RNS Number:5081J
26 September 2006

Interim Results for the Six Months ended 30 June 2006

Chairman's Statement


*   Undiluted net asset value per share of 110.24p, a 5.0% increase from

*   Fully diluted net asset value of 108.19p, an increase of 4.0%.

*   Strong performance of alternative asset investments during the period.

*   Deal flow of larger qualifying investments in pipeline.


During the six months to 30 June 2006, the Company's net asset value grew by
5.0%, in excess of targets.  This was accomplished from investments in
qualifying companies selected as being on the whole lower risk whilst making
alternative asset investments intended to provide an absolute return with low
volatility.  Although the rate of new qualifying investments in the first half
of this year was lower than expected, the flow of potential new deals is
currently strong and we expect a significant upturn in activity before the

Net asset value

2006 has begun well with the Company's net asset value up 5.0% to 110.24p.  The
diluted net asset value is up 4.0% to 108.19p after accruing for potential
performance fees.  The increase is largely due to the Investment Manager's focus
on maximising the returns of its hedge fund portfolio and other non-qualifying
listed investments.

The total return for the six month period to 30 June 2006 was 4.18p, comprising
a revenue return of 0.20p and a capital return of 3.98p.


Your Board is not proposing a dividend for the period.  When the portfolio is
more fully established the Directors intend to distribute a large element of the
available income and, if appropriate, realised capital gains.

Qualifying investments

During the six months a total of #196,000 was invested in the following

*    Clarity Commerce Solutions Plc (#98,000) is an AIM quoted
     provider of software and IT support services based in Basingstoke.

*    Interactive World Plc (#70,000) is an AIM quoted distributor of digital 
     media content to customers of major UK mobile network operators and users 
     of leading UK internet search engines based in Barking.

*    Debts.co.uk Plc (#28,000) is an AIM quoted personal debt consolidator 
     based in Chesterfield.

The Investment Managers have been selective about investing into qualifying
companies on AIM because they believed that new issues available to VCTs in the
first five months of this year were generally over-valued and in many cases by
poor quality companies.  Since then, the small cap market has retrenched
bringing valuations down to a more reasonable level.  This should provide a
better environment from which to invest in qualifying companies.

The qualifying portfolio now consists of six investments and represents
approximately 17% invested to 30 June 2006. With some larger qualifying
investments to be made in the near-term, your Board is confident the requirement
for at least 70% to be invested in qualifying companies after three years will
be met within the timescale.

Non-qualifying investments

The Investment Manager's non-qualifying portfolio has performed strongly in the
six months to 30 June 2006 producing the bulk of the Company's total return in
this period.  The Investment Manager continues to seek out hedge funds which
meet the goal of absolute return and to construct a portfolio with a low
correlation of underlying funds and a consequent low volatility at the portfolio
level.  As the funding of qualifying investments increases, the hedge fund
portfolio will be progressively liquidated to meet this need.


The Company's Investment Manager, Shore Capital, currently has a strong deal
flow of interesting qualifying opportunities in private equity deals.  The
recent turbulence in equity markets has brought valuations down to a more
realistic level which should provide interesting opportunities.

I look forward to reporting the progress of the Company with the next Annual
Report for the year ended 31 December 2006. In the meantime, shareholders should
note that the Company publishes its net asset value per share each month over
the London Stock Exchange's electronic system.

Sir Aubrey Brocklebank Bt

26 September 2006
Income Statement (unaudited)

For the six months ended 30 June 2006

                                     1 January 2006 to        10 December  2004 to        10 December  2004 to
                                          30 June 2006                30 June 2005            30 December 2005

                             Revenue   Capital   Total   Revenue   Capital   Total   Revenue   Capital   Total
                     Note      #'000     #'000   #'000     #'000     #'000   #'000     #'000     #'000   #'000

Gains on investments               -       479     479         -        25      25         -       620     620
Income                            89         -      89        34         -      34       145         -     145

                                  89       479     568        34        25      59       145    620        765

management fees      4            24        73      97         7        20      27        29        87     116
Performance fees                   4        82      86         -         -       -         5        78      83
Other expenses                    38         -      38        15         -      15        67         -      67

                                  66       155     221        22        20      42       101       165     266

Return on ordinary           
activities before
taxation                          23       324     347        12         5      17        44       455     499
Tax on return on                
ordinary activities
capital                          (6)         6       -         -         -       -      (13)        13       -

Return on ordinary
activities after tax
attributable to           
equity shareholders               17       330     347        12         5      17        31       468     499

Return per  Ordinary        
Share (pence)        2          0.20p     3.98p   4.18p     0.14p     0.06p   0.20p     0.41p     6.26p   6.67p

The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss of the Company.  All
revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
operations.  No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period.

