RNS Number : 2485A

Fastnet Oil & Gas PLC

18 December 2014

19 December 2014

Fastnet Oil & Gas plc

("Fastnet", the "Company" or the "Group")

Interim Results for the six months ended 30 September 2014

Fastnet (AIM: FAST, ESM: FOI), the UK and Irish listed E&P company focussed on near-term exploration and appraisal acreage in Morocco and the Celtic Sea, announces its interim results for the six month period ended 30 September 2014.

Operational Highlights

-- Foum Assaka farm-out to SK Innovation completed in April 2014 for back costs and a carried interest in the FA-1 well and a potential carried interest in a second well

-- FA-1 well completed in May 2014 having encountered live oil shows and provided supporting evidence for reservoir development. Post-well technical studies are ongoing to incorporate all of the FA-1 well data into the geological framework of the Foum Assaka Licence

-- Celtic Sea and Tendrara Lakbir farm-out processes commenced and ongoing with the Company working towards bringing in partners to further pursue exploration activities

-- Improved terms and option extension secured on Tendrara Lakbir in June 2014 and on Deep Kinsale in August 2014

Financial and Corporate Highlights

-- US$18.8m cash balance at 30 September 2014 (US$17.4m at 31 March 2014, US$10.9m at 30 September 2013) with no material outstanding licence commitments

-- US$20.4m in backs costs received from SK Innovation on completion of the Foum Assaka farm-out

-- Net loss for the period of US$1.6m which reflects the increase in technical work developing Fastnet's portfolio during the period (6 months to 31 March 2014: loss of US$1.7m, 6 months to 30 September 2013: loss of US$0.9m). The current period net loss comprises general and administrative costs of US$1.6m, a share-based payment charge of US$0.1m and finance income of US$0.1m. Ongoing monthly general and administrative costs in 2015 forecast to reduce from US$275k to US$215k per month

-- Carol Law appointed Chief Executive Officer in December 2014 and Will Holland appointed to the Board as Chief Financial Officer in May 2014

Carol Law, CEO of Fastnet, commented:

"Throughout 2014, Fastnet continued its strategy of monetising the Company's existing assets and prudently managing its significant cash reserves in order to create shareholder value. The Foum Assaka farmout was a prime example of this strategy with the FA-1 well delivered at a cost of just US$2.75m to the Company. As the technical studies progress we look forward to continue working with Kosmos, BP and SK in evaluating the licence potential and, in the event of drilling a second well on the licence, the Company would have a further carried interest.

"The oil and gas sector is faced with challenging times but looking ahead to 2015, we believe that Fastnet's portfolio will increase in marketability as industry focus moves towards profitable shallow water and onshore projects in attractive fiscal regimes with low operating costs. In this regard, we will continue to work towards bringing in partners to further pursue exploration activities across our portfolio and seek appropriate licence extensions to enable us to execute this strategy.

"Fastnet is well positioned as a result of a strong balance sheet, management team and asset portfolio. Prudent management will deliver a significant reduction in ongoing general and administrative costs going forward and we will continue to develop and grow the asset portfolio in a selective and low-cost manner as is possible."

A copy of the interim report is now available for download via the following link: http://www.fastnetoilandgas.com/investor-relations/reports/financial-reports/2014.aspx

For further information please contact:

 Fastnet Oil & Gas plc 
  Cathal Friel, Non-Executive Chairman 
  Carol Law, Chief Executive Officer 
  Will Holland, Chief Financial Officer         +353 (1) 644 0007 
 Shore Capital 
  Bidhi Bhoma, Edward Mansfield 
  Corporate Broking 
  Jerry Keen                                     +44 (0) 20 7408 4090 
 GMP Securities Europe LLP 
  (Joint Broker) 
  Rob Collins, Emily Morris, Liz Williamson      +44 (20) 7467 2800 
  (ESM Adviser & Joint Broker) 
  John Frain, Anthony Farrell                    +353 (1) 679 6363 
 Bell Pottinger 
  Philip Dennis, Rollo Crichton-Stuart, 
  Jimmy Lea                                      +44 (0) 203 772 2500 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the six months ended 30 September 2014

                                                 Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited 
                                                  6 months        6 months      12 months 
                                                        to              to    to 31 March 
                                              30 September    30 September           2014 
                                                      2014            2013 
                                                   US$'000         US$'000        US$'000 
------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Continuing operations 
 Revenue                                                 -               -              - 
 Operational costs                                       -               -              - 
------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Gross loss                                              -               -              - 
 General and administrative costs                  (1,651)           (913)        (2,469) 
 Share based payments                                 (74)           (233)          (464) 
 Operating loss                                    (1,725)         (1,146)        (2,933) 
 Finance revenue                                        95             125            201 
 Net foreign exchange gain                               2             165            175 
------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Loss on ordinary activities before 
  taxation                                         (1,628)           (856)        (2,557) 
 Tax on loss on ordinary activities                      -               -              - 
------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Loss and total comprehensive loss 
  for the period attributable to the 
  equity holders of the Company                    (1,628)           (856)        (2,557) 
------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
  Loss per share: 
 Loss per share - basic and diluted, 
  attributable to ordinary equity holders 
  of the parent (cent)                              (0.47)          (0.31)         (0.87) 
 Consolidated Statement of Financial        Unaudited       Unaudited     Audited 
  Position                               30 September    30 September    31 March 
  As at 30 September 2014                        2014            2013        2014 
                                              US$'000         US$'000     US$'000 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                     11              20          14 
 Exploration and evaluation assets             35,986          32,325      51,644 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Total non-current assets                      35,997          32,345      51,658 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                      148             108          76 
 Cash and cash equivalents                     18,827          10,857      17,428 
 Total current assets                          18,975          10,965      17,504 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Total assets                                  54,972          43,310      69,162 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Equity and liabilities 
 Equity attributable to owners of 
  the parent 
 Share capital                                 20,261          15,832      20,261 
 Share premium                                 38,918          28,595      38,918 
 Other reserves                                 1,996           1,218       1,815 
 Retained deficit                             (6,679)         (3,350)     (5,051) 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Total equity                                  54,496          42,295      55,943 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Liability for share based payments                 2             166          79 
 Total non-current liabilities                      2             166          79 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                         474             849      13,140 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Total current liabilities                        474             849      13,140 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities                                476           1,015      13,219 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Total equity and liabilities                  54,972          43,310      69,162 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows             Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited 
  For the six months ended 30 September 
                                                   6 months        6 months      12 months 
                                                         to              to    to 31 March 
                                               30 September    30 September           2014 
                                                       2014            2013 
                                                    US$'000         US$'000        US$'000 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Group operating loss for the period                (1,725)         (1,146)        (2,933) 
 Depreciation                                             3               -              6 
 Share based payment expense                             74             233            464 
 Movements in working capital: 
 (Increase)/decrease in trade and 
  other receivables                                    (72)               3             36 
 (Decrease)/increase in trade and 
  other payables                                      (393)           (117)            359 
 Net cash flow from operating activities            (2,113)         (1,027)        (2,068) 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Cash flow from investing activities 
 Payments for property, plant and 
  equipment                                             (1)             (7)            (7) 
 Expenditure on exploration and evaluation 
  assets                                           (16,994)        (19,937)       (27,382) 
 Farm-out funds received                             20,410               -              - 
 Bank interest received                                  95             125            201 
 Net cash flow from investing activities              3,510        (19,819)       (27,188) 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Cash flow from financing activities 
 Net proceeds from issue of equity 
  instruments                                             -               -         14,971 
 Net cash flow from financing activities                  -               -         14,971 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Exchange and other movements                             2             165            175 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Net change in cash and cash equivalents              1,399        (20,681)       (14,110) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of period/year                                     17,428          31,538         31,538 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
  of period/year                                     18,827          10,857         17,428 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Consolidated Statement of 
 Changes in Equity 
 For the six months ended 
 September 2014 
                                                      Share                     asset 
                                Share      Share      based     Merger    acquisition    Capital    Retained 
                              capital    premium    payment    reserve        reserve    reserve     deficit     Total 
                              US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000        US$'000    US$'000     US$'000   US$'000 
--------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance at 1 April 2013       15,832     28,595        695     11,478       (11,256)          9     (2,494)    42,859 
 Loss and total 
  loss for the period               -          -          -          -              -          -       (856)     (856) 
 Share based payments               -          -        292          -              -          -           -       292 
--------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance at 30 September 
  (Unaudited)                  15,832     28,595        987     11,478       (11,256)          9     (3,350)    42,295 
--------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance at 1 October 2013     15,832     28,595        987     11,478       (11,256)          9     (3,350)    42,295 
 Loss and total 
  loss for the period               -          -          -          -              -          -     (1,701)   (1,701) 
 Share based payments               -          -        597          -              -          -           -       597 
 Issue of share capital         4,429     10,323          -          -              -          -           -    14,752 
 Balance at 31 March 2014      20,261     38,918      1,584     11,478       (11,256)          9     (5,051)    55,943 
--------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 Balance at 1 April 2014       20,261     38,918      1,584     11,478       (11,256)          9     (5,051)    55,943 
 Loss and total 
  loss for the period               -          -          -          -              -          -     (1,628)   (1,628) 
 Share based payments               -          -        181          -              -          -           -       181 
 Balance at 30 September 
  (Unaudited)                  20,261     38,918      1,765     11,478       (11,256)          9     (6,679)    54,496 
--------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
   1.    General Information 

Fastnet Oil & Gas plc ("Fastnet" or the "Company") is a company incorporated in England and Wales. Details of the registered office, the officers and advisers to the Company are presented on the Company Information page at the end of this report. The Company is listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange (ticker: FAST) and the Enterprise Securities Market of the Irish Stock Exchange (ticker: FOI).

The principal activity of the Company is oil and gas exploration.

The interim results of the Company for the six month period ended 30 September 2014 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together the "Group").

   2.    Basis of Preparation 

The interim results have been prepared on the basis of the recognition and measurement requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the European Union ("EU"), and their interpretations adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB"). As is permitted by the AIM rules the Directors have not adopted the requirements of IAS34 "Interim Financial Reporting" in preparing the financial statements. Accordingly the financial statements are not in full compliance with IFRS and have neither been audited nor reviewed pursuant to guidance issued by the Auditing Practises Board. The accounting policies used in the preparation of the interim financial information are the same as those used in the Company's audited financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2014 and are expected to be used in the 31 March 2015 year-end financial statements.

The financial information for the six months ended 31 September 2013 and 31 September 2014 is unaudited. The financial information presented for the year ended 31March 2013 is an extraction from the Group's audited accounts and therefore do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 on which the auditors issued an unqualified report The auditor's report also did not contain a statement under Section 498(2) or 498 (3) of the Companies Act 2006 and did not include reference to any matters the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis. The accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Directors consider that the financial information presented in this Interim Report represents fairly the financial position, operations and cash flows for the period, in conformity with IFRS. The Interim Report for the six months ended 30 September 2014 was approved by the Directors on 19 December 2014.

Presentation of Balances

The Financial Statements are presented in US Dollars ("US$") which is the functional and presentational currency of the Company and the functional currency of all the Group's subsidiary companies. Balances in the Financial Statements are rounded to the nearest thousand (US$'000) except where otherwise indicated.

   3.    Exploration and Evaluation Assets 
                                                 Offshore    Onshore   Offshore 
                                                  Morocco    Morocco    Ireland      Total 
                                                  US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000 
----------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 At 1 April 2013                                    9,496          -      2,545     12,041 
 Additions                                          1,828        473     17,983     20,284 
----------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 At 30 September 2013                              11,324        473     20,528     32,325 
----------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Carrying value 30 September 2013 (unaudited)      11,324        473     20,528     32,325 
----------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 At 1 October 2013                                 11,324        473     20,528     32,325 
 Additions                                         17,491        505      1,323     19,319 
----------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 At 31 March 2014                                  28,815        978     21,851     51,644 
----------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Carrying value 31 March 2014 (audited)            28,815        978     21,851     51,644 
 At 1 April 2014                                   28,815        978     21,851     51,644 
 Additions                                          3,417        751        584      4,752 
 Proceeds from farm-out                          (20,410)          -          -   (20,410) 
----------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 At 30 September 2014                              11,822      1,729     22,435     35,986 
 Carrying value 30 September 2014 (unaudited)      11,822      1,729     22,435     35,986 
----------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

Completion of farm-out to SK Innovation Co. Ltd.

On 18 December 2013 Fastnet entered into a farm-out agreement with SK Innovation Co. Ltd. ("SK"). Under the terms of the agreement, Fastnet will receive up to a two well carry comprised of a carry in the first exploration well (FA-1) on the Eagle-1 Prospect and first appraisal well (capped at US$100m per well) or at SK's sole discretion a carry in a second exploration well (capped at US$100m) for a 9.375% participating interest (12.5% paying interest) in the Foum Assaka Licence Area. All completion conditions in relation to the farm-out were finalised in April 2014 with Fastnet receiving US$20.4m in back costs from SK on completion.

   4.    Loss per Share - Basic and Diluted 

The Group presents basic and diluted loss per share ("LPS") data for its Ordinary Shares. Basic LPS is calculated by dividing the profit or loss attributable to Ordinary Shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares outstanding during the period. Diluted LPS is determined by adjusting the profit or loss attributable to Ordinary Shareholders and the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares outstanding for the effects of all dilutive potential Ordinary Shares, which comprise warrants and share options granted by the Company.

The calculation of loss per share is based on the following:

                                                     6 months           6 months      12 months 
                                              to 30 September    to 30 September    to 31 March 
                                                         2014               2013           2014 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------- 
 Loss after tax attributable to equity 
  holders of the parent (US$'000)                     (1,628)              (856)        (2,557) 
 Weighted average number of Ordinary 
  Shares in issue                                 345,369,071        273,940,493    294,292,745 
 Fully diluted average number of Ordinary 
  Shares in issue                                 345,369,071        273,940,493    294,292,745 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------- 
 Basic and diluted loss per share (cent)               (0.47)             (0.31)         (0.87) 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------------- 

Where a loss has occurred, basic and diluted LPS are the same because the outstanding share options and warrants are anti-dilutive. Accordingly, diluted LPS equals the basic LPS.

The share options and warrants outstanding as at 30 September 2014 totalled 25,397,423 (31 March 2014: 17,647,423, 30 September 2013: 15,345,628) and are potentially dilutive.

   5.    Subsequent Events 

Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

On the 10 December 2014 the Company announced the appointment of Carol Law as Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

Termination of Royalty Agreement

On the 10 December 2014 the Company announced that the Royalty Agreement in relation to the Foum Assaka licence area between Pan Maghreb Oil and Gas Limited and Pathfinder Hydrocarbon Ventures Limited, a 100% owned subsidiary of Fastnet has now been terminated.

   6.    Copy of the Interim Report 

Copies of the Interim Report are available to download from the Company's website at


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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