announce that the Company has received all assay results from the 3,053 metres /
20 holes diamond drilling campaign (refer to the news release dated...) on the
Company's Lamothe Lithium-Rubidium Showing (the "Lamothe Showing") at the 113
claims / 60 km2 Pivert-Stairs Rare Metals Project (the "Project") in the James
Bay Mining District, northern Quebec. 

Full interval assay results were received from ALS Laboratories (Val-d'Or and
Vancouver facilities). The 794 samples taken from the entire suite of the more
than 300 spodumene pegmatite dykes intersected, ranging from 10 cm to 3 meters
in core length (averaging 0.7 meters), in all 20 diamond drill holes. Results
QA/QC protocols are outlined in the appended table with the main highlights
summarized as follows for the Lamothe Showing and Project Drilling sectors:

Lamothe Showing Drilling

Several NW-SE trending surface occurrences of spodumene-bearing granitic
intrusives or pegmatites were uncovered at the Lamothe Showing within a 300
metres by 200 metres rea. The main spodumene-bearing intrusive is at least 10
meters wide at surface and has been uncovered over a 25 meters length. The other
intrusives run parallel and they all tend to be sub-horizontal. There is
significant spodumene-bearing angular boulder field associated with the
discovery trending further to the south possibly indicating additional
spodumene-bearing intrusives in this direction. The average grade of the 19 grab
samples from the Lamothe Showing was 1.06% Li2O, 1,441 g/t Rubidium, 75 g/t
Tantalum and 72 g/t Gallium. Geophysical modeling on the Project has defined the
12+ km long Pivert-Stairs (Rare Metals) Corridor which hosts most of the
Lithium-bearing intrusives on the Project, including the Lamothe Showing. 

A total 9 diamond drill holes (PIV-11-02, and 13 to 20) intersected a 300 meters
segment of the Lamothe Showing. The Lamothe Showing consists of a series of
metric-wide pegmatite dykes located within a transition corridor between a 480
km2 syenite-pyroxenite intrusive body to the north and a mix unit of granitic
gneisses, granites and amphibolites to the south. It extends in NW-SE direction
for the full 300 meters surface length over a 50 meters surface width, to a
drilled depth of 50 meters, and remains open in all directions to the north and
east. Spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes extend for a combined linear length of 6
to 10 meters in a 30 meters (core) length shallow north-dipping zone, likely
representing the true width of the Lamothe Showing. The estimated spodumene
content of the pegmatites of the Lamothe Showing ranges from 3 to 10%. 

Interval assay results range between:

--  trace to 0.63% LiO2 (Lithium Dioxide) over 0.2 metres to 17.8 metres
    core lengths with an Arithmetic Average ("AA") of 0.17% LiO2 over an AA
    of 4.3 metres; 
--  25 g/t to 1,947 g/t Rb (Rubidium) over the same range of core lengths
    with an AA of 897 g/t Rb; 
--  20 g/t to 64 g/t Ga (Gallium) over the same range of core lengths with
    an AA of 38 g/t Ga; and 
--  trace to 125 g/t Ta (Tantalum) over the same range of core lengths with
    an AA of 38 g/t Ta

Project Drilling

A total of 11 diamond drill holes covered a 900 meters wide swath across the
Project covering the immediate extension of Critical Elements Corporation's
("CEC"; formerly First Gold Exploration) Pivert Showing (surface grab sample
yielded up to 4.6% Li2O, 390 g/t Rubidium, 106.5 g/t Gallium and 1.4 g/t
Tantalum) located 900 m to the northwest; Pivert East (surface channel sample
gave 2.08% Li2O, 1,860 g/t Rubidium, 90 g/t Gallium and 159 g/t Tantalum over 1
meter) some 230 meters to the northwest; Pivert South (surface channel sample
yielded 0.87% Li2O, 2,229 g/t Rubidium, 80 g/t Gallium and 169 g/t Tantalum over
28 meters) located 350 meters to the northwest; and Helico South (surface
channel sample yielded 0.44% Li2O, 3,565 g/t Rubidium, 187 g/t Gallium and 196
g/t Tantalum over 116 meters) some 500 meters to the northwest ( 

Interval assay results range between:

--  trace to 0.15% LiO2 (Lithium Dioxide) over 1.2 metres to 18.0 metres
    core lengths with an Arithmetic Average ("AA") of 0.05% LiO2 over an AA
    of 3.3 metres; 
--  trace to 1,954 g/t Rb (Rubidium) over the same range of core lengths
    with an AA of 883 g/t Rb; 
--  17 g/t to 61 g/t Ga (Gallium) over the same range of core lengths with
    an AA of 34 g/t Ga; and 
--  trace to 116 g/t Ta (Tantalum) over the same range of core lengths with
    an AA of 28 g/t Ta

The Pivert-Stairs Rare Metals Project 

The Project consists of the Pivert East #2 Claim Block (33 claims; 1,750
hectares for 17.0 km2); the Lac Pivert West Claim Block (2 claims; 106 hectares
for 1.1 km2); the Stairs Claim Block (43 claims; 2,282 hectares for 22.8 km2);
and the Pivert East #1 Claim Block (36 claims; 1,874 hectares for 18.7 km2),
immediately contiguous to and northeast of the Pivert East #2 Claim Block. The
Project is easily accessible via an extensive road and trail network and sits
less than 5 km from the Eastmain-1 Hydroelectric facility where substantial
infrastructure exists. There is an access road to within 500 m of the Lac Pivert
East #1 and #2 and Lac Pivert West Claim Blocks. A north-south hydro line
straddles the Lac Pivert West Claim Block. 

Earlier work by the Ministere des ressources naturelles et de la faune Quebec
(Boisvert, 1989) describes the Property area as containing irregular but
generally continuous lenses of pegmatites within the host biotite schists.
Individual pegmatites can attain up to 60 meters in width and more than 100
meters in length, collectively forming part of a much larger bodies having
kilometric lengths and widths up to 300 meters. Additional work uncovered a
number of Lithium showings in the region with a similar metallogenic context to
Lithium One's Cyr Lithium Property and First Gold's Pivert/Rose Rare Metals
Property, where irregular but generally continuous spodumene (a lithium bearing
aluminum silicate) bearing pegmatites occur. 

Rare Metals Applications 

According to the USGS 2010 metal reports, Lithium is used principally in
ceramics and glass; electrical and electronic equipments such as batteries;
lubricating greases; inorganic salts for pyrotechnics, hygroscopic uses,
dessicants and propellents/fuels); air treatment and purifications; optics in
mobile phones as resonant crystals; coolants in nuclear reactors; primary
aluminum production; continuous casting; rubber and thermoplastics; and
pharmaceuticals. Lithium ore grades vary from greater than 1% in pegmatites to
between 0.05% and 0.75% in brines. 

Rubidium is used in fireworks; in thermoelectric generators; laser coolants;
electronic transmitters; lubricant in vapor turbines; vacuum tubes; photocells;
atomic clocks and magnetometers; superoxides; and thermonuclear medicine and
pharmaceuticals. An example of the Rubidium mineral resources grade is from
Avalon Minerals Separation Rapids Project in northern Ontario, where Inferred
mineral resources yielded 2,700 ppm Rb. 

Gallium is principally used in electronic components which represented about 98%
of the Gallium consumption in the United States in 2007 with about 66% of
semiconductor gallium is used in integrated circuits (mostly gallium arsenide),
such as the manufacture of ultra-high speed logic chips in cell phones, and
about 20% is used in optoelectronics; multi-junction photovoltaic cells,
developed for satellite power applications and batteries; photovoltaic compounds
in solar panels; wetting and alloy improvement in glass and porcelain;
thermometers; coolants; component in low-melting alloys; biomedical
applications; and additives in glide wax for skis, and other low friction
surface materials. An example of the Gallium mineral resources grade is from the
Cordero Gallium Project in Nevada, held by Gold Canyon Resources Inc., where
grades range from 52.3 g/t Ga in the Indicated category and 49.2 in the Inferred

Tantalum is used in the production of electronic components such as capacitors
and resistors in mobile phones, PC's and automotive electronics; alloys that
have high melting points, are strong and have good ductility; chemical reaction
vessels and pipes such as coils; ultra high frequency electron tubes for radio
transmitters; high refractive index glasses for camera lenses; vacuum furnace
parts; shaped charge and explosively formed penetrator liners; watches; and
orthopedic implant materials. Tantalum ore grades range from 200 g/t to 300 g/t.

About Jourdan Resources

Jourdan Resources Inc. is a Canadian junior mining exploration company trading
under the symbol JOR on the TSX Venture Exchange. The Company is focused on the
acquisition, exploration, production, development and if, as the case may be,
the operation of mining properties in strategic Uranium and Rare Metals or High
Technology Metals ("HTM's") sectors of eastern Canada. The Company's properties
are currently at the exploration stage along the Lower North Shore, the Mauricie
and now the James Bay regions of Quebec. JOURDAN is fully funded for the 2011
field exploration programs. 

The technical information in this news release was prepared by Mr. Jean Lafleur,
M. Sc., P. Geo., JOURDAN's Technical Consultant, a Qualified Persons under NI
43-101 regulations. 

Table of Lithium (% LiO2) Rubidium (g/t Rb), Gallium (g/t Ga) and Tantalum (g/t
Ta) interval assay results from the 2011 diamond drilling program at the
Pivert-Stairs Rare Metals Project, James Bay Mining District.

DIAMOND   FROM     TO LENGTHLiO2(%)     Rb    Ga    Ta                     
DRILL      (m)    (m)    (m)         (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)                     
HOLE #                                                                     
SERIES)                                                COMMENTS            
1         75.6   77.6    2.0  0.054  1,096    46    42 Project drilling    
          79.9   81.3    1.4  0.056  1,128    32    29                     
         114.1  116.2    2.2  0.070    395    23     3                     
         131.9  133.1   1.20  0.054    484    30    15                     
         152.4  153.8   1.40  0.052    424    30    28                     
         158.5  161.0   2.50  0.055    809    37    40                     
          22.4   26.4   4.00  0.268  1,418    42    66                     
          45.1   46.8   1.70  0.060    934    37    42                     
          52.2   54.8   2.60  0.074  1,180    50    46                     
2         81.5   87.0   5.50  0.055     81    21     1 Lamothe Showing     
          96.0   98.2    2.2  0.055  1,190    49    48                     
         130.0  142.7   12.7  0.052    339    25    10                     
         184.5  186.1    1.6  0.340  1,026    41    27                     
           5.1    6.6    1.5  0.119    877    39    30                     
          20.3   21.6    1.3  0.100    594    30    27                     
          33.2   35.0   1.80  0.111    920    42    38                     
3         36.4   37.7   1.32  0.122    616    30    16 Project drilling    
         110.5  111.8   1.30  0.052    308    30    16                     
         251.0  253.7    2.7  0.151    955    50    30                     
         260.6  266.1    5.5  0.068    391    39    21                     
          20.4   22.7    2.3  0.092  1,000    41    50                     
4         67.2   70.1    2.9  0.051    531    35    30 Project drilling    
         202.8  204.1   1.30  0.092    611    43    35                     
5           No significant interval                                        
                      assay results                    Project drilling    
6         79.4   80.7    1.3  0.066    353    33   116 Project drilling    
         102.0  104.1    2.1  0.052    815    33    14                     
7         24.3   27.9    3.6  0.050    886    39    38 Project drilling    
         152.1  156.5    4.4  0.053    732    32    53                     
          30.5   39.9    8.7  0.053    352    21     8 Project drilling    
8         44.5   45.5    3.5  0.064    120    19     1                     
         116.6  119.2    2.6  0.050    119    20     3                     
         135.4  135.9    6.0  0.058    404    23     8                     
9                               NSF                    Project drilling    
10        46.5   48.0    1.5  0.058    685    30    14 Project drilling    
         153.0  154.8    1.8  0.089  1,046    39    31                     
         178.0  179.5    1.5  0.076    833    35    22                     
11         5.0    8.9    3.9  0.050  1,247    40    85 Project drilling    
          98.0  100.6    2.6  0.054    690    32    28                     
         187.9  192.3    3.1  0.052    614    31    24                     
12       143.9  154.1   10.2  0.065    208    21     2 Project drilling    
13        12.0   13.3    1.3  0.057     25    20     3 Lamothe Showing     
          21.8   23.3    1.5  0.058    490    34    60                     
          29.0   32.0    3.0  0.122    607    32    28                     
          52.3   58.4    6.1  0.070  1,409    44    35                     
14         9.5   13.5    4.0  0.384    776    43    39 Lamothe Showing     
          23.5   25.0    1.5  0.133    752    39    56                     
          28.4   30.0    1.6  0.131    404    27    22                     
15         9.6   11.9    2.3  0.486    697    44    35 Lamothe Showing     
          15.7   18.0    2.3  0.625  1,183    54    42                     
          30.7   31.2    1.4  0.093    772    30    34                     
          35.7   37.0    1.3  0.120    694    34    37                     
          38.5   39.8    1.3  0.173    328    30    22                     
          41.5   43.0    1.5  0.277    787    39    50                     
          44.1   50.5    6.4  0.146    716    28    26                     
          68.7   71.1    2.4  0.079  1,707    42    31                     
16         4.8    9.1    4.3  0.236  1,013    34    41 Lamothe Showing     
          10.7   12.6    1.9  0.366    771    37    47                     
          15.2   17.2    2.0  0.472    764    38    53                     
          19.4   23.4    4.1  0.494  1,122    36    38                     
          26.0   33.8    7.8  0.232  1,017    36    36                     
17        10.6   12.7    2.1  0.081  1,176    40    76 Lamothe Showing     
          17.7   20.0    2.3  0.197  1,104    44    32                     
          22.5   26.0    3.5  0.195    804    32    27                     
          30.7   32.0    1.3  0.153    733    32    28                     
          34.3   52.1   17.8  0.390  1,015    37    40                     
18        31.8   33.5    1.7  0.100    932    38    55 Lamothe Showing     
          39.0   43.8    4.8  0.236    902    33    32                     
          47.1   48.8    1.8  0.122    972    37    38                     
          50.8   53.5    2.7  0.223    526    23     8                     
          56.9   66.8    9.9  0.606  1,302    40    43                     
19        23.2   29.5    6.3  0.272    887    45    34 Lamothe Showing     
          31.1   39.4    8.3  0.494  1,432    44    63                     
          40.8   42.1    1.3  0.201    498    30    24                     
          43.8   47.2    3.5  0.183    456    23    15                     
          49.8   54.9    5.2  0.293  1,175    39    50                     
          59.0   60.3    1.4  0.088    499    27    34                     
          68.4   70.7    2.3  0.050    850    39    56                     
          78.4   79.2    0.8  0.083  1,484    33    22                     
20         4.9    8.3    3.4  0.319  1,027    43    38 Lamothe Showing     
           9.8   11.9    2.1  0.410  1,947    44    51                     
          13.5   21.3    7.8  0.629  1,175    45    54                     
          24.9   29.0    4.1  0.319    983    38    59                     
          30.0   32.5    2.5  0.158    667    28    33                     
Notes: -NSF - No significant interval results.

