16 April
African Pioneer Plc
("African Pioneer" or "the
Central Africa Copperbelt: Update on Western
exploration on the NW Zambia Joint Venture
African Pioneer plc ("AFP" or the "Company")
the exploration and resource development company with advanced
projects in Namibia, Botswana, and Zambia, is pleased to provide an
update on the exploration conducted and funded by First Quantum
Minerals Limited ("FQM") during the six-month period to 31 December
2023. The exploration was over the licences located in NW Zambia
within both the Fold & Thrust Belt and Western Foreland and
which are covered by the AFP-FQM Option Agreement which are held by
AFP's 80% owned subsidiary African Pioneer Zambia Ltd. As
announced on 26th October 2023 and 16 February 2024 FQM
has exercised its option over all 4 licences owned by African
Pioneer Zambia Ltd.
Drilling confirmed proof of concept that licences are in the
right lithology confirming Congo-style mineralisation.
· 4
diamond drill holes completed at the Turaco target for
· A
772.3m deep diamond drill hole completed over the Ikatu on an Audio
Magneto Telluric ("AMT") generated target. Awaiting
· 9
reverse circulation ("RC") holes drilled at the Chipopa target for
a total of 780m. Awaiting results.
During the course of the programme FQM confirmed their
intention to exercise their option as reported on 16 February
· The
parties have met and agreed an appropriate ground relinquishment
strategy consistent with licence renewal required later in the year
together with an aggressive exploration programme.
Colin Bird
Executive Chairman commented:
"Our Joint
Venture with First Quantum is ground-breaking. The results
generated by this programme confirm proof of concept and the
objective now is to continue exploration with the mission to
identify the requisite structure and lithology conducive to mineral
deposition similar to the Ivanhoe deposits to the
"Apart from
the well-known regional model we are identifying mineral
occurrences that may lead to other redox fronts which may lead to
other opportunities not previously considered prospective. With
copper showing 14-month highs and analysts generally agreeing that
the trend will continue, our position in the NW of Zambia is
enviable. Corporate activity is on the increase, and we are
delighted to be working with FQM who are one of the main copper
producers and have been hugely successful in
during the period
Exploration completed during the period under
review has included diamond and reverse circulation ('RC") drilling
guided initially by the Audio Magneto Telluric ("AMT") and Passive
Seismic geophysical surveys and geological mapping and extensive
soil geochemical anomalies completed in late 2023. This exploration
work has successfully provided a much-improved context to the
broader geology and has resulted in the construction of a regional
section that brings to the fore the architecture critical to both
Kamoa and Kolwezi-type mineralisation and the anticipated location
of both the Fold and Thrust Belt and the Western
Follow-up diamond drilling was undertaken at
the Turaco Target on Licence 27770-HG-LEL over earlier scout
drilling with intercepts peaking at 1.18% Cu over 8m from 5m
depth. 4 holes were completed for a total of 1297.1m.
Some holes were potentially stopped prematurely in andesitic basalt
and more recent surface geochemical data suggests that conditions
suitable for a redox front and copper deposition may occur beneath
the base of the basalt cover. FQM will consider further drilling
closer to the up-dip extension of the basalt unit to test this
A 772.3m diamond drill hole was drilled as part
of the AMT follow-up programme at Ikatu with no significant Cu
Mineralization and a further 9 RC holes were completed for a total
of 780m at the Chipopa Target.
Drilling was curtailed in late December 2023
partly due to limited availability of diamond drill rigs and in the
case of RC drilling, unfavourable conditions brought on by the
Rainy Season.
Turaco drilling intercepted a diamictite with a
carbonaceous shale with disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite,
interpreted to be the Grand Conglomérat. Salt related brecciation
and complex faulting significnatly disrupts stratigraphy and
further work is required to better understand the complexities of
this Thrust and Fold Belt target.
The Ikatu diamond drilling in the Western
Foreland was collared to test the continuous conductor identified
from the AMT survey. The hole intersected the fine-grained
carbonaceous siltstone and shale unit with associated chalcopyrite
conductor at 245m to 320m. The hole was extended to 772.3m and
generated a substantial amount of valuable geological information
that has helped build the regional geological section. U-Pb
provenance geochronology on the sandstones intersected and Re-Os
dating on the carbonaceous shales has been proposed by FQM to
better constrain the stratigraphy.
9 RC holes totalling 780m were completed at
Chipopa testing soil anomalies within the Fold & thrust Belt.
Analyses are pending.
Previous exploration by FQM
has confirmed the presence of mineralisation with
diagnostic regional geological and architectural similarities
apparently consistent with Kamoa-Kakula deposit mineralisation
located in the DRC
AFP's licence package in Zambia
covers part of the NW extension of the Zambian Copperbelt. The
properties are located within 80-100km of First Quantum Minerals'
Sentinel mine, one of the largest copper mines in Africa, with
current Measured and Indicated Resources 867.1Mt @ 0.44% Cu. The
projects lie on the Lufilian Fold Belt in the Domes region of the
Central African Copperbelt and comprise a geological package
similar in age and rock type to that hosting the major copper
deposits of the Copperbelt. Therefore, the licence areas are
considered by AFP and FQM to be strongly prospective for
Copperbelt-type copper/cobalt and/or nickel deposits. They are
historically underexplored.
For further information, please
African Pioneer Plc
Colin Bird, Chairman
Tel +44 (0) 20 7581 4477
Beaumont Cornish Limited (Financial
Roland Cornish/Asia
Tel +44 (0) 20 7628 3396
Novum Securities Limited
Jon Belliss
Tel +44 (0) 20 7399 9400
or visit
The information contained within
this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside
information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU)
No. 596/2014 as it forms part of UK Domestic Law by virtue of the
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("UK MAR").
Qualified Person:
Colin Bird : The technical
information contained in this announcement has been reviewed,
verified, and approved by Colin Bird, C.Eng, FIMMM, South African
and UK Certified Mine Manager and Director of African Pioneer plc,
with more than 40 years' experience mainly in hard rock
"Air-core drilling
A rotary drilling technique
employing an annular drag bit in which cuttings and small core
samples are recovered through the drill rods by compressed
"Audio-magneto telluric
A geophysical technique that
measures variations in the Earth's natural electromagnetic fields
to detect electrical resistivity variations in the subsurface
A lithified sedimentary rock that
consists of
non-sorted to poorly sorted
terrigenous sediment containing particles that range in size from
clay to boulders, suspended in a matrix of mudstone or
Democratic Republic of the
"ICP analysis"
An analytical method that provides
total elemental analysis of materials in solution
"Indicated Mineral
That part of a Mineral Resource for
which quantity, grade (or quality), densities, shape and physical
characteristics are estimated with sufficient confidence to allow
the application of Modifying Factors in sufficient detail to
support mine planning and evaluation of the economic viability of
the deposit. Geological evidence is derived from
adequately detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and testing
gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as
outcrops, trenches, pits workings and drill holes, and is
sufficient to assume geological and grade (or quality) continuity
between points of observation where data and samples are gathered.
(JORC 2012)
The concentration of metals and
their chemical compounds within a body of rock
Hand-held instrument to determine
the chemistry of a sample by measuring the fluorescent (or
secondary) X-ray emitted from a sample when it is excited by a
primary X-ray source
"redox fronts"
In the case of Kamoa-style
mineralisation characteristic of the Western Foreland, a Redox
Front is typically represented by a pyrite-rich siltstone that acts
as a reductant to copper-rich fluids passing through this reductant
and mineralising the lithological unit with sulphur converting to
chalcopyrite, chalcocite and bornite. The reductant is usually
underlain by an aquifer, a coarse-grained sandstone that
facilitates the flow of copper-bearing fluids to the pyrite-rich
siltstone host.