RNS Number : 0386Y
Rothschilds Continuation Finance CI
30 November 2017
Rothschilds Continuation Finance (C.I.) Limited
Half-yearly Report for the six-month period ended 30 September
Interim Management Report
Summary of Important Events
Rothschilds Continuation Finance (C.I.) Limited (the Company) is
a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rothschilds Continuation Limited. The
principal activity of the Company is the raising of finance for the
purpose of lending it to companies who are members of the
Rothschild Concordia SAS group. In the period ended 30 September
2017, GBP125,000,000 perpetual subordinated guaranteed notes were
in issue by the Company.
Rothschild & Co SCA announced on 21 March 2017 that it will
change its financial year end from 31 March to 31 December. There
will therefore be a 9 month accounting period until 31 December
2017. Rothschilds Continuation Finance (C.I.) Limited will also
change its year end in line with its ultimate parent.
Risks and Uncertainties
The principal risks of the Company are credit risk, liquidity
risk, market risk and operational risk. The Company follows the
risk management policies of a fellow Group company, N M Rothschild
& Sons Limited.
The Company's market risk exposure is limited to interest rate
risk. Exposure to interest rate movements on the perpetual
subordinated note issues has been passed to a fellow subsidiary N M
Rothschild & Sons Limited (NMR) and parent undertaking
Rothschilds Continuation Limited (RCL), as the issue proceeds have
been on-lent to NMR and RCL at a fixed margin of 1/64 per cent
above the rate being paid. Currency risk is not considered
significant as all material foreign currency balances and cash
flows are matched.
Liquidity risk has similarly been transferred to NMR and RCL as
the funds on-lent have the same maturity dates as the notes
The Company's principal credit risk is with NMR and RCL. Since
notes issued by the Company have been guaranteed by RCL, and funds
have been on-lent to NMR and RCL. The Company's ability to meet its
obligations in respect of notes issued by it is affected by NMR's
and RCL's ability to make payments to the Company.
Operational risk arising from inadequate or failed internal
processes, people and systems or from external events is managed by
maintaining a strong framework of internal controls.
This half-yearly financial report has not been audited or
reviewed by the Company's auditors pursuant to the Auditing
Practices Board guidance on Review of Interim Financial
Responsibility Statement
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:
- the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim
Financial Reporting; and
- the interim management report includes a fair review of (i) the important events that have
occurred during the first six months of the financial year, and their impact on the condensed
set of financial statements, and (ii) the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining
six months of the financial year.
By Order of the Board
Peter Barbour
30 November 2017
Condensed Interim Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the six months ended 30 September 2017
6 months 6 months
to to
30 September 30 September
2017 2016
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Interest income 5,650,203 5,650,362
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Interest expense (5,640,411) (5,640,411)
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Administrative expenses - (650)
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Profit before tax 3 9,792 9,301
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Income tax expense 4 (1,861) (1,860)
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Profit for the financial
period 7,931 7,441
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Other comprehensive - -
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Total comprehensive
income for the financial
period 7,931 7,441
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Condensed Interim Statement of Changes in Equity
For the six months ended 30 September 2017
Share Earnings Total
------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
At 1 April 2017 100,000 164,348 264,348
------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
Total comprehensive
income for the period - 7,931 7,931
------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
Dividends paid - (150,000) (150,000)
------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
At 30 September 2017 100,000 22,279 122,279
------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
At 1 April 2016 100,000 149,678 249,678
------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
Total comprehensive
income for the period - 7,441 7,441
------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
At 30 September 2016 100,000 157,119 257,119
------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
Condensed Interim Balance Sheet
At 30 September 2017
At 30 September At 31 March
2017 2017 2017 2017
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
Loans to group
undertakings 5 125,000,000 125,000,000
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
Current assets
Debtors 6 3,655,651 1,358,519
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
Cash and cash
equivalents 7 3,468,731 265,660
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
7,124,382 1,624,179
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
Current liabilities
Current tax
payable (5,528) (3,667)
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
Other financial
liabilities 8 (6,996,575) (1,356,164)
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
Net current
assets 122,279 264,348
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
Total assets
less current
liabilities 125,122,279 125,264,348
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
guaranteed notes 9 (125,000,000) (125,000,000)
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
Net assets 122,279 264,348
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
Share capital 11 100,000 100,000
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
Retained earnings 22,279 164,348
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
Total shareholders'
equity 122,279 264,348
--------------------- ----- ------------ -------------- ------------ --------------
Condensed Interim Cash Flow Statement
For the six months ended 30 September 2017
6 months 6 months
to to
30 September 30 September
2017 2016
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Cash flow from operating
Profit for the financial
period 7,931 7,441
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Income tax expenses 1,861 1,860
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Operating profit before
changes in working
capital and provisions 9,792 9,301
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Net (increase) in debtors (2,297,132) (2,278,606)
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Net increase in other
financial liabilities 5,640,411 5,641,061
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Cash generated from
operations 3,353,071 3,371,756
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Net cash from operating
activities 3,353,071 3,371,756
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Dividends paid (150,000) -
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Net cash flow (used (150,000) -
in) financing activities
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Net increase in cash
and cash equivalents 3,203,071 3,371,756
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Cash and cash equivalents
at 1 April 265,660 252,024
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Cash and cash equivalents
at 30 September 7 3,468,731 3,623,780
--------------------------- ----- ------------- -------------
Interest paid and received during the period were as
6 months 6 months
to to
30 September 30 September
2017 2016
--------------------- ------------- -------------
Interest paid - -
--------------------- ------------- -------------
Interested received 3,353,071 3,371,756
--------------------- ------------- -------------
The notes to the condensed interim financial statements form an
integral part of the condensed interim financial statements.
Notes to the Condensed Interim
Financial Statements
(forming part of the Condensed Interim Financial Statements)
For the six months ended 30 September 2017
1. Basis of preparation
The condensed interim financial statements are prepared and
approved by the Directors in accordance with IAS 34 Interim
Financial Reporting. The condensed interim financial statements are
prepared under the historical cost accounting rules and should be
read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the
year ended 31 March 2017, which have been prepared in accordance
with International Financial Reporting Standards.
The accounting policies and methods of valuation are identical
to those applied in the financial statements for the year ended 31
March 2017. New accounting statements that are effective for the
period ending 31 December 2017 have no impact on these condensed
interim financial statements.
2. Directors' Emoluments
None of the Directors received any remuneration in respect of
their services to the Company during the period (2016: GBPnil).
3. Profit Before Tax
6 months 6 months
to to
30 September 30 September
2017 2016
---------------------------------- ------------- -------------
Is stated after
i. Income
Income from loans to group
Parent undertaking 2,260,081 2,260,081
---------------------------------- ------------- -------------
Fellow subsidiary undertaking 3,390,122 3,390,122
---------------------------------- ------------- -------------
5,560,203 5,650,203
Other interest receivable
from fellow subsidiary
undertaking - 159
---------------------------------- ------------- -------------
5,560,203 5,650,362
ii. Charges
Interest payable on subordinated
guaranteed notes 5,640,411 5,640,411
---------------------------------- ------------- -------------
4. Taxation
6 months 6 months
to to
30 September 30 September
2017 2016
---------------------------- ------------- -------------
Profit before tax 9,792 9,301
---------------------------- ------------- -------------
United Kingdom corporation
tax at 19% (2016: 20%) 1,861 1,860
---------------------------- ------------- -------------
5. Loans to Group undertakings
to Group Undertakings
----------------------------- ----------------------
At the beginning and end of
the period 125,000,000
----------------------------- ----------------------
The interest rate charged on the subordinated perpetual loans to
group undertakings is 9 1/64 per cent. The fair value of the loans
was GBP158,725,000 as at 30 September 2017 (31 March 2017:
GBP157,312,500). The above loans were valued from quoted market
prices of a similar instrument (level 2).
6. Debtors
At 30 September At 31 March
2017 2017
------------------------- ---------------- ------------
Amounts owed by parent
undertaking 2,803,489 543,408
------------------------- ---------------- ------------
Amounts owed by fellow
subsidiary undertaking 852,162 815,111
------------------------- ---------------- ------------
3,655,651 1,358,519
------------------------- ---------------- ------------
7. Cash and Cash Equivalents
At 30 September 2017 the Company had a loan, repayable on demand
of GBP3,468,731 (31 March 2017: GBP265,660) to a fellow subsidiary
8. Other Financial Liabilities
At 30 September At 31 March
2017 2017
------------------ ---------------- ------------
Interest payable 6,996,575 1,356,164
------------------ ---------------- ------------
Interest is payable on the subordinated guaranteed notes at 9
per cent.
9. Subordinated Guaranteed Notes
At 30 September At 31 March
2017 2017
----------------------------- ---------------- ------------
GBP125,000,000 9% Perpetual
Subordinated Guaranteed
Notes 125,000,000 125,000,000
----------------------------- ---------------- ------------
The fair value of the subordinated guaranteed notes was
GBP158,600,000 as at 30 September 2017 (31 March 2017:
GBP157,187,500). The fair value was derived from the quoted market
price at the balance sheet date (level 1).
10. Maturity of Financial Liabilities
The following table shows contractual cash flows payable by the
Company on the subordinated guaranteed notes, analysed by remaining
contractual maturity at the balance sheet date. Interest cash flows
on the loan notes are shown up to five years only, with the
principal balance being shown in the > 5yr column.
Demand Demand 3m - 1yr >5 yr Total
- 3m 1yr - 5yr
------------ -------- -------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------
Loan notes
in issue - - 11,250,000 45,000,000 125,000,000 181,250,000
------------ -------- -------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------
11. Share Capital
At 30 September At 31 March
2017 2017
------------------------- ---------------- ------------
Ordinary shares of GBP1
each 100,000 100,000
------------------------- ---------------- ------------
Allotted, called up and
fully paid
Ordinary shares of GBP1
each 100,000 100,000
------------------------- ---------------- ------------
12. Related Party Transactions
Parties are considered to be related if one party controls, is
controlled by or has the ability to exercise significant influence
over the other party. This includes key management personnel, the
parent company and fellow subsidiaries.
At 30 At 31 March
2017 2017
----------------------------------- ----------- ------------
Subordinated perpetual
loan to parent undertaking 50,000,000 50,000,000
----------------------------------- ----------- ------------
Subordinated perpetual
loan to fellow subsidiary
undertaking 75,000,000 75,000,000
----------------------------------- ----------- ------------
Amounts owed by parent
undertaking 2,803,489 543,408
----------------------------------- ----------- ------------
Amounts owed by fellow
subsidiary undertaking 852,162 815,111
----------------------------------- ----------- ------------
Cash and cash equivalents
at fellow subsidiary undertaking 3,468,731 265,660
----------------------------------- ----------- ------------
Amounts receivable from related parties at the period end were
as follows:
Amounts recognised in the condensed statement of comprehensive
income in respect of related party transactions were as
6 months 6 months
to to
30 September 30 September
2017 2016
-------------------------------- ------------- -------------
Interest receivable from
parent undertaking 2,260,081 2,260,081
-------------------------------- ------------- -------------
Interest receivable from
fellow subsidiary undertaking 3,390,122 3,390,281
-------------------------------- ------------- -------------
There were no loans made to Directors during the period (2016:
none) and no balances outstanding at the period-end (2016: GBPnil).
There were no employees of the Company during the period (2016:
13. Parent Undertaking and Ultimate Holding Company and Registered Office
The largest group in which the results of the Company are
consolidated is that headed by Rothschild Concordia SAS,
incorporated in France. The smallest group in which they are
consolidated is that headed by Rothschild & Co SCA, a French
public limited partnership, whose registered office is also at
23bis, Avenue de Messine, 75008 Paris. The accounts are available
on the Rothschild & Co website at www.rothschildandco.com.
The Company's immediate parent company is Rothschilds
Continuation Limited, incorporated in England and Wales and whose
registered office is at New Court, St Swithins Lane, London EC4N
The Company's registered office is located at St Julian's Court,
St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3BP.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
November 30, 2017 11:10 ET (16:10 GMT)
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