RNS Number : 9566E

Densitron Technologies PLC

16 April 2014



 Densitron Technologies plc ("Densitron" or the "Company" or the "Group"), 
  the designer, developer and distributor of electronic displays announces 
  its preliminary unaudited results for the year ended 31 December 2013. 
 Ø Profit from continuing operations of GBP0.1 million (2012: GBP0.6 
 Ø Dividends for the year totaling 0.1p per share (2012: 0.3p per 
 Ø Gross margin decreased to 27.3% (2012: 28.6%) reflecting the 
  increasing competition for standard products. 
 Ø Settlement of lease claim in Newcastle. 
 Ø Wirelessly networked Epaper displays (Densipaper) introduced. 

Jan G Holmstrom, Chairman of Densitron, commented:

"2013 was an extremely difficult year but having now settled the claim on the property in Newcastle and addressed the cost base of the Group I believe that the business is well placed to grow profitably in the coming year."


 Densitron                         Westhouse Securities 
  Grahame Falconer / Tim Pearson    Martin Davison 
  Tel: 0207 648 4200                Tel: 020 7601 6100 

Chairman's statement

2013 was a challenging and ultimately disappointing year. A combination of issues has resulted in lower than forecast sales and consequently a lower profit for the year. In addition the Company settled the claim made against it in respect of the lease of a property occupied by a former subsidiary in Newcastle and this caused the Group to make a loss for the year.

Trading results

Revenues from the operating business for the year were disappointing with a reduction from GBP22.6m in 2012 to GBP20.0m in 2013. This reduction, together with a reduction in the gross margin percentage, resulted in the gross profit falling from GBP6.5m in 2012 to GBP5.5m in 2013. Despite a reduction in administrative expenses the operating profit for the year fell from GBP0.6m in 2012 to GBP0.1m in 2013. Together with the exceptional loss incurred as a result of the property in Newcastle the Group has incurred a loss before taxation of GBP0.5m compared with a profit of GBP0.5m in 2012.

There were two main areas of the displays business that caused the disappointing 2013 operating result - the UK and Japan.

Firstly, in the UK it was anticipated that the year would deliver an increase in business and at the time of putting the operating forecasts together the management were confident that the numbers could be achieved. However a combination of factors during the year resulted in substantially lower than forecast revenues:

   --     There were delays in bringing internal developments to market; 
   --     Revenues from internally developed business have taken longer to achieve; 
   --     New projects have taken longer to get to mass production; and 
   --     New markets in which the business has opened offices have taken longer to deliver revenues. 

Secondly, during 2013 the Japanese yen has fallen in value against the US$ by approximately 22% which has resulted in a substantial increase in the cost of purchases in our Japanese subsidiary. As the subsidiary sells into the local market in Japanese yen the gross margin on sales has been negatively impacted resulting in a substantial fall in profit for the year.

As a consequence of the disappointing result the Board has reviewed its strategy for the Business and has concluded that it remains sound in the medium to long term. However, in the short term it considers that a review of how the business is structured should be carried out and the cost structure of the business reviewed further.

Land at Blackheath

The Group owns a piece of land at Blackheath, London, retained from the larger sports ground we previously owned, the majority of which was sold to Greenwich Council in 2006. It is designated as Metropolitan Open Land which was the primary reason planning permission was refused when an application was made in 2010. The Council is undertaking a review of its Core Strategy in relation to all open spaces under its designation and as part of this process we are seeking to have the land re-designated to make future development possible. This process has been protracted and it is unlikely that it will be concluded within the next 12 months. The Board also continues to investigate other options to enhance or realise value from the land.

Newcastle property

As has previously been communicated, the Company was issued with a writ in early 2012 by the landlord of a property in Newcastle previously occupied by a former subsidiary of the Company. In my report last year I advised shareholders that the Board considered that the most appropriate way forward was to achieve a negotiated settlement with the Landlord. After lengthy discussions in September 2013 the Company reached a settlement with the Landlord and, while it was agreed that the details of that settlement remained confidential, this agreement has unfortunately resulted in the Group being loss making for the year. The out of court settlement means that the Company is now free to market the property and the Agents that have been appointed are confident that this can be achieved during this year. This will mitigate future costs until the lease expires in 2023.