Quality assurance / Quality Control ("QA/QC")

The core from diamond drill holes was transported by snowmobile from the drill
sites to the JOURDAN core logging facility on-site at the Pivert East #2 Claim
Block. There, qualified personnel logged, sample tagged and half-split the core
in 0.25 meter to 1 meter intervals using a hydraulic splitter. The individual
sampled intervals of half-split core are then inserted in tagged plastic bag,
sealed and inserted in large nylon bags readied for shipment to the ALS
Laboratory Group facility in Val-d'Or (Quebec). Blanks and duplicates were
inserted in the sample stream on-site at every 20 core samples. 

Once at the assay laboratory, samples are inventoried using the bar code
tracking system, dried, finely crushed to 70% at less than 2 mm, pulverized
split of to 85% at less than 75 um, and riffle split a 250 gram fraction for the
various assays using the Acid Digestion Lithium Mineral Analysis (Li-OG63) for
Li; Major Element Analysis Package (ME-ICP06) for SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO,
Na2O, K2O, Cr2O3, TiO2, MnO, P2O5, SrO and BaO; 38 Element Fusion (ME-MS81) for
Ag, Ba, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu, Ga, Gd, Hf, Ho, La, Lu, Mo, Nb, Nd, Ni,
Pb, Pr, Rb, Sm, Sn, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Tl, Tm, U, V, W, Y, Yb, Zn and Zr; OA-GRA05
for Loss on Ignition ("LOI") at 1000 degrees C; and TOT-ICP06 for % Total

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