RNS Number:1911B
Pioneer Corporation
31 July 2007

                                                           For Immediate Release
                                                                   July 31, 2007

             Pioneer Announces Business Results for 1Q Fiscal 2008

TOKYO - Pioneer Corporation today announced its consolidated
first-quarter business results for the period ended June 30, 2007.

Consolidated Financial Highlights

                                                           (In millions of yen except per share information)
                                                                      Three months ended June 30
                                                                2007               2006             % to
                                                                                                 prior year
Operating revenue                                                 Y182,641           Y191,676          95.3%
Operating income                                                     1,323              7,077           18.7
Income from continuing operations before income taxes
                                                                    16,185              8,004          202.2
Income from continuing operations                                   12,331              5,546          222.3
Income from discontinued operations,
net of tax                                                               -                116              -
Net income                                                        Y 12,331            Y 5,662         217.8%

Net income per share:
Basic                                                               Y70.70             Y32.46
Diluted                                                             Y64.68             Y29.48

Note:In fiscal 2007, the Company sold subsidiaries involved in the electronic
components business. The operating results of these subsidiaries are presented
as income from discontinued operations in the table above.

For further information, please contact:
Investor Relations Department, Corporate Branding and Communications Division
Pioneer Corporation, Tokyo
Phone: +81-3-3495-6773 / Fax: +81-3-3495-4301
E-mail: pioneer_ir@post.pioneer.co.jp
IR Website: http://pioneer.jp/ir-e/

Consolidated Business Results

For the first quarter of fiscal 2008, the three months ended June 30, 2007,
consolidated operating revenue decreased 4.7% from the first quarter of fiscal
2007 to Y182,641 million (US$1,484.9 million). This decrease mainly reflected a
drop in sales of plasma displays, despite higher sales of car navigation systems
and DVD drives, and the weaker yen.

Operating income decreased 81.3% to Y1,323 million (US$10.8 million) from the
corresponding period a year earlier. This mainly reflected deterioration in the
profitability of the Home Electronics segment primarily due to lower sales. Net
income totaled Y12,331 million (US$100.3 million), approximately 2.2 times the
corresponding period in fiscal 2007, due to a gain on sale of all land and
buildings at the Tokorozawa Plant and some at the Omori Plant of Y11,903 million
(US$96.8 million).

During the first quarter of fiscal 2008, the average value of the Japanese yen
was weaker against the U.S. dollar and the euro by 5.2% and 11.6%, respectively,
compared with the first quarter of fiscal 2007.

Car Electronics sales increased 6.2% year on year to Y97,017 million (US$788.8
million), due to higher sales of both car navigation systems and car audio
products. In car navigation systems, consumer-market and OEM sales decreased in
Japan, but both increased in North America. In car audio products,
consumer-market sales increased in Central and South America, but decreased in
North America; meanwhile, OEM sales declined in North America, but rose in Japan
and China. Total OEM sales in this segment accounted for approximately 36% of
Car Electronics sales.

In terms of geographic sales, sales in Japan decreased 5.4% to Y32,458 million
(US$263.9 million) and overseas sales increased 13.2% to Y64,559 million
(US$524.9 million).

Operating income in this segment increased 1.0% year on year to Y7,609 million
(US$61.9 million) due to sales growth.

Home Electronics sales decreased 14.7% year on year to Y69,431 million (US$564.5
million). There was a drop in plasma display sales, from the corresponding
period a year earlier, which saw favorable sales, because the large, flat-panel
TV market experienced fiercer competition and in line with Pioneer' s
expectations of moderate sales of the current generation of plasma displays upon
launching new models in North America and Europe. Sales of plasma displays
accounted for approximately 34% of Home Electronics sales. Sales of DVD drives
rose year on year, but sales of DVD recorders decreased mainly in Japan.

In terms of geographic sales, sales in Japan declined 11.3% to Y12,763 million
(US$103.8 million), while overseas sales decreased 15.4% to Y56,668 million
(US$460.7 million).

Operating loss in this segment was Y5,437 million (US$44.2 million), compared
with an operating loss of Y452 million in the corresponding period of the
previous fiscal year. This was due mainly to deterioration in the profitability
of plasma displays resulting from the drop in sales.

In Patent Licensing, royalty revenue decreased 91.5% year on year to Y107
million (US$0.9 million). This decrease was attributable to the impact of the
expiration of some patents licensed to the optical disc industry.

Operating loss in this segment was Y76 million (US$0.6 million), compared with
operating income of Y787 million in the corresponding period of the previous
fiscal year.

