RNS Number:4075K
25 April 2003





                                                        Ordinary Shares                 'C' Shares
                                                           2003          2002            2003 2002 pence

                                                          pence         pence           pence
Net asset value per share                                 71.72        119.34           94.50          -
Distribution per share                                     0.20          0.10               -          -
Cumulative return since launch per share                  75.06         55.06               -          -
Total return per share                                   146.78        174.40           94.50          -
Revenue return per share                                 (1.89)        (2.03)               -          -

Net assets                                         #2.9 million  #4.9 million    #1.8 million          -

The statement to shareholders by the Chairman, Hugh Gillespie, includes the 
following comments:

The year ended 31 January 2003 has seen the continuation of what has now become
the longest bear market in recent history.  Political tensions, particularly in
relation to the Middle East, and the threat of terrorism ensure that investor
confidence remains very weak. The global economic outlook is also uncertain.
Any significant recovery in stock markets is difficult to predict.

Net Asset Value

The Net Asset Value per share ("NAV") of the Ordinary share fund at the year end
was 91.7p (before taking into account the proposed distribution), a fall of
23.1% over the year.  Although a disappointing drop, this performance compares
favourably with the FTSE AIM index, which fell by 33.1% over the same period.

'C' share issue

I have pleasure in welcoming new shareholders who have subscribed for the
Company's 'C' shares, under the fundraising launched on 7 October 2002. By 31
January 2003 the Company had raised #1.9 million and to date has raised a total
of #5.5 million.  Since the issue was announced, it has become clear that the
current market for new VCT funds is very depressed. The fundraising has,
however, been relatively successful compared with other VCTs competing for the
same pool of new funds.

The Offer for Subscription was originally due to close on 30 April 2003, but the
Directors have today announced that they will extend the Offer until 31 July
2003.  Existing holders of Ordinary Shares will now be able to give
consideration to re-investing the proceeds of the capital distribution described
below in the 'C' Share Offer.

The NAV of the 'C' Share fund at the year end was 94.5p, representing net funds
raised after issue costs of 5.5p per share.

The 'C' Shares will be converted into Ordinary shares on 31 October 2003 under
the method prescribed in the Prospectus dated 7 October 2002 ("Prospectus").
Further details of the conversion will be included in the interim report to 31
July 2003.

Qualifying investments

In line with the general trend on the AIM market, most investments in the
portfolio have shown a fall in value over the year.

Aero Inventory continued to make excellent progress during the year, with the
investment showing an increase in value of #47,000 or 26.6%.  CRC also showed an
improved share price earlier in the year and the opportunity was taken to make a
profitable partial disposal of the holding.   The share price has fallen since
then so that the investment shows an unrealised loss for the year of #40,000.
In spite of this, our investment still shows a substantial unrealised gain
against original cost of #278,000.

The Company made a number of other disposals during the year and wrote off some
failed investments. Our disposals and write-offs during the year are summarised
as follows:

                                             MV at 31/1             Profit/
                                                    /02              (loss)
                                        Cost              Proceeds
                                                  #'000               #'000
                                       #'000                 #'000

     Sale of investment
     Aero Inventory         Partial       32         83        107       23
     CRC Group              Partial       57        148        178       30
     I S Solutions          Full          48         54          5     (49)
     Mission Testing        Full         148         57         54      (3)
     Optoplast              Full         153         27         26      (1)
     Sopheon                Full          58         12          5      (7)
     Square Sum             Full          51         55         55        1
     Synergy                Partial        1          1          1        -

     In liquidation
     e-gosystems                          90         27          -     (27)
     Freeserve Motorists Club            108          -          -        -
     Simply Hub                           50          -          -        -
                                         796        464        431     (33)

Listed fixed income securities

During the year all three of the listed fixed income securities matured,
generating proceeds of #890,000 and realised losses of #8,000.  The proceeds
were held as cash at the year end.

Results and dividend

Gross revenue for the year was #123,000 (2002 - #131,000) and net revenue loss
after taxation was #56,000 (2002 - #65,000).

The Directors propose a capital distribution of previously realised gains to
Ordinary shareholders of 20p per share (2002: 10p per share) for the year ended
31 January 2003 to be paid on 13 June 2003 to Ordinary shareholders on the
register at 23 May 2003.

As stated in the Prospectus, no dividends will be paid to holders of the 'C'
shares for the year ended 31 January 2003.

Share repurchase

Your Board is conscious that the Company's share price is affected by the
illiquidity of its shares in the market. This results principally from the
requirement that most shareholders must retain their shares for at least three
years in order to retain their tax benefits.  In line with accepted practice for
VCTs, the Company has a policy of purchasing its own shares.  A Special
Resolution to continue with this policy is proposed for the forthcoming AGM.

The Board used this power to acquire 95,750 Ordinary shares during the year at
an average consideration of 94.3p per share.


The depressed climate for investors has ensured that the flow of companies
joining the Alternative Investment Market has remained at a low level throughout
the last year.  It does, however, appear that the companies that are now coming
to the market are more developed and more realistically priced than has been the
case for some time.

The new funds being raised from the 'C' share issue will be invested over the
course of the next two to three years.  Although the long awaited recovery has
still not arrived, the Directors are hopeful that this period will see improved
deal flow and opportunities for the Company to expand and develop its venture
capital portfolio.  The Company should then be able to benefit from the relative
cost savings and greater diversification of the investment portfolio available
to a larger fund.

Hugh Gillespie


STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN (incorporating the Revenue Account)


                                                   Year ended                                 Year ended
                                                 31 January 2003                           31 January 2002

                                     Revenue               Capital      Total    Revenue        Capital          Total
                                       #'000                            #'000      #'000          #'000          #'000

(Losses)/gains on investments
                      - realised           -                  (41)       (41)          -            590            590
                      - unrealised         -               (1,023)    (1,023)          -        (1,197)        (1,197)

Income                                   123                     -        123        131              -            131

Investment management fees              (73)                     -       (73)       (90)              -           (90)

Other expenses                         (104)                     -      (104)      (106)              -          (106)

Return on ordinary activities           (54)               (1,064)    (1,118)       (65)          (607)          (672)
before tax

Tax on ordinary activities               (2)                     -        (2)          -              -              -

Return on ordinary activities after
tax for the financial year              (56)               (1,064)    (1,120)       (65)          (607)          (672)
Dividends in respect of non-equity
shares                                  (22)                     -       (22)       (22)              -           (22)
Return attributable to equity
shareholders                            (78)               (1,064)    (1,142)       (87)          (607)          (694)

Dividends in respect of equity
shareholders                               -                 (808)      (808)          -          (414)          (414)

Transfer from reserves                  (78)               (1,872)    (1,950)       (87)        (1,021)        (1,108)

Return per Ordinary share of 10p     (1.89p)              (25.94p)   (27.70p)    (2.03p)       (14.16p)       (16.19p)

Return per 'C' share of 10p                -                     -          -          -              -              -

The revenue return per Ordinary share is based on the net loss on ordinary
activities after taxation and after deduction of dividends in respect of
non-equity shares of #78,000 (2002: #87,000), and on 4,100,852 Ordinary shares,
being the weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue throughout the

The revenue return per 'C' share is based on the net revenue on ordinary
activities after taxation of #Nil (2002: #Nil), and on 1,198,406 'C' shares,
being the weighted average number of 'C' shares in issue throughout the year.

The capital return per Ordinary share is based on the net capital losses for the
financial year (before the deduction of the capital distribution) of #1,064,000
(2002: #607,000), and on 4,100,852 Ordinary shares, being the weighted average
number of Ordinary shares in issue throughout the year.

The capital return per 'C' share is based on the net capital losses for the
financial year (before the deduction of the capital distribution) of #Nil (2002:
#Nil), and on 1,198,406 'C' shares, being the weighted average number of 'C'
shares in issue throughout the year.


                                                                                2003                   2002
                                                                   #'000       #'000      #'000       #'000
Fixed Assets
Investments                                                                    2,834                  5,078

Current assets
Debtors                                                               20                     60
Cash at bank and in hand                                           2,819                    263
                                                                   2,839                    323

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                     (975)                  (461)

Net current assets                                                             1,864                  (138)

Net assets                                                                     4,698                  4,940

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                                                          594                    414
Capital redemption reserve                                                        57                     47
Special reserve                                                                1,235                  3,690
Share premium account                                                          1,607                      -
Capital reserve - realised                                                     1,466                  1,962
Capital reserve - unrealised                                                       -                  (990)
Revenue reserve                                                                (261)                  (183)

Total equity shareholders' funds                                               4,698                  4,940

Net asset value per Ordinary share                                            71.72p                119.34p

Net asset value per 'C' share                                                 94.50p                      -

Net asset value per share is based on net assets at the year end, and on
4,043,635 Ordinary shares (2002 - 4,139,385) and on 1,901,834 'C' shares (2002 -
Nil) being the number of shares in issue at the year end.

The Special Reserve is available to the Company to enable the purchase of its
own shares in the market.


                                                                                Year                Year
                                                                               ended               ended
                                                                         31 Jan 2003         31 Jan 2002

                                                                               #'000               #'000

Net cash outflow from operating activities                                      (36)               (109)

Return on investments and servicing of finance
Preference dividends paid                                                       (24)                (22)

Taxation                                                                           -                  13

Capital expenditure
Purchase of investments                                                        (141)             (1,863)
Disposal of investments                                                        1,321               1,425
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital expenditure                             1,180               (438)

Equity dividends paid                                                          (414)               (441)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing                                       706               (997)

New share issue                                                                1,941                   -
Purchase of own shares                                                          (91)               (234)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing                                       1,850               (234)

Increase/(decrease) in cash                                                    2,556             (1,231)

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

Increase/(decrease) in cash during the year                                    2,556             (1,231)

Net funds at 31 January 2002                                                     263               1,494

Net funds at 31 January 2003                                                   2,819                 263

Announcement based on draft accounts (unqualified audit report)

The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the
Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2003.  The statutory
accounts for the year ended 31 January 2003 will be finalised on the basis of
the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary
announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the
Company's Annual General Meeting.

The financial information for the year ended 31 January 2002 is derived from the
statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies.  The auditors reported on those accounts; this report was unqualified
and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act

A copy of the full annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31
January 2003 will be printed and posted to shareholders. Copies will also be
available to the public at the registered office of the Company at Port of
Liverpool Building, Pier Head, Liverpool, L3 1NW.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange