,000) |                                       |         - |          | 
| Proceeds from Issuance of new         |        - |                                       |    30,000 |          | 
| stock                                 |          |                                       |           |          | 
|      Cash dividends paid              |  (4,009) |                                       |   (5,152) |          | 
| Cash dividends paid to minority       |  (2,465) |                                       |     (862) |          | 
| shareholders                          |          |                                       |           |          | 
|      Other, net                       |     (68) |                                       |   (1,285) |          | 
| Net cash provided by/(used in)        |   15,840 |                                       |  (11,130) |          | 
| financing activities                  |          |                                       |           |          | 
|                                       |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Effect of foreign exchange rate on    | (15,709) |                                       |       181 |          | 
| cash and cash equivalents             |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Net decrease in cash and cash         | (29,878) |                                       |  (19,603) |          | 
| equivalents                           |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Opening cash and cash equivalents at  |  103,293 |                                       |    75,598 |          | 
| 1 April                               |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Increase due to change in scope of    |    2,182 |                                       |         - |          | 
| consolidation                         |          |                                       |           |          | 
| Closing cash and cash equivalents at  |   75,598 |                                       |    55,995 |          | 
| 31 March                              |          |                                       |           |          | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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Anz Bank 43 (LSE:85GQ)
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