Consolidated Vending PLC
             Interim accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2007
28 September 2007

Consolidated Vending Plc (`CV' or the `Company'), the niche vending operator, is
pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the 6 months ended 30 June


CV  operates  vending products in the UK. It is the second largest  operator  of
photobooths  and, since the acquisition of Kiddies Rides (UK)  Ltd  on  27  June
2007, it is the third largest operator of kiddie rides.

On admission to AIM in December 2006 it was the clear intention of the Directors
to  use  the  Company's  shares as an acquisition  currency  in  order  to  make
acquisitions.   Growth  by  acquisition will yield both  cost  efficiencies  and
higher quality earnings.

The  acquisition of Kiddies Rides (UK) Ltd should provide an increase of revenue
of 30% and also a positive contribution to earnings and EBITDA.  The integration
process  has  been  straightforward and major  customers  have  indicated  their
satisfaction with the transition.

Photobooths provide the majority of CV's revenue. Due to our stock  of  ex  Post
Office  booths we remain well placed to provide competitive bids for significant
contracts as and when they come up for renewal or out to tender.  We do  however
acknowledge the price sensitive nature of recent bid decisions so we  intend  to
provide differentiation through customer service levels.

All figures reported under International Financial Reporting
Standards as adopted by the European Union

                                      Six      Six    Proforma       209 day
                                   months   months  six months        period    
                                    ended    ended       ended         ended
                                  30 June  30 June     30 June   31 December
                                      (CV    (Snap       (Snap           (CV
                                    conso  Digital         and        Consol
                                  lidated)    only)     BFresh)       idated)
                                     2007     2006        2006          2007
                                     �000     �000        �000          �000                 
* Revenue                           1,533    3,549       3,651         1,545
* Operating (loss)/profit            (645)     (43)     (1,470)       (1,039)
* (Loss)/profit before taxation      (189)     (46)     (1,483)       (1,044)
* Loss per share - basic              0.1p       -           -           0.7p

* Borrowings                          733    1,250       1,250         1,059

  *  The  directors have been advised by AIM that,  in  the
     absence of comparative information on the group for the six
     months  to 30 June 2006, comparative information  on  the
     principal subsidiary Snap Digital Imaging Limited (`Snap')
     should be provided in the income statement.  In the opinion of
     the directors, more appropriate comparative information is
     given by the presentation of an aggregation of the combined
     results of CV, Snap and its fellow subsidiary BFresh Limited
     for that period.
  *  Consequently, the directors have included this proforma
     comparative information in the above.
  *  Ongoing revenues have remained relatively stable compared
     to the 209 day period ended 31 December 2006.
  *  The  Post Office Contract was lost in June 2006  which
     accounted for approximately 55% of Snap's Revenues.
  *  Losses before taxation have been reduced from the
     comparable period last year.

  *  On 27 June 2007 the acquisition of Kiddies Rides (UK)
     Limited was completed.

Activities in the Period

Ongoing  revenues  have remained relatively stable compared  with  the  209  day
period ended 31 December 2006. The Post Office contract ended in June 2006.   If
the  effect  of  the  Post Office revenue in the 6 months to  30  June  2006  is
excluded then again revenues are reasonably comparable.

The  Group  is  showing  reduced  losses before  tax  of  �189,000  compared  to
�1,483,000  for  the comparable period last year which included a  share  option
related  FRS  20 charge of �1,168,000). The current period includes  a  one  off
discount relating to debt refinancing of �450,000.

On  27  June 2007 we completed the acquisition of Kiddies Rides (UK) Ltd  whilst
also raising new equity funds and refinancing of our debt position.

Kiddies  Rides (UK) Ltd owns and operates around 360 rides in similar  locations
to  the  Groups'  photobooth locations. In the year ended 31  October  2006  the
business had turnover of �938,721, EBITDA of �155,839 and profit before  tax  of
�45,780.   Based  on  a  similar level of turnover we anticipate  a  significant
increase  in  profitability through integration into CV's engineering  team  and

On  27 June 2007 the Company placed 22,667,209 ordinary shares of �0.001 each at
�0.014875  with  funds  managed  by  Arc Fund Management  Limited  which  raised
�337,174 before expenses.  These funds were used to part fund the acquisition of
Kiddies Rides (UK) Ltd.

During the period the Group debt due to 3i Group plc of �1.55m was repaid  at  a
discount  of  �450,000.  The repayment was mainly funded  by  monies  raised  on
admission  to  AIM  in  December 2006 and from a convertible  loan  of  �625,000
advanced  by Trafalgar Capital Specialized Investment Fund (`Trafalgar')  on  27
June 2007.

The Company has also entered into a Committed Equity Facility with Trafalgar  of
up to �2m.

At  the  beginning  of the reporting period the Company owned  65%  of  Powerpod
Holdings  Plc,  a  non-trading holding company. Powerpod  Ltd,  a  wholly  owned
subsidiary of Powerpod Holdings Plc, is in liquidation and the remaining  shares
in  Powerpod  Holdings  Plc are being purchased by the  Company.   To  date  the
Company  owns  94%  and  the  remainder are under a compulsory  purchase  order.
Powerpod Holdings Plc will be struck off once full ownership is gained.

As  indicated  in our December 2006 directors' report and financial  statements,
bringing  the  Aqua  Polar  product to the UK market  will  require  significant
investment  in gaining and maintaining various approvals and accreditations  and
in  altering the product.  The level of investment has been assessed against the
likelihood of commercial success and it has been deemed too high a risk  in  the
current state of the Group's development.  The Directors retain the belief  that
pure water vending is a valid business concept and will continue to keep abreast
of opportunities as and when they arise in the area.

Accounting Policies

These  are  the first results presented under International Financial  Reporting
Standards and the comparatives have been restated on this basis.

The  main  effect  is  that  of an accelerated charge  to  profits  due  to  the
requirement to identify and amortise intangible assets not previously recognised
which has produced an increased charge of �85,000 for the 6 months ended 30 June
2007.  The consequential identification of intangible assets resulted in a  one-
off  credit of �70,000 to the income statement for the period ended 30 June 2007
of the excess of the assets acquired over the consideration paid.


The  second  half should yield further reduction in losses with the introduction
of the Kiddies Rides (UK) Ltd business before moving into profit in 2008.

We   continue   to  seek  suitable  acquisitions  to  bolt  onto  the   existing
infrastructure. Further information will be announced at the appropriate time.

Andrew Coll
Chief Executive


Andrew Coll, Chief Executive
Jonathan Dowse, Finance Director
Richard Steele, Non-exutive Chairman
Renwick Haddow, Non-executive Director
Consolidated Vending PLC
3 Barnes Wallis Court
Wellington Road
High Wycombe
HP12 3PR
Telephone: 01494 513927

Nick Harriss
ARM Corporate Finance Limited ("Nominated Advisor")
12 Pepper Street
E14 9RP
Telephone: 020 7512 0191

Ian Callaway
SVS Securities plc
2 London Wall Buildings
London Wall
SVS Securities plc
Telephone: 020 7638 5600

Consolidated Income Statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2007
                            Note      Six        Snap      Six      209 day
                                   months     Digital   months       period
                                    ended     Imaging    ended        ended
                                  30 June     Limited  30 June  31 December
                                     2007  Six months     2006         2006
                                    �'000       ended    �'000        �'000
                                              30 June           
     Revenue                 3      1,533       3,549    3,651        1,545
     Cost of sales                   (991)     (3,068)  (3,138)        (856)
     Gross profit                     542         481      513          689
     Other operating                   69           -        -          369
     Operating expenses            (1,256)       (524)  (1,983)      (2,097)
     Operating loss          3       (645)        (43)  (1,470)      (1,039)
     Finance income          4        466           -        -           48
     Finance expense         5        (10)         (3)     (13)         (53)
     Loss before taxation            (189)        (46)  (1,483)      (1,044)
     Income tax expense                 -           -        -            -
     (Loss)/profit for the                                    
     period attributable             (189)        (46)  (1,483)      (1,044)
     to equity holders of                            
     the parent                    ========================================

     Loss per share (pence)                                          
     Basic                           0.01p          -        -          0.7p
     Diluted                         0.01p          -        -          0.5p

As  agreed  with AIM, the results for the comparative six months ended  30  June
2006  represent  the  trading for the subsidiary Snap  Digital  Imaging  Limited
(`Snap')  only.   The  proforma figures for the six months ended  30  June  2006
represent  an  aggregation of the trading results of both Snap  and  its  fellow
subsidiary   BFresh  Limited.   The  results  for  the  209  day   period   from
incorporation  on  6  June 2006 to 31 December 2006 represent  the  consolidated
results  of  the group for that period and hence include the trading results  of
the two subsidiaries post acquisition on 23 June 2006.

Consolidated Balance Sheet
At 30 June 2007
                                   As at        As at          As at
                            30 June 2007      30 June    31 December
                                   �'000         2006           2006
                                                �'000          �'000  
     Non-Current Assets
     Property, plant &             1,800        2,023          1,688
     Intangible assets
     - customer contracts          1,184          892            817
     Total non-current             2,984        2,915          2,505
     assets                   ______________________________________

     Current Assets
     Inventories                     372          385            336
     Trade and other                 406          441            633
     Cash and cash                   302          808            955
     Total current assets          1,080        1,634          1,924
     Total assets                  4,064        4,549          4,429
     Current Liabilities
     Borrowings                        -        1,250            750
     Trade and other               1,258        2,472          1,654
     payables                 ______________________________________
     Total current                 1,258        3,722          2,404
     liabilities              ======================================

     Non-Current Liabilities
     Borrowings                      733            -            309
     Other payables                    -           27              -
     Deferred taxes                   27            -              -
     Total non-current               760           27            309
     liabilities              ______________________________________                                   
     Total liabilities             2,018        3,749          2,713
     Net assets                    2,046          800          1,716
     Issued share capital            259          160            206
     Share premium account         1,853          800          1,387
     Retained earnings               (66)        (160)           123
     Total equity                                            
     attributable to               2,046          800          1,716
     equity holders of the
     parent                   ======================================

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
for the six months ended 30 June 2007

                                     Issued      Share   Retained    Total
                                      Share    Premium   Earnings    �'000              
                                    Capital    Account      �'000
                                      �'000      �'000   
  24 day period ended 30 June 2006
  At 6 June 2006                          -          -          -        -
  Loss for the                                              
  period being                                              
  total recognised                        -          -     (1,328)  (1,328)
  income and                                            
  expense for the
  including                               -          -      1,168    1,168
  deferred tax                                             
  taken directly
  to equity
  Shares issued                         160        800          -      960
  At 30 June 2006                       160        800       (160)     800

  209 day period ended 31 December 2006
  At 6 June 2006                          -          -          -        -
  Loss for the                                              
  period being                                              
  total recognised                        -          -     (1,045)  (1,045)
  income and                                             
  expense for the
  including                               -          -      1,168    1,168
  deferred tax                                             
  taken directly
  to equity
  Shares issued                         206       1,387         -    1,593
  At 31 December                        206       1,387       123    1,716
  2006                             =======================================                        
  Six months ended 30 June 2007
  At 1 January 2007                     206       1,387       123    1,716
  Loss for the                                              
  period being                                              
  total recognised                        -           -      (189)    (189)
  income and                                               
  expense for the
  Shares issued                          53         466         -      519
  At 30 June 2007                       259       1,853       (66)   2,046

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
for the six months ended 30 June 2007

                                              Six   Proforma      209 day
                                           months six months       period   
                                            ended      ended        ended
                                               30    30 June  31 December     
                                             June       2006         2006
                                             2007      �'000        �'000
    Cash flows from operating activities             
    Loss for the period                      (189)    (1,483)      (1,045)
    Adjustments for:                                 
    Depreciation                              270          -          472
    Amortisation                              157          -           75
    Loss on sale of property, plant             -          -         (126)
    and equipment
    Finance income                           (466)         -          (48)
    Finance expense                            10         13           53
    Equity settled share based                         1,168        1,168
    payment expenses                      _______________________________

    Operating cash (outflow)/inflow                        
    before changes in working                (218)      (302)         549
    Increase in inventories                   (20)        15           64
    Decrease/(increase) in trade and          321        (80)        (272)
    other receivables
    (Increase)/decrease in trade and          217        389         (614)
    other payables                        _______________________________
    Net cash generated from                                
    operations and operating                 (134)        22         (273)
    Cash flows from investing activities             
    Acquisitions                             (775)        95           95
    Purchase of property, plant and             -        (12)         (12)
    equipment                             _______________________________
    Net cash from investing                  (775)        83           83
    Cash flows from financing activities             
    Proceeds from the issue of share          519        878        1,511
    New borrowings                            625      1,250        1,300
    Repayment of borrowings                  (951)    (2,245)      (2,486)
    Net cash from financing                   193       (117)         325
    Net (decrease)/increase in cash                        
    and cash equivalents                     (716)       (12)         135
    Cash acquired with subsidiaries            63        820          820
    Cash and cash equivalents at              955          -            -
    start of period                       _______________________________
    Cash and cash equivalents at end          302        808          955
    of period                             ===============================

The proforma cashflow figures for the comparative six months ended 30 June 2006
have been derived from the group's balance sheet at incorporation on 6 June 2006
and that of 30 June 2006.

    Reconciliation of net cash to movement in net borrowings
                                           Six    Proforma        209 day
                                        months  six months          period 
                                         ended       ended           ended 
                                       30 June     30 June     31 December   
                                          2007        2006            2006 
                                         �'000       �'000           �'000     
    Net (decrease)/increase in                              
    cash and cash equivalents             (716)        (12)            135
    Repayment of borrowings                951       2,245           2,486
    New borrowings                        (625)     (1,250)         (1,300)
    Net cash/(borrowings)                                   
    acquired with subsidiaries              63      (1,425)         (1,425)
    Movement in net borrowings in         (327)       (442)           (104)
    the period
    Net borrowings at start of            (104)          -               -
    period                              __________________________________
    Net borrowings at end of              (431)       (442)           (104)
    period                              ==================================

Notes to the Financial Statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2007
1. Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards

The  attached  interim  financial statements are  the  first  interim  financial
statements following the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards
as  adopted by the European Union ("EU-adopted IFRSs") for Consolidated  Vending
PLC and its subsidiaries (`the Group').  These interim financial statements have
been  prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out below and  are
consistent with the policies the Group expects to follow at the year-end, taking
into  account  the  requirements and options in IFRS 1 `First-time  adoption  of
International Financial Reporting Standards'.

The  transition date for the Group's application of adopted IFRS is the date  of
incorporation on 6 June 2006 and the comparative figures for 30 June 2006 and 31
December  2006  have been restated accordingly. Reconciliations  of  the  income
statement, balance sheet and net equity from previously reported UK GAAP to IFRS
are  shown in note 10. The consolidated interim statements are prepared  on  the
basis  of adopted IFRS published by the International Accounting Standards Board
(`IASB')  that are currently in issue. The adopted IFRS that will  be  effective
(or  available  for  early adoption) in the annual financial  statements  to  31
December  2007  are  still  subject  to change and  additional  interpretations.
Therefore, the accounting policies set out below may be updated by the time  the
Group prepares its first full set of financial statements under EU-adopted IFRSs
for the year ending 31 December 2007.

The  information presented for the six months ended 30 June 2007 represents  the
consolidated results of the CV Group for that period.  The directors  have  been
advised by AIM that, in the absence of comparative information on the group  for
the  six  months  to  30  June 2006, comparative information  on  the  principal
subsidiary  Snap  Digital  Imaging Limited should  be  provided  in  the  income
statement.   In  the  opinion  of  the directors, more  appropriate  comparative
information  is  given  by the presentation of an aggregation  of  the  combined
results  of  both  Snap and BFresh Limited for that period.   Consequently,  the
directors  have  included this proforma comparative information  in  the  income
statement as presented.

The  information relating to the six months ended 30 June 2007 and 30 June  2006
is unaudited and does not constitute statutory accounts. The comparative figures
for  the year ended 31 December 2006 are not the Group's statutory accounts  for
that  financial period. The statutory accounts for the period ended 31  December
2006, prepared under UK GAAP, have been reported on by the Group's auditors  and
delivered  to  the  Registrar  of Companies. The  report  of  the  auditors  was
unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237(2) or  (3)  of  the
Companies Act 1985.

2. Accounting Policies

The Group's significant accounting policies are listed below:

  (a)  First Time Adoption

The  Group  has  applied  IFRS1 `First time adoption of International  Financial
Reporting  Standards' in its initial application of IFRS. The Group is  required
to   select   appropriate  accounting  policies  under  IFRS  and   apply   them
retrospectively   to  its  financial  statements  such  that   all   comparative
information  is  presented on the same basis. Accordingly this necessitates  the
restatement  of  the balance sheet at 6 June 2006, the date of transition  (this
being the date of the beginning of the earliest financial period for which  full
comparative information is required) as well as at 31 December 2006.

  (b)  Basis of Preparation

The  financial  statements are presented in Sterling,  rounded  to  the  nearest
thousand. They are prepared on the historical cost basis.

The  restated financial information for the transition to IFRS at 6  June  2006,
the  interim  period ended 30 June 2006, the period ended 31 December  2006  has
been  prepared  in accordance with EU-adopted IFRSs and in accordance  with  the
accounting policies as set out below.

The  preparation  of  financial statements in conformity with  EU-adopted  IFRSs
requires  management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions  that  affect
the  application  of  policies and reported amounts of assets  and  liabilities,
income  and  expenses.  The estimates and associated assumptions  are  based  on
historical  experience  and  various other  factors  that  are  believed  to  be
reasonable  under  the circumstances, the results of which  form  the  basis  of
making  the judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities that  are
not  readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ  from  these

The  estimates  and  underlying assumptions are reviewed on  an  ongoing  basis.
Revisions  to  accounting estimates are recognised in the period  in  which  the
estimate  is revised if the revision affects only that period, or in the  period
of  the  revision  and future periods if the revision affects both  current  and
future periods.

