RNS Number:4358H
Konami Corporation
13 February 2003

                                    Consolidated Financial Results
                  for the Third Quarter and the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2002
                                   (Prepared in Accordance with U.S. GAAP)
                                                                                     February 13, 2003


Address:                 4-1, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Stock code number, TSE:  9766
Ticker symbol, NYSE:     KNM
URL:                     http://www.konami.com
Shares listed:           Tokyo Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange and
                         Singapore Exchange
Representative:          Kagemasa Kozuki, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Contact:                 Noriaki Yamaguchi, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
                         (Phone: +81-3-5220-0163)
Adoption of U.S. GAAP:   Yes

Notes:   1. Financial information presented herein was not audited by independent public accountants.
         2. The third quarter ended December 31, 2002 was the first period in which Konami prepared
         its quarterly consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting principles
         generally accepted in the United States of America (U.S. GAAP). Therefore, U.S. GAAP
         consolidated financial information for the three months and the nine months ended December
         31, 2001 is not available. However, figures for the year ended March 31, 2002 presented
         herein have been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

Consolidated Financial Results for the Three and Nine Months Ended December 31, 2002
(Amounts are rounded to the nearest million)

(1) Consolidated Results of Operations
                                                               (Millions of yen, except per share data)

                                         Net revenues        Operating income     Income before income
                                                                                    taxes, minority
                                                                                 interest and equity in
                                                                                     net income of
                                                                                  affiliated companies
Three months ended December 31, 2002              Y 78,161               Y13,646                Y13,095
Nine months ended December 31, 2002                191,356                23,811                 23,245
Year ended March 31, 2002                          225,580                18,087                 22,678

                                                                        Net income         Diluted net income
                                                  Net income        per share (yen)           per share (yen)
Three months ended December 31, 2002                 Y 8,371               Y 69.47                      -
Nine months ended December 31, 2002                   12,739                104.50                      -
Year ended March 31, 2002                             11,402                 89.32                      -


1. Equity in net income of affiliated companies
       Three months ended December 31, 2002:                             Y978 million
       Nine months ended December 31, 2002:                            Y1,622 million
       Year ended March 31, 2002:                                        Y755 million

2. Weighted-average common shares outstanding
       Three months ended December 31, 2002:                      120,487,247 shares
       Nine months ended December 31, 2002:                       121,898,446 shares
       Year ended March 31, 2002:                                 127,647,120 shares

3. Change in accounting policies: None

4. Net income per share was prepared in accordance with Statement of Financial 
Accounting Standard (SFAS) No. 128 ''Earnings per Share''.

(2) Consolidated Financial Position
                                                              (Millions of yen, except per share amounts)
                                                         Total      Equity-assets           Total shareholders'
                                Total assets            equity              ratio        equity per share (yen)
  December 31, 2002                 Y320,673          Y131,325               41.0%              Y1,089.97
  March 31, 2002                     328,091           134,990               41.1%               1,084.44

    Number of shares outstanding
       December 31, 2002:   120,484,926   shares
       March 31, 2002:      124,479,815   shares

(3) Consolidated Cash Flows
                                                                                      (Millions of yen)
                                              Net cash provided by (used in)                     Cash and
                                           Operating       Investing       Financing     cash equivalents
                                          activities      activities      activities     at end of period
Nine months ended December 31, 2002           Y6,799       Y (4,457)       Y (16,894)            Y60,670
Year ended March 31, 2002                     11,119        (16,024)           12,613             75,188

(4) Number of Consolidated Subsidiaries and Companies Accounted for by the Equity Method
     Number of consolidated subsidiaries:                                                    28
     Number of affiliated companies accounted for by the equity method:                       3

(5) Changes in Reporting Entities
     Number of consolidated subsidiaries added:                                               1
     Number of consolidated subsidiaries removed:                                            10
     Number of affiliated companies removed:                                                  1

                                1. Organizational Structure of the Konami Group

The Konami Group is a collection of companies with global operations in the entertainment industry and is comprised of
KONAMI CORPORATION (the ''Company''), 28 consolidated subsidiaries and 3 equity method affiliates.

The Company, its subsidiaries and affiliated companies are categorized into business segments according to their
operations as stated below.

Business segment categorization is based on the same criteria explained in ''6. Segment Information''.

Business Segments                         Major Companies

Computer & Video Games          Domestic  The Company (Note 3, 5, 9), Konami Marketing, Inc. (*2, *3)
                                          Konami Computer Entertainment Osaka, Inc.
or former Consumer Software       (*9)    Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo, Inc.
(CS)                                      Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
                                          Konami Computer Entertainment Studios, Inc.
(Note 6)                                  Konami School, Inc. (*1, *7, Note 3)
                                          Konami Mobile & Online, Inc.
                                          HUDSON SOFT CO., LTD. (*11),
                                          Genki Co., Ltd. (*11)
                                Overseas  Konami of America, Inc., Konami of Europe GmbH
                                          Konami Marketing (Asia) Ltd.
                                  (*4)    Konami Software Shanghai, Inc., One other company
Exercise Entertainment         Domestic   Konami Sports Corporationi*6, Note 4, 5j
or former Health & Fitness
(HF)                                      Two other companies (Note 5)
(*5, Note 5, 6)

Toy & Hobby                     Domestic  The Company (Note 3, 5, 9), Konami Marketing, Inc. (*2, *3)
                                          Konami Music Entertainment, Inc.
(*5, Note 6)                   Overseas   Konami of America, Inc.
                                  (*4)    Konami Marketing (Asia) Ltd.

Amusement                       Domestic  The Company (Note 3, 5, 9), Konami Marketing, Inc. (*2, *3)
                                          Konami Sports Life Corporation (Note 5)
or former Amusement Content               KPE, Inc. (*8), One other company (*8)
(AC)                            Overseas  Konami of America, Inc.
                                          Konami Amusement of Europe Ltd. (Note 7)
(Note 5, 6, 8)                    (*4)    Konami Marketing (Asia) Ltd.

Gaming                          Domestic  The Company (Note 3, 5, 9), Konami Marketing, Inc. (*2, *3)
or former Gaming Content (GC)   Overseas  Konami Gaming, Inc.
(Note 6, 8)                               Konami Australia Pty Ltd., One other company

Other                           Domestic  Konami Capital, Inc. (Note 9, 10), Konami Service, Inc.
                                          Konami School, Inc. (*1, 7, Note 3)
                                          TAKARA CO., LTD. (*11), One other company
                                Overseas  Two other companies

1. Companies that have multiple business segments are included in each segment in which they operate.
2. Primary changes in major companies for the nine months ended December 31, 2002 are as follows:
  (*1) Konami Computer Entertainment School, Inc. merged with Roppongi Monitoring Center, Inc. on May
       1, 2002 for the purpose of improving the efficiency of their operations and changed its company
       name to Konami School, Inc.
  (*2) Konami Amusement Operation, Inc. transferred its amusement facility operation business to its
       new wholly-owned subsidiary KAO Co., Ltd. on May 11, 2002. Konami Amusement Operation, Inc.
       then sold all shares in KAO Co., Ltd. to Amlead Co., Ltd. on May 13, 2002.
  (*3) Konami Marketing, Inc. merged with Konami Style.com Japan, Inc. and Konami Amusement Operation,
       Inc. to improve the efficiency of their operations on August 1, 2002.
  (*4) Konami (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. and Konami Corporation of Korea were dissolved in August 2002 and
       September 2002, respectively.
  (*5) The Character Products (CP) segment and the Health and Fitness (HF) segment changed their names
       to Toy & Hobby (T&H) and Health & Fitness (H&F), respectively, on October 1, 2002.
  (*6) Konami Sports Corporation merged with Konami Olympic Sports Club Corporation on October 1, 2002
       to improve the efficiency of their operations.
  (*7) The education business of Konami School, Inc., which used to be included in the Computer &
       Video Games segment, was transferred to the Other segment as of October 1, 2002 in order to
       develop human resources in the whole Konami group, while its debugging operations for video
       game software remain included in the Computer & Video Games segment.
  (*8) Konami Parlor Entertainment, Inc. and Konami Parlor Research, Inc. changed their company names
       to KPE, Inc. and KPR, Inc., respectively, on November 11, 2002.
  (*9) Konami Computer Entertainment Kobe, Inc. and Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya, Inc. were
       dissolved in December 2002.
 (*10) Konami Asia (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Was dissolved in December 2002.
 (*11) These are equity method affiliates.

3.   The Company took over the debugging business of Konami School, Inc. by acquisition following a
     corporate split on January 1, 2003.

4.   Konami Sports Corporation merged with Konami Sports Plaza, Inc. on January 1, 2003 in order to
     improve the efficiency of their operations.

5.   On January 15, 2003, the Company transferred all of its shares in Konami Sports Corporation to
     Konami Sports Life Corporation as a step toward changing the Company's corporate structure by
     reorganizing into a pure holding company. As a result, the health entertainment business which
     had been a part of the Amusement segment was transferred to the Exercise Entertainment segment on
     January 16, 2003.

6.   The Consumer Software (CS) segment, Health & Fitness (H&F) segment, Toy & Hobby (T&H) segment,
     Amusement Content (AC) segment and Gaming Content (GC) segment changed their names to Computer &
     Video Games, Exercise Entertainment, Toy & Hobby, Amusement and Gaming, respectively on January
     16, 2003.

7.   Konami Amusement of Europe Ltd. changed its company name to Konami Marketing Europe Ltd. on
     January 13, 2003.

8.   On January 27, 2003, the Gaming segment transferred its token-operated game machine business for
     the domestic market to the Amusement segment in order to focus on its gaming machine business for
     the overseas casino industry.

9.   The Company took over the financial service business, such as arrangement of intercompany loans,
     of its wholly-owned subsidiary Konami Capital, Inc. by acquisition following a corporate split on
     February 1, 2003. Konami Capital, Inc. now concentrates on its real estate management business.

10.  Konami Capital, Inc. changed its company name to Konami Real Estate, Inc. on February 1, 2003.

                      2. Business Performance and Cash Flows
(1) Business Review


With respect to the entertainment industry in which we operate, during the third quarter ended December 31, 2002,
PlayStation 2 maintained its global popularity as a video game software platform during the competitive Christmas sales
season and its sales grew significantly. As a result, Sony Corporation's presence became even more dominant in the home
video game software platform market. The domestic industry is approaching a turning point with debate about lifting of
the ban on casino gaming and commencement of restructuring the video game software industry through mergers and
business alliances.

Sales of Yu-Gi-Oh! card game and video game software titles grew significantly in the U.S. and began in Europe
resulting in favorable performance. Also, Pro Evolution Soccer 2, a home video game software title for the overseas
market sold over one million copies following WORLD SOCCER WINNING ELEVEN that was previously released in Japan. Thus,
we have received significant recognition in both domestic and overseas markets.

In this environment, consolidated net revenues, consolidated operating income and consolidated net income for the three
months ended December 31, 2002 were Y78,161 million, Y13,646 million and Y8,371 million, respectively. For the nine
months ended December 31, 2002, consolidated net revenues, consolidated operating income and consolidated net income
amounted to Y191,356 million, Y23,811 and Y12,739 million, respectively.

Performance by business segment

Summary of net revenues by business segment:

                                                                     Millions of Yen
                                                       Three months ended         Nine months ended
                                                        December 31, 2002         December 31, 2002
Computer & Video Games (former CS)                        Y        31,607           Y        67,005
Exercise Entertainment (former H&F)                                18,321                    56,460
Toy & Hobby (former T&H)                                           18,463                    37,907
Amusement (former AC)                                               8,061                    26,670
Gaming (former GC)                                                  4,053                    12,468
Other                                                               1,693                     4,396
Less: Intersegment revenues                                       (4,037)                  (13,550)
Consolidated net revenues                                  Y       78,161           Y       191,356

The Consumer Software (CS) segment, Health & Fitness (H&F) segment, Toy & Hobby (T&H) segment,
Amusement Content (AC) segment and Gaming Content (GC) segment changed their names to Computer &
Video Games, Exercise Entertainment, Toy & Hobby, Amusement and Gaming, respectively on January 16,

The Computer & Video Games (former CS) segment released WORLD SOCCER WINNING ELEVEN 6: Final Evolution for the
PlayStation 2 in December 2002, which became a hit shipping more than 600,000 copies. PRINCE OF TENNIS: Aim at the
the PlayStation 2 also generated favorable sales.

  The Yu-Gi-Oh! series became a big hit overseas as a result of synergies with the trading card game. Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark
Duel Stories for the GameBoy Color, Yu-Gi-Oh! THE ETERNAL DUELIST SOUL for the GameBoy Advance and Yu-Gi-Oh! FORBIDDEN
MEMORIES for the PlayStation shipped more than 1.3 million copies altogether during the third quarter ended December
31, 2002. Pro Evolution Soccer 2 released in October 2002 became a big hit selling more than one million copies in
Europe. The Dancing Stage series maintained favorable sales in the U.K., and Dancing Stage Euromix and Dancing Stage
Party Edition became hits selling more than 400,000 copies altogether.

  As a result, consolidated revenues of the Computer & Video Games segment for the three months and the nine months
ended December 31, 2002 were Y 31,607 million and Y 67,005 million, respectively.

  The Exercise Entertainment (former H&F) segment expanded the number of high-quality facilities by opening two new
facilities Shin-ishikiri branch (Osaka Pref.), and Hoshigaoka branch (Aichi Pref.) and remodeling three existing
facilities, Takasaki branch (Gunma Pref.), Himeji-chuo branch (Hyogo Pref.), and Korien branch (Osaka Pref.), during
the third quarter ended December 31, 2002. We also worked to improve efficiency by merging a subsidiary Konami Olympic
Sports Club Corporation on October 1, 2002.

In a move to improve customer satisfaction and convenience, we introduced two new membership programs that allow
members to use all facilities in a specific area (the ''Chubu Net Membership'' and the ''Hyogo Net Membership''). We
also introduced a new personal trainer service that provides professional one-to-one advice. We also introduced a new
''Undo-Jyuku'' training class in order to expand our program offerings and broaden the age group of our members.

We are working to expand our exercise entertainment business beyond the operation of fitness clubs. For example, we
have created a web site called ''Konami Sports Club'' which we believe to be the first i-mode official site in the
fitness industry and have also introduced a new jazzercise membership program that is intended to be more user-friendly
so as to encourage more members to join our jazzercise program, which we believe to be the largest dance fitness
program in the world.

  As a result, consolidated revenues of the Exercise Entertainment segment for the three months and the nine months
ended December 31, 2002 were Y18,321million and Y56,460 million, respectively.

  The Toy & Hobby (former T&H) segment maintained solid sales of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game series. Sales of the
Yu-Gi-Oh! series rapidly expanded in the North America due to improving recognition. They became predominant in the
trading card game market during the Christmas season in North America. The release of a new Yu-Gi-Oh! series card game
helped us not only maintain a high level of domestic sales, but also to extend the sale of existing products during the
competitive year-end sales season. DegiQ Formula, a new MICRO iR product, and COMBAT DigiQ contributed to increased
MICRO iR sales and the robust sales performance of our hobby products. Candy toys, which enjoy popularity for their
high quality figures, especially MIZUSHIMA SHINJI CHARACTERS YAKYUGUNZOU, achieved more than one million sales
following the SF Movie Selection: Thunderbirds series, and achieved a more dominant position in the market.

  As a result, consolidated revenues of the Toy & Hobby segment for the three months and the nine months ended December
31, 2002 were Y18,463 million and Y37,907 million, respectively.

  The Amusement (former AC) segment maintained the popularity of an e-AMUSEMENT product for amusement arcades, MAH-JONG
FIGHT CLUB, which is a video game that allows players to compete directly with players in other arcade game locations
via an online amusement connection. In addition, sales of WORLD COMBAT, a gun shooting game that allows many players to
play at the same time, remained strong.

