6th September 2002


                           AGA FOODSERVICE GROUP PLC                           

                             2002 INTERIM RESULTS                              


Half year to 30thJune                          2002     2002       2001     2001
                                         Continuing    Total Continuing    Total
                                                 �m       �m         �m       �m
Turnover                                      143.7    150.7       96.1    244.7
Operating profit before goodwill               13.2     12.7        7.3     13.2
Operating profit                               10.2      9.7        5.6      9.1
Profit before tax                                       11.6                10.7
Shareholders' funds                                    263.3               257.0
Net cash                                                82.5               119.9
Basic earnings per share                                6.4p                3.4p
Dividend per share                                      1.9p                1.7p

  * Strong performances from consumer operations, led by Aga-Rayburn and the
    newly acquired US home fashions business, Domain.
  * Bakery operations performed well in the UK and USA balancing the impact of
    quiet UK prime cooking and refrigeration markets.
  * Net cash balance of �82 million available to finance further acquisitions.
  * Dividend increased reflecting earnings growth and benchmark policy of 3
    times dividend cover.
"A sound performance from established businesses together with the momentum
from new acquisitions resulted in a pleasing first half to the year. The
strategy outlined eighteen months ago of creating a major international brand
led operation is well on track. We have to be cautious given current market
uncertainties, but on the fundamentals of our businesses we are upbeat."

                                                                William McGrath
                                                                Chief Executive


William McGrath, Chief         020 7404 5959 (today)           
Shaun Smith, Finance Director  0121 742 2366 (thereafter)      
Jonathan Glass (Brunswick)     020 7404 5959                   

                           Aga Foodservice Group plc                           

                             2002 Interim Results                              

                  CHAIRMAN'S AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S STATEMENT                   

Aga is continuing to deliver the growth strategy set out in March last year.
Good progress with our plans to create a major brand led consumer business and
a strong niche foodservice operation made for a pleasing first half to 2002.

Turnover and operating profits were both well ahead of the prior year in the
first half of 2002 and the continuing financial strength of the business was
seen in the net cash balance of �82 million at 30th June 2002.

The major events in the first half year were:

  * The acquisition of Domain, the US East Coast home fashions business, in
    March 2002 for $29 million, providing a retail base for expansion in North
  * The successful relaunch of our Rangemaster cooker business following the
    sale in April of its lower price point brands, Leisure and Flavel, to focus
    on design led niche products.
  * The acquisition of Belshaw, the world market leading producer of doughnut
    making equipment, in April 2002 for $24 million.
Financial Results

Turnover of continuing operations in the six months to June 2002 increased from
�96 million in the prior year to �144 million, an increase of 50 per cent.
Excluding acquisitions made in the last year, organic turnover growth was 8 per
cent. Operating profits before goodwill amortisation in continuing businesses
of �13.2 million were 81 per cent higher than the prior year figure of �7.3
million, which included a �2.1 million exceptional charge largely in relation
to Agalinks. The turnover and operating profit before goodwill amortisation
from Domain and Belshaw, the acquisitions in the first half, were �16.6 million
and �2.4 million respectively, while the loss from the discontinued commodity
cookers and fires operations was �0.5 million. The net disposal proceeds of 
�4.8 million were matched by the associated costs including redundancies, sale
expenses and the cost of providing product on a transitional basis to Beko and
Kinder, the purchasers of cookers and fires respectively.

The Group had significant cash balances available during the period to fund its
development programmes. The net interest receivable of �1.9 million accrued at
an interest rate of around 4 per cent.

The tax rate was 29.5 per cent (24.1 per cent excluding goodwill) (2001 : 29.2
per cent) and is expected to remain below the UK standard rate in 2002 and
2003. Basic earnings per share of 6.4 pence were well ahead of 3.4 pence in the
prior year. The dividend has been set at 1.9 pence per share, an increase of 12
per cent over the prior year. The Group has set a benchmark dividend cover of 3
times and expects dividends to rise with profits as this benchmark is achieved.

Consumer Operations

Aga-Rayburn saw the benefits of the higher marketing profile created by the
"Iron Age" advertising campaign and new product launches. The objective is to
make Aga-Rayburn the centre of a business selling to a broadened audience
through a strengthened retail network. Aga volumes, which include the new
Six-Four Series cooker and the Aga Masterchef, were well ahead and our target
continues to be sales of 9,000 cookers this year and 10,000 next. Rayburn
volumes were up by over 10 per cent year on year due to new product
introductions and increased sales to the important Irish market.

Fired Earth has led the new store opening programme with four large out of town
inspirational stores opening this year in Peterborough, Knutsford, High Wycombe
and Cobham, all incorporating Aga Studios. While the inspirational stores
performed well the traditional Fired Earth stores faced patchy markets.
Rangemaster adjusted to the repositioning process and with a lower cost base,
new products, new investment in its cooker and sink factories and strong
marketing support the outlook is more optimistic than for some time.

Domain is a strong, growing home fashions retailer with 25 stores on the US
East Coast. Its targeted customer base was looking to Domain to broaden its
product offering into the kitchen. In response Domain has set about devising a
new store format to incorporate its kitchen furniture and Aga ranges in a
single store. The first two stores to stock Aga cookers in Fair Oaks, Virginia
and Princeton, New Jersey open shortly.

Foodservice Operations

The foodservice sector in the UK has been relatively quiet for some time with
low capital spending by major groups notably in the business travel sector.
Consequently the results of both Falcon and Williams were down year on year.
The bakery market was good and both Mono and the recently acquired Millers
performed strongly in support of investment programmes by major customers such
as Marks and Spencer, Safeway, Sainsbury and Somerfield. At Millers, where
performance in the first six months after acquisition was impressive, important
new facilities management contracts were obtained and there are further
opportunities available.

In the USA, both the recent acquisitions, Adamatic and Belshaw, enjoyed strong
trading performances. Belshaw acquired for $24 million in April is world market
leader in doughnut makers and is an international business. Key customers
include local supermarket and specialist doughnut chains. Victory, the
refrigeration operation, achieved turnover growth and feels confident that it
can rebuild profit margins.

Strategic Development and Current Trading

The Group has followed a consistent development plan over the last 18 months to
create a strong international consumer and foodservice operation. With a sound
platform in place in the US in both sectors, attention is being concentrated on
Europe and discussions are underway with a number of possible partners. The
shareholding we are acquiring in Grange is part of this process. We have a
strong financial position which can support organic growth, acquisitions or
share buy backs.

Should consumer markets slow, we will be affected. We do, however, remain
optimistic as we have an exceptional product range for this autumn with new
catalogues for Fired Earth and Elgin & Hall and advertising campaigns notably
for the Aga Six-Four Series and Rangemaster. In foodservice, we expect quiet
prime cooking and refrigeration markets but good trading conditions for our
bakery businesses.

Overall we expect the progress seen from combining acquisitions with the
strengthening of operational performance to make 2002 a further year of
progress for the Group.

C J Farrow                              W B McGrath                            
Chairman                                Chief Executive                        
6th September 2002                                                             

                         GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT                         

                                                         Half year      Half year        Year to
                                                           to June        to June       December
                                                              2002           2001           2001
                                                                �m             �m             �m
Continuing operations                                        127.1                              
Acquisitions                                                  16.6                              
Total continuing operations                                  143.7           96.1          209.8
Discontinued operations                                        7.0          148.6          160.5
Total turnover                                               150.7          244.7          370.3
Operating profit                                                                                
Continuing operations                                         10.8                              
Acquisitions                                                   2.4                              
Total continuing operating profit before                      13.2            9.4           22.6
exceptional costs and goodwill amortisation                                                                                            
Exceptional costs                                                -          (2.1)          (2.3)
Goodwill amortisation                                        (3.0)          (1.7)          (4.3)
Total continuing operations                                   10.2            5.6           16.0
Continuing operations                                          8.1            5.6           16.0
Acquisitions                                                   2.1              -              -
Total continuing operations                                   10.2            5.6           16.0
Discontinued operations                                      (0.5)            3.5            3.1
Total operating profit                                         9.7            9.1           19.1
Profit on disposal of discontinued operations                  4.8              -              -
Provision for losses and costs of discontinued               (4.8)              -              -
Profit before interest and tax                                 9.7            9.1           19.1
Net interest receivable                                        1.9            1.6            5.6
Profit before tax                                             11.6           10.7           24.7
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                         (3.4)          (3.1)          (7.9)
Profit on ordinary activities after tax                        8.2            7.6           16.8
Equity minority interests                                        -              -          (0.1)
Profit attributable to shareholders                            8.2            7.6           16.7
Dividends                                                    (2.5)          (3.5)          (7.7)
Profit retained                                                5.7            4.1            9.0
Earnings per share                                               p              p              p
Before goodwill amortisation                                   8.7            5.0           13.0
Basic                                                          6.4            3.4            9.5
Diluted                                                        6.3            3.4            9.5

                              GROUP BALANCE SHEET                              

                                           Half year  Half year       Year to
                                             to June    to June      December
                                                2002       2001          2001
                                                  �m         �m            �m
Fixed assets                                                                 
Goodwill                                       119.8       58.8          97.7
Tangible assets                                 53.4       45.9          49.0
Total fixed assets                             173.2      104.7         146.7
Current assets                                                               
Stocks                                          48.4       29.1          36.8
Debtors                                         68.8       80.7          60.7
Cash at bank and in hand                       123.2      143.8         157.4
Total current assets                           240.4      253.6         254.9
Creditors - amounts falling due within                                       
one year                                                                     
Operating creditors                           (67.5)     (31.1)        (59.0)
Borrowings                                    (32.1)     (13.3)        (32.7)
Tax and dividends payable                      (8.8)      (9.1)        (11.0)
Total amounts falling due within one         (108.4)     (53.5)       (102.7)
Net current assets                             132.0      200.1         152.2
Total assets less current liabilities          305.2      304.8         298.9
Creditors - amounts falling due after                                        
more than one year                                                           
Borrowings                                     (8.6)     (10.6)         (8.6)
Provisions for liabilities and charges        (33.0)     (36.9)        (31.5)
Total net assets employed                      263.6      257.3         258.8

Capital and reserves                                                         
Called up share capital                         32.0       31.9          31.9
Share premium account                           57.4       56.0          56.7
Revaluation reserve                              3.8        7.0           5.8
Capital redemption reserve                      35.0       35.0          35.0
Profit and loss account                        135.1      127.1         129.0
Total shareholders' funds                      263.3      257.0         258.4
Equity minority interests                        0.3        0.3           0.4
Total funds                                    263.6      257.3         258.8

                           GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT                           

                                               Half year    Half year     Year to
                                                 to June      to June    December
                                                    2002         2001        2001
                                                      �m           �m          �m
Net cash outflow from operating activities         (2.1)       (51.2)      (12.3)
Returns on investments and servicing of                                          
- net interest received                              2.4          1.6         4.9
- dividends to minority                            (0.1)          0.1           -
Net returns on investments and servicing of          2.3          1.7         4.9
Tax paid                                           (3.7)        (1.7)       (4.3)
Capital expenditure and financial                                                
- capital expenditure                              (4.4)        (8.3)      (12.8)
- sale of tangible fixed                             3.5          0.1         3.3
Net capital expenditure and financial              (0.9)        (8.2)       (9.5)
Acquisitions and disposals                                                       
- cash paid for acquisitions less cash            (28.1)            -       (9.4)
- disposal proceeds received less costs              2.1        804.7       818.4
Net cash flow from acquisitions and               (26.0)        804.7       809.0
Equity dividends paid                              (4.2)       (21.9)      (24.8)
Cash (outflow) / inflow before financing          (34.6)        723.4       763.0
- issue of ordinary share capital                    0.8         34.1        34.8
- buyback of ordinary share capital                    -      (335.1)     (336.3)
- decrease in debt                                 (0.4)      (312.1)     (321.5)
Net financing                                        0.4      (613.1)     (623.0)
(Decrease) / increase in cash in the period       (34.2)        110.3       140.0
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement                                      
in net cash                                                                      
(Decrease) / increase in cash in the period       (34.2)        110.3       140.0
Decrease in debt                                     0.4        312.1       321.5
Change in net debt resulting from cash            (33.8)        422.4       461.5
Borrowings acquired with acquisitions                  -            -      (22.3)
Loan notes issued for acquisitions                     -            -      (20.2)
Exchange adjustment                                  0.2          1.8         1.4
(Decrease) / increase in net cash                 (33.6)        424.2       420.4
Opening net cash / (borrowings)                    116.1      (304.3)     (304.3)
Closing net cash                                    82.5        119.9       116.1

                           SUPPLEMENTARY STATEMENTS                            

                                                     Half year   Half year   Year to
                                                       to June     to June  December
                                                          2002        2001      2001
Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash              �m          �m        �m
outflow from operating activities                                                   
Operating profit                                           9.7         9.1      19.1
Depreciation/goodwill amortisation                         5.9        11.3      17.0
Profit on disposal of fixed assets                       (1.1)       (0.1)     (1.4)
(Increase) / decrease in stocks                          (2.5)      (10.7)    (12.1)
(Increase) / decrease in debtors                         (8.4)      (44.2)    (17.3)
Increase / (decrease) in creditors                       (5.1)      (15.0)    (16.2)
Increase / (decrease) in provisions                      (0.6)       (1.6)     (1.4)
Net cash outflow from operating activities               (2.1)      (51.2)    (12.3)

                                                     Half year    Half year       Year to
                                                       To June      to June      December
                                                          2002         2001          2001
Statement of total recognised gains and losses              �m           �m            �m
Profit attributable to shareholders                        8.2          7.6          16.7
Exchange adjustment on net investments                   (1.6)          2.7         (0.3)
Total recognised gains and losses relating                 6.6         10.3          16.4
to the period                                                                            
Prior year adjustment                                                 (4.2)         (4.2)
Total recognised gains and losses restated                              6.1          12.2

                                                         Half year   Half year       Year to
                                                           to June     to June      December
                                                              2002        2001          2001
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds              �m          �m            �m
Total recognised gains and losses relating                                                  
to the period                                                  6.6        10.3          16.4
Dividends                                                    (2.5)       (3.5)         (7.7)
New share capital                                                                           
                          - share premium                      0.7        30.1          30.8
                          - share capital                      0.1         4.0           4.0
Buy back of share capital - ordinary shares                      -      (32.7)        (32.7)
                          - profit and loss account              -     (335.1)       (336.3)
                          - capital redemption reserve           -        32.7          32.7
Goodwill reinstated on disposals                                 -       175.8         175.8
Net increase / (decrease) in shareholders' funds               4.9     (118.4)       (117.0)
Shareholders' funds at beginning of period                                                  
(June 2001: originally �379.6m before prior year                                            
adjustment of                                                                               
�4.2m)                                                       258.4       375.4         375.4
Shareholders' funds at end of period                         263.3       257.0         258.4

The prior year adjustment relates to the implementation of FRS 19 Deferred Tax,
which requires a full provision for deferred tax and has resulted in a �4.2m
reduction to the opening profit and loss reserve at 1st January 2000.

                              SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS                               

                            Half year to          Half year to             Year to
                               June 2002             June 2001       December 2001
By business group    Turnover  Operating   Turnover  Operating Turnover  Operating
                                  profit                profit              profit
                           �m         �m         �m         �m       �m         �m
Consumer Products        77.4        6.6       45.8        4.2    107.1       11.9
Foodservice              66.3        6.6       50.3        5.2    102.7       10.7
Continuing              143.7       13.2       96.1        9.4    209.8       22.6
Exceptional costs           -          -          -      (2.1)        -      (2.3)
- continuing                                                                      
Goodwill                    -      (3.0)          -      (1.7)        -      (4.3)
amortisation -                                                                    
Discontinued              7.0      (0.5)      148.6        3.5    160.5        3.1
Total Group             150.7          9.7    244.7        9.1    370.3       19.1

Half year goodwill amortisation of �1.0m (nil) relates to Consumer Products and
�2.0m (�1.7m) relates to Foodservice Products.

Consumer Products includes acquisition turnover of �13.8m and operating profit
before goodwill of �1.8m. Foodservice Products includes acquisition turnover of
�2.8m and operating profit before goodwill of �0.6m.

                            Half year to         Half year to              Year to
                               June 2002            June 2001        December 2001
                    ____________________    _________________   __________________
By geographical      Turnover  Operating  Turnover  Operating  Turnover  Operating
                                  profit               profit               profit
                           �m         �m        �m         �m        �m         �m
United Kingdom          106.8       10.2      83.4        7.3     182.9       20.1
North America            33.1        2.7      10.9          -      22.0      (0.1)
Rest of World             3.8        0.3       1.8          -       4.9        0.3
Total continuing        143.7       13.2      96.1        7.3     209.8       20.3
Goodwill                    -      (3.0)         -      (1.7)         -      (4.3)
Discontinued              7.0      (0.5)     148.6        3.5     160.5        3.1
Total Group               150.7      9.7     244.7        9.1     370.3       19.1

Half year goodwill amortisation relates to United Kingdom �2.3m (�1.3m) and
North America �0.7m (�0.4m) and for the year 2001 �3.5m and �0.8m respectively.

North America includes turnover of �16.0m and operating profit before goodwill
of �2.3m and Rest of World includes turnover of �0.6m and operating profit of �
0.1m relating to acquisitions.

Turnover by              Half year to         Half year to            Year to       
                           June 2002           June 2001           December 2001    
                             �m         %        �m          %        �m           %
United Kingdom            101.4      70.6      77.8       81.0     171.1        81.6
North America              34.1      23.7      11.0       11.4      22.3        10.6
Rest of World               8.2       5.7       7.3        7.6      16.4         7.8
Total continuing          143.7     100.0      96.1      100.0     209.8       100.0

North America and Rest of World includes turnover of �16.2m and �0.4m,
respectively, relating to acquisitions.

                              EARNINGS PER SHARE                               

Earnings                                    Half year to    Half year         Year to
                                                    June      To June        December
                                                    2002         2001            2001
                                                      �m           �m              �m
Profit on ordinary activities after tax              8.2          7.6            16.8
Minority interests                                     -            -           (0.1)
Goodwill amortisation net of tax                     3.0          3.5             6.0
Earnings before goodwill amortisation               11.2         11.1            22.7
Profit on ordinary activities after tax              8.2          7.6            16.8
Minority interests                                     -            -           (0.1)
Earnings - for basic and diluted EPS                 8.2          7.6            16.7
Weighted average number of shares in             million      million         million
For basic EPS calculation                          128.1        223.3           174.9
Dilutive effect of share options                     1.1          0.8               -
For diluted EPS calculation                        129.2        224.1           174.9
Earnings per share                                     p            p               p
Before goodwill amortisation                         8.7          5.0            13.0
Basic                                                6.4          3.4             9.5
Diluted                                              6.3          3.4             9.5


 1. Dividends
The Board has approved the payment of an interim dividend amounting to 1.9p per
share (2001 1.7p). The dividend will be paid on 4th December 2002 to
shareholders registered on 8th November 2002.

2. Exchange rates

The profit and loss accounts of overseas subsidiaries are translated into
sterling using average exchange rates, balance sheets are translated at period
end rates. The main currencies and exchange rates are:

                            Half year  Half year   Year to
                              to June    to June  December
                                 2002       2001      2001
EUR                              1.58       1.64      1.61
USD                              1.48       1.42      1.44
Period end                                                
EUR                              1.54       1.66      1.63
USD                              1.52       1.41      1.46

3. Tax

Tax on profit on ordinary activities in respect of the half year to June 2002
has been charged at the estimated rates chargeable for the full year in the
respective jurisdictions, and includes a charge of �0.4m (2001 half year credit
of �0.3m, full year charge of �1.1m) in respect of overseas operations.

4. Comparative figures for the year 2001

The figures for the full year 2001 have been extracted from the Company's
statutory accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and
which contain an unqualified audit report. The half year figures have not been
audited but have been reviewed and reported on by PricewaterhouseCoopers.



We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information set
out on pages 4 to 10 in this document and we have read the other information
contained in the interim report for any apparent misstatements or material
inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/
4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A
review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and
applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying
financial data, and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies
and presentation have been consistently applied, unless otherwise disclosed. A
review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of
assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an
audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a
lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit
opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30th June 2002.


Chartered Accountants


6th September 2002

                          MAIN ADDRESSES AND ADVISERS                          

Head Office and Registered Office

Aga Foodservice Group plc

Headland House, 54 New Coventry Road,

Sheldon, Birmingham B26 3AZ

Telephone: 0121 742 2366

Fax: 0121 742 0403

e-mail: info@agafoodservice.com

Website: www.agafoodservice.com

Registered in England No. 354715


Lloyds TSB Registrars

The Causeway


West Sussex

BN99 6DA

Telephone (Helpline): 0870 600 3953



Financial Advisers and Joint Stockbrokers

Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein

Joint Stockbrokers

Old Mutual

                            2002 financial calendar 

Record date for interim ordinary    8th November    
Interim ordinary dividend           4th December    
2002 year end                      31st December    

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AGA Rangemaster (LSE:AGA)
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