Shareholders and dividends

Despite the difficulties experienced in 2013 the Directors remain committed to turn the business around and deliver a return to the Company's Shareholders both by increasing shareholder value and paying dividends.

While the Board remains committed to returning profits to shareholders by way of dividends, I do not consider that it is appropriate considering the circumstances to propose a final dividend for the year (2012: 0.1p per share). An interim dividend of 0.1p per share (2012: 0.2p per share) was paid to shareholders and at that point in the year we felt confident that the second half would deliver a substantially higher return than it ultimately achieved. The total dividend payment for the year will, therefore, remain 0.1p per share (2012: 0.3p per share).


I believe that the outlook for the business remains positive despite the difficulties the Group has encountered over the past 12 months.

The Board of Directors has identified several areas of the business and its processes that require attention and are in the process of implementing the necessary changes that will enhance the business going forward.

The first quarter of the year has started promisingly with a positive impact from some of the changes that were made during the final quarter of 2013 and the beginning of 2014. This has enabled the business to be operating ahead of its internal forecast and the result achieved in the first quarter in 2013. The pipeline of new business remains fairly strong and we are receiving good orders from our existing and new customers.

Richard Lane, who was appointed as a non-executive director in 2005, retired from the Board in March 2014. I would like to thank Richard for the support he has given to the Company and wish him well in his retirement and continued work as President of Diabetes UK.

I would also like to thank the Directors and staff throughout the Group for their continued hard work and dedication during the year. 2013 was a difficult year for the business but I am confident that it is on the right track and we will see the results of this coming through during 2014.

Finally I would like to thank the Company's Shareholders for their continued support.