Balance Sheet (unaudited)
As at 30 June 2006

                                                            As at               As at                   As at
                                                     30 June 2006        30 June 2005        31 December 2005
                                    Note                    #'000               #'000                   #'000
Fixed Assets
Investments                         6                       7,918               3,584                   6,490

Current Assets
Trades in advance                                               -                   -                     339
Debtors                                                        65                   2                      14
Cash                                                        1,256               4,755                   1,965

                                                            1,321               4,757                   2,318
Creditors - amounts falling due                
within one year                                              (89)               (190)                    (92)

Net Current Assets                                          1,232               4,567                   2,226

Total Assets less Current                                 
Liabilities                                                 9,150               8,151                   8,716

Creditors - amounts falling due                             
after more than one year          
(including convertible debt)                                  (1)                 (1)                     (1)

Net Assets                                                  9,149               8,150                   8,715

Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital                                        83                  83                      83
Share premium account                                           -               8,050                       -
Capital reserve - realised                                     65                (17)                   (213)
Capital reserve - unrealised                                  733                  22                     681
Other reserve                                                 170                   -                      83
Revenue reserve                                             8,098                  12                   8,081

Equity Shareholders' Funds                                  9,149               8,150                   8,715

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share          3              110.24p              98.20p                 105.01p

Diluted Net Asset Value per              
Ordinary Share                              3              108.19p              98.20p                 104.01p

Cash Flow Statement (unaudited)
For the six months ended 30 June 2006

                                                 1 January 2006 to   10 December 2004 to   10 December 2004 to
                                                      30 June 2006          30 June 2005      31 December 2005
                                                             #'000                 #'000                 #'000

Operating activities
Return on ordinary activities before taxation                   23                    12                    44
Investment management fee charged to capital                  (73)                  (20)                  (87)
Performance fee to be effected through                        
share-based payment                                              4                     -                     5
Foreign exchange (loss)/gain on cash                          (17)                     2                     1
Increase in debtors                                           (51)                   (2)                  (14)
Decrease in creditors                                         (10)                   190                    76

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating                 
activities                                                   (124)                   182                    25

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of investments                                    (2,733)               (3,637)               (6,262)
Proceeds from sale of investments                            1,580                   122                   561
Decrease/(increase) in trades in advance                       339                     -                 (339)
Net realised gain/(loss) on forward foreign                
exchange contracts                                             229                  (46)                 (154)

Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and             
financial investment                                         (585)               (3,561)               (6,194)

Proceeds received from issue of ordinary share             
capital                                                          -                 8,299                 8,299
Expenses paid for issue of share capital                         -                 (166)                 (166)
Proceeds received from issue of redeemable                   
preference shares                                                -                     -                    50
Redemption of redeemable preference shares                       -                     -                  (50)
Proceeds received from convertible loan notes                    -                     1                     1

Net cash inflow from financing                                   -                 8,134                 8,134

(Decrease)/increase in cash                                  (709)                 4,755                 1,965

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in
net funds
(Decrease)/increase in cash for the period                   (709)                 4,755                 1,965
Net cash at start of the period                              1,965                     -                     -

Net funds at the period end                                  1,256                 4,755                 1,965

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (unaudited)
For the six months ended 30 June 2006

                                                        Six months ended 30 June 2006

                                 Called up       Share   Capital       Capital                            
                                     share     premium  reserve-      reserve-     Other      Revenue     
                                   capital     account  realised    unrealised   reserve      reserve     Total
                                     #'000       #'000     #'000         #'000     #'000        #'000     #'000

Balance at 31 December 2005             83           -     (213)           681        83        8,081     8,715
Combined net return on                 
ordinary activities after
taxation                                 -           -       278            52        87           17       434