  The health entertainment business continued to focus on expanding distribution of existing products such as Dance
Dance Revolution FAMIMAT and MARTIAL BEAT, a fitness action game that uses popular martial arts, and MARTIAL BEAT 2,
the sequel to MARTIAL BEAT, the first game with the ability to measure physical strength that was released in September

  The LCD unit business will aim to continue to introduce distinct and appealing products.

As a result, consolidated revenues of the Amusement segment for the three months and the nine months ended December 31,
2002 were Y8,061 million and Y26,670 million, respectively.

  The Gaming (former GC) segment recorded favorable sales of domestic token-operated game products such as the large
size token-operated game, MONSTER GATE III that was released in December 2002 as a sequel to MONSTER GATE II, which is
known for having established a new category of token-operated game. The segment contributed to total sales with
token-operated products that continue to be popular such as GI-WINNING SIRE, the latest large size token-operated horse
racing game in the GI series which has a realistic ''right there in the midst of it'' feel, and FORTUNE ORB, a
large-sized ''penny-falls'' game machine, popular for its entertaining stage effects. With respect to our overseas
gaming business, we acquired gaming licenses in 18 states in North America, and the installed base of our core product,
video slot machines, has been increasing in line with a more diverse line up of products. As a result, sales of our
products are improving steadily in Nevada and the mid-west region of the U.S. The combination of WILD FIRE, a
stand-alone progressive game with gaming contents has been well received in Australia. We have acquired gaming licenses
in all Australian states, and sales in Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales were especially strong.

  As a result, consolidated revenues of the Gaming segment for the three months and the nine months ended December 31,
2002 were Y4,053million and Y12,468 million, respectively.

  Consolidated revenues for the Other segment for the three months and the nine months ended December 31, 2002 were Y
1,693 million and Y4,396 million, respectively.

(2) Cash Flows

Cash flow summary for the nine months ended December 31, 2002:

                                                                              Millions of Yen
                                                                              Nine months ended
                                                                              December 31, 2002
Net cash provided by operating activities                                         Y        6,799
Net cash used in investing activities                                                     (4,457)
Net cash used in financing activities                                                    (16,894)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                                  34
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                                (14,518)
Cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 2002                                            60,670

Cash follows from operating activities:

Net cash provided by operating activities amounted to Y6,799 million for the nine months ended December 31, 2002. This
resulted primarily from net income of Y12,739 million due to favorable sales of the Computer & Video Games (former CS)
segment and the Toy & Hobby (former T&H) segment with an increase in trade notes and account receivables of Y6,269
million and an increase in inventories of Y1,775 million.

Cash flows from investing activities:

Net cash used in investing activities amounted to Y4,457 million for the nine months ended December 31, 2002. This
resulted primarily from acquisitions of property and equipment of Y7,723 million, which was due mainly to an active
increase in new club locations of the Exercise Entertainment (former H&F) segment, with proceeds from the sale of
subsidiary shares of Y2,081 million and proceeds from the sale of property and equipment of Y1,444 million.

Cash flows from financing activities:

Net cash used in financing activities amounted to Y16,894 million for the nine months ended December 31, 2002. This was
primarily due to purchases of treasury stock of Y10,658 million, a payment of dividends of Y6,172 million and a
decrease in debts of Y9,297 million with proceeds from issuance of bonds of Y14,902 million.

3. Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)

                                                   Millions of Yen                                  Thousands of U.S.   
                                     Dec. 31, 2002                   Mar. 31, 2002                     Dec. 31, 2002    
                                                      %                             %                                  
  CURRENT ASSETS:                                                                                                     
  Cash and cash equivalents             Y 60,670                      Y 75,188                              $ 504,532 
  Trade notes and accounts                39,715                        34,275                                330,270 
  receivable, net of                                                                                                  
  allowance for doubtful                                                                                              
  accounts of Y868 million                                                                                            
  ($7,218 thousand) and Y636                                                                                          
  million at December 31,                                                                                             
  2002 and March 31, 2002,                                                                                            
  Inventories                             17,652                        15,990                                146,794 
  Deferred income taxes, net              11,558                         9,708                                 96,116 
  Prepaid expenses and other               6,696                         6,894                                 55,685 
  current assets                                                                                                      
  Total current assets                   136,291     42.5              142,055     43.3                     1,133,397 
  PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT,                 42,919     13.4               43,562     13.3                       356,915 
  INVESTMENTS AND OTHER                                                                                               
  Investments in marketable                  145                           204                                  1,206 
  securities Investments in               14,884                        13,459                                123,775 
  Identifiable intangible                 57,527                        60,169                                478,395 
  Goodwill                                36,967                        36,825                                307,418 
  Lease deposits                          24,079                        24,654                                200,241 
  Other assets                             7,861                         7,163                                 65,372 
  Total investments and                  141,463     44.1              142,474     43.4                     1,176,407 
  other assets                                                                                                        
  TOTAL ASSETS                         Y 320,673    100.0            Y 328,091    100.0                   $ 2,666,719 

                                                      Millions of Yen                             Thousands of U.S.   
                                      Dec. 31, 2002                  Mar. 31, 2002               Dec. 31, 2002      
                                                       %                             %                                
  LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS'                                                                                       
  CURRENT LIABILITIES:                                                                                                
  Short-term borrowings                    Y 3,938                      Y 10,948                             $ 32,748 
  Current portion of long-term               2,035                         4,751                               16,923 
  debt and capital lease                                                                                              
  Trade notes and accounts                  20,912                        20,292                              173,904 
  Income taxes payable                       9,426                        13,224                               78,387 
  Accrued expenses                          18,603                        21,120                              154,703 
  Deferred revenue                           5,324                         3,866                               44,274 
  Other current liabilities                  4,593                         5,347                               38,196 
  Total current liabilities                 64,831     20.2               79,548     24.2                     539,135 
  LONG-TERM LIABILITIES:                                                                                              
  Long-term debt and capital                63,236                        48,031                              525,871 
  lease obligations, less                                                                                             
  current portion                                                                                                     
  Accrued pension and severance              2,450                         2,607                               20,374 
  Deferred income taxes, net                21,923                        22,986                              182,312 
  Other long-term liabilities                3,170                         4,013                               26,362 
  Total long-term liabilities               90,779     28.3               77,637     23.7                     754,919 
  MINORITY INTEREST IN                      33,738     10.5               35,916     11.0                     280,565 
  CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES                                                                                           
  SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY:                                                                                               
  Common stock, no par value-                                                                                         
  Authorized 450,000,000                    47,399     14.8               47,399     14.4                     394,170 
  shares; issued128,737,566                                                                                           
  shares at December 31, 2002                                                                                         
  and March 31, 2002                                                                                                  
  Additional paid-in capital                46,736     14.6               46,736     14.2                     388,657 
  Legal reserve                              2,163      0.7                2,163      0.7                      17,988 
  Retained earnings                         60,239     18.8               53,149     16.2                     500,948 
  Accumulated other                            449      0.1                  546      0.2                       3,734 
  comprehensive income                                                                                                
  Total                                    156,986     49.0              149,993     45.7                   1,305,497 
  Treasury stock, at cost-                                                                                            
  8,252,640 shares and                    (25,661)    (8.0)             (15,003)    (4.6)                   (213,397) 
  4,257,751 shares at                                                                                                 
  December 31, 2002 and March                                                                                         
  31, 2002, respectively                                                                                              
  Total shareholders' equity               131,325     41.0              134,990     41.1                   1,092,100 
  COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES                  -                             -                                    - 
  TOTAL LIABILITIES AND                  Y 320,673    100.0            Y 328,091    100.0                 $ 2,666,719 
  SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                                                                

               4. Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)  

                                           Millions of Yen                                 Thousands of U.S. Dollars  
                      Three months         Nine months ended          Year ended             Three            Nine    
                        ended                                        Mar. 31, 2002           months          months   
                     Dec. 31, 2002           Dec. 31, 2002                                  ended            ended    
                                                                                            Dec. 31,        Dec. 31,  
                                                                                             2002             2002    
                                 %                       %                       %                                     
  NET REVENUES:                                                                                                       
  Product sales    Y 59,843                        Y                       Y               $ 497,655                 $
  revenue                                   135,052                 165,154                                 1,123,093 
  Service            18,318                  56,304                  60,426                  152,333          468,225 
  Total net          78,161    100.0        191,356    100.0        225,580    100.0         649,988        1,591,318 
  COSTS AND                                                                                                           
  Costs of           34,061                  77,787                 104,192                  283,251          646,877 
  products sold                                                                                                       
  Costs of           17,129                  50,615                  50,459                  142,445          420,915 
  Selling,           13,325                  39,143                  52,842                  110,811          325,514 
  general and                                                                                                         
  Total costs        64,515     82.5        167,545     87.6        207,493     92.0         536,507        1,393,306 
  and expenses                                                                                                        
  Operating          13,646     17.5         23,811     12.4         18,087      8.0         113,481          198,012 
  OTHER INCOME                                                                                                        
  Interest               87                     256                     244                      723            2,129 
  income              (190)                   (633)                   (767)                   (1,580)          (5,264)  
  Gain on sale            -                     552                   4,655                        -            4,590 
  of subsidiary                                                                                                       
  Other, net          (448)                   (741)                     459                  (3,726)          (6,162) 
  Other income        (551)    (0.7)          (566)    (0.3)          4,591      2.1         (4,583)          (4,707) 
  INCOME BEFORE      13,095     16.8         23,245     12.1         22,678     10.1         108,898          193,305 
  INCOME TAXES,                                                                                                       
  INTEREST AND                                                                                                        
  EQUITY IN NET                                                                                                       
  INCOME OF                                                                                                           
  INCOME TAXES:                                                                                                       
  Current             6,994                  13,449                  17,276                   58,162          111,842 
  Deferred          (1,835)                 (3,078)                 (5,609)                 (15,260)         (25,597) 
  Total               5,159      6.6         10,371      5.4         11,667      5.2          42,902           86,245 
  INCOME BEFORE       7,936     10.2         12,874      6.7         11,011      4.9          65,996          107,060 
  INTEREST AND                                                                                                        
  EQUITY IN NET                                                                                                       
  INCOME OF                                                                                                           
  MINORITY              543      0.7          1,757      0.9            364      0.1           4,516           14,611 
  INTEREST IN                                                                                                         
  INCOME OF                                                                                                           