In the Others segment, sales decreased 9.1% year on year to Y16,086 million
(US$130.8 million). This mainly reflected lower sales of factory automation
systems, despite higher sales of passive-matrix organic light-emitting diode

In terms of geographic sales, sales in Japan decreased 14.3% to Y10,355 million
(US$84.2 million), while overseas sales were up 2.2% at Y5,731 million (US$46.6

Operating loss in this segment was Y674 million (US$5.5 million) compared with
operating income of Y293 million in the corresponding period of the previous
fiscal year. This mainly reflected worsened profitability in speaker units for
cellular phones due to falling prices.

Note:Operating income (loss) in each business segment represents operating
income (loss) before elimination of intersegment transactions.

Cash Flows

During the first quarter of fiscal 2008, operating activities used net cash of Y
14,180 million (US$115.3 million). This was mainly due to increases in trade
receivables of Y9,389 million (US$76.3 million) and inventories of Y21,702
million (US$176.4 million), a decrease in accrued liabilities of Y9,445 million
(US$76.8 million), as well as a gain on sale and disposal of fixed assets of Y
12,923 million (US$105.1 million), for which we received most of the cash
proceeds in fiscal 2007. These factors outweighed cash provided by net income of
Y12,331 million (US$100.3 million), depreciation and amortization of Y8,717
million (US$70.9 million) and an increase in trade payables of Y23,919 million
(US$194.5 million). Meanwhile, investing activities used net cash of Y27,653
million (US$224.8 million). This reflected Y15,460 million (US$125.7 million)
for capital expenditures mainly related to the newly established Kawasaki Plant
and car electronics products, as well as Y13,704 million (US$111.4 million) for
the purchase of shares of Tohoku Pioneer Corporation through a tender offer.
Financing activities provided net cash of Y22,948 million (US$186.6 million),
mainly through an increase in short-term borrowings.

Consequently, cash and cash equivalents at June 30, 2007 were Y86,506 million
(US$703.3 million), Y15,314 million lower than at March 31, 2007.

Business Forecasts for Fiscal 2008

Consolidated business forecasts for fiscal 2008, ending March 31, 2008, have not
been changed from those announced on May 14, 2007, as shown below. We assume
average yen-U.S. dollar and yen-euro exchange rates of Y115 and Y155
respectively, for these projections.
                                                                                                   (In millions of yen)
                                               First Half                                      Full Year
                                  Projections     Results       Percent          Projections     Results      Percent
                                      for           for          change               for           for        change
                                  fiscal 2008      fiscal                        fiscal 2008      fiscal
                                                    2007                                            2007
Operating revenue                     Y368,000     Y380,319       -3.2%           Y835,000     Y797,102       +4.8%
Operating income (loss)                (3,500)       11,691           -             15,000       12,487       +20.1
Income (loss) before
income taxes                             9,500       12,624       -24.7             29,000      (7,717)           -
Net income (loss)                      Y 3,000      Y 9,208      -67.4%           Y 12,500    Y (6,761)          -%

Cautionary Statement with Respect to Forward-Looking Statements

Statements made in this release with respect to our current plans, estimates,
strategies and beliefs, and other statements that are not historical facts are
forward-looking statements about our future performance. These statements are
based on management' s assumptions and beliefs in light of the
information currently available to it. We caution that a number of important
risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from
those discussed in the forward-looking statements, and therefore you should not
place undue reliance on them. It is not our obligation to update or revise any
forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise. We disclaim any such obligation. Risks and uncertainties
that might affect us include, but are not limited to, (i) general economic
conditions in our markets, particularly levels of consumer spending; (ii)
exchange rates, particularly between the yen and the U.S. dollar, euro, and
other currencies in which we make significant sales or in which our assets and
liabilities are denominated; (iii) our ability to continue to design and develop
and win acceptance of our products and services, which are offered in highly
competitive markets characterized by continual new product introductions, rapid
developments in technology, severe price competition and subjective and changing
consumer preferences; (iv) our ability to successfully implement our business
strategies; (v) our ability to compete, as well as develop and implement
successful sales and distribution strategies, in light of technological
developments in and affecting our businesses; (vi) our continued ability to
devote sufficient resources to research and development, and capital
expenditure; (vii) our ability to continuously enhance our brand image; (viii)
the success of our joint ventures and alliances; (ix) the success of our
business restructuring plans; and (x) the outcome of contingencies.

Pioneer Corporation is a leading global manufacturer of consumer- and
business-use electronics products such as audio, video and car electronics. Its
shares are listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

                   #       #       #       #       #       #

The U.S. dollar amounts in this release represent translation of Japanese yen,
for convenience only, at the rate of Y123=US$1.00, the approximate rate
prevailing on June 30, 2007.

Attached are consolidated financial statements for the three months ended June
30, 2007.

of operations.


                                                                                          (In millions of yen)
                                                                                    Three months ended June 30
                                                             2007                           2006          % to
                                              Amount   % to total            Amount   % to total    prior year
Domestic                                    Y 32,458        17.8%          Y 34,318        17.9%         94.6%
Overseas                                      64,559         35.3            57,018         29.8         113.2
Car Electronics                               97,017         53.1            91,336         47.7         106.2
Domestic                                      12,763          7.0            14,393          7.5          88.7
Overseas                                      56,668         31.0            66,988         35.0          84.6
Home Electronics                              69,431         38.0            81,381         42.5          85.3
Domestic                                           -            -                 -           -              -
Overseas                                         107          0.1             1,261          0.7           8.5
Patent Licensing                                 107          0.1             1,261          0.7           8.5
Domestic                                      10,355          5.6            12,088          6.3          85.7
Overseas                                       5,731          3.2             5,610          2.8         102.2
Others                                        16,086          8.8            17,698          9.1          90.9
Domestic                                      55,576         30.4            60,799         31.7          91.4
Overseas                                     127,065         69.6           130,877         68.3          97.1
Total                                       Y182,641       100.0%          Y191,676       100.0%         95.3%


                                                                                          (In millions of yen)
                                                                                    Three months ended June 30
                                                                         2007               2006          % to
                                                                                                    prior year
Operating revenue:
Net sales                                                            Y182,534           Y190,415         95.9%
Royalty revenue                                                           107              1,261           8.5
Total operating revenue                                               182,641            191,676          95.3
Operating costs and expenses:
Cost of sales                                                         138,733            140,567          98.7
Selling, general and administrative expenses                           42,585             44,032          96.7
Total operating costs and expenses                                    181,318            184,599          98.2
Operating income                                                        1,323              7,077          18.7
Other income (expenses):
Interest income                                                         1,790                949         188.6
Foreign exchange gain                                                     429                601          71.4
Interest expense                                                        (543)              (399)         136.1
Other - net                                                            13,186              (224)             -     
Total other income                                                     14,862                927             -     

Income from continuing operations before income taxes                  16,185              8,004         202.2
Income taxes                                                            3,651              2,744         133.1
Minority interest in losses (earnings) of subsidiaries                   (92)                246             -     
Equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies                     (111)                 40             -     

Income from continuing operations                                      12,331              5,546         222.3
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax                             -                116             -     

Net income                                                           Y 12,331            Y 5,662        217.8%


                                                                                             (In millions of yen)
                                                                              June 30                    March 31
                                                       2007        2006      Increase          2007      Increase
                                                                           (Decrease)                  (Decrease)
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents                          Y 86,506    Y 88,818     Y (2,312)      Y101,820     Y(15,314)
Trade receivables, less allowance                   131,186     121,240         9,946       117,875        13,311
Inventories                                         131,114     121,587         9,527       105,331        25,783
Assets held for sale                                      -      22,553      (22,553)             -             -     
Others                                               77,674      70,534         7,140        69,066         8,608

Total current assets                                426,480     424,732         1,748       394,092        32,388
Investments and long-term receivables                28,146      27,011         1,135        27,219           927
Property, plant and equipment, less                 146,191     157,813      (11,622)       146,475         (284)
Intangible assets                                    18,824      19,440         (616)        18,248           576
Other assets                                         47,414      41,244         6,170        49,440       (2,026)

Total assets                                      Y 667,055    Y670,240     Y (3,185)      Y635,474      Y 31,581

Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings and current portion of
long-term debt                                    Y 44,099     Y 35,297       Y 8,802      Y 18,605      Y 25,494
Trade payables                                     119,062      111,404         7,658        93,351        25,711
Liabilities held for sale                                -       15,249      (15,249)             -             -     
Others                                              99,964      107,090       (7,126)       130,757      (30,793)

Total current liabilities                          263,125      269,040       (5,915)       242,713        20,412
Long-term debt                                      85,021       88,888       (3,867)        86,015         (994)
Other long-term liabilities                         23,945       24,044          (99)        24,341         (396)

Total liabilities                                  372,091      381,972       (9,881)       353,069        19,022
Minority interests                                   2,479       13,730      (11,251)        14,289      (11,810)
Shareholders' equity:
Common stock                                        49,049       49,049             -        49,049             -     
Capital surplus                                     82,995       82,947            48        82,983            12
Retained earnings                                  177,652      179,488       (1,836)       165,321        12,331
Accumulated other comprehensive loss               (4,756)     (24,500)        19,744      (16,784)        12,028
Treasury stock                                    (12,455)     (12,446)           (9)      (12,453)           (2)

Total shareholders' equity                         292,485      274,538        17,947       268,116        24,369
Total liabilities, minority interests and
shareholders' equity                             Y 667,055    Y 670,240     Y (3,185)     Y 635,474      Y 31,581

Breakdown of accumulated other comprehensive
Minimum pension liability adjustments                    -    Y (3,902)       Y 3,902             -             -     
Pension liability adjustments                    Y (5,099)            -       (5,099)     Y (5,009)        Y (90)
Net unrealized holding gain on securities            8,087        8,803         (716)         7,405           682
Foreign currency translation adjustments           (7,744)     (29,401)        21,657      (19,180)        11,436

Total accumulated other comprehensive loss       Y (4,756)    Y(24,500)       Y19,744     Y(16,784)      Y 12,028


                                                                                          (In millions of yen)
                                                                              Three months ended June 30
                                                                               2007                2006
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income                                                                        Y 12,331             Y 5,662
Depreciation and amortization                                                        8,717               9,152
Loss (gain) on sale and disposal of fixed assets                                  (12,923)                 188
Increase in trade receivables                                                      (9,389)            (11,730)
Increase in inventories                                                           (21,702)            (17,241)
Increase in trade payables                                                          23,919               7,665
Decrease in accrued liabilities                                                    (9,445)            (16,787)
Other                                                                              (5,688)             (1,069)

Net cash used in operating activities                                             (14,180)            (24,160)
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
Payment for purchase of fixed assets                                              (15,460)             (8,320)
Payment for purchase of shares of a consolidated subsidiary                       (13,704)                   -     
Other                                                                                1,511                 273

Net cash used in investing activities                                             (27,653)             (8,047)
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
Increase in short-term borrowings and long-term debt                                24,699               1,456
Dividends paid                                                                       (872)               (436)
Other                                                                                (879)               (820)

Net cash provided by financing activities                                           22,948                 200
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                         3,571               (855)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                         (15,314)            (32,862)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                                     101,820             121,680
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                                          Y 86,506            Y 88,818

Free cash flows (I + II)                                                        Y (41,833)          Y (32,207)


The following segment information is prepared pursuant to the regulations under
the Securities and Exchange Law of Japan.

                                                                                                    (In millions of yen)
                                                                    Three months ended June 30
                                                    2007                       2006                 % to prior year
                                           Operating     Operating    Operating     Operating    Operating     Operating
                                             Revenue        Income      Revenue        Income      Revenue        Income
Car Electronics                             Y 97,511       Y 7,609     Y 91,789       Y 7,532       106.2%        101.0%
Home Electronics                              69,592       (5,437)       81,514         (452)         85.4            - 
Patent Licensing                                 191          (76)        1,261           787         15.1            - 
Others                                        24,621         (674)       26,381           293         93.3            -
Total                                        191,915         1,422      200,945         8,160         95.5          17.4
Corporate and Eliminations                   (9,274)          (99)      (9,269)       (1,083)            -             -
Consolidated                                Y182,641       Y 1,323     Y191,676       Y 7,077        95.3%         18.7%


1.The Company' s consolidated financial statements have been prepared in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America, except for the disclosure of segment information.

2.The Company' s business is classified into four segments: "Car
Electronics," "Home Electronics," "Patent
Licensing" and "Others." Principal products and services
included in each segment are as follows:

Car Electronics
car navigation systems, car stereos, car AV systems and car speakers

Home Electronics
plasma displays, DVD recorders, DVD players, DVD drives, Blu-ray Disc players,
Blu-ray Disc drives, audio systems, audio components, DJ equipment and equipment
for cable TV systems

Patent Licensing
licensing of patents related to laser optical disc technologies

organic light-emitting diode displays, factory automation systems, speaker
units, electronics devices and parts, telephones and business-use AV systems

3.Effective from this fiscal 2008, the Company classified telephones in
"Others," which were previously included in "Home
Electronics." Reclassifications have been made to previously reported
"operating revenue by segment" and "segment information
" to conform to this presentation.

4.In fiscal 2007, the Company sold subsidiaries involved in the electronic
components business. The operating results of these subsidiaries are presented
as income from discontinued operations in the consolidated statements of

5.A resolution has been made at the meeting of the Company' s Board of
Directors held on May 14, 2007, to make Tohoku Pioneer Corporation (a 67.1%
owned subsidiary) a wholly-owned subsidiary by acquiring its minority-held
shares and its stock acquisition rights, through a tender offer. The period of
the tender offer was from May 15, 2007 to June 19, 2007 and the Company acquired
30.5% shares for Y13,506 million, totaling 97.6% shares held as a result. With
respect to the shares of Tohoku Pioneer which the Company could not acquire
through the tender offer, the Company plans to conduct a share exchange.

6.In the first quarter of fiscal 2007, the Company sold all land and buildings
at the Tokorozawa Plant and some at the Omori Plant.  The gain on these sales
has been included in "Other-net" in the consolidated statements
of operations.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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