Popularity of Pet Health Insurance Grows, More Options Now Available
06 November 2009 - 6:00AM
PR Newswire (US)
Kroger Personal Finance Adds Accident Coverage CINCINNATI, Nov. 5
/PRNewswire/ -- To most of the nation's 70 million pet owners, pets
are family too. And when pets get sick or injured, many owners are
willing to spend almost whatever it takes to get them back on all
four feet. But the price of increasingly sophisticated veterinary
care does not come cheap. According to the American Pet Products
Association (APPA) vet bills last year in the U.S. topped $11
billion. To control costs, more pet owners than ever are signing up
for pet health insurance plans. Pet insurance industry experts say
the offering has become so popular they expect pet premiums to top
$328 million by year's end. Kroger Personal Finance® (KPF), a
Kroger joint venture that brings together a wide array of quality
financial products and services from preferred providers for Kroger
customers, is making pet health insurance information available in
the check lanes of more than 2,400 supermarkets operated by Kroger,
the nation's largest traditional grocery store operator. "Kroger
shoppers include pet owners and non-pet owners alike," Kathy Kelly,
president of Kroger Personal Finance said. "With 62 percent of U.S.
households owning a pet - and 70 percent of those with multiple
pets, affordable pet insurance can help pet owners manage their
expenses. It can cover everything from routine costs associated
with veterinary expenses like annual check-ups and vaccinations all
the way to surgeries, x-rays and hospitalization." The newest
product offered by KPF is its lowest priced -- an "accident only"
policy for $9.95 per month per pet. Today, pet health insurance can
cover accidents and illnesses, as well as routine care for dogs
and/or cats. Depending on the coverage level and the number of pets
insured, prices can range from $9.95 to $79.00 per month. The range
of service covered by the premiums, as Kelly describes it, is
nearly as broad as procedures covered by human insurance. To pet
owners, the appeal of insurance comes down to peace of mind, and
hopefully not having to explore the limits of unconditional love.
"By paying monthly premiums there is no need to worry about
suddenly struggling to come up with unbudgeted veterinary expenses
down the road," Kelly added. "It allows pets to receive expert care
and helps their human families manage costs, now for less than 40
cents a day." More information about pet insurance is available on
the Kroger Personal Finance Web site at http://www.krogerpets.com/.
About Kroger Personal Finance The Kroger Co. launched Kroger
Personal Finance® (KPF) in 2004 to offer customers convenient,
affordable personal finance products and services from preferred
providers. KPF provides information and access to a wide variety of
financial products and services that extend special offers and
group discounts due to the combined buying power of Kroger
customers. These include credit cards, gift and prepaid cards,
insurance, ID theft protection and in-store money services such as
check cashing, Coinstar® and Western Union®. Information on KPF
products and services is available in the 2,470 stores Kroger
operates under two dozen local banner names including Kroger,
Ralphs, Fred Meyer, Fry's, King Soopers, Smith's, Dillons, QFC and
City Market. For more information about KPF, visit
http://www.krogerpersonalfinance.com/. DATASOURCE: Kroger Personal
Finance CONTACT: Pepper Peale, for Kroger Personal Finance,
+1-513-271-7222 ext. 12 Web Site: