Midnight Oil Exploration Ltd. (TSX:MOX) is pleased to announce its financial and
operating results for the three month period and year ended December 31, 2007.


For 2007 Midnight had a very clear strategy: watch our capital and focus on high
value oil opportunities. We set the strategy early and stayed the course
throughout the year. We used our strong cash flow to pursue an oil focused
capital program in Red Earth that included development and exploration drilling
and the commencement of a waterflood. We also high-graded our gas opportunities
making selected investments in the Peace River Arch and West Central Alberta. As
a result, we were able to maintain a solid production base and strong balance
sheet while working on growing our high potential prospect inventory.

As is often the case in our industry, 2007 was another dynamic year for junior
exploration companies. The year started with an industry wide concern of the
overall economics for our business amid the spectre of high service costs and
soft natural gas prices. This situation challenged the economic formula in a
predominately natural gas basin by both reducing our cash flow and restricting
our access to capital. That said, at Midnight we were well positioned with a
solid balance sheet, a light oil weighted cash flow stream and a large prospect
inventory of both light oil development and exploration and natural gas
development opportunities.

Under these circumstances, we decided to pace our capital spending and pursue
our more highly valued light sweet oil opportunities in Red Earth. Generally the
costs of an oil weighted program are higher compared to gas but the netbacks are
also much higher. In the case of Midnight we have enjoyed field operating
netbacks of $37 to $56 per barrel from our light oil versus $21 to $33 per boe
for our natural gas. In addition, oil weighted programs tend to be longer term
investments in order to get full reserve value from third party evaluators. We
have commenced and made significant investments for the long term value of our
oil holdings and additional reserves will be credited in the future. In
consideration of the distinct character of our investment strategy, our results
are best evaluated when compared to our corporate three year average finding and
development costs of $30.56 per boe which equates to a recycle ratio of 1.5x on
our oil projects. This perspective most accurately presents the success of our
oil program and is substantiated by our increased reserve value despite a drop
in the price forecast used for natural gas. Thus what we sacrificed in higher
finding and development costs have been more than made back in higher and
stronger netbacks and higher and stronger reserve values. In an environment
where many companies suffered weak cash flow we have been able to maintain solid
cash flow and a solid balance sheet.

Under our disciplined capital program we were not as active drilling new reserve
targets as we reduced our 2007 well count to 21 gross (6.9 net) from 33 gross
(17.2 net) wells in 2006. Instead we committed more funds to facilities and road
construction. We spent about 50% of our capital at Red Earth in drilling,
pipelining, road construction and commenced a significant waterflood. In
addition to drilling five gross (4.0 net) total wells consisting of three gross
(2.5 net) oil wells, one gross (1.0 net) gas well and one (0.5 net) dry hole, we
invested in the long term commitment to this property. This included building
water handling facilities and initiating a waterflood for enhanced recovery.
Although the initial investment was significant for the size of our company, we
will receive long term benefits as we grow the reserves resulting from the
waterflood and reduce operating costs. On the natural gas side, we directed our
activities towards the Peace River Arch, drilling four gross (2.2 net) wells. In
addition, we continued our participation in a gas development program with
partners in our West Central area participating in 12 gross (0.6 net) gas wells.

As a result, we were able to maintain our production levels and our cash flow
over the year. In the fourth quarter of 2007, our oil and liquids production
increased 18% and 10% respectively over the same period in 2006, and oil and
liquids pricing also increased by 37% and 32% respectively over the fourth
quarter in 2006. Indeed our gas production and revenues declined modestly, but
we definitely benefited from our strategy. The strength in oil more than offset
the decrease in natural gas production and pricing relative to the fourth
quarter of 2006 resulting in an overall increase in sales of 15% and cash flow
of 2% in Q4 2007 compared to Q4 2006.

Midnight's production for 2007 averaged 2,098 boe/d and was essentially
equivalent to the average production for 2006. Midnight's increase in average
daily production of oil and natural gas liquids in 2007 of 26% was offset by a
corresponding decrease in natural gas production on a barrel of oil equivalent

In Q4 2007, Midnight's capital expenditures were primarily focused on Red Earth
with our exploratory drilling and commencement of construction of an enhanced
oil recovery waterflood. In east Red Earth, we drilled 2 exploratory wells (100%
interest) with mixed success. We continue to evaluate the results of this
program and have started the construction of our pipeline to allow us to produce
our highly successful 5-18-87-6w5 discovery well. At the beginning of 2008,
Midnight operated the drilling of another oil well discovery in central Red
Earth. This well is part of our development and exploitation of the B pool where
we are implementing our waterflood. This was an excellent well and validated our
reservoir model. Currently, we are restricted in our production to 120 bbls/d,
but initial productivity indicates the well is capable of over 250 bbls/d. Based
on our waterflood investment, including the conversion of one well to water
injection, we have applied to the ERCB for removal of allowable restriction in
order to produce the well under Good Production Practices at the unrestricted
and capable rate. This success opens up a number of additional locations which
Midnight, as operator, will be pursuing later in 2008.

In Q4 2007 in the Red Rock area of the Deep Basin, Midnight completed the
pipelining and tie-in of a sweet gas well that we drilled last winter. This
multi-zone discovery well has been placed on stream in the first quarter at a
restricted rate, averaging 1,000 mcf per day (net 500 mcf/d). Access to the area
is seasonally limited but with the new gas pipeline now in place, we have
identified additional locations to pursue on our lands (MOX 50-100%).

Also in Q1 2008, in the Elmworth area, we are participating (Midnight 50%) in a
horizontal well being drilled into the Cadomin formation. This is a very
exciting high potential play in a tight gas sand reservoir. The potential exists
for a number of high productivity, large reserve wells to be drilled. Offsetting
Cadomin horizontals have produced with initial rates of over 5 mmcf/d. Midnight
has a great deal of experience and technical expertise in these tight gas
reservoirs. We continue to add to our land and prospect inventory in this
general area and have entered into two farm-in arrangements to expand our land

Midnight's increased investment in the Red Rock area and in Elmworth is a key
part of Midnight's strategy to further increase our exposure to sweet natural
gas prospects in the high potential Deep Basin. This strategy is set in place in
anticipation of stronger natural gas prices, which are currently rising, and
also with a longer term view that we will enjoy much higher North America gas
prices, likely to settle over $10.00 per mcf. That said we have been served well
over the past year with our balanced portfolio of light oil and sweet gas
opportunities. Notwithstanding our higher finding costs we have consistently
been top decile in the industry for our revenue and netbacks per boe.

In the Pembina area, Midnight has a 37.5% working interest in a high impact
exploratory prospect targeting the highly prolific sour Nisku oil reservoir. Our
partner has been highly successful with drilling similar prospects in the area.
Our partner is the operator and received a drilling licence in Q3 2007 to drill
our joint well. However, continued delays in obtaining final approvals from the
regulating agency have further delayed the anticipated spud date of this well
until later in 2008. This is a high impact exploratory oil prospect that
requires significant planning and involves long lead times, but if successful,
would add significantly to our light oil production base.

The talent and expertise of our team and the flexibility of our opportunity base
are the core strengths of Midnight. Yet however proficient our team of
professionals may be, the Canadian federal and Alberta provincial governments
continue to mistreat our industry. With the strength of commodities the natural
assumption would be that we are enjoying the best of times. However, the
Canadian oil industry has not benefited to a degree proportionate to the
increase in commodities. In fact, in 2007 while broader Canadian and U.S.
markets matched each other in performance, the NYSE Energy index rose 27% while
TSX Capped Energy index increased only 8%. Capital is liquid and flows to the
best returns and best opportunities and the Canadian governments have added
political risk to the assessment of risks and returns. The actions of two levels
of our government exasperate this market response. This has also negatively
impacted our share price and negatively affected our ability to economically
access and deploy capital. Reasonably priced access to capital for small and
medium sized conventional energy companies is integral for our success and
growth. The New Royalty Framework announced by the Alberta government on October
25, 2007 (NRF) is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2009. Midnight engaged GLJ
Petroleum Consultants ("GLJ") to prepare a forward looking analysis of
Midnight's estimated 2007 reserves applying the expected NRF effective January
1, 2009. That analysis indicated that the net present value of reserves
discounted at 10% decreased by approximately 10% to 13% (using forecasted prices
and costs). The value of our existing reserves have been negatively impacted as
has the economics of the development of our light-oil property in Red Earth.
Notwithstanding the actions of the governments, we have a strong and vibrant
company with a large and high potential prospect inventory and are confident we
will reward our shareholders for their patience in this environment.

In response to our reduced share price, and in the face of the market's response
to the government's initiatives on October 16, 2007 to increase Crown royalties,
Midnight announced a normal course issuer bid. During the fourth quarter of
2007, the Company purchased and cancelled 232,700 common shares at an average
market price of $1.13 per share reducing the total number of common shares
outstanding at year end to 47,595,129. To date in Q1, 2008, the Company
purchased and cancelled an additional 172,500 common shares at an average market
price of $1.10 per share.

While the conventional oil and gas sector continues to be challenged by high
costs, penalizing government initiatives and a lack of access to capital
markets, Midnight continues to deliver solid results. We are focused on building
our prospect inventory for both light oil and sweet natural gas and bringing on
stream those reserves that will add the most value to our shareholders. We have
assembled and continue to build a large and highly prospective sweet gas
prospect land holding in our Peace River Arch area and selectively participate
in a highly successful gas development program with our partners in West Central
Alberta. We have a strong balance sheet and a committed staff and we are
optimistic about the future of the conventional oil and gas industry in Canada.

Midnight is a top quality junior exploration company with a high end technical
team with a proven track record. Our oil weighted production base, a strong
balance sheet and a high quality prospect inventory leaves Midnight extremely
well positioned for this stage of the cycle. We are moving Midnight towards a
larger focus on natural gas and look forward to taking advantage of the
opportunities we have created and the opportunities that this stage will afford

Shareholders are invited to attend Midnight's 2008 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders scheduled for 10:00 AM, Wednesday May 14, 2008 at the Sun Life
Conference Centre, located at 140 4th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta.

Signed "Fred Woods"

President and Chief Executive Officer

March 18, 2008


The reserve data set forth below is based on an independent reserves evaluation
conducted by GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd. ("GLJ") effective December 31, 2007
("GLJ Report") and prepared in accordance with the definitions set out under
National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities
("NI 51-101"). Midnight has a reserves committee comprised of a majority of
independent board members who review the qualifications and appointment of the
independent reserve evaluators. The committee also reviews the process for
providing information to the evaluators and meets with the independent
evaluators to discuss the procedures used in the independent report, to review
the Company's major properties and to identify and discuss any areas of risk.
The GLJ Report was reviewed by the reserves committee of Midnight and was
approved by the Company's Board of Directors on March 18, 2008.

The reserve highlights are:

- Company interest proved reserves at December 31, 2007 were 4.23 million boe.

- Company interest proved plus probable reserves at December 31, 2007 were 6.32
million boe.

- Additions to proved reserves replaced 2007 average production by 106%.

- The net present value (before tax discounted at 10%) of total proved plus
probable reserves increased 2% to $120.7 million.

Reserves Advisory

- Reserves included herein are stated on a company interest basis where reserves
include royalty interest (operating and non-operating) and before royalty

- Natural gas is converted to barrels of oil equivalent ("boe") at a ratio of
six thousand cubic feet to one barrel of oil.

- Boe's may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. In accordance with
NI 51-101, a boe conversion ratio for natural gas of 6 Mcf: 1 bbl has been used
which is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable
at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.

- Tables may not add due to rounding.


Summary of Oil and Gas Reserves - Company Interest Reserves
Reserves Category                      Natural gas
                Light Oil  Natural Gas     Liquids  2007 Total  2006 Total
                   (Mbbls)       (MMcf)     (Mbbls)      (Mboe)      (Mboe)
   Producing        1,034       11,282         265       3,180       3,483
   Non-Producing      145        2,289          20         546         424
  Undeveloped         318        1,064           6         501         272
Total Proved        1,497       14,635         291       4,227       4,180
  Probable          1,198        4,912          80       2,096       2,306
Total Proved Plus
 Probable           2,695       19,547         371       6,323       6,486


Midnight's crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids reserves were
evaluated using GLJ's product price forecasts effective January 1, 2008 prior to
provision for income taxes, interest, debt service charges and general and
administrative expenses. It should not be assumed that the discounted future net
production revenues estimated by GLJ represent the fair market value of the

Net Present Value of Reserves, before income taxes

December 31, 2007 (000's)     0%      5%      8%      10%      12%      15%
Proved Reserves
  Developed Producing   109,729  89,297  80,835   76,195   72,164   67,014
   Non-Producing         13,905  10,660   9,275    8,511    7,847    6,999
  Undeveloped            13,132   9,123   7,418    6,482    5,671    4,646
Total Proved            136,767 109,080  97,528   91,188   85,682   78,660
  Probable               75,869  44,041  34,230   29,511   25,751   21,369
Proved plus Probable    212,636 153,121 131,758  120,698  111,433  100,029

At December 31, 2007 using a 10% discount factor, the proved producing reserves
make up 63% of the proved plus probable value while total proved reserves
account for 76% of the proved plus probable value. Midnight's proved
non-producing and undeveloped reserves account for 1 million boe of the total
proved reserves booked but account for only 16.5% of the value of our proved
reserves. The future capital associated with these proved reserves included in
the 2007 GLJ Report is approximately $12.3 million and have been subtracted from
the future value of the proved reserves.

The GLJ's price forecast utilized in the forecast evaluation is summarized below.

GLJ January 1, 2008 Price Forecast

                   West Texas
                 Intermediate Edmonton Light   Natural Gas      Foreign
Year                Crude Oil      Crude Oil       at AECO     Exchange
                     ($US/bbl)     ($Cdn/bbl)  ($Cdn/mmbtu)   ($US/$Cdn)
2008                    92.00          91.10          6.75         1.00
2009                    88.00          87.10          7.55         1.00
2010                    84.00          83.10          7.60         1.00
2011                    82.00          81.10          7.60         1.00
2012                    82.00          81.10          7.60         1.00
2013                    82.00          81.10          7.60         1.00
2014                    82.00          81.10          7.80         1.00
2015                    82.00          81.10          7.97         1.00
2016                    82.02          81.12          8.14         1.00
2017                    83.66          82.76          8.31         1.00
2018                    85.33          84.42          8.48         1.00
2019+                +2.0%/yr       +2.0%/yr      +2.0%/yr         1.00


Reconciliation of Changes in Company Reserves by Principal Product Type 
Forecast Prices and Costs

Factors               Crude Oil          Natural
                        & NGLs              Gas                Total
                           Proved +           Proved +           Proved +
                   Proved  Probable   Proved  Probable   Proved  Probable
                   (Mbbls)   (Mbbls)   (MMcf)    (MMcf)   (Mboe)     (Mboe)
December 31, 2006   1,773     3,066   14,438    20,522    4,180      6,486
  Extensions &
   recovery           211       344    3,253     4,473      753      1,089
   Revisions          202        54     (848)   (3,240)      61       (486)
  Production         (398)     (398)  (2,208)   (2,208)    (766)      (766)
December 31, 2007   1,788     3,066   14,635    19,547    4,227      6,323


Midnight's capital expenditures on exploration and development totalled $27.3
million in 2007 with no acquisitions in the current year. On a proven reserve
basis, the Company's FD&A cost for 2007 excluding future capital was $33.52 per
barrel of oil equivalent, down 12% from 2006. The calculation of FD&A cost for
proved reserves including future capital of $12.3 million included in the 2007
GLJ Report, and deducting $6.2 million of future capital which was included in
the 2006 GLJ Report results in a FD&A cost of $41.04 per boe. On a proven plus
probable reserve basis, the Company's FD&A cost for 2007 was $45.25 per boe
excluding future capital. The calculation of FD&A cost for proved plus probable
reserves including future capital of $24.7 million included in the 2007 GLJ
Report, and deducting $19.3 million of future capital which was included in the
2006 GLJ Report results in a FD&A cost of $54.20 per boe.

NI 51-101 requires that FD&A costs be calculated including changes in Future
Development Capital ("FDC"). Changes in forecast FDC occur annually as a result
of development activities, acquisition and disposition activities and capital
cost estimates that reflect the independent evaluator's best estimate of what it
will cost to bring the proved undeveloped and probable reserves on production.
The current high level of activity has resulted in increased capital costs
throughout the industry that are now reflected in the estimates of future
development costs effective December 31, 2007.

FD&A Costs - Company
 Interest Reserves            2007                         2006
                                 Proved plus                  Proved plus
                       Proved       Probable         Proved      Probable
Capital costs ($000's)
Exploration and
 Development           27,283         27,283         61,733        61,733
Acquisitions              n/a            n/a            n/a           n/a
                       27,283         27,283         61,733        61,733
Change in Exploration
 and Development FDC    6,124          5,398         (3,715)          906
                       33,407         32,681         58,018        62,639
Reserve additions(1)
Exploration and
 Development              814            603          1,617         2,308
Finding, development
 and acquisition
 costs ($/boe)
Exploration and
 Development Capital
 including change
 in FDC                $41.04         $54.20         $35.88        $27.14
Exploration and
 Development Capital
 excluding change
 in FDC                $33.52         $45.25         $38.18        $26.75
(1) Reserve additions include technical revisions.
(2) The aggregate of the exploration and development costs incurred in the
    year and the change during the year in estimated future development
    costs generally will not reflect total finding and development costs
    related to reserves.

FD&A ($/boe)
Exploration and Development Capital
 including change in FDC                    2005   2006   2007   3 year
Proved                                     27.72  35.88  41.04    34.36
Proved plus Probable                       26.09  27.14  54.20    30.56

Midnight's 2007 netbacks were $44.64/boe for oil, $26.33/boe for NGLs and
$26.34/boe for natural gas combining for a total netback of $34.49/boe.  With
2007 netback of $34.49/boe, the recycle ratio for the company was 1.0x for
proved and 1.1x for proved plus probable.


At December 31, 2007, Midnight had an estimated net asset value of $2.53 per
basic share discounting the present value of proved and probable reserves at 10%
before tax including a provision for undeveloped lands, seismic and excluding
net debt. The present value of petroleum and natural gas reserves were
determined by GLJ in their year end evaluation. Undeveloped land at December 31,
2007 was internally valued at an average price of $157 per acre based on a
previous Seaton and Jordan report, and undeveloped seismic and other assets were
internally evaluated based on the lower of cost or market.

Net Asset Value- Forecast Pricing and Costs
at December 31, 2007
                         Mboe          $/Boe         PV ($M)      $/Share
Proved Reserves
 Value at 10% BIT       4,227          21.57         91,188       $  1.92
Probable Reserves
 Value at 10% BIT       2,096          14.08         29,510          0.62
Proved plus Probable
 Reserves Value at
 10% BIT                6,323          19.09        120,698       $  2.54

                       (000's)        $/acre
Undeveloped Land    148 acres            157         23,211          0.49
Seismic and Other
 Assets                                               4,894          0.10
Net Debt                                            (28,374)        (0.60)
Total Net Assets                                   $120,429
Basic Shares
 Outstanding           47,595
NET ASSET VALUE                                                   $  2.53

At December 31, 2007 there are no material differences between basic and 
fully diluted net asset value calculations.

Land Holdings

The following table sets out Midnight's land holdings as at December 31, 

                      Developed        Undeveloped            Total
                 Gross(1)   Net(2)  Gross(1)    Net(2)  Gross(1)    Net(2)
Alberta          188,100   31,900   260,400   124,300   448,500   156,200
 Columbia          1,400      500    32,700    23,400    34,100    23,900
Total            189,500   32,400   293,100   147,700   482,600   180,100
(1) "Gross" refers to the total acres in which Midnight has an interest.
(2) "Net" refers to the total acres in which Midnight has an interest, 
    multiplied by the percentage working interest therein owned by


The following Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") as provided by the
management of Midnight should be read in conjunction with the audited
Consolidated Financial Statements and accompanying notes for the years ended
December 31, 2007 and 2006. Additional information relating to Midnight,
including a detailed reserve analysis, will be included in our Annual
Information Form, which may be found on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

Basis of Presentation - The financial data presented below has been prepared in
accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"). The
reporting and the measurement currency is the Canadian dollar. For the purpose
of calculating unit costs, natural gas is converted to a barrel equivalent
("boe") using six thousand cubic feet of natural gas equal to one barrel of oil
unless otherwise stated. The following MD&A compares the results of the year
ended December 31, 2007 ("2007") to the year ended December 31, 2006 ("2006")
and the results of the three months ended December 31, 2007 ("Q4 2007") to the
three months ended December 31, 2006 ("Q4 2006") and the three months ended
September 30, 2007 ("Q3 2007").

Non-GAAP Measurements - Within the Management's Discussion and Analysis
references are made to terms commonly used in the oil and gas industry. Funds
from operations, funds from operations per share and netbacks are not defined by
GAAP in Canada and are referred to as non-GAAP measures. Funds from operations
per share is calculated based on the weighted average number of common shares
outstanding consistent with the calculation of net income per share. Netbacks
equal total revenue less royalties and operating and transportation expenses
calculated on a per boe basis. Management utilizes these measures to analyze
operating performance and leverage. Funds from operations is not intended to
represent operating profit for the period nor should it be viewed as an
alternative to operating profit, net income, cash flow from operations or other
measures of financial performance calculated in accordance with Canadian GAAP.
Funds from operations is commonly referred to as cash flow by research analysts
and is used to value and compare oil and gas companies and is frequently
included in published research when providing investment recommendations. Total
boes are calculated by multiplying the daily production by the number of days in
the period.

The following table reconciles cash flow from operations to funds from
operations which is used in the MD&A:

($000s)                        Q4 2007   Q4 2006   Q3 2007   2007    2006
Cash flow from operations        6,026     8,289     6,510 21,413  25,260
 Abandonment expenditures           17       235        12    167     297
 Changes in non-cash working
   capital                      (1,145)   (3,734)   (1,602)  (206) (3,558)
Funds from operations            4,898     4,790     4,920 21,374  21,999

Forward Looking Statements - Certain statements contained within the
Management's Discussion and Analysis, and in certain documents incorporated by
reference into this document, constitute forward looking statements. These
statements relate to future events or our future performance. All statements
other than statements of historical fact may be forward looking statements.
Forward looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of
words such as "seek", "anticipate", "budget", "plan", "continue", "estimate",
"expect", "forecast", "may", "will", "project", "predict", "potential",
"targeting", "intend", "could", "might", "should", "believe" and similar
expressions. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from
those anticipated in such forward looking statements. We believe the
expectations reflected in those forward looking statements are reasonable but no
assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such
forward looking statements included in, or incorporated by reference into, this
MD&A should not be unduly relied upon. These statements speak only as of the
date of this MD&A or as of the date specified in the documents incorporated by
reference into this Management's Discussion and Analysis, as the case may be.

In particular, this Management's Discussion and Analysis, and the documents
incorporated by reference, contain forward looking statements pertaining to the

- the performance characteristics of our oil and natural gas properties;

- oil and natural gas production levels;

- the size of the oil and natural gas reserves;

- projections of market prices and costs;

- supply and demand for oil and natural gas;

- expectations regarding the ability to raise capital and to continually add to
reserves through acquisitions and development;

- treatment under governmental regulatory regimes and tax laws; and

- capital expenditures programs.

The actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these
forward looking statements as a result of the risk factors set forth below and
elsewhere in this Management's Discussion and Analysis:

- volatility in market prices for oil and natural gas;

- liabilities inherent in oil and natural gas operations;

- uncertainties associated with estimating oil and natural gas reserves;

- competition for, among other things, capital, acquisitions of reserves,
undeveloped lands and skilled personnel;

- incorrect assessments of the value of acquisitions;

- geological, technical, drilling and processing problems; and

- changes in income tax laws or changes in tax laws and incentive programs
relating to the oil and gas industry.