Jan G Holmstrom


 Densitron Technologies plc 
  Consolidated income statement 
  For the year ended 31 December 2013 
                                          2013          2013       2013       2012 
                                         Group   Exceptional      Total      Total 
                                        GBP000        GBP000     GBP000     GBP000 
 Revenue                                20,047             -     20,047     22,612 
 Cost of sales                        (14,584)             -   (14,584)   (16,139) 
                                     ---------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
 Gross profit                            5,463             -      5,463      6,473 
 Other operating income                      3             -          3         12 
 Distribution costs                       (53)             -       (53)       (69) 
                                     ---------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
 Administrative expenses               (5,271)             -    (5,271)    (5,851) 
 Exceptional costs in respect 
  of lease settlement                        -         (593)      (593)          - 
                                     ---------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
                                       (5,271)         (593)    (5,864)    (5,851) 
                                     ---------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) from operations             142         (593)      (451)        565 
 Financial income                            -             -          -          - 
 Financial expenses                       (69)             -       (69)       (45) 
                                     ---------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
 Profit/(loss) before tax                   73         (593)      (520)        520 
 Income tax expenses                     (199)             -      (199)      (276) 
                                     ---------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
 (Loss)/profit for the year              (126)         (593)      (719)        244 
                                     ---------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent            (112)         (593)      (705)        248 
 Non-controlling interests                (14)             -       (14)        (4) 
                                     ---------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
                                         (126)         (593)      (719)        244 
                                     ---------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
 Basic and diluted (loss)/earnings 
  per share                            (0.16)p       (0.86)p    (1.02)p      0.36p 
                                     ---------  ------------  ---------  --------- 
 Densitron Technologies plc 
  Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
  For the year ended 31 December 2013 
                                                   2013     2012 
                                                 GBP000   GBP000 
 (Loss)/profit for the year                       (719)      244 
                                               --------  ------- 
 Other comprehensive expense 
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently 
  to profit or loss 
 Exchange losses on translation 
  of foreign operations                           (358)    (483) 
 Total other comprehensive expense                (358)    (483) 
                                               --------  ------- 
 Total comprehensive expense for 
  the year                                      (1,077)    (239) 
                                               --------  ------- 
 Total comprehensive expense attributable 
  Owners of the parent                          (1,062)    (234) 
  Non-controlling interests                        (15)      (5) 
                                               --------  ------- 
                                                (1,077)    (239) 
                                               --------  ------- 
 Densitron Technologies plc 
  Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
  At 31 December 2013 
                                            2013     2012 
                                          GBP000   GBP000 
 Non current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment               765      839 
 Goodwill                                    143      143 
 Other intangible assets                     582      388 
 Deferred tax assets                           7       29 
                                         -------  ------- 
                                           1,497    1,399 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                               1,424    1,282 
 Trade and other receivables               3,895    5,132 
 Income tax recoverable                      125      116 
 Cash and cash equivalents                   848    1,577 
                                         -------  ------- 
                                           6,292    8,107 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Total assets                              7,789    9,506 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Borrowings and overdrafts                 1,764    2,132 
 Trade and other payables                  3,121    3,234 
 Current tax payable                          34       62 
 Provisions                                    9        9 
                                         -------  ------- 
                                           4,928    5,437 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Non current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                   83      134 
 Trade and other payables                     81        - 
 Provisions                                  111      117 
 Deferred tax liabilities                     37       54 
                                         -------  ------- 
                                             312      305 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Total liabilities                         5,240    5,742 
                                         -------  ------- 
                                           2,549    3,764 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Share Capital                               697      697 
 Retained earnings                         1,917    2,750 
 Special reserve                              87       97 
 Revaluation reserve                         450      450 
 Translation reserve                       (617)    (260) 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Equity attributable to shareholders 
  of Densitron                             2,534    3,734 
 Non-controlling interests                    15       30 
 Total equity                              2,549    3,764 
                                         -------  ------- 
  Densitron Technologies plc 
  Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
  For the year ended 31 December 2013 
                                            2013     2012 
                                          GBP000   GBP000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 (Loss)/profit before taxation             (520)      520 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation                                117       82 
 Amortisation                                 79       27 
 Net finance expense                          68       45 
                                           (256)      674 
 Change in inventories                     (187)     (17) 
 Change in trade and other receivables       988    (897) 
 Change in trade and other payables         (20)      813 
 Change in provisions                          -    (122) 
                                         -------  ------- 
                                             525      451 
 Income tax paid                           (218)    (388) 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Net cash from operating activities          307       63 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Deferred consideration on past 
  disposal of discontinued operations          -       74 
 Payment for intangible asset              (276)    (243) 
 Acquisition of property, plant 
  and equipment                             (50)    (126) 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Net cash used in investing activities     (326)    (295) 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Inception of new loans                        -      237 
 Repayment of borrowings                   (169)     (24) 
 Interest paid                              (69)     (45) 
 Change in invoice discounting 
  creditor                                   261     (14) 
 Change in letters of credit               (626)     (71) 
 Dividend paid to the owners of 
  the Company                              (138)    (415) 
 Net cash used in financing activities     (741)    (332) 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash 
  and cash equivalents                     (760)    (564) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 1(st) 
  January                                    961    1,616 
 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations 
  on cash held                              (90)     (91) 
                                         -------  ------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 31(st) 
  December                                   111      961 
                                         -------  ------- 