  EQUITY IN NET         978      1.2          1,622      0.9            755      0.3           8,133           13,489 
  INCOME OF                                                                                                           

  NET INCOME        Y 8,371     10.7       Y 12,739      6.7       Y 11,402      5.1        $ 69,613        $ 105,938 

  PER SHARE DATA:                                   Yen                                          U.S. Dollars         
                           Three months          Nine months           Year ended            Three             Nine   
                             ended                 ended             Mar. 31, 2002           months           months  
                          Dec. 31, 2002         Dec. 31, 2002                               ended            ended    
                                                                                            Dec. 31,         Dec. 31, 
                                                                                             2002             2002    
  Basic and diluted              Y 69.47              Y 104.50              Y 89.32            $ 0.58          $ 0.87 
  net income per share                                                                                                
  Weighted-average           120,487,247           121,898,446          127,647,120                                   
  common shares                                                                                                       

  Note:     Net income per share was prepared in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (SFAS)    
            No. 128 ''Earnings per Share''. Konami had no dilutive securities outstanding at December 31, 2002 and    
            March 31, 2002, and therefore there is no difference between basic and diluted EPS.                       
5. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)  
                                                         Millions of Yen                   Thousands of U.S. Dollars  
                                                Nine months             Year ended                Nine months         
                                                    ended             Mar. 31, 2002                  ended            
                                                Dec. 31, 2002                                    Dec. 31, 2002        
  Cash flows from operating activities:                                                                               
  Net income                                           Y 12,739             Y 11,402                        $ 105,938 
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to                                                                              
  net cash provided by operating activities -                                                                          
  Depreciation and amortization                           8,263               15,460                           68,715 
  Provision for doubtful receivables                        569                4,189                            4,732 
  Loss on sale or disposal of property and                  837                  924                            6,960 
  equipment, net                                                                                                      
  Gain on sale of subsidiary shares                       (552)              (4,655)                          (4,590) 
  Equity in net income of affiliated                    (1,621)                (755)                         (13,480) 
  Minority interest                                       1,757                  364                           14,611 
  Deferred income taxes                                 (3,078)              (5,609)                         (25,597) 
  Change in assets and liabilities:                                                                                   
  Increase in trade notes and accounts                  (6,269)              (3,930)                         (52,133) 
  Increase in inventories                               (1,775)              (1,594)                         (14,761) 
  Increase (decrease) in trade notes and                    874              (5,934)                            7,268 
  accounts payable                                                                                                    
  Decrease in income taxes payable                      (3,880)              (1,722)                         (32,266) 
  Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses               (2,742)                2,305                         (22,802) 
  Increase in deferred revenue                            1,468                  805                           12,208 
  Other, net                                                209                (131)                            1,738 
  Net cash provided by operating activities               6,799               11,119                           56,541 
  Cash flows from investing activities:                                                                               
  Purchases of investments in affiliates                      -              (8,115)                                - 
  Purchases of investments in a subsidiary                (315)                    -                          (2,620) 
  Proceeds from sales of investments in                   2,081                1,797                           17,306 
  Capital expenditures                                  (7,723)              (8,095)                         (64,225) 
  Proceeds from sales of property and                     1,444                  444                           12,008 
  Acquisition of new subsidiaries, net of                     -                  692                                - 
  cash acquired                                                                                                       
  Decrease in time deposits, net                            521                   90                            4,333 
  Increase in lease deposits, net                         (384)              (1,877)                          (3,193) 
  Other, net                                               (81)                (960)                            (674) 
  Net cash used in investing activities                 (4,457)             (16,024)                         (37,065) 
  Cash flows from financing activities:                                                                               
  Net decrease in short-term borrowings                 (6,811)              (1,108)                         (56,640) 
  Proceeds from long-term debt                                -               45,230                                - 
  Repayments of long-term debt                          (2,486)             (13,172)                         (20,674) 
  Principal payments under capital lease                (1,931)              (2,407)                         (16,058) 
  Proceeds from issuance of bonds                        14,902                    -                          123,925 
  Net proceeds from issuance of common                        -                7,035                                - 
  stock by a subsidiary                                                                                               
  Dividends paid                                        (6,172)              (7,652)                         (51,326) 
  Purchases of treasury stock by parent                (10,658)             (15,006)                         (88,632) 
  Purchases of treasury stock by                        (3,075)                (194)                         (25,572) 
  Other, net                                              (663)                (113)                          (5,514) 
  Net cash provided by (used in) financing             (16,894)               12,613                        (140,491) 
  Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                    34                  667                              283 
  and cash equivalents                                                                                                
  Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash             (14,518)                8,375                        (120,732) 
  Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of                75,188               66,813                          625,264 
  the period                                                                                                          
  Cash and cash equivalents, end of the                Y 60,670             Y 75,188                        $ 504,532 

                       6. Segment Information (Unaudited)

a . Operations in Different Industries

 Three months
     ended                                                                                   Eliminations
 Dec. 31, 2002        CS        H&F        T&H        AC       GC         Other       Total   Corporate     Consolidated
                                                   (Millions of Yen)
Net revenue:
 Customers       Y  31,367   Y 18,318  Y  18,351   Y 5,586    Y 3,995   Y    544  Y   78,161         -       Y  78,161
 Intersegment          240          3        112     2,475         58      1,149       4,037  Y  (4,037)          -
  Total             31,607     18,321     18,463     8,061      4,053      1,693      82,198     (4,037)        78,161
Operating           24,932     19,217     11,065     6,186      3,552      1,481      66,433     (1,918)        64,515
Operating        Y   6,675   Y   (896) Y   7,398   Y 1,875    Y   501   Y    212  Y   15,765   Y (2,119)     Y 13,646
income (loss)    

