IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements as of September 30, 2024 and for the three-month period ended as of that date, presented comparatively
Legal information
Denomination: IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima.
Fiscal year N°: 82, beginning on July 1st, 2024.
Legal address: 261 Carlos Della Paolera St., 9th floor, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Company activity: Real estate investment and development.
Date of registration of the by-laws in the Public Registry of Commerce: June 23, 1943.
Date of registration of last amendment of the by-laws in the Public Registry of Commerce: General Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 27, 2023 and registered in the Superintendence on September 12, 2023 with the number 15555, Book 114 Volume – of Joint Stock Companies.
Expiration of the Company’s by-laws: April 5, 2043.
Registration number with the Superintendence: 213,036.
Capital: 746,893,142 shares. (*)
Common Stock subscribed, issued and paid-up nominal value (in millions of ARS): 7,469.
Parent Company: Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria
(Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A.).
Legal Address: 261 Carlos Della Paolera St., 9th floor, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Main activity of parent Company: Real estate and agricultural activities.
Direct and indirect interest of the Parent Company on the capital stock: 397,831,498 common shares.
Percentage of votes of the Parent Company (direct and indirect interest) on the shareholders’ equity: 55.88% (1).
Type of stock
Shares authorized for Public Offering (2)
Subscribed, issued and paid-up nominal value
(in millions of Argentine Pesos)
Common stock with a face value of ARS 10 per share and entitled to 1 vote each
(1) For computation purposes, treasury shares have been subtracted.
(2) Company not included in the Optional Statutory System of Public Offer of Compulsory Acquisition.
(*) As of September 30, 2024, the capital increase and the issuance of shares resolved by the board of directors on October 15, 2024, was in process of being registered in the “Inspección General de Justicia” (General Inspection of Justice).
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Income and Other Comprehensive Income
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements:
 Note 1 – The Group’s business and general information
 Note 2 – Summary of significant accounting policies
 Note 3 – Seasonal effects on operations
 Note 4 – Acquisitions and disposals
 Note 5 – Financial risk management and fair value estimates
 Note 6 – Segment information
 Note 7 – Investments in associates and joint ventures
 Note 8 – Investment properties
 Note 9 – Property, plant and equipment
 Note 10 – Trading properties
 Note 11 – Intangible assets
 Note 12 – Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities
 Note 13 – Financial instruments by category
 Note 14 – Trade and other receivables
 Note 15 – Cash flow and cash equivalent information
 Note 16 – Trade and other payables
 Note 17 – Borrowings
 Note 18 – Provisions
 Note 19 – Taxes
 Note 20 – Revenues
 Note 21 – Expenses by nature
 Note 22 – Costs
 Note 23 – Other operating results, net
 Note 24 – Financial results, net
 Note 25 – Related party transactions
 Note 26 – CNV General Resolution N° 622
 Note 27 – Foreign currency assets and liabilities
 Note 28 – Other relevant events of the period
 Note 29 – Subsequent events
The following are not technical definitions, but help the reader to understand certain terms used in the wording of the notes to the Group´s Financial Statements.
Annual Financial Statements
Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2024
Banco de Crédito y Securitización S.A.
Banco Hipotecario S.A.
Buenos Aires Stock Exchange
Securities Exchange Commission (Argentina)
Chief Operating Decision Maker
Consumer Price Index
Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A.
Financial Statements
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
International Accounting Standards
International Accounting Standards Board
International Financial Reporting Standards
Argentine Institute of Statistics and Census
IRSA, The Company”, “Us”, “We”
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Electronic Payment Market
New Israeli Shekel
New Lipstick
New Lipstick LLC
Puerto Retiro
Puerto Retiro S.A.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
as of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Non-current assets
Investment properties
Property, plant and equipment
Trading properties
10, 22
Intangible assets
Right-of-use assets
Investments in associates and joint ventures
Deferred income tax assets
Income tax credit
Trade and other receivables
13, 14
Investments in financial assets
Derivative financial instruments
Total non-current assets
Current assets
Trading properties
10, 22
Income tax credit
Trade and other receivables
13, 14
Investments in financial assets
Derivative financial instruments
Cash and cash equivalents
Total current assets
Shareholders' equity attributable to equity holders of the parent (according to corresponding statement)
Non-controlling interest
Non-current liabilities
13, 17
Lease liabilities
Deferred income tax liabilities
Trade and other payables
13, 16
Income tax liabilities
Salaries and social security liabilities
Total non-current liabilities
Current liabilities
13, 17
Lease liabilities
Trade and other payables
13, 16
Income tax liabilities
Derivative financial instruments
Salaries and social security liabilities
Total current liabilities
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Income and Other Comprehensive Income
for the three-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
21, 22
Gross profit
Net (loss) / gain from fair value adjustment of investment properties
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Other operating results, net
(Loss) / profit from operations
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
(Loss) / profit before financial results and income tax
Finance income
Finance costs
Other financial results
Inflation adjustment
Financial results, net
(Loss) / profit before income tax
Income tax expense
(Loss) / profit for the period
Other comprehensive loss:
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Currency translation adjustment and other comprehensive loss from subsidiaries and associates (i)
Total other comprehensive loss for the period
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the period
(Loss) / profit for the period attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent
Non-controlling interest
Total comprehensive (loss) / income attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent
Non-controlling interest
(Loss) / profit per share attributable to equity holders of the parent: (ii)
(145.92) (iii)
Components of other comprehensive income have no impact on income tax.
See note 28 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2024.
Given that the result for the period showed losses, there is no diluted effect of such result.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
for the three-month period ended September 30, 2024
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Attributable to equity holders of the parent
Share capital
Outstanding shares
Treasury shares
Inflation adjustment of share capital and treasury shares (i)
 Warrants (ii)
Share premium
Additional paid-in capital from treasury shares
Legal reserve
Special reserve Resolution CNV 609/12
Other reserves (iv)
Accumulated deficit
Non-controlling interest
Total Shareholders’ equity
Balance as of June 30, 2024
Net loss for the period
Other comprehensive loss for the period
Total comprehensive loss for the period
Repurchase of treasury shares (iii)
Warrants exercise (ii)
Capitalization of irrevocable contributions
Dividend distribution
Changes in non-controlling interest
Balance as of September 30, 2024
(i) Includes ARS 28 of Inflation adjustment of treasury shares. See Note 17 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30,2024.
(ii) As of September 30, 2024, the remaining warrants to exercise amount to 71,510,561. See Note 28 to these Financial Statements.
(iii) Related to the Shares Buyback Programs approved by the Board on July 11, 2024. As of September 30, 2024 the Company has bought 11,541,885 shares. See Note 28 to these Financial Statements.
(iv) Group´s other reserves for the period ended September 30, 2024 are comprised as follows:
Cost of treasury shares
Reserve for future dividends
Currency translation adjustment reserve
Special reserve
Other reserves (1)
Total Other reserves
Balance as of June 30, 2024
Other comprehensive loss for the period
Total comprehensive loss for the period
Repurchase of treasury shares
Changes in non-controlling interest
Balance as of September 30, 2024
(1) Includes revaluation surplus.
 The Company does not hold any preferred shares, therefore there are no unpaid dividends on such shares.
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima 
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
for the three-month period ended September 30, 2023
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Attributable to equity holders of the parent
Share capital
Outstanding shares
Shares to issue
Treasury shares
Inflation adjustment of share capital and treasury shares (i)
Share premium
Additional paid-in capital from treasury shares
Legal reserve
Special reserve Resolution CNV 609/12
Other reserves (ii)
Retained earnings
Non-controlling interest
Total Shareholders’ equity
Balance as of June 30, 2023
Net profit for the period
Other comprehensive loss for the period
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the period
Repurchase of treasury shares
Warrants exercise
Issuance of shares
Capitalization of irrevocable contributions
Dividend distribution
Changes in non-controlling interest
Balance as of September 30, 2023
(i) Includes ARS 13 of Inflation adjustment of treasury shares. See Note 17 to the Annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30,2024.
(ii) Group’s other reserves for the period ended September 30, 2023 are comprised as follows:
Cost of treasury shares
Reserve for future dividends
Currency translation adjustment reserve
Special reserve
Other reserves (1)
Total Other reserves
Balance as of June 30, 2023
Other comprehensive loss for the period
Total comprehensive loss for the period
Repurchase of treasury shares
Changes in non-controlling interest
Balance as of September 30, 2023
(1) Includes revaluation surplus.
The Company does not hold any preferred shares, therefore there are no unpaid dividends on such shares.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
for the three-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
(All amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
Operating activities:
Net cash generated from operating activities before income tax paid
Income tax paid
Net cash generated from operating activities
Investing activities:
Acquisition and improvements of investment properties
Proceeds from sales of investment properties
Acquisitions and improvements of property, plant and equipment
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment
Acquisitions of intangible assets
Proceeds from sales of interest held in associates and joint ventures
Proceeds from derivative financial instruments
Acquisitions of investments in financial assets
Proceeds from disposal of investments in financial assets
Interest received from financial assets
Proceeds from loans granted to related parties
Increase of loans granted to related parties
Net cash (used in) / generated from investing activities
Financing activities:
Borrowings, issuance and new placement of non-convertible notes
Payment of borrowings and non-convertible notes
Obtaining / (payments) of short term loans, net
Interests paid
Repurchase of non-convertible notes
Capital contributions from non-controlling interest in subsidiaries
Warrants exercise
Payment of lease liabilities
Repurchase of treasury shares
Net cash used in financing activities
Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
Inflation adjustment of cash and cash equivalents
Foreign exchange (loss) / gain on cash and cash equivalents and unrealized fair value result for cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
Eduardo S. Elsztain
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Amounts in millions of Argentine pesos, except otherwise indicated)
Free translation from the original prepared in Spanish for publication in Argentina
The Group’s business and general information
These Financial Statements have been approved for issuance by the Board of Directors, on November 5, 2024.
IRSA was founded in 1943, and it has engaged in diverse real estate activities in Argentina since 1991. IRSA and its subsidiaries are collectively referred to hereinafter as “the Group”.
Cresud is our direct parent company, whose main shareholders are Inversiones Financieras del Sur S.A., Agroinvestment S.A. and Consultores Venture Capital Uruguay S.A., and whose final beneficiary is Eduardo Sergio Elsztain.
As of the end of these Consolidated Financial Statements, the Group owns 15 shopping malls, 5 office buildings, three hotels and an extensive land reserve for future mixed-use developments. Additionally, the Group holds a 29.50% interest in Banco Hipotecario S.A. (BHSA) (see note 7), which is a leading commercial bank in the provision of mortgaged loans in Argentina. BHSA's shares are listed on the BYMA.
The Group operates and holds a majority interest (with the exception of La Ribera Shopping Center, of which it has a 50% ownership interest) in a portfolio of 14 shopping malls in Argentina, six of which are located in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (Abasto Shopping, Alcorta Shopping, Alto Palermo, Patio Bullrich, Dot Baires Shopping and Distrito Arcos), two in Buenos Aires province (Alto Avellaneda and Soleil Premium Outlet) and the rest are situated in different provinces (Alto Noa in the City of Salta, Alto Rosario in the City of Rosario, Mendoza Plaza in the City of Mendoza, Córdoba Shopping Villa Cabrera in the City of Córdoba, Alto Comahue in the City of Neuquén and La Ribera Shopping in the City of Santa Fe). The Group also owns the historic building where the Patio Olmos Shopping Mall is located, operated by a third party.
Likewise, the Group manages a 5 office buildings portfolio and has majority stakes in 3 luxury hotels including the Libertador and Intercontinental hotels in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the exclusive Llao Llao resort, in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, in southern Argentina. Additionally, the Group participates in the development of residential properties for sale, as well as in other investments.
Summary of significant accounting policies
Basis of preparation
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 “Interim financial reporting” and should therefore be read in conjunction with the Group's annual Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2024 prepared in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards issued by the IASB. Also, these financial statements include additional information required by Law No. 19,550 and / or regulations of the CNV. Such information is included in the notes to these financial statements, as accepted by IFRS Accounting Standards.
These financial statements for the interim periods of three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 have not been audited. Management considers that they include all the necessary adjustments to fairly present the results of each period. Intermediate period results do not necessarily reflect the proportion of the Group's results for the entire fiscal years.
IAS 29 "Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies" requires that the financial statements of an entity whose functional currency is one of a hyperinflationary economy be expressed in terms of the current unit of measurement at the closing date of the reporting period, regardless of whether they are based on the historical cost method or the current cost method. To do so, in general terms, the inflation produced from the date of acquisition or from the revaluation date, as applicable, must be calculated by non-monetary items. This requirement also includes the comparative information of the financial statements.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
In order to conclude on whether an economy is categorized as highly inflationary in the terms of IAS 29, the standard details a series of factors to be considered, including the existence of an accumulated inflation rate in three years that approximates or exceeds 100%. Accumulated inflation in Argentina in three years is over 100%. For that reason, in accordance with IAS 29, Argentina must be considered a country with a highly inflationary economy starting July 1, 2018.
In relation to the inflation index to be used and in accordance with Argentine Federation of Professional Councils in Economic Sciences (FACPCE) Resolution No. 539/18, it is determined based on the Wholesale Price Index (IPIM) until 2016, considering the average variation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for the months of November and December 2015, because during those two months there were no national IPIM measurements. Then, from January 2017, the National Consumer Price Index (National CPI) is considered.
The table below presents the index for the period between the last fiscal year and as of September 30, 2024, and for the 12-month period ending on the same date, according to official statistics (INDEC) and following the guidelines described in Resolution 539/18.
As of September 30, 2024 (three months)
As of September 30, 2024 (twelve months)
Price variation
As a consequence of the aforementioned, these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements as of September 30, 2024 and their comparative information were restated in accordance with IAS 29.
Significant accounting policies
The accounting policies applied in the presentation of these Financial Statements are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the Annual Financial Statements, as described in Note 2 to those Financial Statements.
Comparability of information
Balance items as of June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023 presented in these Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for comparative purposes arise from the financial statements as of and for such periods restated according to IAS 29 (See note 2.1).
Use of estimates
The preparation of Financial Statements at a certain date requires Management to make estimations and evaluations affecting the amount of assets and liabilities recorded and contingent assets and liabilities disclosed at such date, as well as income and expenses recorded during the period. Actual results might differ from the estimates and evaluations made at the date of preparation of these financial statements. In the preparation of these financial statements, the significant judgments made by Management in applying the Group’s accounting policies and the main sources of uncertainty were the same as the ones applied by the Group in the preparation of the Annual Financial Statements described in Note 3 to those Financial Statements.
Seasonal effects on operations
The operations of the Group’s shopping malls are subject to seasonal effects, which affect the level of sales recorded by lessees. During summertime in Argentina (January and February), the lessees of shopping malls experience the lowest sales levels in comparison with the winter holidays (July) and Christmas and year-end holidays celebrated in December, when they tend to record peaks of sales. Apparel stores generally change their collections during the spring and the fall, which impacts positively on shopping malls sales. Sale discounts at the end of each season also affect the business. As a consequence, for shopping mall operations, a higher level of business activity is expected in the period from July through December, compared to the period from January through June.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Acquisitions and disposals
Significant acquisitions and disposals for the three-month period ended September 30, 2024 are detailed below. Significant acquisitions and disposals for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, are detailed in Note 4 to the Annual Financial Statements.
Zetol - Payment of installments for share purchase
On July 12, 2024, the payment of the installments for the purchase of shares in Zetol, corresponding to Towers 3 and 4, was completed for a total amount of USD 8.9 million, including units, parking spaces, and credits in favor of VAM and Zetol for Towers 1 and 2.
Purchase of property adjacent to Alto Avellaneda shopping mall
On August 1, 2024, IRSA acquired a property adjacent to its Alto Avellaneda shopping mall, located at Gral. Güemes 861, Avellaneda, Province of Buenos Aires.
The property has a total area of 86,861 square meters and a built-up area of 32,660 square meters, with potential for future expansion.
The purchase price was set at USD 12.2 million, of which USD 9.2 million has already been paid, and the remaining USD 3 million will be settled upon the transfer of the title deed, which will be granted within 3 years from the signing of the preliminary sales agreement. The transaction includes the assignment to IRSA of the existing lease agreements until their original expiration and the signing of a new lease agreement with the supermarket for 3 years.
Merger by absorption of IRSA and Centro de Entretenimiento La Plata S.A.
On September 11, 2024, IRSA and Centro de Entretenimiento La Plata S.A. (CELAP) Boards of Directors approved the prior merger agreement between both companies and the corresponding special financial statements as of June 30, 2024, initiating the corporate reorganization process under the terms of art. 82 et seq. of the General Law of Companies. The merger process has particular characteristics given that IRSA is included in the public offering regime, reason why, not only apply the current provisions of the General Law of Companies but also the procedures established regarding reorganization of companies of the Regulations of the “Comisión Nacional de Valores” (National Securities Commission) and the markets, both national and foreign, where its shares are listed.
The Merger was carried out in order to streamline the technical, administrative, operational and economic resources of both Companies.
On October 28, 2024, the Shareholders' Meetings of IRSA and CELAP were held, approving the merger by absorption, whose effective date was established on July 1, 2024. As of that date, the transfer to the absorbent of the totality of the equity of the absorbed company, thereby incorporating all its rights and obligations, assets and liabilities into the equity of the absorbing company.
Likewise, and in accordance with the prior merger agreement, there is no exchange ratio, since IRSA, in its capacity as the controlling company of CELAP with a 100% share, does not receive its own shares given that its holding in CELAP already it is incorporated into its equity.
Financial risk management and fair value estimates
These Financial Statements do not include all the information and disclosures on financial risk management; therefore, they should be read along with Note 5 to the Annual Financial Statements. There have been no changes in risk management or risk management policies applied by the Group since year-end.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
From June 30, 2024 and up to the date of issuance of these Financial Statements, there have been no significant changes in business or economic circumstances affecting the fair value of the Group's assets or liabilities (either measured at fair value or amortized cost).
Segment information
Segment information was prepared and classified according to the business in which the Group operates, they were described in Note 6 to the Annual Financial Statements.
Below is a summary of the Group’s operating segments and a reconciliation between the operating income according to segment information and the operating income of the Statements of Income and Other Comprehensive Income of the Group for the three-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Joint ventures (1)
Expenses and collective promotion funds
Elimination of inter-segment transactions and non-reportable assets / liabilities (2)
Total as per statement of income / statement of financial position
Gross profit / (loss)
Net loss from fair value adjustment of investment properties
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Other operating results, net
(Loss) / profit from operations
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
Segment loss
Reportable assets
Reportable liabilities (i)
Net reportable assets
Joint ventures (1)
Expenses and collective promotion funds
Elimination of inter-segment transactions and non-reportable assets / liabilities (2)
Total as per statement of income / statement of financial position
Gross profit / (loss)
Net gain / (loss) from fair value adjustment of investment properties
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Other operating results, net
Profit / (loss) from operations
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
Segment profit / (loss)
Reportable assets
Reportable liabilities (i)
Net reportable assets
(1) Represents the equity value of joint ventures that were proportionately consolidated for segment information.
(2) Includes amounts pertaining to building administration expenses and collective promotion funds (“FPC”, as per its Spanish acronym) as well as total recovered costs, whether by way of expenses or other concepts included under financial results (for example default interest and other concepts). Includes deferred income tax assets, income tax credits, trade and other receivables, investment in financial assets, cash and cash equivalents and intangible assets except for rights to receive future units under barter agreements.
(i) The CODM focuses its review on reportable assets.
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
Below is a summarized analysis of the segments from the Group for the three-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Shopping Malls
Sales and developments
Others (i)
Gross profit
Net loss from fair value adjustment of investment properties
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Other operating results, net
Profit / (loss) from operations
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
Segment profit / (loss)
Investment properties and trading properties
Investment in associates and joint ventures
Other operating assets
Reportable assets
Shopping Malls
Sales and developments
Others (i)
Gross profit
Net (loss) / gain from fair value adjustment of investment properties
General and administrative expenses
Selling expenses
Other operating results, net
Profit from operations
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures
Segment profit
Investment properties and trading properties
Investment in associates and joint ventures
Other operating assets
Reportable assets
Investments in associates and joint ventures
Changes in the Group’s investments in associates and joint ventures for the three-month period ended September 30, 2024 and for the year ended June 30, 2024 were as follows:
Beginning of the period / year
Sale of interest in associates and joint ventures (i)
Capital contributions
Share of profit
Currency translation adjustment
Dividends (Note 25)
End of the period / year (ii)
As of June 30, 2024, mainly corresponds to the sale of interest in Quality Invest S.A. and GCDI S.A.
As of June 30, 2024 includes ARS (17) reflecting interests in companies with negative equity, which were disclosed in “Provisions” (Note 18).
IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima

% ownership interest
Value of Group's interest in equity
Group's interest in comprehensive income / (loss)
Name of the entity
Associates and joint ventures
New Lipstick