Statements relating to "reserves" or "resources" are deemed to be forward
looking statements, as they involve the implied assessment, based on certain
estimates and assumptions, that the resources and reserves described can be
profitably produced in the future. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing
lists of factors are not exhaustive. The forward looking statements contained in
this MD&A and the documents incorporated by reference herein are expressly
qualified by this cautionary statement. We do not undertake any obligation to
publicly update or revise any forward looking statements except as required by
securities law.

This Management's Discussion and Analysis is dated as of March 18, 2008.

Selected Annual & Quarterly Information

Set out below is selected annual information for Midnight for the last three years:

(000's, except for per
share amounts)                          2007           2006          2005
Petroleum and natural gas sales     $ 43,153       $ 39,688      $ 22,989
Funds from operations                 21,374         21,999        12,062
  Per share - Basic                     0.45           0.53          0.44
            - Diluted                   0.45           0.53          0.43
Net income (loss)                   $ (1,219)           $45      $  1,669
  Per share - Basic                    (0.03)          0.00          0.06
            - Diluted                  (0.03)          0.00          0.06
Petroleum and natural gas additions $ 27,330       $ 61,752      $ 76,507
Net debt                              28,374         21,974        16,730
Total assets                         164,681        152,833       111,171
Shares outstanding
  Basic                               47,595         47,828        38,328
  Diluted                             52,600         53,548        41,511

Average daily production
  Natural gas (mcf/d)                  6,050          7,755         4,666
  Oil & NGLs  (bbls/d)                 1,090            866           326
  Combined (boe/d)                     2,098          2,158         1,104
Netback ($/boe)                     $  34.48       $  31.79      $  33.07

Set out below is selected information by quarter for Midnight for the last
eight quarters:

Financial               2007                               2006
(000's, except
 for per
 share amounts)  Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1
Petroleum and
 natural gas
 sales      $10,811 $10,439 $11,009 $10,894 $ 9,410 $10,099 $10,988 $ 9,191
Funds from
 operations   4,898   4,920   6,069   5,487   4,790   5,479   6,533   5,197
  Per share
  - Basic      0.10    0.10    0.13    0.11    0.11    0.13    0.16    0.14
  - Diluted    0.10    0.10    0.13    0.11    0.11    0.13    0.16    0.13
Net income
 (loss)     $   (19)$  (827)$    51 $  (424)$  (565)$   320 $    82 $   208
  Per share
  - Basic     (0.00)  (0.02)   0.00   (0.01)  (0.01)   0.01    0.00    0.01
  - Diluted   (0.00)  (0.02)   0.00   (0.01)  (0.01)   0.01    0.00    0.01
Petroleum and
 additions  $ 8,092 $ 3,217 $ 3,439 $12,582 $ 8,652 $13,670 $ 9,945 $29,485
Net debt     28,374  24,886  26,577  29,170  21,974  33,579  25,297  41,028
 assets     164,681 160,573 161,537 159,594 152,833 147,677 138,842 134,452
  Basic      47,595  47,828  47,828  47,828  47,828  42,328  42,328  38,328
  Diluted    52,600  52,953  53,168  53,001  53,548  45,914  45,903  41,495

  (mcf/d)     5,573   5,981   5,769   6,891   7,352   7,637  10,091   5,926
  Oil & NGLs
  (bbls/d)    1,036   1,050   1,185   1,090     890     841     830     901
  (boe/d)     1,965   2,047   2,146   2,239   2,115   2,114   2,512   1,889
 ($/boe)    $ 34.39 $ 33.77 $ 37.37 $ 32.45 $ 29.08 $ 33.15 $ 31.68 $ 33.54

Midnight has a balanced portfolio of light oil and sweet gas production that
have delivered solid production and funds from operations. Growth in petroleum
and natural gas sales and funds from operations are derived by the combination
of increased oil production and strong commodity prices. Midnight commenced
operations in December 2004 with production averaging 723 boe/d for the month.
During 2005 production grew from a combination of drilling 42 gross (10.8 net)
wells and on November 29, 2005, Midnight acquired the Red Earth property
increasing our production for Q4 2005 by 303 boe/d. In 2006 production growth
continued with the drilling of 33 gross (17.2 net) and in 2007 was substantially
maintained with 21 gross (6.9 net) wells. In the last eight quarters, oil prices
have remained robust with sales realized in the range of $62.23/bbl for Q4 2006
to $85.23/bbl in Q4 2007. The 17.8% rise in the Canadian dollar ($0.8662 to
$1.0200) reduces the impact of the record setting WTI price. Realized natural
gas prices have been quite volatile with a high of $7.82/mcf in Q1 2007 to a new
low of $5.33/mcf in Q3 2007. Strong U.S. gas supply and an increase in LNG
imports have swelled U.S. gas storage to record levels which put downward
pressure on the gas price in 2007. During the last eight quarters, Midnight
increased its contribution from oil and NGLs with production rising from 48% to
53% in Q4 2007 and corresponding revenues contributing to over 71% to our
petroleum and natural gas sales.

Throughout 2006 and 2007 the cost of oilfield services escalated dramatically in
Northern Alberta with the increase in demand for these services resulting in
reduced margins for most oil and gas exploration and production companies. On
October 31, 2006, the Federal Government dramatically altered the investment
landscape in the oil and gas sector by announcing a number of negative tax
initiatives pertaining to income trusts in the resource sector. These
initiatives also impacted the valuations of junior oil and gas exploration
companies and accordingly negatively impacted their access to capital markets.
Furthermore, on October 25, 2007, the Alberta government announced its intent to
increase crown royalties through the New Royalty Framework ("NRF") which is
scheduled to take effect January 1, 2009. Substantially all of Midnight's
production and reserves are in Alberta and will be subject to the NRF. At
December 31, 2007, the province had not introduced the enabling legislation nor
had they provided clarity on a number of issues. Although the exact details are
not yet known, Midnight has undertaken a preliminary review of the potential
impact on our existing asset base assessing royalties, the related impact on
operating netbacks and the net present value of reserves. Midnight engaged GLJ
Petroleum Consultants ("GLJ") to prepare a "look forward" analysis of Midnight's
estimated 2007 reserves applying the expected NRF effective January 1, 2009.
This preliminary analysis indicated that the net present value of reserves
discounted at 10% decreased by approximately 10% to 13% (forecasted prices and
costs) from the high to the low scenarios. The estimated negative impact at our
light oil property Red Earth was partially offset by deep sweet natural gas
production in the Deep Basin and West Central Alberta.

The analysis is based on GLJ's current commodity price forecast effective
January 1, 2008 which includes: AECO natural gas price of $6.75 per mmbtu for
2008 and $7.55 per mmbtu for 2009; a WTI crude oil price of US$92.00 per bbl for
2008 and US$88.00 per bbl for 2009 with a forecast exchange rate of $1 Canadian
to $1 U.S. The analysis does not take into account future drilling plans that do
not have reserves assigned to them at December 31, 2007 and makes certain
assumptions regarding future prices and production which could further alter
Midnight's estimated net present value if the NRF is enacted into legislation.
Overall the NRF will reduce both the value of our existing oil and gas reserves
and reduce the future value of our light oil program and becomes a factor in
steering our capital program.


During 2007, Midnight maintained strict financial discipline by controlling
capital expenditures. As a result, production was relatively flat, averaging
2,098 boe/d for 2007, a 3% decrease from 2006. Production was comprised of 6,050
mcf/d of natural gas, 911 bbl/d of oil and 179 bbl/d of natural gas liquids
("NGLs"). Light sweet oil production increased 29% from 2006 with substantially
all of our oil production coming from our core operating area of Red Earth.
Yearly average natural gas production decreased 22% from 2006 as a result of
limited capital expenditures allocated to gas projects for the year. Q4 2007
production decreased 7% from Q4 2006 with oil production increasing 18% and gas
production decreasing 24% with declines and limited capital directed to gas

Our product mix has changed significantly as we continued to focus on our
high-value light oil prospects in the Red Earth area in 2007. Oil and NGLs
volumes comprised 53% of our production for Q4 2007 compared to 42% for Q4 2006
and YTD 2007 oil and NGLs comprised 52% of our production compared to 40% for
the same period in 2006.

Midnight's production forecast for Q4 2007 had incorporated the success of
drilling in the east part of Red Earth. Although we have had mixed results from
this program, to date we have not added additional production to our base from
the fourth quarter drilling. In addition, our high impact Pembina well which was
planned for November 2007 has now been delayed due to regulatory matters until
late 2008.

The following table outlines our production volumes for the periods indicated below:

Production                           Q4      Q4      Q3
                                   2007    2006    2007    2007    2006
Natural Gas (mcf/d)               5,573   7,352   5,981   6,050   7,755
Oil (bbls/d)                        820     694     898     911     706
NGLs (bbls/d)                       216     196     152     179     160
Total (boe/d)                     1,965   2,115   2,047   2,098   2,158


Midnight's natural gas prices are influenced by overall North American supply
and demand balance including imports of liquefied natural gas, seasonal changes,
storage levels and transportation capacity. The North American gas market is
becoming much more influenced by world gas supply as both LNG supply increases
worldwide and U.S. capacity to take LNG increases. Midnight markets its natural
gas on a daily spot market basis at various delivery points in Alberta and
therefore, the average Alberta spot market price in Canadian dollars per mcf is
an appropriate benchmark for our gas prices. During 2007, we received a 6%
premium to the Alberta spot price compared to a 1% premium in 2006; we expect to
continue to receive a premium to the spot price in 2008 and are forecasting a 3%
premium to the posted price.

Midnight's realized oil price has a high correlation to the Edmonton Par
benchmark price which generally has a strong correlation to the U.S. benchmark
West Texas Intermediate at Cushing, Oklahoma ("WTI") price as adjusted by the
Canadian to U.S. dollar exchange rate. Canadian light oil prices correlate to
refinery postings that adjust WTI for the Canadian to U.S. dollar exchange rate
as well as transportation costs and quality adjustments. Midnight's oil price is
significantly influenced by global supply and demand. Although oil prices
reached historical highs and the WTI price increased 9% from 2006, the
strengthening Canadian dollar reduced the impact for Canadian producers with the
Edmonton par price only increasing 5% from 2006. Strong oil prices in 2007
helped increase Midnight's overall realized price. Midnight's oil is light,
sweet crude which demands a strong price and has tracked appropriately to the
Edmonton par benchmark where we received 97% of the benchmark in 2007 and 96% of
the benchmark in 2006. For 2008, we are forecasting a continued strong realized
price of 97% of the Edmonton par benchmark.

Prices for Natural Gas Liquids have their own market dynamic. NGLs include
condensate, pentane, butane and propane. While prices for condensate and pentane
have a relatively strong correlation to oil prices, prices for butane and
propane trade at varying discounts due to the market conditions of local supply
and demand. During 2007, Midnight's realized NGLs price has been approximately
65% - 70% of the Edmonton par oil price, which is down from 78% in 2006 as lower
priced products made up a larger percentage of our NGLs volumes in the year.

Midnight did not buy or sell any commodity or currency hedges during the period
and did not have any outstanding at December 31, 2007.

Year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter, Midnight's realized price for
commodities has tracked with the appropriate benchmark prices.

The following table outlines benchmark prices compared to Midnight's realized

Prices and Marketing               Q4       Q4       Q3
                                 2007     2006     2007     2007     2006
Benchmark Prices
Alberta spot ($/mcf)           $ 6.01   $ 6.77   $ 5.07   $ 6.32   $ 6.38
WTI oil ($US/bbl)               90.57    59.96    75.22    72.33    66.09
Cdn/US average exchange rate    1.020    0.878    0.956    0.936    0.882
Edmonton Par ($/bbl)           $86.89   $64.94   $80.67   $77.00   $73.25
Midnight's Realized Price
Natural gas ($/mcf)            $ 6.17   $ 6.84   $ 5.33   $ 6.68   $ 6.42
Oil ($/bbl)                     85.23    62.23    81.23    74.70    70.20
NGLs ($/bbl)                    58.26    44.14    53.13    52.36    56.92
Combined oil & NGLs ($/bbl)     79.62    58.25    77.16    71.04    67.75
Total ($/boe)                  $59.81   $48.35   $55.43   $56.34   $50.38

Petroleum and Natural Gas Sales

Petroleum and natural gas sales totalled $43.2 million for 2007, up 9% from
$39.7 million in 2006. Q4 2007 sales were $10.8 million versus $9.4 million in
Q4 2006 and $10.4 million in Q3 2007. The $3.5 million increase in sales from
2006 was due to higher realized prices during the year - sales increased by $4.6
million due to higher realized prices while reduced production volumes accounted
for a decrease in sales of $1.1 million. Q4 2007 sales increased 15% from Q4
2006 and 4% from Q3 2007 with a higher realized price accounting for the
increase as production in Q4 was down from both of the comparative periods.

The following table outlines our production sales for the periods indicated below:

Petroleum and Natural Gas Sales
(000's)                          Q4       Q4        Q3
                               2007     2006      2007      2007      2006
Natural Gas                 $ 3,165  $ 4,628   $ 2,933   $14,740   $18,169
Oil                           6,432    3,975     6,713    24,852    18,079
NGLs                          1,156      795       743     3,414     3,324
Royalty income                   58       12        50       147       116
Total                       $10,811  $ 9,410   $10,439   $43,153   $39,688


Royalty payments are made by producers of oil and gas to the owners of the
mineral rights on our leases which include provincial governments (Crown) and
freehold landowners as well as to other third parties by way of contractual
overriding royalties.

In Alberta, royalties on natural gas and NGLs are charged by the government
based on an established monthly Reference Price which is meant to reflect the
average price for gas and NGLs in Alberta. The appropriate crown rate is then
applied less established deductions to calculate the crown royalties. Gas cost
allowance, custom processing credits, and other incentive programs reduce the
effective royalty rate.

Oil royalty rates are generally a function of production rates on a per well
basis and market prices. Oil royalty rates may also be subject to certain
reductions and incentives. Crown royalties in Alberta are generally satisfied by
delivering the required amount of oil to the Crown.

For the year 2007, royalties decreased to 15.9% of revenue from 17.8% of revenue
for 2006 due to the sharp reduction in natural gas royalties for the year.
Natural gas royalties as a percentage of revenue have decreased with increased
gas cost allowance ("GCA") in the year from our ownership interest in facilities
in Sheldon, Red Earth and West Central Alberta. Gas royalties averaged
approximately 22% of gas revenue for 2007 before the impact of GCA. We will
continue to receive GCA credits in 2008, but do not expect them to have as large
of an impact. We are forecasting gas royalties to average 22% on our base
production in 2008 before the impact of GCA credits, but this may increase with
new production additions in the Deep Basin. We are forecasting GCA credits to be
approximately $250,000 to $300,000 per quarter in 2008. Q4 2007 gas royalty
rates were a credit of 1.6% of revenue which is consistent with Q3 2007 credit
of 1.0% and a large decrease from the Q4 2006 rate of 15.0% due to the impact of
GCA credits.

Oil royalty rates increased to 20% of revenue in 2007 compared to 16% of revenue
in 2006. The rates increased as the impact of Third Tier Exploratory Royalty
Exemptions decreased in the year and as we brought on wells that were subject to
higher royalty rates. We expect our oil royalty rate to continue in the 20% -
25% range for 2008. Q4 2007 oil royalty rates of 21% were consistent with Q3
2007 and increased from 16% in Q4 2006. NGLs royalty rates have remained
consistent at approximately 30% of NGL revenues.

For 2007 royalty rates as a percentage of revenue have decreased overall largely
due to the impact of GCA credits in the year. Without the impact of GCA and
ARTC, our royalty rates would have been similar with the 2007 rate being 21.3%
compared to 21.6% in 2006.

The following tables outline our royalties by type and by commodity:

                                 Q4       Q4       Q3
Royalties by Type (000's)      2007     2006     2007     2007     2006
Crown                        $1,403   $1,461   $1,425   $6,036   $6,840
Gross overriding                246      126      172      818      711
ARTC                              -     (125)       -        -     (500)
Total                        $1,649   $1,462   $1,597   $6,854   $7,051
$/boe                        $ 9.12   $ 7.51   $ 8.48   $ 8.95   $ 8.95
% of revenue                   15.3     15.5     15.3     15.9     17.8

Royalties by Commodity
(excluding ARTC)                 Q4       Q4       Q3
                               2007     2006     2007     2007     2006
Natural Gas
  000's                      $  (50)  $  695   $  (27)  $  923   $3,711
  % of revenue                 (1.6)    15.0     (1.0)     6.3     20.4
  000's                      $1,350   $  627   $1,407   $4,961   $2,891
  % of revenue                 21.0     15.8     21.0     20.0     16.0
  000's                      $  349   $  265   $  217   $  970   $  949
  % of revenue                 30.2     33.3     29.2     28.4     28.5

The current proposed NRF, as previously discussed under the heading titled
"Selected Annual and Quarterly Information", will have a negative impact on 2009
royalty rates. Based on the current GLJ price forecast, and the assumptions
included in their calculation, our overall corporate royalty rate will increase
from 21.2% of revenue to a range of 31.1% to 32.5% of revenue in 2009. This
increase includes many assumptions including price forecast, production
assumptions and capital deployment decisions which are all subject to change.

Operating and Transportation Expenses

Operating and transportation expenses totalled $9.9 million ($12.91/boe) in 2007
compared to $7.6 million ($9.64/boe) in 2006. The Company classifies
transportation expenses with operating costs. Transportation expenses include
the cost of delivering production to the custody transfer point including
trucking of emulsion from the well site to processing facilities. Operating
costs for the year increased over 2006 largely due to the following: strong
industry wide demand for materials and services drove increased maintenance
charges, higher labour costs, accruals for a new processing fee schedule and
processing charges for previously unbilled fees on non-operated properties. The
transportation component of operating expenses increased to $956,000 in 2007
from $742,000 in 2006. This increase is due to new production from our Red Earth
area where production is trucked to batteries until the well is tied into the
existing infrastructure. In Q1 2008, the Company has completed construction of
facilities to tie in existing production and to handle additional water that
will either be disposed or injected in a waterflood scheme. Once operational,
this facility is expected to reduce operating and transportation costs in this
area by reducing processing, water disposal, equipment rentals and trucking

Q4 2007 operating and transportation costs increased to $2.9 million from $2.3
million in Q4 2006 and $2.5 million in Q3 2007. The Company has increased its
accrual on certain gas processing charges on third party facilities that have
not been billed during the year which accounted for part of the increase.
Additionally, the Company had a negative adjustment to 2006 operating costs
relating to facilities in West Central Alberta. The stand alone operating costs
relating solely to Q4 2007 averaged $11.14/boe which provides a reasonable
indication of the anticipated operating costs on a go forward basis. With the
additional cost savings from our Red Earth water facilities, Midnight expects
operating costs to decline below $11/boe.

Operating and Transportation
 Expenses (000's)                  Q4       Q4       Q3
                                 2007     2006     2007     2007     2006
Operating                      $2,746   $2,072   $2,227   $8,930   $6,845
Transportation                    200      216      255      956      742
Total                          $2,946   $2,288   $2,482   $9,886   $7,587
Operating ($/boe)              $15.19   $10.65   $11.82   $11.66    $8.69
Transportation ($/boe)           1.11     1.11     1.36     1.25     0.95
Total ($/boe)                  $16.30   $11.76   $13.18   $12.91    $9.64

Interest Expense

The 2007 interest expense totalled $1,573,000 with $1,325,000 of the interest
incurred on bank debt and $248,000 incurred on charges related to our flow
through share obligation. The effective interest rate on our bank debt in 2007
was 5.8%. During 2006, interest expense totalled $1,019,000 representing an
effective interest rate of 5.4%. Interest expense increased in the year with the
increase in average bank debt and higher interest rates. Our credit facility
bears interest at the bank's prime rate or at Bankers' Acceptance rates plus a
stamping fee based on the Company's debt to cash flow ratio as defined in the
credit facility. The effective interest rate on our bank debt has fluctuated
with the changes in the Bank of Canada rates. For 2008 we expect our bank debt
to be higher and the effective interest rate is expected to fluctuate with the
changes in the Bank of Canada rates and our net debt to cash flow ratio.

General and Administration Expenses

During the year ended 2007, cash general and administration ("G&A") expenses
totalled $3.6 million ($4.76/boe) compared to $2.2 million ($2.74/boe) for 2006.
In 2006, Midnight's general and administration expenses were allocated based on
an Administrative and Technical Service Agreement ("TSA") with Daylight Energy
Ltd. ("Daylight"). Under the agreement, Daylight had been the employer on behalf
of the parties and received payment or reimbursement from Midnight for certain
technical and administrative services provided to Midnight. The Company was
charged for its direct activities and for its proportionate share of overhead
based on production and capital spending. With the termination of the TSA on
December 31, 2006, Midnight is responsible for its own activities with Daylight
still providing certain administrative and other non-competitive services
through an agreed upon monthly fee. Thus Midnight expanded in certain technical
areas including engineering and operations and as a result direct G&A charges in
2007 increased substantially over 2006. Including the TSA charges for 2006,
Midnight's gross G&A increased $1.3 million with increased staffing levels,
office premises and other charges necessary to operate as an independent entity.
Cash G&A increased with the increase in the gross G&A and lower operating
recoveries in 2007.

Q4 2007 cash G&A totalled $1,128,000 an increase of $127,000 over Q3 2007 and
$548,000 over Q4 2006. Q4 2007 G&A includes Midnight's matched employee
donations of $55,000 to Habitat for Humanity to assist in building affordable
housing in our community; Midnight also contributes to this cause by providing
manpower on a volunteer basis on certain designated work days. Additional
charges in Q4 2007 also included directors' fees and healthcare benefits. As a
result of a tight labour market, the costs of retaining employees have risen, we
have kept salaries within 2% of the 2006 level and bonuses were limited to 8%
corporately. Midnight's Q4 2007 total capitalized G&A and operating recoveries
also decreased resulting in a higher cash G&A from Q3 2007.

For 2008, Midnight is projecting gross G&A to total approximately $7 million.
The largest portion of our cash G&A is comprised of salaries and benefits and as
such, Midnight's cash G&A will depend on the staffing levels in 2008 and any
changes to salaries and bonuses.

The components of general and administration expense are as follows:

General and Administration
 Expenses (000's)                   Q4     Q4       Q3
                                  2007   2006     2007     2007     2006
Direct G&A                      $1,796 $  896   $1,767   $6,414   $1,377
Technical service fee from
 Daylight                            -    713        -        -    3,749
Overhead recoveries                (58)  (238)     (26)    (181)    (649)
Capitalized G&A                   (610)  (791)    (740)  (2,588)  (2,317)
Cash G&A                        $1,128 $  580   $1,001   $3,645   $2,160
Stock-based compensation           153    101      160      565      348
Net G&A                         $1,281 $  681   $1,161   $4,210   $2,508
Cash G&A ($/boe)                $ 6.24 $ 2.98   $ 5.32   $ 4.76   $ 2.74
Stock-based compensation
 ($/boe)                          0.85   0.52     0.85     0.74     0.44
Net G&A ($/boe)                 $ 7.09 $ 3.50   $ 6.17   $ 5.50   $ 3.18

Stock-Based Compensation

The Company applies the fair value method for valuing stock option grants and
warrants. Under this method, compensation costs attributable to all share
options granted and warrants issued are measured at fair value at the grant and
issuance date and expensed over the vesting period with a corresponding increase
to contributed surplus. The Company capitalizes the related stock-based
compensation associated with employee salaries that are capitalized. Midnight
recognized stock-based compensation expense of $930,000 for 2007 of which
$365,000 was capitalized compared to $765,000 in 2006 with $417,000 capitalized.
Stock-based compensation increased in 2007 as 2.2 million options were granted
in Q4 2006 and the related expense is recognized for the full year of 2007.
During 2007, Midnight granted 309,500 options with a weighted average fair value
of $0.69 per option and 954,300 options were forfeited. Midnight's unamortized
portion of stock-based compensation is $1.6 million at December 31, 2007.

Depletion, Depreciation and Accretion

For 2007, depletion, depreciation and accretion ("DD&A") was $23.7 million
versus $21.7 million for 2006. The increase is a result of higher production and
a larger capital base being depleted as well as depleting at a higher rate from
higher finding and development costs. On a boe basis, the 2007 charge for DD&A
increased to $30.95 from $27.51 in 2006.

For Q4 and Q3 2007, DD&A was $5.9 million while DD&A was $5.7 million for Q4
2006. On a boe basis, Q4 2007 DD&A was $32.64 versus Q3 2007 DD&A charge of
$31.13 and Q4 2006 of $29.34.


For 2007, a future tax reduction of $1,681,000 (2006 - $60,000) was recognized.
During Q4 2007, Federal Bill C-28 was enacted reducing the general federal
corporate tax rate to 15% by 2012 from the 2007 rate of 22.12%. The reductions
will be phased in from 2008 until 2012 with the combined federal and Alberta
provincial tax rate of 25% by 2012. During 2007, Midnight recorded a reduction
to its future taxes of $962,000 due to changes in enacted tax rates. The
difference in the expected rate of 32.1% and the effective rate for 2007 relates
primarily to the future corporate income tax rate reductions and from permanent
differences from stock-based compensation.

In Q1 2007, Midnight renounced its flow-through share expenditures and
accordingly recorded a $6.2 million future tax liability for the estimated cost
of the renounced tax deductions.

Midnight does not expect to become taxable on an income tax basis in 2008 and
has approximately $131 million in tax pools to shelter taxable income in the
future as detailed below:

Tax Pools (000's)                                          2007
Canadian exploration expense                            $27,500
Canadian development expense                             20,000
Canadian oil and gas property expense                    52,300
Undepreciated capital cost                               28,600
Share issue costs                                         2,700
Total                                                  $131,100

Funds from Operations and Net Income

For 2007, funds from operations totalled $21.4 million or $0.45 per basic and
diluted share. Funds from operations for 2006 totalled $22.0 million or $0.53
per basic and diluted share. For Q4 2007, funds from operations totalled $4.9
million or $0.10 per basic and diluted share. Funds from operations totalled
$4.9 million for Q3 2007 and $4.8 million for Q4 2006. The net loss for 2007
totalled $1,219,000 (($0.03) per basic and diluted share) versus net income of
$45,000 ($0.00 per basic and diluted share) for 2006. Net loss for Q4 2007
totalled $19,000 versus a loss of $565,000 for the comparative period in 2006.

The following table summarizes the net income on a barrel of oil equivalent
basis for the periods indicated.

($/boe)                          Q4       Q4       Q3
                               2007     2006     2007     2007     2006
Sales price                  $59.81   $48.35   $55.43   $56.34   $50.38
  Royalties                    9.12     7.51     8.48     8.95     8.95
  Operating expenses          15.19    10.65    11.82    11.66     8.69
  Transportation expenses      1.11     1.11     1.36     1.25     0.95
Operating netback            $34.39   $29.08   $33.77   $34.48   $31.79
  General and administration   6.24     2.98     5.32     4.76     2.74
  Interest                     2.04     1.49     2.33     2.05     1.29
  Other income                (0.99)       -        -    (0.23)   (0.16)
Cash flow netback            $27.10   $24.61   $26.12   $27.90   $27.92
  Depletion, depreciation
   and accretion              32.64    29.34    31.13    30.95    27.51
  Stock-based compensation     0.85     0.52     0.85     0.74     0.44
  Future tax reduction        (6.28)   (2.35)   (1.47)   (2.19)   (0.08)
Net income (loss)            $(0.11)  $(2.90)  $(4.39)  $(1.60)  $ 0.05

The following table provides reconciliations to the change in funds from
operations and net income (loss) for Q4 2007 to Q4 2006 and for the year
2007 to 2006.

Change in Funds from      Q4 2007 to Q4 2006       Year 2007 to Year 2006
Operations and     Funds from     Net Income     Funds from    Net Income
Net Income         Operations          (Loss)    Operations         (Loss)
(Loss) (000's)
Comparative period    $ 4,790        $  (565)       $21,999      $     45
Increase (decrease)
 in revenue:
  Change in
   production volumes    (670)          (670)        (1,099)       (1,099)
  Change in prices      2,071          2,071          4,564         4,564
  Change in royalties    (187)          (187)           197           197
  Change in other
   income                 179            179             51            51

(Increase) decrease
 in expenses:
  Operating              (674)          (674)        (2,085)       (2,085)
  Transportation           16             16           (214)         (214)
  Interest                (79)           (79)          (554)         (554)
  Cash general and
   administration        (548)          (548)        (1,485)       (1,485)
   compensation             -            (52)             -          (217)
   depreciation and
   accretion                -           (189)             -        (2,043)
  Taxes                     -            679              -         1,621
Current period        $ 4,898        $   (19)       $21,374      $ (1,219)

Capital Expenditures

During 2007, Midnight's capital program had expenditures of $27.3 million
compared to 2006 expenditures of $61.8 million. The Company reduced its capital
program to ensure it maintained financial flexibility with limited access to
capital markets.

During the year, the Company drilled 21 gross (6.9 net) wells comprised of 17
gross (3.9 net) gas wells, 3 gross (2.5 net) oil wells and 1 (0.5 net) dry
holes. This compares to 2006, when the Company drilled 33 gross (17.2 net)
wells. Our capital expenditures continued to focus in Red Earth which accounted
for 50% of our spending during the year, with 35% spent in the Peace River Arch
and 15% spent in West Central. Drilling costs accounted for 49% of our capital
spending with completions and facility expenditures accounting for 43%. During
Q3 2007, Midnight entered into a transaction that provided for the sale of
certain exploratory lands for $2.0 million and then offset the sale through a
participation in the exploration project with a two well commitment retaining a
50% interest in these lands. Geological and geophysical expenditures of $3.4
million include capitalized G&A of $2.6 million.

Midnight has approximately 148,000 net acres of undeveloped land at December 31,
2007. Based on lower cost or market, a value of $19.2 million or $130 per acre
for undeveloped land and $4.9 million for undeveloped seismic have been excluded
from the depletion calculation in the quarter. In 2008, approximately 40,000
acres of Midnight's net undeveloped acreage will be subject to expiry. The
number of acres that actually expire may be reduced through drilling on or
adjacent to the expiring lands. We anticipate approximately 18,000 acres will be
continued through submission of continuation applications and additional
drilling. In Q1 2008, our farm-in activities have added approximately 16,000
acres to our net land position.

In addition to the cash capital expenditures above, we have capitalized $365,000
of stock-based compensation and the related future tax liability of $123,000 for
2007 consistent with the exploration salaries that we have added to our property

The following table highlights the breakdown of expenditures by category for the
periods indicated:

Capital Expenditures (000's)     Q4       Q4       Q3
                               2007     2006     2007      2007      2006
Land                        $   352  $    99  $   146   $   625   $ 4,997
Geological and geophysical      629    3,371      830     3,379     6,078
Drilling                      4,299    1,726    2,404    13,437    25,865
Completions                   1,821    1,619    1,119     6,154    10,316
Facilities, pipelines and
 equipment                      985    1,837      714     5,684    14,477
Other                             6        -        -        47        19
Total expenditures          $ 8,092  $ 8,652  $ 5,213   $29,326   $61,752
Land disposition                  -        -   (1,996)   (1,996)        -
Total net expenditures      $ 8,092  $ 8,652  $ 3,217   $27,330   $61,752

For the first half of 2008, we have budgeted capital expenditures of $13.5
million. Given the seasonal access of some of our lands and/or timing of certain
farm-in opportunities and commitments, we have chosen to aggressively pursue the
gas plays in the Deep Basin. We are planning to drill 8 gas targets and 1 oil
target in Q1 2008. We will re-evaluate our results for the first quarter and set
our budget for the remainder of the year after this time.


During YTD 2007, Midnight issued 309,500 options to employees and 954,300
options were forfeited during the same period. No options were exercised during
2007. At December 31, 2007 the Company had 2,992,000 options outstanding at an
average exercise price of $2.56. Of these, 985,834 have vested and are
exercisable at an average price of $2.70. The year end closing price of the
Midnight common shares on the TSX was $1.08 per share and no options were in the

At December 31, 2007, the Company had 2,013,333 warrants outstanding exercisable
into one common share at an exercise price of $3.00 per share. The warrants are
fully vested and expire on November 29, 2008.

On October 15, 2007, Midnight filed a notice with the TSX to make a normal
course issuer bid to purchase its outstanding common shares on the open market.
The TSX has authorized Midnight to purchase up to 4,320,826 common shares
representing approximately 9% of its issued and outstanding common shares during
the period from October 17, 2007 to October 16, 2008 or until such time that the
bid is either completed or terminated at Midnight's option. Any shares Midnight
purchases under this bid will be purchased on the open market through the
facilities of the TSX at the prevailing market price. Shares acquired under the
bid will be cancelled. During the fourth quarter of 2007, the Company purchased
and cancelled 232,700 common shares at an average market price of $1.13 per
share reducing the total number of common shares outstanding at year end to
47,595,129. To date in Q1, 2008 the Company purchased and cancelled an
additional 172,500 common shares at an average market price of $1.10 per share.

On November 7, 2006, the Company closed a bought deal financing with a syndicate
of underwriters and issued 5.5 million common shares at a price of $3.05 per
common share to raise gross proceeds of approximately $16.8 million which
includes 500,000 common shares issued pursuant to the over-allotment option
granted to the underwriters at the same price. Management participated in this
issue, acquiring 114,000 shares at $3.05 per share. The offering was done by way
of short form prospectus.

On May 17, 2006 Midnight closed a bought deal financing and issued 4 million
flow-through common shares at a price of $5.10 per flow-through common share to
raise gross proceeds of $20.4 million. Management and service providers
participated in this issue acquiring 343,000 shares at $5.10 per flow-through
common share. The future tax effect of this issue was recorded in Q1 2007 when
the Company renounced the expenditures. The Company incurred all the required
qualifying expenditures prior to December 31, 2007.

At March 18, 2008 the Company had outstanding 47,422,629 common shares,
2,994,500 stock options and 2,013,333 warrants. The average exercise price of
the stock options outstanding is $2.55 per share.

Share Information (000's)        Q4       Q4       Q3
                               2007     2006     2007     2007     2006
Shares outstanding
  Basic                      47,595   47,828   47,828   47,595   47,828
  Diluted                    52,600   53,548   52,953   52,600   53,548
Weighted average shares
  Basic                      47,754   45,556   47,828   47,809   41,640
  Diluted                    47,754   45,556   47,828   47,809   41,894

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Midnight Oil Exploration Ltd. is listed as a senior issuer on the Toronto Stock
Exchange trading under the symbol "MOX". The Company's market capitalization at
December 31, 2007 was $51 million.

Trading History on the TSX           Q4      Q4      Q3
                                   2007    2006    2007     2007     2006
High                             $ 1.45  $ 3.38  $ 1.89  $  2.39  $  4.70
Low                              $ 0.92  $ 2.26  $ 1.31  $  0.92  $  2.26
Close                            $ 1.08  $ 2.37  $ 1.46  $  1.08  $  2.37
Volume (000's)                    9,987   4,505     615   22,336   13,429

At December 31, 2007, Midnight had drawn $28.9 million on its $37.5 million
credit facility and had a working capital surplus of $0.5 million for a net debt
position of $28.4 million. On May 31, 2007, Midnight increased its credit
facility to $35 million from $30 million. On December 17, 2007, Midnight further
increased its credit facility to $37.5 million. Midnight's credit facility is
available on a revolving basis until May 31, 2008. On this date and at the
Company's discretion, the facility is available on a non-revolving basis for a
period of 366 days, at which time the facility would be due and payable.
Alternatively, the facility may be extended for a further 364-day period at the
request of the Company and subject to approval by the bank. On this basis, the
bank debt is considered Long Term debt for financial reporting purposes. The
credit facility bears interest at the bank's prime rate or Bankers' Acceptances
plus a stamp based on the Company's net debt/cash flow ratio, calculated using
the two most recent fiscal quarters. The credit facility is based solely on the
drawn amount and does not have a covenant relating to the company's net debt
which includes working capital. The facility is secured by a $50 million first
floating charge debenture and a general securities agreement.