Balance at 30 June 2006                 83           -        65           733       170        8,098     9,149

                                                 Period from 10 December 2004 to 30 June 2005

Share issues in the period              83       8,216         -             -         -            -     8,299
Expenses of share issues                 -       (166)         -             -         -            -     (166)
Combined net return on            
ordinary activities after
taxation                                 -           -      (17)            22         -           12        17

Balance at 30 June 2005                 83       8,050      (17)            22         -           12     8,150

                                               Period from 10 December 2004 to 31 December 2005

Share issues in the period              83       8,216         -             -         -            -     8,299
Expenses of share issues                 -       (166)         -             -         -            -     (166)
Combined net return on          
ordinary activities after
taxation                                 -           -     (213)           681        83           31       582
Capital reconstruction                   -     (8,050)         -             -         -        8,050         -

Balance at 31 December 2005             83           -     (213)           681        83        8,081     8,715

Notes to the Interim Report

For the six months ended 30 June 2006

1.             The financial statements have been prepared under the historical
cost convention, modified to include the revaluation of fixed asset investments,
and in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards and with the Statement of
Recommended Practice, "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies" ("
SORP") December 2005. Although this SORP principally applies to Investment
Trusts, many of the characteristics of Investment Trusts are shared by VCTs
therefore the Company will continue to follow the SORP until investment company
status is revoked.

The Company is required to comply with a number of new UK Financial Reporting
Standards (FRS), which now represent UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice
(UK GAAP), in presenting its financial statements for the year ending 31
December 2006. These Standards have been introduced as part of the process of
aligning UK accounting principles with International Accounting Standards. The
unaudited interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2006
have been prepared in compliance with the new Standards.  There is no change
with respect to the accounting policies from those used in preparing the annual
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2005.

2.             Return per Ordinary Share

The total return per share of 4.18p (30 June 2005 - 0.20p) is based on the
profit for the period of #347,000 (30 June 2005 - #17,000) and the weighted
average number of shares in issue as at 30 June 2006 of 8,299,300 (30 June 2005
- 8,299,300).

3.             Net asset value per share

Period                                                            Net Asset Value per
                             Net assets        Shares in issue     Basic     Diluted
30 June 2006                 #9,149,000           8,299,300       110.24p    108.19p
31 December 2005             #8,715,000           8,299,300       105.01p    104.01p
30 June 2005                 #8,150,000           8,299,300        98.20p     98.20p

4.             Management fees

The Company pays the Investment Manager an annual management fee of 2% (plus
VAT) of the Company's net assets.  The fee is payable quarterly in arrears.  The
annual management fee is allocated 75% to capital and 25% to revenue.

5.             The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2006
and the period ended 30 June 2005 has not been audited and does not comprise
full financial statements within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act
1985. The financial information for the period ended 31 December 2005 has been
extracted from the company's full financial statements for the period then ended
that have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, and on which the report
of the Auditors was unqualified. The interim financial statements have been
prepared on the same basis as the annual financial statements.

Notes to the Interim Report continued
For the six months ended 30 June 2006

6.             Investment portfolio summary

                                                           Cost     Valuation    Valuation as a 
As at 30 June 2006                                        #'000         #'000   % of  Net Assets

Qualifying investments - unquoted
Cadbury House Hotel & Country Club plc - equity              49            67          1%
Cadbury House Hotel & Country Club plc - debt               440           655          7%

Qualifying investments - quoted
Clarity Commerce Solutions plc                               98            89          1%
Debts.co.uk plc                                              28            29          1%
Interactive World plc                                        70            78          1%
Patsystems plc                                              214           235          3%
@UK plc                                                     285           380          3%
Total qualifying investments                              1,184         1,533         17%

Non-qualifying investments
Hedge fund portfolio - unquoted                           1,048         1,148         13%
Hedge fund portfolio - quoted                             3,430         3,754         41%
Other quoted investments                                    883         1,033         11%
Fixed interest security                                     451           450          5%
Total non-qualifying investments                          5,812         6,385         70%

Total  investments                                        6,996         7,918         87%
Balance of portfolio                                      1,231         1,231         13%

Net Assets                                                8,227         9,149         100%

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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