Densitron Technologies plc

Statement of Changes in Shareholder's Equity

For the year ended 31 December 2013

                    Share   Translation    Special   Revaluation   Retained          Total   Non-controlling     Total 
                  Capital       reserve    reserve       reserve   earnings   attributable          interest    Equity 
                                                                                 to equity 
                                                                                 of parent 
                   GBP000        GBP000     GBP000        GBP000     GBP000         GBP000            GBP000    GBP000 
 Balance at 
  1(st) January 
  2012                697           223        107           450      2,907          4,384                35     4,419 
  for the year          -             -          -             -        248            248               (4)       244 
 Other total 
  income                -         (483)          -             -          -          (483)               (1)     (484) 
 Payment of 
  dividends             -             -          -             -      (415)          (415)                 -     (415) 
 Transfer from 
  reserve               -             -       (10)             -         10              -                 -         - 
                 --------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------------  ----------------  -------- 
 Balance at 
  2012                697         (260)         97           450      2,750          3,734                30     3,764 
                 --------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------------  ----------------  -------- 
 Balance at 
  1(st) January 
  2013                697         (260)         97           450      2,750          3,734                30     3,764 
  for the year          -             -          -             -      (705)          (705)              (14)     (719) 
 Other total 
  income                -         (357)          -             -          -          (357)               (1)     (358) 
 Payment of 
  dividends             -             -          -             -      (138)          (138)                 -     (138) 
 Transfer from 
  reserve               -             -       (10)             -         10              -                 -         - 
                 --------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------------  ----------------  -------- 
 Balance at 
  2013                697         (617)         87           450      1,917          2,534                15     2,549 
                 --------  ------------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -------------  ----------------  -------- 
 Densitron Technologies plc 
  Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 
  For the year ended 31 December 2013 
 1. Basis of preparation 
  The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International 
  Financial Reporting Standards, International Accounting Standards and 
  Interpretations (collectively IFRSs) issued by the International Accounting 
  Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by the European Union (Adopted IFRSs) 
  and are in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB. 
  The accounting policies applied are consistent with those set out in 
  the financial statements of Densitron Technologies plc for the year 
  ended 31 December 2012. The financial information in the announcement 
  is unaudited and does not constitute the company's statutory accounts 
  for the years ended 31 December 2013 or 2012. The financial information 
  for the year ended 31 December 2012 is derived from the statutory accounts 
  for that year, which were prepared under IFRSs as adopted by the EU, 
  which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors 
  reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified, did not include 
  references to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way 
  of emphasis without qualifying their reports and did not contain statements 
  under the Companies Act 2006. 
  The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2013, prepared 
  in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU, will be finalised on 
  the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in 
  this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar 
  of Companies following the company's annual general meeting. 
 2. Exceptional item 
 The exceptional item relates to costs associated with the settlement 
  of a writ relating to a property in Newcastle previously occupied by 
  a former subsidiary of the Company. As part of the settlement it was 
  agreed that the details of the settlement would remain confidential 
  but the exceptional item incorporates all costs incurred to date relating 
  to the settlement of the claim. 
 3. Financial expense 
                                                                2013           2012 
                                                              GBP000         GBP000 
 Financial expenses 
 Bank borrowings                                                  54             35 
 Invoice discounting charge                                       15             10 
                                                                  69             45 
                                                       -------------  ------------- 
 4. Business and geographical segments 
         The chief operating decision maker in the organization is made up of 
          an Executive Committee comprising the Executive Directors and Chairman, 
          they have determined the operating segments detailed within this report 
          and on which the business is managed. 
          The Group is managed by the geographical location of its subsidiaries 
          and resources are allocated as required on this basis: 
          Ø Europe - The European market, being so diverse, is serviced by 
          subsidiaries based in four locations: 
          Ø UK - the UK is responsible for business conducted in the UK, 
          management of the Group's distribution network and sales into other 
          locations where the Group does not have a physical presence. The UK 
          business contributed 23% (2012: 27%) to Group revenues. 
          Ø France - the subsidiary in France is responsible for business 
          conducted in France and with French customers whose manufacturing operations 
          may be located elsewhere in the world. The French business contributed 
          10% (2012: 11%) to Group revenues. 
          Ø Nordic - Densitron Nordic is the Group's subsidiary located in 
          Finland and servicing business locally along with Sweden and customers 
          located in the Baltic region. The Finnish business contributed 1% (2012: 
          2%) to Group revenues. 
          Ø Germany - Densitron Deutschland is the Group's subsidiary based 
          in Germany. It is responsible for business conducted in Germany, Switzerland 
          and Austria and through the Group's distributor based in Germany. The 
          German business contributed 9% (2012: 9%) to Group revenues. 
          In total the European region represented the largest part of the business 
          contributing 43% (2012: 49%) to Group revenues. 
          Ø US - the US segment is responsible for business conducted in 
          the US, Canada and Central and South America. It represents 41% (2012: 
          35%) of the Group total revenues. 
          Ø Asia - The Asian segment is made up of subsidiaries located in 
          Japan and Taiwan. 
          Ø Japan - Densitron Japan is responsible for sales into Japan. 
          It contributed 14% (2012: 13%) to Group revenues. 
          Ø Taiwan - Densitron Asia is the Group's subsidiary located in 
          Taiwan. It is primarily a facilitating function for the rest of the 
          Group managing suppliers located in Taiwan and China. It contributed 
          2% (2012: 3%) to Group revenues. 
          Inter-segment transfer pricing is based on the level of work carried 
          out and the risk encountered by each party in order to make a third 
          party sale. 
                         UK    France   Finland   Germany        US     Japan    Taiwan      Total 
                     GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000 
 Total                5,963     2,042       352     1,733     8,351     2,796     4,785     26,022 
 Intercompany       (1,473)      (57)      (54)         -      (64)         -   (4,327)    (5,975) 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
  from external 
  customers           4,490     1,985       298     1,733     8,287     2,796       458     20,047 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
  before tax           (61)        26      (70)        55       660       136     (282)        464 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Assets               1,700       729        87       642     2,494     1,047       420      7,119 
 Liabilities        (1,369)     (225)      (19)      (38)   (1,207)     (195)     (809)    (3,862) 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Net assets             331       504        68       604     1,287       852     (389)      3,257 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
  payable                37         3         -         -         9         1         -         50 
  - Property, 
   plant and 
   equipment              -        17         1         -        14         8         9         49 
  - Depreciation          1         9         1         1        67        12        23        114 
  - Capitalised 
   expenditure          128         -         -        62        64         -        22        276 
  - Amortisation         32         -         -         4        36         -         2         74 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
                         UK    France   Finland   Germany        US     Japan    Taiwan      Total 
                     GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000    GBP000     GBP000 
 Total                7,696     2,513       591     2,140     8,033     2,911     6,162     30,046 
 Intercompany       (1,565)      (78)      (74)      (44)      (63)         -   (5,610)    (7,434) 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
  from external 
  customers           6,131     2,435       517     2,096     7,970     2,911       552     22,612 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
  before tax           (13)        76      (20)        69       656       331      (97)      1,002 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Assets               2,351       791       187       749     2,307     1,333     1,074      8,792 
 Liabilities        (1,937)     (236)      (47)     (109)   (1,066)     (210)   (1,314)    (4,919) 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Net assets             414       555       140       640     1,241     1,123     (240)      3,873 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
  payable                26         5         -         -         7         2         -         40 
  - Property, 
   plant and 
   equipment              -        10         -         1        26        29        60        126 
  - Depreciation          1         4         1         1        63         7         -         77 
  - Capitalised 
   expenditure           29         -         -        19       185         -        10        243 
 - Amortisation          27         -         -         -         -         -         -         27 
                   --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Reconciliation of reportable segments, profit and loss, assets and 
  liabilities to the Group's corresponding amounts: 
                                                                                              2013              2012 
                                                                                            GBP000            GBP000 
 (Loss)/profit after income 
  tax expense 
 Total profit for reporting 
  segments                                                                                     464             1,002 
 Costs associated with 
  head office                                                                                (391)             (482) 
 Exceptional items                                                                           (593)                 - 
 Income tax expenses                                                                         (199)             (276) 
                                                                                           -------   --------------- 
 (Loss)/profit after income 
  tax expense                                                                                (719)               244 
                                                                                           -------   --------------- 
                                                                                              2013              2012 
                                                                                            GBP000            GBP000 
 Total assets for reportable 
  segments                                                                                   7,119             8,792 
 Assets attributable to 
  Head Office                                                                                  171               215 
 Land at Blackheath                                                                            499               499 
 Group assets                                                                                7,789             9,506 
                                                                                           -------   --------------- 
 Total liabilities for reportable 
  segments                                                                                   3,862             4,919 
 Liabilities attributable 
  to Head Office                                                                             1,378               823 
                                                                                           -------   --------------- 
 Group liabilities                                                                           5,240             5,742 
                                                                                           -------   --------------- 