(c) Basis of Consolidation

  (i)  Subsidiaries

     Subsidiaries  are  entities controlled by Consolidated  Vending  Plc  (`the
     Company').  Control  exists when the Company has  the  power,  directly  or
     indirectly, to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity  so
     as  to  obtain  benefits from its activities. The financial  statements  of
     subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the
     date that control commences until the date that control ceases.
  (ii) Transactions Eliminated on Consolidation

     Intragroup  balances  and any unrealised gains and  losses  or  income  and
     expenses  arising from intragroup transactions, are eliminated in preparing
     the consolidated financial statements.

(d) Foreign Currency

Foreign Currency Transactions

Transactions  in foreign currencies are translated at the foreign exchange  rate
ruling  at  the  date  of  the  transaction.  Monetary  assets  and  liabilities
denominated  in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are  translated  to
Sterling  at  the  foreign exchange rate ruling at that date.  Foreign  exchange
differences arising on translation are recognised in the income statement.

(e) Property, Plant and Equipment

(i) Owned Assets
     Items  of property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated
     depreciation (see below) and impairment losses (see accounting policy).
(ii) Leased Assets
     Leases  under  the terms of which the Group assumes substantially  all  the
     risks  and  rewards of ownership are classified as finance  leases.  Assets
     acquired  by finance leases are stated at an amount equal to the  lower  of
     their  fair  value and the present value of the minimum lease  payments  at
     inception  of  the  lease,  less accumulated  depreciation  and  impairment
(iii)Subsequent Costs
     The  Group recognises in the carrying amount of an item of property,  plant
     and equipment the cost of replacing part of such an item when that cost  is
     incurred if it is probable that the future economic benefits embodied  with
     the  item  will flow to the Group and the cost of the item can be  measured
     reliably.  All  other costs are recognised in the income  statement  as  an
     expense as incurred.
(iv) Depreciation
     Depreciation  is  charged to the income statement on a straight-line  basis
     over  the estimated useful lives of each part of an item of property, plant
     and  equipment. Land is not depreciated. The estimated useful lives are  as
               * Photobooths            6 years
               * Plant and machinery    3 years
               * motor vehicles         3 - 4 years
               * Fixtures and fittings  3 - 4 years
     The residual value, if not insignificant, is reassessed annually.

(f) Intangible Assets

     (i) Goodwill
     All  business  combinations  are accounted for  by  applying  the  purchase
     method. Goodwill represents amounts arising on acquisition of subsidiaries.
     In  respect of business acquisitions that have occurred since 6 June  2006,
     goodwill represents the difference between the cost of the acquisition  and
     the  fair  value of the net identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent
     (ii) Customer contracts
    Customer  contracts relate to the cost of trading arrangements in  place  at
    the date of acquisition of subsidiaries.  Such costs are being amortised  to
    nil over their estimated useful lives as follows:
    - Photobooths  -    6 years
    - Kiddie rides -    3 years

(g) Trade and Other Receivables

Trade  and other receivables are stated initially at their fair value  and  then
subsequently at their amortised cost.

(h) Inventories

Inventories  are  stated  at  the lower of cost and net  realisable  value.  Net
realisable  value  is  the estimated selling price in  the  ordinary  course  of
business, less the estimated costs of completion and selling expenses.

The  cost  of  inventories  is  based on the first-in  first-out  principle  and
includes expenditure incurred in acquiring the inventories and bringing them  to
their existing location and condition.

(i) Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash  and  cash  equivalents comprises cash balances and call  deposits  with  a
maturity of 3 months or less.  Bank overdrafts that are repayable on demand  and
form an integral part of the Group's cash management are included as a component
of cash and cash equivalents for the purpose of the statement of cash flows.

(j) Impairment

The  carrying amounts of the Group's assets, other than inventories and deferred
tax  assets, are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether  there
is  any  indication  of impairment. If any such indication exists,  the  asset's
recoverable amount is estimated.

The  recoverable amount of assets is the greater of their fair value less  costs
to  sell and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future  cash
flows  are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate  that
reflects  current market assessments of the time value of money  and  the  risks
specific  to  the asset. For an asset that does not generate largely independent
cash  inflows, the recoverable amount is determined for the cash-generating unit
to which the asset belongs.

An impairment loss is recognised whenever the carrying amount of an asset or its
cash-generating  unit  exceeds  its recoverable amount.  Impairment  losses  are
recognised in the income statement.
Impairment  losses recognised in respect of cash-generating units are  allocated
first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to cash-generating
units  (group  of units) and then, to reduce the carrying amount  of  the  other
assets in the unit (group of units) on a pro rata basis.

In  respect of other assets, an impairment loss is reversed if there has been  a
change  in  the  estimates  used  to  determine  the  recoverable  amount.   Any
impairment of goodwill is never reversed.

An  impairment  loss  is reversed only to the extent that the  asset's  carrying
amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined,  net
of depreciation or amortisation, if no impairment loss had been recognised.

(k) Interest-Bearing Borrowings

Interest-bearing  borrowings  are recognised at  fair  value  less  attributable
transaction   costs.   Subsequent   to  initial  recognition,   interest-bearing
borrowings  are  stated at amortised cost with any difference between  cost  and
redemption  value being recognised in the income statement over  the  period  of
borrowings on an effective interest basis.

(l) Employee Benefits

     (i) Pensions
     The  Group  operates  a  defined  contribution  pension  plan  for  certain
     employees.  Obligations for contributions are recognised as an  expense  in
     the income statement as incurred.
     (ii) Share Based Payment Transactions
     The  Group  operates an equity-settled share based payment  programme  that
     allows certain directors to acquire shares of the Company.
     The  fair  value of shares or options granted is recognised as an  employee
     expense  on  a  straight  line  basis  in  the  income  statement  with   a
     corresponding movement in equity. The fair value is measured at grant  date
     and   spread   over   the   period  during  which  the   employees   become
     unconditionally entitled to the shares or options (the vesting period). The
     fair  value of the shares or options granted is measured using a  valuation
     model,  taking into account the terms and conditions upon which the  shares
     or  options  were  granted.   All  of the company's  share  options  vested
     immediately upon the date of grant.
     The fair value of options granted under the Group's share option scheme has
     been determined using the Black-Scholes option pricing model.
(m) Trade and Other Payables

Trade  and  other  payables  are  stated  initially  at  their  value  and  then
subsequently at their amortised cost.

(n) Revenue

     (i) Goods Sold
     Revenue  from  the sale of goods and services is recognised in  the  income
     statement when cash is received in the company's vending machines.

(o) Expenses

(i) Operating Lease Payments
     Payments made under operating leases are recognised in the income statement
     on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease.
(ii) Finance Lease Payments
     Minimum  lease payments are apportioned between the finance charge and  the
     reduction of the outstanding liability.  Finance charges are calculated  so
     as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance
     of liability.
(iii) Net Financing Costs
     Net  financing  costs  comprise interest payable  on  borrowings,  interest
     receivable on funds invested.
     Interest  income is recognised in the income statement as it  accrues.  The
     interest expense component of finance lease payments is recognised  in  the
     income statement using the effective interest rate method.
(p) Income Tax

Income  tax  on the profit or loss for the year comprises current  and  deferred
tax.  Income tax is recognised in the income statement except to the extent that
it  relates  to  items  recognised directly in  equity,  in  which  case  it  is
recognised in equity.

Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year using
tax  rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date,  and  any
adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years.

Deferred tax is provided using the balance sheet liability method and represents
the tax payable or recoverable on most temporary differences which arise between
the  carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes
and the amounts used for taxation purposes (the tax base). Temporary differences
are  not  provided  on: the initial recognition of assets  or  liabilities  that
affect  neither accounting nor taxable profit and do not arise from  a  business
combination;  and  differences relating to investments in  subsidiaries  to  the
extent that they will probably not reverse in the foreseeable future. The amount
of  deferred  tax  provided is based on the expected manner  of  realisation  or
settlement  of  the carrying amount of assets and liabilities, using  tax  rates
expected  to apply in the period in which the liability is settled or the  asset
is  realised and is based upon tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the
balance sheet date.
A  deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent that it is probable  that
future  taxable  profits  will  be available against  which  the  asset  can  be
utilised. Deferred tax assets are reduced to the extent that it is not  probable
that  the  related tax benefit will be realised against future taxable  profits.
The  carrying amounts of deferred tax assets are reviewed at each balance  sheet

(q) Segment Reporting

A  segment is a distinguishable component of the Group that is engaged either in
providing  products or services (business segment), or in providing products  or
services within a particular economic environment (geographical segment),  which
is subject to risks and rewards that are different from those of other segments.

 (r) New standards and interpretations net yet adopted

A  new standard which will be effective for the year ended 31 December 2007, but
which has not been applied in preparing these interim accounts is as follows:

*     IFRS  8 Operating Segments introduces the `management approach' to segment
  reporting.  2008 financial statements, will require the disclosure of  segment
  information  based on the internal reports regularly reviewed by  the  Group's
  Chief Operating Decision Maker in order to assess each segment's performance and
  to allocate resources to them.  Currently the Group presents segment information
  in  respect of its business and geographical segments (see note 3).  Under the
  management approach, the Group does not expect the presentation of its segment
  information to be significantly different.

3. Segmental Analysis

The  Group's  primary reporting segment is business divisions  which  correspond
with the way the operating businesses are organised and managed within the Group
and its secondary segment is geographical origin.

The following table analyses revenue and operating loss accordingly:

                                               Six months    Proforma six      209 day period
                                                    ended    months ended               ended
                                             30 June 2007    30 June 2006    31 December 2006
                                                     �000            �000                �000
Business segment                                                                                            
Photobooths                                         1,445           3,607               1,459
Toiletries                                             88              44                  86
                                                    1,533           3,651               1,545
Operating loss                                                                                     
Photobooths                                           (72)            (43)                 (5)
Toiletries                                            (44)           (259)                 91
Kiddies rides                                         (84)              -                   -
Central administration                               (445)         (1,168)             (1,125)    
                                                     (645)         (1,470)             (1,039)
Geographical Origin                                                                                         
Revenue                                                                                                   United Kingdom
                                     1,533           3,651               1,545
Operating loss                                                                                   
United Kingdom                                       (645)         (1,470)             (1,039)

4. Finance Income
                                                Six months        Proforma     209 day period
                                                     ended      six months           ended 31        
                                                   30 June           ended           December
                                                      2007         30 June               2006
                                                     �'000            2006              �'000

Bank interest receivable                                16               3                 48
Gain on debt refinancing                               450               -                  -
                                                       466               3                 48
5. Finance Expense
                                 Six months      Proforma six  209 day period
                                                     ended      months ended           ended
                                               30 June 2007     30 June 2006     31 December
                                                      �000              �000            �000
On all other loans                                       8              10              22
Finance charges payable on finance leases and hire purchase                                                 
contracts                                                2               3              31
                                         10              13              53
   6. Taxation

The tax charge for the six months ended 30 June 2007 is nil due to the existence
of corporation tax trading losses.  No deferred tax asset has been recognised in
respect  of such trading losses as the directors are unable to state  if  it  is
more likely than not that such losses will be utilised.

7. Loss per Share

Loss per ordinary share have been calculated by dividing the result attributable
to  equity holders of the parent on ordinary activities after taxation for  each
financial  period  by the weighted average number of ordinary  shares  in  issue
during the period.

                                         Six months ended          209 day period
                                   30 June 2007     Proforma 30        31 December
                                                      June 2006            2006
                                         p               p                 p
Basic loss per share                   0.01             3.0                0.7
Diluted loss per share                 0.01             3.0                 0.7

The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share is based upon:

                                      30 June 2007      Proforma 30  209 day period
                                             �'000        June 2006        ended 31
                                                              �'000   December 2006
Earnings for basic and diluted earnings per share                                                          
calculations                                 (189)          (1,483)         (1,044)
                                               No.              No.             No.
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for basic                                                       
earnings per share                         206,674,244       46,666,663     153,412,178
Impact of share options                     35,903,509       11,666,687      36,730,019
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for diluted                                                     
earnings per share                         242,577,753       58,333,330     190,142,197
In  accordance  with  IAS  33 paragraph 33.5 the antidilutive  effect  of  share
options  have been disregarded for the purposes of calculating the diluted  loss
per share amounts shown above.

8. Analysis of Net Borrowings

                                             Six months ended          209 day period
                                        30 June 2007     Proforma 30     31 December
                                            �'000         June 2006             2006
                                                             �'000             �'000
Loans and overdraft                         (733)           (1,250)           (1,059)
Cash and cash equivalents                    302               808               955
Net borrowings                              (431)             (442)             (104)
Explanation of Transition to IFRS

The  accounting  policies set out in note 2 have been applied in  preparing  the
consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2007,
the  comparative information for the six months ended 30 June 2006 and  the  209
day  period  ended  31  December 2006 and the preparation of  the  opening  IFRS
balance sheet at 6 June 2006 (the Group's date of transition).

In  preparing  its opening balance sheet, comparative information  for  the  six
months  ended  30  June 2006 and the 209 day period ended 31 December  2006  the
Group  has adjusted amounts previously prepared in accordance with UK GAAP.   No
reconciliation at the rate of transition (6 June 2006) has been presented  since
the company was newly incorporated on that date.
(a) IFRS Reconciliation of Income Statement Comparatives

               Six months ended               209 day period ended 
                  30 June 2006                    31 December 2006
  Notes         UK      IFRS  Restate  Publish       IFRS  Restat
              GAAP adjustmen        d       ed  adjustmen      ed
             �'000        ts    under  UK GAAP         ts   under
                       �'000     IFRS    �'000      �'000    IFRS
                                �'000                       �'000

Revenue      3,651         -    3,651    1,545          -   1,545
Cost of     (3,138)        -   (3,138)    (856)         -    (856)
Gross          513                513      689          -     689
Operating   (2,053)       70   (1,983)  (2,114)        17  (2,097)
Other            -         -        -      369          -     369
Operating   (1,540)       70   (1,470)  (1,056)         17 (1,039)
Finance          -                  -       48          -      48
Finance        (13)         -     (13)     (53)         -     (53)
Loss         (1,55 3)        70  (1,483)  (1,061)         17  (1,044)
Income           -         -        -        -          -       -
ble to       (1,553)        70  (1,483)  (1,061)         17  (1,044)
of the


(b) IFRS Reconciliation of Balance Sheet Comparatives

                         30 June 2006           31 December 2006
                UK      IFRS  Restate  Publish       IFRS  Restat
              GAAP adjustmen        d       ed  adjustmen      ed
             �'000        ts    under  UK GAAP         ts   under
                       �'000     IFRS    �'000      �'000    IFRS
                                �'000                       �'000
Non-current assets
Intangible assets
-              822     (822)        -      800      (800)       -
Customer         -       892      892        -        817     817
Property     2,023         -    2,023    1,688              1,688
plant and
Total non-   2,845        70    2,915    2,488         17   2,505
Current assets
Inventori      385         -      385      336          -     336
Trade and      441         -      441      663          -     633
Cash and       808         -      808      955          -     955
Total        1,634         -    1,634    1,924          -   1,924
Total        4,479        70    4,549    4,412         17   4,429
Current liabilities
Borrowing    (1,25         -  (1,250)    (750)          -   (750)
s               0)
Trade and    (2,47         -    (2,47  (1,654)          -  (1,654
other           2)                 2)                           )
Total        (3,72         -  (3,722)  (2,404)          -  (2,404
current         2)                                              )
Non-current liabilities
Other         (27)         -     (27)    (309)          -   (309)
Total non-    (27)         -     (27)    (309)          -   (309)
Total        (3,74         -  (3,749)  (2,713)          -  (2,713
liabiliti       9)                                              )
Net            730        70      800    1,699         17   1,716
Called up      160         -      160      206          -     206
Share          800         -      800    1,387          -   1,387
Retained     (230)        70    (160)      106         17     123
holders        730        70      800    1,699         17   1,716
ble to

c) Reconciliation of Equity

                                                                                    30/06/06        31/12/06
                                                                                        �000            �000
Equity under UK GAAP                                                                     730           1,699
Write back of negative goodwill                                                           70              70
Amortisation of customer contracts                                                         -            (53)
Equity under IFRS                                                                        800           1,716

Explanatory notes to the UK GAAP to IFRS Reconciliations Income Statement

a.  Under UK GAAP, goodwill was amortised over its estimated useful life.  Under
IFRS3  `Business  Combinations', goodwill is not amortised  but  is  subject  to
annual  impairment review.  In addition the directors have reviewed the  balance
of  negative goodwill upon transition to IFRS and have chosen to write off  this
balance  of  negative  goodwill.  This has resulted in a credit  to  the  income
statement of �70,000 for the six months ended 30 June 2006 and �70,000  for  the
209  day  period  ended  31  December 2006.  On transition  to  EU-adopted  IFRS
goodwill  amortisation under UK GAAP of �21,000 has been reversed  and  an  IFRS
amortisation charge of �7,400 in relation to customer contracts has been made.

Balance Sheet

a.  Under  EU  adopted IFRS an exercise has been undertaken to restate  previous
acquisitions  under  IFRS 3 `Business Combinations' which has  resulted  in  the
derecognition of goodwill previously arising on business combinations  under  UK
GAAP and the recognition of customer contracts as intangible assets arising from
previous  acquisitions.  These amounts have further increased at  30  June  2007
following the acquisition of Kiddie Rides (UK) Limited.

b. The increase in retained earnings at 30 June 2006 is made up as follows:
- net adjustments to the income statement of �70,000.

The increase in retained earnings at 31 December 2006 is made up as follows:
- net adjustments to income statement of �70,000.

There  has  been  no  effect on the company's cash flows  as  a  result  of  the
transition to EU-adopted IFRS

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