(6) |
To carry on the business of mechanical, electrical, railway, marine, aeronautical, agricultural, sanitary,
civil and constructional engineers, ferrous and non-ferrous metal founders, casters, spinners, follers, and workers of all metals and their alloys, welders by any process whatsoever of ferrous and non ferrous
metals and metal compounds, manufacturers of welding applications, tool makers, metal workers, boller makers, mill-wrights, machinists, manufacturers of iron, pig iron, steel, metal wires, ingots, metals and their alloys of all kinds and
descriptions, metal conductors, wires, galvanized wires, rods and things in all its branches, wire nails, bolts, nuts and appliances, tools and implements, sheets that could be manufactured out of aluminum, iron, steel, brass, zinc, copper, gold,
silver or any other kind and combination of metal, converters of iron and steel and other metals, smiths, tin manufacturers and tinkers, wheelwrights, wood workers, builders, painters, metallurgists, water supply engineers; gas makers, varnishers,
vulcanizers, electroplaters, silverplates, nickelplates, aluminium platers, importers, exporters and distributors in all kinds of plant and machinery, apparatus, tools, component parts, accessories, and to buy, sell, manufacture, repair, convert,
alter, let on hire and deal in any kind of metals, machinery, implements, tools, accessories, rolling stock, hardware of all kinds and things necessary or convenient for carrying on the business or usually dealt in by persons in like business.