The analysis of the Group's segmental information by geographical location is:

                             External revenue         Non current         Capital expenditure 
                                by location        assets by location         by location 
                               of customers             of asset               of assets 
                                2013      2012        2013        2012        2013        2012 
                              GBP000    GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
 Total operations 
 UK                            2,197     2,549         708         615         130          30 
 France                        1,650     2,114          32          24          17          10 
 Finland                         185       517           8           9           1           - 
 Germany                       1,242     1,848         177         119          62          20 
 Portugal                         37       785           -           -           -           - 
 Italy                           362       428           -           -           -           - 
 Other European                  973       824           -           -           -           - 
 USA                           6,347     6,443         446         497          78         211 
 Canada                          925       990           -           -           -           - 
 Other Americas                   88        15           -           -           -           - 
 Japan                         1,768     2,206          27          36           8          29 
 Taiwan                          399       557          99          99          31          69 
 Malaysia                        380       335           -           -           -           - 
 China                         1,784     1,736           -           -           -           - 
 Other Asia                    1,651     1,099           -           -           -           - 
 Tunisia                           -         -           -           -           -           - 
 Other Rest of the world          59       166           -           -           -           - 
                           ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                              20,047    22,612       1,497       1,399         327         369 
                           ---------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 5. Tax expense 
                                                                2013     2012 
                                                              GBP000   GBP000 
 Current tax expense 
 UK corporation tax and income tax of overseas operations 
  on profits for the year                                        175      294 
 Adjustments for (over)/under provision 
  in prior periods                                                20       11 
                                                            --------  ------- 
                                                                 195      305 
 Deferred tax expense 
 Origination and reversal of temporary 
  differences                                                      4     (29) 
                                                            --------  ------- 
 Total tax charge                                                199      276 
                                                            --------  ------- 
 The reasons for the difference between the actual tax charge for the 
  year and the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK applied to 
  profits for the year are as follows: 
                                                                2013     2012 
                                                              GBP000   GBP000 
 (Loss)/profit before tax                                      (520)      520 
                                                            --------  ------- 
 Expected tax charge based on the 
  standard rate of corporation tax 
  in the UK of 23% (2012: 24%)                                 (120)      125 
 Losses carried forward                                          214       99 
 Disallowed expenses                                              10       28 
 Non taxable income                                              (2)        - 
 Movement in unprovided deferred tax                              14        - 
 Utilisation of tax losses brought 
  forward                                                       (13)     (66) 
 Adjustments for overseas rate                                    76       79 
 Adjustment to prior years tax charge                             20       11 
                                                            --------  ------- 
                                                                 199      276 
                                                            --------  ------- 
 6. Earnings per share 
 The earnings and weighted average number of ordinary shares used in 
  the calculation of earnings per share are as follows. 
                                                                                      2013             2012 
                                                                                    GBP000           GBP000 
 Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                                        (705)              248 
                                                                                      2013             2012 
                                                                                    Number           Number 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
 Issued ordinary shares at 1(st) January                                        69,669,106       69,669,106 
 Effect of purchase of Treasury shares on 23 October 
  2008                                                                           (500,000)        (500,000) 
                                                                             -------------   -------------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares at 31 
  December                                                                      69,169,106       69,169,106 
                                                                             -------------   -------------- 
 7. Notes supporting the cash flow 
 Cash and cash equivalents for the purposes of the cash 
  flow statement comprises: 
                                                             2013     2012 
                                                           GBP000   GBP000 
 Cash at bank and in hand                                     848    1,577 
 Bank overdrafts                                            (737)    (616) 
                                                          -------  ------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 
  2013                                                        111      961 
                                                          -------  ------- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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