Midnight anticipates that it will have adequate liquidity to fund future working
capital and forecasted capital expenditures during 2008 through a combination of
cash flow and additional drawing on its existing credit facility.

Off Balance Sheet Transactions

There were no off balance sheet transactions entered into during the year, nor
are there any outstanding as of the date of this MD&A.

Contractual Obligations

The contractual obligations for which the Company is responsible are as follows:

                                           than       1-3      4-5  After 5
Contractual Obligations (000's)   Total  1 Year     Years    Years    Years
Long-term debt                  $28,934  $    -   $28,934    $   -  $     -
Asset retirement obligations      5,790     241       236      232    5,081
Total Contractual Obligations'  $34,724  $  241   $29,170    $ 232  $ 5,081

Midnight enters into many contractual obligations in the course of conducting
its day to day business. Material contractual obligations consist of our
long-term debt with a major bank and our asset retirement obligation. The
payment terms on the asset retirement obligation is based on an estimated timing
of expenditures to be made in future periods, actual expenditures and when they
may occur may differ materially than presented above. Midnight has not entered
into any firm transportation commitments to date.

Relationship with Daylight Energy Ltd. ("Daylight")

Prior to December 31, 2006, Midnight and Daylight Energy Ltd. established and
operated under an Administrative and Technical Services Agreement, which
provided for the shared services, required to manage the activities of Midnight
and Daylight and governed the allocation of general and administrative expenses
between the entities. Under this agreement, Daylight Energy was the employer on
behalf of the parties and received payment for certain technical and
administrative services provided to MOX. The Administrative and Technical
Services Agreement was terminated effective December 31, 2006. Certain
administrative services which provide reasonable economy and do not involve
competitive issues continue to be provided to Midnight by Daylight on a fixed
fee basis which has been negotiated by the parties and may be cancelled by
either party.

Although the TSA has been terminated, Midnight and Daylight continue to be
considered related, as Daylight's Chairman is a director and officer of
Midnight. In addition, a director and officer of Daylight is also a director of
Midnight. Although this relationship exists, Midnight operates independently
from Daylight. Operating, financing and investing decisions are conducted
independently without the advice or influence of the other party and each
company's strategic direction is set by their respective Boards, both of which
have a majority of independent directors. Midnight and Daylight remain joint
venture partners in certain properties, and as a result, revenues and costs
related to these properties are allocated to each partner under standard joint
venture billing arrangements. Each partner's costs and revenues are based on the
exchange amounts which reflect actual third party costs incurred and revenue
received. All transactions are conducted under standard business terms and are
considered within the normal course of Midnight's business activities and
operations. See Note 9 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Outlook for 2008

Midnight's 2008 capital program will focus on adding value to its existing
reserve base and exploring and developing its prospect inventory. Midnight plans
to increase its operated gas program by concentrating our efforts on identified
projects in the Deep Basin. This is an area where Midnight has significant
experience and expertise and an area where we expect to achieve significant
growth. Midnight expects continued volatility in commodity prices throughout
2008. Although we believe that crude oil prices will remain strong, we have a
more favourable outlook for natural gas prices in the longer term due to the
improving supply/demand fundamentals and the relative valuation of natural gas
compared to crude oil. By focusing more on deep gas prospects Midnight will be
positioned more favourably for the New Royalty Framework set to take effect in

Towards this, Midnight has entered into a number of arrangements to establish
and build a substantial land position in the Deep Basin to explore for its
traditional Deep Basin prospects as well as deeper Cadomin resource-type
prospects. Early in Q1 2008, Midnight has already entered into two farm-in
agreements to earn 100% interest in a large undeveloped land block subject to
the payment of non-convertible royalties. Also in Q1 2008, Midnight is
participating (50% WI) in a Cadomin horizontal well in Elmworth. We are
currently drilling this development well and expect it to be on stream in April

At Red Earth, Midnight will continue to develop and pursue its light oil
prospects. In Q1 2008, the Company drilled a development oil well (25% WI) in
central Red Earth. The well encountered the Keg River zone at the structurally
highest point in the pool to date and is initially producing over 120 bbls/d at
a controlled rate. This well is located within an approved waterflood area and
upon approval of Good Production Practise ("GPP") by the ERCB, production will
be increased to its capability of over 250 bbls/d. This well opens up a number
of additional locations which Midnight, as operator, can pursue later in the
year. In Q1 2008, Midnight completed the construction of a water handling and
injection facility as part of its waterflood plan for central Red Earth. The
facility was commissioned on March 4, 2008 and water is now being injected into
this pool. In addition to enhancing recoverable reserves, the facility will
reduce operating costs by eliminating the need to truck effluent and pay water
disposal fees at non-operated facilities. The wells within the waterflood area
also have GPP which allows them to be produced at their capability rather than
being allowable restricted. Midnight has a large inventory of oil projects that
can be pursued to provide a commodity balance to our gas opportunities.

Early in 2008, the Board of Directors approved a $13.5 million capital program
for the first half of 2008. As part of this program, we will drill 10 gross (3
net) wells in Q1 of 2008 and have now completed the construction of our water
injection and handling facility at Red Earth. We anticipate having a 2008
capital program of $30 to $35 million which will be financed by funds from
operations for the year and our available bank line. This capital program should
enable us to double our gas production from approximately 5,100 mcf/d in Q1 2008
to exit 2008 at approximately 10,000 mcf/d and grow our light oil and NGLs from
approximately 850 bbls/d in Q1 2008 to exit 2008 at approximately 1,100 bbls/d.
The ultimate amount of capital expenditures and production will be dependent on
the success of the capital program and the ability to fund additional projects
by internally generated cash flows, existing credit facilities and issuing
equity should terms be favourable.

Additional Information

Additional information relating to Midnight and a full copy of the Management's
Discussion and Analysis is filed on SEDAR and can be viewed at www.sedar.com.
Information can also be obtained by contacting the Company at Midnight Oil
Exploration Ltd., 2100, 144 4th Ave S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2P 3N4 or by email
to ir@midnightoil.ca or by accessing our website at www.midnightoil.ca.

Consolidated Balance Sheets
As at December 31,

                                                       2007          2006

Current assets:
  Accounts receivable                             $  13,213     $   5,928
  Deposits and prepaid expenses                         695           189
                                                     13,908         6,117

Future taxes (note 7)                                     -           391

Petroleum and natural gas assets (note 3)           150,773       146,325

                                                  $ 164,681     $ 152,833

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities        $  13,348     $  10,153

Long-term debt (note 4)                              28,934        17,938

Future taxes (note 7)                                 4,273             -

Asset retirement obligations (note 5)                 2,102         1,930

Shareholders' equity:
  Share capital (note 6)                            113,032       119,807
  Warrants (note 6)                                      40            42
  Contributed surplus (note 6)                        2,442         1,234
  Retained earnings                                     510         1,729
                                                    116,024       122,812
Commitments (note 10)
                                                  $ 164,681     $ 152,833

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss), Comprehensive Income (Loss) and
Retained Earnings
Years ended December 31,

(000's, except per share amounts)
                                                       2007          2006
  Petroleum and natural gas sales                  $ 43,153      $ 39,688
  Royalties                                          (6,854)       (7,051)
  Other income                                          179           128
                                                     36,478        32,765

  Operating and transportation                        9,886         7,587
  Interest                                            1,573         1,019
  General and administration (note 6 (f))             4,210         2,508
  Depletion, depreciation and accretion              23,709        21,666
                                                     39,378        32,780

Loss before taxes                                    (2,900)          (15)

Future tax reduction (note 7)                        (1,681)          (60)
Net income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss)    (1,219)           45

Retained earnings, beginning of year                  1,729         1,684

Retained earnings, end of year                     $    510      $  1,729
Income (loss) per share: (note 6)
  Basic                                            $  (0.03)     $      -
  Diluted                                          $  (0.03)     $      -

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Years Ended December 31,

                                                       2007          2006
Cash provided by (used in):

  Net income (loss)                                $ (1,219)     $     45
  Items not involving cash:
   Depletion, depreciation and accretion             23,709        21,666
   Stock-based compensation                             565           348
   Future tax reduction                              (1,681)          (60)
  Abandonment expenditures                             (167)         (297)
  Changes in non-cash working capital                   206         3,558
 Cash flow from operations                           21,413        25,260

  Issue of common shares                                  -        37,175
  Share issue costs                                       -        (2,369)
  Increase in long-term debt                         10,996         5,965
  Repurchase of common shares                          (277)            -
  Changes in non-cash working capital                  (162)           77
 Cash flow from financing                            10,557        40,848

   Petroleum and natural gas additions              (27,330)      (61,752)
   Changes in non-cash working capital               (4,640)       (4,356)
 Cash flow from investing                           (31,970)      (66,108)

Changes in cash                                           -             -
Cash, beginning of year                                   -             -
Cash, end of year                                  $      -      $      -

Taxes paid                                         $      -      $     88
Interest paid                                      $  1,380      $  1,016

Cash is defined as cash and cash equivalents.

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

For the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006
(Tabular amounts are stated in thousands of dollars except share and per
 share amounts)

Nature of operations

The principal business of the Company is the exploration for, exploitation,
development and production of oil and natural gas reserves. All activity is
conducted in Western Canada and comprises a single business segment.

Certain prior period figures have been reclassified to conform with current
period presentation.

1. Significant accounting policies

The consolidated financial statements of the Company have been prepared in
accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. The
preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements, and revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual
results could differ from those estimated.

Specifically, the amounts recorded for depletion and depreciation of petroleum
and natural gas assets and accretion of asset retirement obligations are based
on estimates. The ceiling test is based on estimates of reserves, production
rates, oil and gas prices, future costs and other relevant assumptions. The
amounts for stock-based compensation are based on estimates of risk-free rates,
expected option life and volatility. Future income taxes are based on estimates
as to the timing of the reversal of temporary differences and tax rates
currently substantively enacted. By their nature, these estimates are subject to
measurement uncertainty and the effect on the financial statements of changes in
such estimates in future periods could be significant.

(a) Consolidation:

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Midnight Oil
Exploration Ltd. and its wholly owned subsidiary, Midnight Oil Resources Ltd.
and a partnership, Midnight Oil Exploration Partnership. All interentity
transactions and balances have been eliminated.

(b) Cash and cash equivalents:

Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of cash and all investments with a
maturity date of three months or less.

(c) Petroleum and natural gas assets:

(i) Capitalized costs:

The Company follows the full cost method of accounting for petroleum and natural
gas assets. Under this method, all costs related to the acquisition of,
exploration for and development of petroleum and natural gas reserves are
capitalized. These costs include land acquisition costs, geological and
geophysical expenditures, rentals and other carrying charges on undeveloped
properties, costs of drilling both productive and non-productive wells, oil and
gas production equipment and facilities, asset retirement costs and
administration expenses directly related to the acquisition, exploration and
development activities. Proceeds from the disposition of oil and natural gas
properties are accounted for as a reduction of capitalized costs, with no gain
or loss recognized, unless such disposition would result in a change greater
than 20% in the depletion or depreciation.

(ii) Depletion and depreciation:

Depletion of petroleum and natural gas assets and depreciation of production
equipment are calculated using the unit-of-production method, based on
production volumes before royalties in relation to estimated proven reserves as
determined by an independent petroleum engineering firm. Natural gas reserves
and production are converted to equivalent barrels of oil based upon the
relative energy content of six thousand cubic feet of gas to one barrel of oil.

The cost of acquisition and evaluation of unproved properties are initially
excluded from the depletion calculation. A separate impairment test is performed
on these assets to determine whether the carrying value exceeds the fair value.
Any excess in carrying value over fair value is an impairment. When proved
reserves are assigned or a property is considered to be impaired, the cost of
the property or the amount of the impairment will be added to the capitalized
costs for the calculation of depletion.

Other assets are depreciated on a declining balance basis at rates ranging from
20% to 35%.

(iii) Ceiling test:

Petroleum and natural gas assets are evaluated in each reporting period to
determine that the carrying amount is recoverable and does not exceed the fair
value of the properties.

The carrying amounts are assessed to be recoverable when the sum of the
undiscounted cash flows expected from the production of proved reserves, the
lower of cost and market of unproved properties and the cost of major
development projects exceeds the carrying amount of the cost centre. When the
carrying amount is not assessed to be recoverable, an impairment loss is
recognized to the extent that the carrying amount of the cost centre exceeds the
sum of the discounted cash flows expected from the production of proved and
probable reserves, the lower of cost and market of unproved properties and the
cost of major development projects of the cost centre. The cash flows are
estimated using expected future product prices and costs and are discounted
using a risk-free interest rate.

(d) Asset retirement obligations:

The Company recognizes the asset retirement obligations for the future cost
associated with removal, site restoration and asset retirement costs. The fair
value of the liability for the Company's asset retirement obligation is recorded
in the period in which it is incurred, discounted to its present value using the
Company's credit adjusted risk-free interest rate and the corresponding amount
recognized by increasing the carrying amount of petroleum and natural gas
assets. The asset recorded is depleted on a unit of production basis over the
life of the reserves. The liability amount is increased each reporting period
due to the passage of time and the amount of accretion is charged to earnings in
the period. Revisions to the estimated timing of cash flows or to the original
estimated undiscounted cost could also result in an increase or decrease to the
obligation. Actual costs incurred upon settlement of the retirement obligation
are charged against the obligation to the extent of the liability recorded.

(e) Joint interest operations:

Substantially all of the Company's exploration, development and production
activities related to oil and gas operations are conducted jointly with others
and accordingly the accounts reflect only the Company's proportionate interest
in such activities.

(f) Revenue recognition:

Revenue from the sale of petroleum and natural gas is recognized during the
month when title passes to a third party.

(g) Income taxes:

The Company uses the asset and liability method of tax allocation accounting.
Under this method, future tax assets and liabilities are determined based on
differences between the financial reporting and tax bases of assets and
liabilities, and measured using the substantially enacted tax rates and laws
that will be in effect when the differences are expected to reverse.

(h) Flow-through shares:

The resource expenditure deductions for income tax purposes related to
exploratory activities funded by flow-through shares are renounced to investors
in accordance with tax legislation. Future tax liabilities and share capital are
adjusted by the estimated cost of the renounced tax deductions when the
expenditures are renounced.

(i) Stock-based compensation plans:

The Company applies the fair value method for valuing stock option grants and
warrants. Under this method, compensation cost attributable to all share options
granted and warrants issued are measured at fair value at the grant and issuance
date and expensed over the vesting period with a corresponding increase to
contributed surplus. Upon the exercise of the stock options and warrants,
consideration received together with the amount previously recognized in
contributed surplus is recorded as an increase to share capital.

(j) Per share information:

Basic per share information is computed by dividing income by the weighted
average number of common shares outstanding for the period. The treasury stock
method is used to determine the diluted per share amounts, whereby any proceeds
from the stock options, warrants or other dilutive instruments are assumed to be
used to purchase common shares at the average market price during the period.
The weighted average number of shares outstanding is then adjusted by the net

(k) Financial instruments:

A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of
one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument to another entity.
Upon initial recognition all financial instruments, including all derivatives,
are recognized on the balance sheet at fair value. Subsequent measurement is
then based on the financial instruments being classified into one of five
categories: held for trading, held to maturity, loans and receivables, available
for sale and other liabilities. The Company has designated its cash and cash
equivalents as held for trading which are measured at fair value. Accounts
receivable are classified as loans and receivables which are measured at
amortized cost. Accounts payable and accrued liabilities and long term debt are
classified as other liabilities which are measured at amortized cost, which is
determined using the effective interest method.

The Company is exposed to market risks resulting from fluctuations in commodity
prices, foreign exchange rates and interest rates in the normal course of
operations. A variety of derivative instruments may be used by the Company to
reduce its exposure to fluctuations in commodity prices, foreign exchange rates,
and interest rates. The Company does not use these derivative instruments for
trading or speculative purposes. The Company considers all of these transactions
to be economic hedges, however, the majority of the Company's contracts do not
qualify or have not been designated as hedges for accounting purposes. As a
result, all derivative contracts are classified as held for trading and are
recorded on the balance sheet at fair value, with changes in the fair value
recognized in net income, unless specific hedge criteria are met. The fair
values of these derivative instruments are based on an estimate of the amounts
that would have been received or paid to settle these instruments prior to
maturity given future market prices and other relevant factors. Proceeds and
costs realized from holding the derivative contracts are recognized in net
income at the time each transaction under a contract is settled.

The Company has elected to account for its physical delivery sales contracts,
which were entered into and continue to be held for the purpose of receipt or
delivery of non-financial items in accordance with its expected purchase, sale
or usage requirements as executory contracts on an accrual basis rather than as
non-financial derivatives. The Company measures and recognizes embedded
derivatives separately from the host contracts when the economic characteristics
and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely related to those of the
host contract, when it meets the definition of a derivative and when the entire
contract is not measured at fair value. Embedded derivatives are recorded at
fair value.

The Company immediately expenses all transaction costs incurred in relation to
the acquisition of a financial asset or liability.

The Company applies trade-date accounting for the recognition of a purchase or
sale of cash equivalents and derivative contracts.

2. Changes in accounting policy

On January 1, 2007, the Company adopted the new Canadian accounting standards
for financial instruments - recognition and measurement, financial instruments -
presentations and disclosures, hedging and comprehensive income. Adopting these
standards had no impact on the measurement of existing financial assets and

Effective January 1, 2008, the Company will be required to adopt three new
accounting standards: Section 1535, Capital Disclosures, Section 3862, Financial
Instruments - Disclosures and Section 3863, Financial Instruments -
Presentation. Section 1535, requires disclosure of an entity's objectives,
policies and processes for managing capital, including: quantitative data about
what the entity considers capital, whether the entity has complied with any
capital requirements and the consequences of non-compliance if the entity has
not complied. Sections 3862 and 3863 specify standards of presentation and
enhanced disclosures on financial instruments. Although the Company is currently
assessing the impact of these standards on its financial statements, it is not
anticipated that the adoption of these new standards will impact the amounts
reported in the Company's financial statements as they primarily related to

3. Petroleum and natural gas assets

                                               2007       2006

Cost                                       $204,555   $176,594
Accumulated depletion and depreciation      (53,782)   (30,269)
                                           $150,773   $146,325

During the year ended December 31, 2007, the Company capitalized $2,953,000
(2006 - $2,733,000) of general and administration expenses related to
exploration and development activities. Included in this amount is the non-cash
related stock-based compensation of $365,000 (2006 - $417,000). In addition, the
future tax liability of $123,000 (2006 - $179,000) associated with the
capitalized stock-based compensation has been capitalized.

The cost of unproven properties at December 31, 2007 of $24,095,000 (2006 -
$27,905,000) has been excluded from the depletion and depreciation calculation.
Future development costs of proven reserves of $12,321,000 (2006 - $6,197,000)
have been included in the depletion and depreciation calculation.

At December 31, 2007, the Company applied a ceiling test to its petroleum and
natural gas assets using expected future market prices of:

                       WTI Oil       AECO Gas         USD$/CAD$
Year                  ($US/bbl)   (CDN$/mmbtu)   Exchange Rates
2008                     92.00           6.75              1.00
2009                     88.00           7.55              1.00
2010                     84.00           7.60              1.00
2011                     82.00           7.60              1.00
2012                     82.00           7.60              1.00
2013                     82.00           7.60              1.00
2014                     82.00           7.80              1.00
2015                     82.00           7.97              1.00
2016                     82.02           8.14              1.00
2017                     83.66           8.31              1.00
2018                     85.33           8.48              1.00
Thereafter               +2.0%          +2.0%              1.00

4. Long-term debt

Midnight has a revolving term credit facility available up to $37.5 million with
a Canadian chartered bank. The facility is available on a revolving basis until
May 31, 2008. On May 31, 2008, at the Company's discretion, the facility is
available on a non-revolving basis for a period of 366 days, at which time the
facility would be due and payable. Alternatively, the facility may be extended
for a further 364-day period at the request of the Company and subject to
approval by the bank. The credit facility bears interest at the bank's prime
rate or at Bankers' Acceptance rates plus a stamping fee based on the Company's
debt to cash flow ratio, calculated using the two most recent fiscal quarters.
The facility is secured by a $50 million first floating charge debenture and a
general securities agreement. At December 31, 2007, $28,934,000 (2006 -
$17,938,000) was drawn on this facility. The effective interest rate for the
bank debt was 5.8% (2006 - 5.4%) for the year ended December 31, 2007. The $37.5
million borrowing base is subject to a semi-annual and annual review by the

5. Asset retirement obligations

The Company's asset retirement obligations result from net ownership interests
in petroleum and natural gas assets including well sites, gathering systems and
processing facilities. The Company estimates the total undiscounted amount of
cash flow required to settle its asset retirement obligations is approximately
$5,790,000 (2006 - $5,463,000) which will be incurred from 2008 to 2054. The
majority of the costs will be incurred between 2015 and 2030. An inflation
factor of 2% has been applied to the estimated asset retirement cost at December
31, 2007 and December 31, 2006. A credit-adjusted risk-free rate of 8% was used
to calculate the fair value of the asset retirement obligations at December 31,
2007 and December 31, 2006.

A reconciliation of the asset retirement obligations is provided below:

                                                 2007     2006

Balance, beginning of year                   $  1,930 $  1,416
  Liabilities incurred                            143      679
  Liabilities settled                            (167)    (297)
  Accretion expense                               196      132
Balance, end of year                         $  2,102 $  1,930

6. Share capital

(a) Authorized:

The authorized share capital consists of an unlimited number of common shares
without par value.

(b) Issued and outstanding:

                                                     Number of
                                                        Shares       Amount

Common shares:
Balance, December 31, 2005                          38,327,829     $ 84,262
  Issued pursuant to private placement               4,000,000       20,400
  Issued pursuant to short form prospectus           5,500,000       16,775
  Share issue costs (net of tax of $739)                     -       (1,630)
Balance, December 31, 2006                          47,827,829     $119,807
  Tax effect of flow-through shares issued in 2006                   (6,222)
  Shares repurchased                                  (232,700)        (553)
Balance, December 31, 2007                          47,595,129     $113,032

On October 15, 2007, Midnight filed notice with the Toronto Stock Exchange (the
"TSX") to make a normal course issuer bid to purchase its outstanding common
shares on the open market. The TSX has authorized Midnight to purchase up to
4,320,826 common shares representing approximately 9% of its issued and
outstanding common shares during the period from October 17, 2007 to October 16,
2008 or until such time that the bid is either completed or terminated at
Midnight's option. Any shares Midnight purchases under this bid will be
purchased on the openmarket through the facilities of the TSX at the prevailing
market price. Shares acquired under the bid will be cancelled. During the year
ended December 31, 2007 the Company purchased and cancelled 232,700 common
shares for total consideration of $277,000. The excess of the average book value
over the market price paid is recorded as contributed surplus.

On November 7, 2006 the Company issued 5,500,000 Common Shares at a price of
$3.05 per share. The proceeds, net of share issue cost of $1.1 million ($0.7
million net of tax), were $15.7 million.

On May 17, 2006 the Company issued 4,000,000 flow-through Common Shares at a
price of $5.10 per share. The proceeds, net of share issue costs of $1.3 million
($0.9 million net of tax), were $19.1 million. Pursuant to the flow-through
Common Share offering, the Company renounced $20.4 million of qualifying oil and
natural gas expenditures effective December 31, 2006. The future income tax
effect and reduction to share capital of $6.2 million was recorded in the first
quarter of 2007, the period in which the Company filed the renouncement
documents with the tax authorities.

(c) Per share amounts:

The following summarizes the common shares used in calculating per share amounts:

                                                       2007            2006
Weighted average shares outstanding:
  Basic                                          47,809,160      41,640,158
  Diluted                                        47,809,160      41,893,925

The reconciling items between basic and diluted average common shares
outstanding are stock options and warrants. At December 31, 2007 there were
2,992,000 (2006-1,606,800) options that were anti-dilutive and 2,013,333 (2006 -
nil) warrants that were anti-dilutive.

(d) Stock options:

The Company has a stock option plan whereby up to 10% of the issued and
outstanding common shares may be granted under option to employees, directors
and other persons who provide ongoing management or consulting services to the
Company. Stock options are granted for a term up to five years and vest over
three years from the date granted. The exercise price of each option equals the
market price of the Company's common shares on the date of the grant.

The summary of stock option activity is presented below:

                                           Number of       Weighted average
                                             options         exercise price

Balance, December 31, 2005                 1,099,800                $  3.50
  Granted                                  2,590,000                   2.56
  Forfeited                                  (53,000)                  3.49
Balance, December 31, 2006                 3,636,800                $  2.83
  Granted                                    309,500                   1.87
  Forfeited                                 (954,300)                  3.38
Balance, December 31, 2007                 2,992,000                $  2.56

Exercisable at December 31, 2007             985,834                $  2.70

The following table summarizes information about the stock options 
outstanding at December 31, 2007:

               Options Outstanding                      Options Exercisable
                          Weighted         average                 Weighted
Range of                   average       remaining                  average
exercise          Number  exercise     contractual        Number   exercise
price        outstanding     price     life (years)  exercisable      price
$ 1.00-1.99      234,500  $   1.81             4.4             -   $      -
$ 2.00-2.99    2,102,500      2.36             3.9       682,500       2.37
$ 3.00-3.99      655,000      3.45             3.0       303,334       3.45
               2,992,000  $   2.56             3.8       985,834   $   2.70

(e) Warrants:

                                                Number of                  
                                                 Warrants            Amount
Balance, December 31, 2005 and 2006             2,083,333          $     42
  Forfeited                                       (70,000)               (2)
Balance December 31, 2007                       2,013,333          $     40

Each warrant is exercisable into one common share of the Company at a price of
$3.00 per share. The warrants vest equally over three years and expire on
November 29, 2008. All of the warrants have vested and are exercisable at
December 31, 2007.

(f) Stock-based compensation:

Midnight accounts for its stock-based compensation plan using the fair value
method. Under this method, a compensation cost is charged over the vesting
period for warrants and options granted to employees, officers, directors and
other service providers.

Midnight has not incorporated an estimated forfeiture rate for stock options
that will not vest, rather the Company accounts for actual forfeitures as they

The fair value of options and warrants granted were estimated on the date of
grant using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model with the following weighted
average assumptions and resulting values:

                                                     2007              2006
Fair value of options granted                   $    0.69         $    0.95
Risk free interest                                    4.1%              4.0%
Estimated hold period prior to exercise           4 years           4 years
Expected volatility                                    40%               40%
Dividend per share                              $    0.00         $    0.00

(g) Contributed surplus:

The following table reconciles Midnight's contributed surplus:

                                                     2007              2006
Balance, beginning of year                      $   1,234         $     469
  Stock-based compensation                            930               765
  Forfeiture of warrants                                2                 -
  Repurchase of common shares                         276                  
Balance, end of year                            $   2,442         $   1,234

7. Taxes

The provision for taxes in the consolidated statements of income (loss) differs
from the result that would have been obtained by applying the combined federal
and provincial tax rate to the Company's loss before taxes. The difference
results from the following items:

                                                     2007              2006
Loss before taxes                               $  (2,900)        $     (15)
Combined federal and provincial tax rate             32.1%             34.5%
Computed "expected" tax recovery                $    (931)        $      (5)
Increase (decrease) in taxes resulting from:
  Non-deductible crown charges                          -               765
  Resource allowance                                    -              (889)
  Stock-based compensation                            181               120
  Other                                                31               (77)
  Effect of change in tax rate                       (962)               26
Future tax reduction                            $  (1,681)        $     (60)

The future tax liability (asset) at December 31 is comprised of the tax
 effect of temporary differences as follows:

                                                     2007              2006
Petroleum and natural gas assets                $   5,649         $   1,397
Asset retirement obligations                         (525)             (560)
Attributed Canadian Royalty Income                    (79)              (79)
Share issue costs                                    (772)           (1,149)
Balance, end of year                            $   4,273         $    (391)

8. Risk management

(a) Credit risk:

Portions of the Company's accounts receivable are with joint venture partners in
the oil and gas industry and are subject to normal industry credit risks.
Purchasers of the Company's oil and natural gas products are subject to an
internal credit review designed to mitigate the risk of non-payment.

(b) Commodity price risk:

There were no financial instruments in place to manage commodity prices during
the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006.

(c) Foreign currency:

While substantially all of the Company's sales are denominated in Canadian
dollars, the market prices in Canada for oil and natural gas are impacted by
changes in the exchange rate between the Canadian and United States dollar.

(d) Fair value of financial instruments:

Financial instruments comprise cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable
and accounts payable and accrued liabilities. The fair values of these financial
instruments approximate their carrying amounts due to their short-term
maturities. The Company's long-term debt bears interest at a floating market
rate and accordingly the fair market value approximates the carrying value.

(e) Interest rate risk:

The Company is exposed to interest rate risk to the extent that changes in
market interest rates will impact the Company's cash and cash equivalents that
have a floating interest rate. The bank facility is also based on a floating
interest rate. The Company had no interest rate swaps or hedges at December 31,

9. Related Party

Prior to December 31, 2006, Midnight and Daylight Energy Ltd. ("Daylight")
established and operated under an Administrative and Technical Services
Agreement, which provided for the shared services, required to manage the
activities of Midnight and Daylight and governed the allocation of general and
administrative expenses between the entities. Under this agreement, Daylight
Energy was the employer on behalf of the parties and received payment for
certain technical and administrative services provided to MOX. The
Administrative and Technical Services Agreement was terminated effective
December 31, 2006. Certain administrative services which provide reasonable
economy and do not involve competitive issues continue to be provided to
Midnight by Daylight on a fixed fee basis which has been negotiated by the
parties and may be cancelled by either party.

Although the Administrative and Technical Services Agreement has been
terminated, Daylight and Midnight continue to be considered related, as a
director and officer of Midnight is Daylight's Chairman. In addition, a director
and officer of Daylight is also a director of Midnight. Midnight and Daylight
are joint venture partners in certain properties, and as a result, revenues and
costs related to these properties are allocated to each partner under standard
joint venture billing arrangements. Each partner's costs and revenues are based
on the exchange amounts which reflect actual third party costs incurred and
revenue received. All transactions are conducted under standard business terms
and are considered within the normal course of Daylight's business activities
and operations.

Pursuant to the Administrative and Technical Services Agreement, Daylight
charged Midnight $3.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 and Midnight
had a payable balance of approximately $2.1 million due to Daylight at December
31, 2006. For the year ended December 31, 2007, Daylight charged Midnight $1.4
million for administrative services and premises costs. At December 31, 2007
Midnight had a receivable balance, which includes joint venture and commodity
marketing amounts of approximately $4.7 million due from Daylight.

10. Commitments

The Company renounced $20.4 million of qualifying oil and natural gas
expenditures effective December 31, 2006 pursuant to the flow-through share
offering which closed on May 17, 2006. As at December 31, 2007 the Company had
incurred all (2006 - $10.3 million) of the required qualifying expenditures.

Selected Quarterly Information

                                      Q4          Q3          Q2         Q1
(000's, except for per share
Petroleum and natural
 gas sales                     $  10,811   $  10,439   $  11,009  $  10,894
  Royalties                        1,649       1,597       1,618      1,990
  Operating expenses               2,746       2,227       1,781      2,176
  Transportation expenses            200         255         312        189
Netback                        $   6,216   $   6,360   $   7,298  $   6,539
  G&A - cash charge                1,128       1,001         803        713
  Interest                           369         439         426        339
  Other income                      (179)          -           -          -
  Capital tax                          -           -           -          -
Funds from operations          $   4,898   $   4,920   $   6,069  $   5,487
  Per share - Basic                 0.10        0.10        0.13       0.11
            - Diluted               0.10        0.10        0.13       0.11
Net income (loss)              $     (19)  $    (827)  $      51  $    (424)
  Per share - Basic                (0.00)      (0.02)       0.00      (0.01)
            - Diluted              (0.00)      (0.02)       0.00      (0.01)
Petroleum and natural gas
 additions                     $   8,092   $   3,217   $   3,439  $  12,582
Net debt                          28,374      24,886      26,577     29,170
Total assets                     164,681     160,573     161,537    159,594
Shares outstanding
  Basic                           47,595      47,828      47,828     47,828
  Diluted                         52,600      52,953      53,168     53,001

Average daily production
  Natural gas (mcf/d)              5,573       5,981       5,769      6,891
  Oil & NGLs (bbls/d)              1,036       1,050       1,185      1,090
  Combined (boe/d)                 1,965       2,047       2,146      2,239
Average prices received
  Natural gas ($/mcf)          $    6.17   $    5.33   $    7.22  $    7.82
  Oil & NGLs ($/bbl)               79.62       77.16       66.76      61.39
Combined ($/boe)               $   59.81   $   55.43   $   56.37  $   54.06
  Royalties                         9.12        8.48        8.29       9.88
  Operating expenses               15.19       11.82        9.12      10.80
  Transportation expenses           1.11        1.36        1.59       0.93
Netback received ($/boe)       $   34.39   $   33.77   $   37.37  $   32.45

                                      Q4          Q3          Q2         Q1
(000's, except for per share
Petroleum and natural
 gas sales                     $   9,410   $  10,099   $  10,988  $   9,191
  Royalties                        1,462       1,966       1,969      1,654
  Operating expenses               2,072       1,518       1,610      1,645
  Transportation expenses            216         167         168        191
Netback                        $   5,660   $   6,448   $   7,241  $   5,701
  G&A - cash charge                  580         645         499        436
  Interest                           290         324         235        170
  Other income                         -           -          (9)      (119)
  Capital tax                          -           -         (17)        17
Funds from operations          $   4,790   $   5,479   $   6,533  $   5,197
  Per share - Basic                 0.11        0.13        0.16       0.14
            - Diluted               0.11        0.13        0.16       0.13
Net income (loss)              $    (565)  $     320   $      82  $     208
  Per share - Basic                (0.01)       0.01        0.00       0.01
            - Diluted              (0.01)       0.01        0.00       0.01
Petroleum and natural gas
 additions                     $   8,652   $  13,670   $   9,945  $  29,485
Net debt                          21,974      33,579      25,297     41,028
Total assets                     152,833     147,677     138,842    134,452
Shares outstanding
  Basic                           47,828      42,328      42,328     38,328
  Diluted                         53,548      45,914      45,903     41,495

Average daily production
  Natural gas (mcf/d)              7,352       7,637      10,091      5,926
  Oil & NGLs (bbls/d)                890         841         830        901
  Combined (boe/d)                 2,115       2,114       2,512      1,889
Average prices received
  Natural gas ($/mcf)          $    6.84   $    5.85   $    5.98  $    7.39
  Oil & NGLs ($/bbl)               58.25       77.01       72.38      64.17
Combined ($/boe)               $   48.35   $   51.92   $   48.07  $   54.07
  Royalties                         7.51       10.11        8.61       9.73
  Operating expenses               10.65        7.80        7.04       9.68
  Transportation expenses           1.11        0.86        0.74       1.12
Netback received ($/boe)       $   29.08   $   33.15   $   31.68  $   33.54

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