  Nine months
    ended                                                                                   Eliminations
 Dec. 31, 2002        CS        H&F        T&H        AC       GC         Other       Total   Corporate     Consolidated
                                                   (Millions of Yen)

Net revenue:
 Customers       Y  65,770   Y 56,304   Y 37,776  Y 17,701  Y 12,299   Y  1,506   Y  191,356         -       Y  191,356
 Intersegment        1,235        156        131     8,969       169      2,890       13,550  Y (13,550)              -
  Total             67,005     56,460     37,907    26,670    12,468      4,396      204,906    (13,550)        191,356
Operating           54,417     57,594     23,607    21,654    11,839      4,367      173,478     (5,933)        167,545
Operating        Y  12,588  Y  (1,134)  Y 14,300  Y 5,016   Y    629   Y     29   Y   31,428  Y  (7,617)     Y   23,811
income (loss)

  Year ended
  Mar. 31, 2002                                                                                Eliminations
                      CS        H&F        T&H        AC       GC         Other       Total     Corporate  Consolidated
                                                   (Millions of Yen)

Net revenue:
 Customers       Y  88,762  Y  60,426  Y  25,213  Y  31,641  Y  13,264   Y  6,274  Y  225,580        -     Y  225,580
 Intersegment        1,367        120        388      7,092        382      2,622      11,971   Y (11,971)       -
  Total             90,129     60,546     25,601     38,733     13,646      8,896     237,551     (11,971)    225,580
Operating           71,777     65,042     18,400     32,346     14,285      9,241     211,091      (3,598)    207,493
Operating        Y  18,352  Y (4,496)  Y   7,201  Y   6,387  Y   (639)   Y  (345)  Y   26,460   Y  (8,373)     18,087
income (loss)

 Three months
     ended                                                                                   Eliminations
 Dec. 31, 2002        CS        H&F        T&H       AC       GC           Other     Total   Corporate     Consolidated
                                                    (Thousands of 
                                                     U.S. Dollars)

Net revenue: 
 Customers       $ 260,848  $ 152,333   $ 152,607  $  46,454   $ 33,222   $  4,524   $  649,988         -   $  649,988
 Intersegment        1,996         25         931     20,582        483      9,555       33,572   (33,572)          -
  Total            262,844    152,358     153,538     67,036     33,705     14,079      683,560   (33,572)     649,988
Operating          207,335    159,809      92,016     51,443     29,538     12,316      552,457   (15,950)     536,507
Operating        $  55,509  $ (7,451)   $  61,522  $  15,593   $  4,167   $  1,763   $  131,103 $ (17,622)  $  113,481
income (loss)

  Nine months
     ended                                                                                     Eliminations
 Dec. 31, 2002        CS        H&F        T&H       AC       GC           Other     Total     Corporate  Consolidated
                                                    (Thousands of 
                                                     U.S. Dollars)
Net revenue:
 Customers      $ 546,944   $  468,225 $  314,145 $  147,202 $ 102,278  $ 12,524   $ 1,591,318         -   $  1,591,318
 Intersegment      10,270        1,297      1,090     74,586     1,406    24,033       112,682   (112,682)            -
  Total           557,214      469,522    315,235    221,788   103,684    36,557     1,704,000   (112,682)    1,591,318
Operating         452,532      478,952    196,316    180,075    98,454    36,316     1,442,645    (49,339)    1,393,306
Operating       $ 104,682   $   (9,430) $ 118,919  $  41,713 $   5,230  $    241   $   261,355  $ (63,343) $    198,012
income (loss)

         1.   Primary businesses of each segment are as follows:
              Consumer Software (CS):    Production and sale of home-use video game software
              Health and Fitness (H&F):  Operation of health and fitness clubs
              Toy & Hobby (T&H):         Production and sale of character related products
              Amusement Content (AC):    Manufacture and sale of amusement arcade games and related
              Gaming Content (GC):       Manufacture and sale of gaming machines for overseas market and
                                         token-operated games for domestic market
              Other:                     Financial and real estate management services provided primarily
                                         to our subsidiaries

         2.   The Health and Fitness (HF) segment and the Character Products (CP) segment changed their
              names to Health & Fitness (H&F) and Toy & Hobby (T&H), respectively, on October 1, 2002.
              The Consumer Software (CS) segment, the Health & Fitness (H&F) segment, the Toy & Hobby (T&H)
              segment, the Amusement Content (AC) segment and the Gaming Content (GC) segment changed their
              names to Computer & Video Games, Exercise Entertainment, Toy & Hobby, Amusement and Gaming,
              respectively, on January 16, 2003.

         3.   Intersegment revenues primarily consists of sub-licensing of intellectual property rights
              from CS and T&H to AC and GC, sales of hardware and components from AC and GC to CS and H&F,
              and administrative services provided by shared-service subsidiaries included in other.
              Eliminations and corporate primarily consist of eliminations of intercompany profits on
              inventories and expenses for corporate headquarters.

b . Operations in Geographic Areas

Three months ended                                              Asia
December 31, 2002        Japan       Americas      Europe      /Oceania       Total     Eliminations   Consolidated
                                                     (Millions of Yen)
Net revenue:
 Customers          Y  46,412       Y   22,667   Y    6,772   Y   2,310     Y  78,161             -     Y   78,161
 Intersegment          22,717              788            -          80        23,585    Y  (23,585)             -
  Total                69,129           23,455        6,772       2,390       101,746       (23,585)         78,161
Operating expenses     58,551           21,974        5,897       1,868        88,290       (23,775)         64,515
Operating income 
(loss)              Y  10,578       Y    1,481    Y     875   Y     522     Y  13,456    Y      190     Y    13,646

Nine months ended                                              Asia
December 31, 2002        Japan       Americas      Europe      /Oceania       Total     Eliminations   Consolidated
                                                     (Millions of Yen)

Net revenue:
 Customers          Y  138,208      Y  36,545    Y   10,777   Y   5,826    Y   191,356            -    Y    191,356
 Intersegment           38,522            977            27         315         39,841  Y   (39,841)              -
  Total                176,730         37,522        10,804       6,141        231,197      (39,841)        191,356
Operating expenses     154,850         37,021        10,370       4,864        207,105      (39,560)        167,545
Operating income 
(loss)              Y   21,880      Y     501     Y     434   Y   1,277    Y    24,092   Y     (281)   Y      23,811

Year ended                                              Asia
March 31, 2002          Japan       Americas      Europe      /Oceania       Total     Eliminations   Consolidated
                                                     (Millions of Yen)

Net revenue:
 Customers          Y  177,618      Y  26,002    Y   19,320   Y  2,640    Y  225,580             -      Y  225,580
 Intersegment           31,446          2,860             6        199        34,511    Y   (34,511)             -
  Total                209,064         28,862        19,326      2,839       260,091        (34,511)       225,580
Operating expenses     185,089         30,438        14,944      2,695       233,166        (25,673)       207,493
Operating income 
(loss)              Y   23,975      Y  (1,576)   Y    4,382    Y   144    Y   26,925    Y    (8,838)    Y   18,087

Three months ended                                              Asia
December 31, 2002        Japan       Americas      Europe      /Oceania       Total     Eliminations   Consolidated
                                                     (Thousand of U.S. 

Net revenue:
 Customers          $  385,963     $   188,499  $   56,316   $   19,210   $   649,988             -    $   649,988
 Intersegment          188,915           6,553          -           665       196,133      (196,133)             -
  Total                574,878         195,052      56,316       19,875       846,121      (196,133)       649,988
Operating expenses     486,911         182,736      49,039       15,535       734,221      (197,714)       536,507
Operating income 
(loss)              $  87,967      $    12,316   $   7,277   $    4,340   $   111,900     $   1,581    $   113,481

Nine months ended                                              Asia
December 31, 2002        Japan       Americas      Europe      /Oceania       Total     Eliminations   Consolidated
                                                     (Thousand of U.S. 
Net revenue:
Customers           $  1,149,339    $  303,908   $   89,622  $  48,449    $  1,591,318            -   $  1,591,318
 Intersegment            320,349         8,125          224      2,620         331,318      (331,318)            -
  Total                1,469,688       312,033       89,846     51,069       1,922,636      (331,318)    1,591,318
Operating expenses     1,287,734       307,867       86,237     40,449       1,722,287      (328,981)    1,393,306
Operating income 
 (loss)             $    181,954    $    4,166   $    3,609  $  10,620    $    200,349    $   (2,337)  $   198,012

Note:  For the purpose of presenting its operations in geographic areas above, Konami and its subsidiaries
       attribute revenues from external customers to individual countries in each area based on where products
       are sold and services are provided.


1. The U.S. dollar amounts included herein represent a translation using the mid
price for telegraphic transfer of U.S. dollars as of December 31, 2002 of Y
120.25 to $1 and are included solely for the convenience of the reader. The
translation should not be construed as a representation that the yen amounts
have been, could have been, or could in the future be converted into U.S.
dollars at the above or any other rate.

2. The consolidated financial statements presented herein were prepared in
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America (U.S. GAAP).

3. The third quarter ended December 31, 2002 was the first period in which
Konami prepared its quarterly consolidated financial statements in accordance
with U.S. GAAP. Therefore, U.S. GAAP consolidated financial information for the
three months and the nine months ended December 31, 2001 is not available.

4. Comprehensive income for the three months and the nine months ended December
31, 2002 and for the year ended March 31, 2002 consisted of the following:
                                                Millions of Yen                         Thousands of U.S. Dollars     
                                  Three          Nine months       Year ended         Three months        Nine months 
                                 months            ended             Mar. 31,           ended               ended     
                                 ended            Dec. 31,            2002           Dec. 31, 2002         Dec. 31,   
                                Dec. 31,            2002                                                     2002     
      Net income                  Y 8,371           Y 12,739          Y 11,402            $ 69,613          $ 105,938 
      Other comprehensive                                                                                             
      Foreign currency                 27              (186)               709                 225            (1,547) 
      Net unrealized gains            (8)                 89             (189)                (67)                740 
      (losses) on                                                                                                     
                                       19               (97)               520                 158              (807) 
      Comprehensive income        Y 8,390           Y 12,642          Y 11,922            $ 69,771          $ 105,131 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange