Black & Decker Corp. (BDK) and the Consumer Product Safety
Commission reannounced Tuesday a 2007 recall of an electric model
of trimmers and edgers after the product was found to have caused
additional injuries since the initial recall.
By July 2007, the company had received more than 700 reports of
incidents with the Black & Decker GH1000 Grasshog XP String
Trimmers/Edgers, including 58 reports of injuries. The company has
since received more than 100 additional injury reports, with 10
people requiring medical attention. Property damage was also
reported, including broken windows.
The product's problem was that its spool, spool cap and pieces
of trimmer string could come loose during use and become airborne
projectiles. Overheating problems were also disclosed.
About 200,000 of the units, made in 2005 and 2006, were sold. A
free repair kit is available.
For information, consumers are asked to call 1-888-742-9158 or
visit the company's Web site.
-By Kevin Kingsbury, Dow Jones Newswires