this, indeed, includes,
inter alia,
the duty to have contact with the individual Directors, without prejudice to the principle that all are to be provided with adequate
information for the purposes of the discussion of the items on the agenda (art. 2381, subsection 1, Italian Civil Code).
And it is then wholly
inappropriate to talk about
shadow meetings
) of the Board of Directors, and untrue that said meetings were attended by
Elliotts representatives and
). None of all this happened.
It is true, however, that the Directors who had
spoken with the Chairman ahead of the meeting of the Board of 13 November 2018 did not exchange any information that was not already known to the rest of the Board. And in fact, on the one hand, they expressed their perplexity on the conduct of
the Chief Executive Officer and on the companys results, also in light of what had happened for the approval of the third-quarter report. These are facts that everyone is very familiar with. On the other hand, they were able to discuss, also
with the assistance of the Companys lawyers, the risks involved in the revocation procedure, and the reasons for it, but without such conversations in any way compromising the subsequent phases of discussion and decision in the board meeting
itself. In other words, none of them had access to data, documents or other information, or information that could in any way alter information parity for the purposes of the discussion of the revocation. That is, after this conversation,
could claim to know information other than that known by the other Directors for the purpose of the decision.
this sense, the fact that, according to the results of the internal audit, some Directors received, before the Board meeting, an email sent by the Companys lawyers, with three attached documents, is clearly irrelevant. And this is not only
because this message was sent at night, just before the start of the board meeting called for 7.00 am. but, above all, because of the nature and content of said documents. These were, in fact: (i) on the one hand, the draft template
for the meeting, which is nothing more than a useful outline for the Chairman to guide the meeting, and which the latter followed for the board meeting on 13 November 2018. It is therefore evident that
the Directors had full
knowledge of the content of the document
they cast their votes; (ii) on the other, the two draft press releases, both distributed to all the Directors at the meeting, read by Chairman and subject to specific revisions at
the end of the discussion at the Board meeting. And in this case too it is therefore evident that
the Directors were fully aware of the documents
they voted.
The above is sufficient to exclude that some information was provided to only some Directors, and, therefore, that there was any breach of the principle of
collective responsibility. However, nobody challenged the Board resolution being correct, and the term for doing so has expired.
Finally, a comment on
the role of the Companys legal consultants. Studio BonelliErede has been advising the Company for years, almost continuously on the most important issues of company law and of employment law relating to the delicate phase of changes to senior
When the Chairman found himself having to brief the Board of Directors urgently, on 13 November 2018, he decided to ask for support from Studio BonelliErede in the person of its most representative Partner, Mr Sergio Erede,
and Mr Marcello Giustiniani, the head of the Employment Law Department. And did so only after verifying that the Studio was not in a situation of conflict of interests(
). It is therefore
incorrect to define Studio BonelliErede as
Elliotts legal consultant
since the facts demonstrate that: (a) advice was provided to support the activity of the Chairman as the person responsible for facilitating, and
organising, Board meetings, (b) as indicated above, the product of said advice was shared with, and discussed by, the Board at its meeting, (c) the decisions which the Board reached were taken without any breach of the rules on conflict
interest having been perceived to have taken place, including by the body that reviewed behaviour after the event.
In conclusion on this point, the Board
considers that the decision-making process that led to the revocation of the powers of Mr Amos Genish - and the Chairmans work in that context - were fully compliant with the current rules and the provisions of the Company bylaws.
Restoring Value to Telecom Italia, page 38.
Restoring Value to Telecom Italia, page 38.
The non-existence of conflicts was in any event attested in writing when the assignment of a subsequent mandate
was formalised, after receipt of a written proposal from Studio BonelliErede dated 20 December 2018.