RNS Number : 4509Q

Woodside Energy Group Ltd

17 October 2023

Woodside Energy Group Ltd

ACN 004 898 962

Mia Yellagonga

11 Mount Street

Perth WA 6000


T +61 8 9348 4000






Wednesday, 18 October 2023


              Delivering reliable production 
               *    Delivered quarterly production of 47.8 MMboe (520 
                    Mboe/day), up 8% from Q2 2023 following completion of 
                    planned turnaround and maintenance activities. 
                    Full-year production guidance has been narrowed to 
                    183 - 188 MMboe. 
               *    Delivered sales volume of 53.3 MMboe, up 10% from Q2 
                    2023, primarily due to higher production. 
               *    Delivered revenue of $3,259 million, up 6% from Q2 
                    2023, due to higher production offset by lower 
                    realised prices. 
               *    Achieved a portfolio average realised price of 
               *    Sold 29% of produced LNG at prices linked to gas hub 
               *    Achieved first production at Shenzi North in 
                    September 2023, ahead of the 2024 target. 
              Executing major projects 
               *    The Scarborough and Pluto Train 2 project was 46% 
                    complete at the end of the period, with fabrication 
                    of the floating production unit (FPU) and Pluto Train 
                    2 modules progressing. 
               *    The Sangomar project was 90% complete at the end of 
                    the period, with 14 of 23 wells drilled and 
                    completed. The floating production storage and 
                    offloading (FPSO) topsides integration and 
                    pre-commissioning works continued in Singapore. 
               *    The Trion field development plan (FDP) was approved 
                    by the Mexican regulator, with the project now moving 
                    into execution phase. 
              Carbon and new energy 
               *    The H2OK final investment decision (FID) has been 
                    delayed pending more certainty regarding Government 
                    tax incentive qualifications and customer offtake 
               *    Substantially completed installation works within 
                    Pluto LNG and progressed commercial agreements 
                    including solar farm and battery energy storage 
                    system agreements to support Woodside Solar targeted 
                    FID readiness of 2023. 

Woodside CEO Meg O'Neill said the quarter-on-quarter increase in output to 47.8 million barrels of oil equivalent was underpinned by strong operating results at Pluto LNG.

"The 99.9% reliability achieved at Pluto during the third quarter followed the completion of a maintenance turnaround in June.

"Production from North West Shelf was impacted by planned turnaround and maintenance activities in the quarter, but the facility's reliability was still exceptional at 98.9%.

"Woodside's project teams made strong progress over the course of the quarter.

"In September, first production at the Shenzi North tieback in the US Gulf of Mexico was achieved ahead of the original 2024 schedule. Production at Mad Dog Phase 2 offshore Louisiana, which started up in April, continued to ramp up during the quarter.

"Activity at Scarborough and Pluto Train 2 increased as planned and the project is now 46% complete. Installation of the nearshore component of the Scarborough trunkline commenced and fabrication of the floating production unit topsides and hull continued.

"Site construction works for Pluto Train 2 are progressing and we have awarded the engineering, procurement and construction contract for the Pluto Train 1 modifications that will allow it to process Scarborough gas.

"The Federal Court's 28 September decision that the Commonwealth Environment Plan for the Scarborough offshore seismic survey is invalid has not impacted our target for first LNG cargo in 2026. The decision does however highlight the urgent need for reform of Australia's offshore approvals process.

"Uncertainty over approvals has the potential to add cost and delays to any offshore activities to be undertaken in Australia. In the case of gas projects, such uncertainty threatens the delivery of much-needed new supplies to the Western Australian domestic market, as well as undermining the confidence of our regional trading partners.

"The importance of Scarborough to regional energy security was demonstrated in August when LNG Japan agreed to purchase a 10% non-participating interest in the joint venture.

"As part of a broader strategic relationship, Woodside and LNG Japan, owned by Sumitomo Corporation and Sojitz Corporation also entered into a non-binding heads of agreement for the sale and purchase of approximately 0.9 million tonnes per annum of LNG for 10 years commencing in 2026. In addition, we entered into non-binding agreements with Sumitomo and Sojitz to collaborate on new energy opportunities globally.

"At Sangomar in Senegal, another two of the 23 planned wells were drilled, taking the total now completed to 14. Pre-commissioning work at the floating production storage and offloading vessel continued in Singapore. Overall, the Sangomar project is 90% complete and we remain on track for targeted first oil in mid-2024.

"A significant milestone for our deepwater Trion project was passed during the quarter, with the approval of the field development plan by the Mexican regulator. Project execution activities at Trion are progressing.

"In new energy, progress was made on contracts for the plant construction scope and other critical packages at our proposed H2OK facility in Oklahoma. Technical work to support readiness for a final investment decision at H2OK is expected to be completed in 2023, although a decision itself has been delayed, pending clarification of government tax incentives and the finalisation of offtake agreements.

"During the quarter we signed two non-binding memoranda of understanding with a total of four Japanese companies to jointly study potential carbon capture and storage (CCS) value chains between Australia and Japan. We believe that with collaboration between industry partners and governments CCS could provide a pathway to help our Japanese customers decarbonise," she said.

Comparative performance at a glance

                                      Three months ended                    Year to date 
------------  -----------  ----------------------------------------  ------------------------- 
                             Sep     Jun    Change    Sep    Change    Sep      Sep     Change 
                             2023    2023      %      2022      %      2023     2022       % 
------------  -----------  ------  ------  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
  [2]          MMboe        47.8    44.5      8%     51.2     (7%)    139.1    106.1     31% 
                              520     489              557 
                           ======  ======           ====== 
  Mboe/day                                                             510      389 
 ========================  ======  ======  =======  ======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
 Sales         MMboe        53.3    48.4     10%     57.1     (7%)    152.1    116.7     30% 
  Mboe/day                   579     532              621              557      428 
 ========================  ======  ======  =======  ======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
 Revenue       $ million    3,259   3,084     6%     5,858   (44%)    10,673   11,691    (9%) 

Operational overview


   --      Production increased compared to the previous quarter to 47.8 MMboe primarily due to: 

o higher production from Pluto LNG and Ngujima-Yin following completion of planned turnaround and maintenance activities

o high LNG reliability at Australian operated assets, with Pluto LNG and the North West Shelf (NWS) Project achieving 99.9% and 98.9% reliability respectively for the quarter

o higher production on Mad Dog due to the continued ramp up at the Argos platform.

This was partly offset by lower NWS production due to planned turnaround and maintenance activities on the North Rankin Complex, Goodwyn Platform and Karratha Gas Plant, with production recommencing in September 2023.

-- Production from Bass Strait was lower than the corresponding quarter in 2022 due to lower gas demand following a warmer winter.

Gulf of Mexico

-- First production was successfully achieved at Shenzi North in September 2023 ahead of the 2024 target.

   --      A maintenance turnaround of the Shenzi facility was completed on schedule. 
   --      Production continues to ramp up at the Argos platform with seven wells now online. 

Australia Oil

-- The Ngujima-Yin FPSO recommenced production in July following successful completion of the five-yearly maintenance turnaround in a Singapore drydock.

Greater Angostura

-- In July 2023, a valve bolt failure on the Angostura gas export platform resulted in an unplanned gas release and emergency shutdown to stop the flow of gas. This incident is classified as a Tier 1 process safety event. [3] Production recommenced in August 2023 following completion of safety checks and remediation activities.


-- The Enfield plug and abandonment (P&A) campaign continued with four wells permanently plugged. The plugging of 17 of 18 Enfield wells and removal of 16 of 18 xmas trees has been completed.

-- The Bass Strait P&A operations on Flounder, Bream A, and Kingfish A platforms continued with six wells plugged in the quarter.

-- Subsequent to the quarter, Woodside commenced removing the Nganhurra riser turret mooring which will be transported for cleaning and deconstruction in preparation for recycling or reuse.

Project and development activities


-- Installation of the trunkline nearshore component commenced and fabrication of the FPU topsides and hull continued.

-- The Pluto Train 2 project continued to ramp up, with both module fabrication and site construction works progressing.

-- In August 2023, Woodside entered into an agreement with LNG Japan to sell a 10% interest in the Scarborough Joint Venture. [4]

-- In September 2023, Woodside awarded the engineering, procurement and construction contract for Pluto Train 1 modifications. Engineering and procurement of long-lead items are progressing.

-- The Federal Court has set aside NOPSEMA's acceptance of the Marine Seismic Survey Environment Plan on the basis that NOPSEMA's decision to accept the environment plan with conditions relating to consultation was invalid.

   --      Engagement continues with NOPSEMA on the outstanding Commonwealth Environment Plans. 

-- The Scarborough and Pluto Train 2 project was 46% complete at the end of the period and first LNG cargo is targeted for 2026.

Sangomar Field Development Phase 1

   --      FPSO topsides integration and pre-commissioning works continued in Singapore. 
   --      The development drilling program continued with 14 of 23 wells completed. 

-- The subsea installation campaign was 80% complete, with the overall subsea work scope 96% complete at the end of the period.

-- The project was 90% complete at the end of the period and first oil is targeted for mid-2024.


-- The Mexican regulator, Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos, approved the Trion FDP in August 2023.

-- Awarded contracts for the drill rig; FPU and floating storage and offloading (FSO) installation; subsea trees and control system; subsea flexible piping and riser terminations.

   --      Placed equipment orders for umbilical tubing and subsea manifolds. 
   --      Commenced FSO front-end engineering design activities and progressed shipyard engineering. 

New energy and carbon solutions


-- The H2OK FID has been delayed pending more certainty regarding Government tax incentive qualifications and customer offtake agreements.

   --      Technical work to support FID readiness remains on target to be complete in 2023. 

-- Contracting activities for the plant construction scope and other critical packages continued.

Woodside Solar

-- Installation works within the Pluto LNG facility have been substantially completed in readiness for power import.

-- Engagement continues with local, state and commonwealth authorities on key development and environmental approvals.

-- Progressed commercial agreements including for the solar farm and battery energy storage system infrastructure required for the power opportunity.

   --      Woodside Solar is targeting FID readiness in 2023. 

Carbon origination

-- In August 2023, Woodside entered into an agreement for the offtake of carbon credits from the restoration of up to 7,000 hectares of mangroves in the Sine Saloum and Casamance regions of Senegal. Woodside is expected to receive up to 1.4 million carbon credits from this project over 30 years.

CCS opportunities

-- Entered into two non-binding memoranda of understanding with Japanese companies to enable studies of potential carbon capture and storage value chains between Japan and Australia.

Corporate activities


-- Woodside has placed oil price hedges for approximately 21.8 MMboe of 2023 production at an average price of approximately $74.5 per barrel, of which approximately 16.5 MMboe has been delivered. As at the end of the period, Woodside hedged approximately 29.3 MMboe of 2024 production at an average price of approximately $75.7 per barrel.

-- Woodside also has a hedging program for Corpus Christi LNG volumes designed to protect against downside pricing risk. These hedges are Henry Hub and Title Transfer Facility (TTF) commodity swaps. Approximately 77% of Corpus Christi volumes for the remainder of 2023, approximately 41% of 2024 and approximately 4% of 2025 volumes have reduced pricing risk as a result of hedging activities.

-- The year-to-date pre-tax expense related to hedged positions is approximately $248 million, with $146 million pre-tax expense related to oil price hedges, $73 million pre-tax expense related to Corpus Christi hedges and $29 million pre-tax expense related to other hedge positions.

Investor Briefing Day 2023

-- Woodside's Investor Briefing Day 2023 will be held in Sydney, Australia, on Wednesday, 8 November 2023, commencing at 09.30 AEDT / 06.30 AWST (16.30 CST on Tuesday, 7 November 2023).

-- A live webcast of the event will be available at https://webcast.openbriefing.com/wds-id-2023/

Update to 2023 full-year guidance

Woodside's full-year 2023 production and capex guidance has been updated.

                                                 Prior      Current 
   Production                   MMboe          180 - 190   183 - 188 
   Capital expenditure        $ billion        6.0 - 6.5   5.7 - 6.0 
   Gas hub exposure       % of produced LNG     27 - 33    No change 
-----------------------  -------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 INVESTORS                     MEDIA 
  Matthew Turnbull (Group)      Christine Forster 
  M: +61 410 471 079            M: +61 484 112 469 
                                E: christine.forster@woodside.com 
  Sarah Peyman (Australia) 
  M: +61 457 513 249 
  Rohan Goudge (US) 
  M: +1 (713) 679-1550 
  E: investor@woodside.com 

This announcement was approved and authorised for release by Woodside's Disclosure Committee.

Production summary

                                                 Three months ended              Year to date 
                                           Sep      Jun       Sep        Sep          Sep 
                                           2023     2023      2022       2023         2022 
   North West Shelf          Mboe          6,590    8,746     9,694       25,009       20,132 
   Pluto [6]                 Mboe         12,261    8,765    12,458       33,180       34,112 
   Wheatstone                Mboe          2,610    2,588     2,556        7,654        6,609 
--------------------------  -----------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
   Total                     Mboe         21,461   20,099    24,708       65,843       60,853 
--------------------------  -----------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 Pipeline gas 
   Bass Strait               Mboe          4,591    4,170     6,481       11,894        8,834 
   Other [7]                 Mboe          3,472    3,080     3,389        9,589        5,834 
--------------------------  -----------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
   Total                     Mboe          8,063    7,250     9,870       21,483       14,668 
--------------------------  -----------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 Crude oil and condensate 
   North West Shelf          Mbbl          1,278    1,546     1,750        4,508        3,660 
   Pluto(6)                  Mbbl            976      699       990        2,636        2,702 
   Wheatstone                Mbbl            477      425       494        1,310        1,192 
   Bass Strait               Mbbl            982      904     1,229        2,663        1,670 
   Macedon & Pyrenees        Mbbl            688      759       602        2,078          825 
   Ngujima-Yin               Mbbl          1,140        -     1,464        2,009        5,137 
   Okha                      Mbbl            608      421       653        1,460        1,522 
--------------------------  -----------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
  Total                      Mboe          6,149    4,754     7,182       16,664       16,708 
--------------------------  -----------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 NGL 2 
   North West Shelf          Mbbl            276      339       324          907          733 
   Pluto(6)                  Mbbl             53       45        52          148          118 
   Bass Strait               Mbbl          1,380    1,191     1,554        3,294        2,057 
--------------------------  -----------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
  Total                      Mboe          1,709    1,575     1,930        4,349        2,908 
--------------------------  -----------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 Total Australia [8]         Mboe         37,382   33,678    43,690      108,339       95,137 
--------------------------  -----------  -------  -------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
  Mboe/day                                   406      370       475          397          348 
 -----------                             -------  -------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                 Three months ended            Year to date 
                                           Sep       Jun       Sep        Sep         Sep 
                                           2023      2023      2022       2023        2022 
--------------------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------- 
 Pipeline gas 
  Gulf of Mexico             Mboe            350       349       219       1,029         341 
  Trinidad & Tobago          Mboe          2,413     2,723     2,102       7,372       2,931 
  Other(10)                  Mboe             17         -         -          47           - 
--------------------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total                      Mboe          2,780     3,072     2,321       8,448       3,272 
--------------------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------- 
 Crude oil and condensate 
  Atlantis                   Mbbl          2,714     2,792     1,257       8,202       2,244 
  Mad Dog                    Mbbl          2,188     1,627       838       4,754       1,249 
  Shenzi                     Mbbl          2,158     2,599     2,452       7,353       3,217 
  Trinidad & Tobago          Mbbl            201       294       365         792         515 
  Other [10]                 Mbbl             36        81        81         156         108 
--------------------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total                      Mboe          7,297     7,393     4,993      21,257       7,333 
--------------------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------- 
 NGL 4 
  Gulf of Mexico             Mbbl            362       350       244       1,043         363 
  Other(10)                  Mbbl             10         -         -          27           - 
--------------------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total                      Mboe            372       350       244       1,070         363 
--------------------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total International         Mboe         10,449    10,815     7,558      30,775      10,968 
--------------------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------- 
  Mboe/day                                   114       119        82         113          40 
 -------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total production            Mboe         47,831    44,493    51,248     139,114     106,105 
--------------------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------- 
  Mboe/day                                   520       489       557         510         389 
 -------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  ----------  ---------- 

Product sales

                                                  Three months ended               Year to date 
                                              Sep        Jun         Sep         Sep          Sep 
                                              2023       2023        2022        2023         2022 
   North West Shelf             Mboe           7,639      9,003       8,441       27,206       19,069 
   Pluto 5                      Mboe          12,622      9,592      11,862       33,524       32,389 
   Wheatstone [12]              Mboe           2,541      2,312       2,898        7,203        6,883 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
   Total                        Mboe          22,802     20,907      23,201       67,933       58,341 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Pipeline gas 
   Bass Strait                  Mboe           4,506      4,113       6,564       11,701        8,758 
   Other                        Mboe           3,243      3,040       3,436        9,222        5,813 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
   Total                        Mboe           7,749      7,153      10,000       20,923       14,571 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Crude oil and condensate 
   North West Shelf             Mbbl           1,640      1,855       2,140        4,584        3,776 
   Pluto                        Mbbl           1,228        614         838        2,456        3,138 
   Wheatstone                   Mbbl             689        309         325        1,348          968 
   Bass Strait                  Mbbl           1,407      1,035       1,435        2,524        1,768 
 Ngujima-Yin                    Mbbl             708          -       1,502        1,849        5,274 
   Okha                         Mbbl           1,297          -       1,298        1,950        1,917 
   Macedon & Pyrenees           Mbbl               1      1,032         502        1,551          502 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
   Total                        Mboe           6,970      4,845       8,040       16,262       17,343 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
 NGL 7 
   North West Shelf             Mbbl             263        255         701          688          701 
   Pluto                        Mbbl              32         73           -          287            - 
   Bass Strait                  Mbbl             959        903       1,999        2,971        2,212 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
   Total                        Mboe           1,254      1,231       2,700        3,946        2,913 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Total Australia                Mboe          38,775     34,136      43,941      109,064       93,168 
-----------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
                                         Three months ended          Year to date 
                                       Sep      Jun       Sep       Sep         Sep 
                                       2023     2023      2022      2023        2022 
--------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------- 
 Pipeline gas 
  Gulf of Mexico             Mboe        321      341       214      1,005          341 
  Trinidad & Tobago          Mboe      2,574    2,700     2,118      7,569        2,954 
  Other [14]                 Mboe          7        6         9         20           12 
--------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------- 
  Total                      Mboe      2,902    3,047     2,341      8,594        3,307 
--------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------- 
 Crude oil and condensate 
  Atlantis                   Mbbl      2,442    2,710     1,466      7,820        2,349 
  Mad Dog                    Mbbl      2,041    1,628       891      4,610        1,270 
  Shenzi                     Mbbl      2,123    2,652     2,636      7,448        3,354 
  Trinidad & Tobago          Mbbl        242      248       443        903          647 
  Other (14)                 Mbbl         61       65        77        189          105 
--------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------- 
  Total                      Mboe      6,909    7,303     5,513     20,970        7,725 
--------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------- 
 NGL 9 
  Gulf of Mexico             Mbbl        379      363       276      1,084          400 
  Other (14)                 Mbbl          4        3         4         11            6 
--------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------- 
  Total                      Mboe        383      366       280      1,095          406 
--------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------- 
 Total International         Mboe     10,194   10,716     8,134     30,659       11,438 
--------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------- 
  LNG [15]                   Mboe      4,329    3,532     5,023     12,344       12,102 
--------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------- 
  Total                      Mboe      4,329    3,532     5,023     12,344       12,102 
--------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------- 
 Total Marketing             Mboe      4,329    3,532     5,023     12,344       12,102 
--------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------- 
 Total sales                 Mboe     53,298   48,384    57,098    152,067      116,708 
--------------------------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------- 

Revenue (US$ million)

                                      Three months ended          Year to date 
                                  Sep     Jun     Sep        Sep          Sep 
                                  2023    2023    2022       2023         2022 
   North West Shelf                575     667    1,081       2,512         2,240 
   Pluto                           923     724    1,716       2,778         3,831 
   Wheatstone [17]                 246     204      300         774           727 
   Bass Strait                     379     328      656         918           888 
   Macedon                          41      53       41         145            57 
   Ngujima-Yin                      64       -      162         164           598 
   Okha                            103       -      124         159           191 
   Pyrenees                          -      89       69         139            70 
   Atlantis                        209     203      134         611           243 
   Mad Dog                         170     116       81         354           125 
   Shenzi                          178     200      249         577           332 
   Trinidad & Tobago [18]           17     112      143         265           209 
   Other [19]                        5       4        7          14            10 
 Marketing revenue [20]            298     344    1,043       1,121         2,033 
 Total sales revenue [21]        3,208   3,044    5,806      10,531        11,554 
 Processing revenue                 50      38       50         135           127 
 Shipping and other revenue          1       2        2           7            10 
 Total revenue                   3,259   3,084    5,858      10,673        11,691 
------------------------------  ------  ------  -------  ----------  ------------ 

Realised prices

                                     Three months ended                       Three months ended 
                        Units      Sep      Jun     Sep      Units      Sep       Jun         Sep 
                                   2023     2023    2022                2023      2023      2022(16) 
--------------------  ---------  -------  ------  -------  --------  ---------  -------  ------------ 
 LNG produced [22]     $/MMBtu      10.3    10.9     19.1    $/boe          65       69           117 
 LNG traded [23]       $/MMBtu       8.2    11.0     32.7    $/boe          52       70           207 
 Pipeline gas                                                $/boe          28       37            49 
 Oil and condensate     $/bbl         82      75       95    $/boe          82       75            95 
 NGL                    $/bbl         45      41       48    $/boe          45       41            48 
 Average realised 
  price                                                      $/boe          60       63           102 
 Dated Brent                                                 $/bbl          87       78           101 
 JCC (lagged three 
  months)                                                    $/bbl          84       87           111 
 WTI                                                         $/bbl          82       74            92 
 JKM                                                        $/MMBtu       10.9     12.6          36.0 
 TTF                                                        $/MMBtu       10.3     12.6          50.9 

-- Average realised price for pipeline gas was A$6.1/GJ in Western Australia, A$12.3/GJ in east coast Australia and $3.75/Mcf for International in Q3 2023. [24]

Expenditure (US$ million)

                                      Three months ended         Year to date 
                                  Sep     Jun     Sep     Sep     Sep 
                                  2023    2023    2022    2023    2022 
 Exploration and evaluation 
 Exploration and evaluation 
  expensed                         123      81     181     256     215 
 Permit amortisation                 3       2       5       7       8 
------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Total                             126      83     186     263     223 
------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Capital expenditure 
 Exploration and evaluation 
  capitalised [26] (,) [27]          3      92     101     132     111 
 Oil and gas properties          1,313   1,229   1,056   3,821   2,561 
------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Total                           1,316   1,321   1,157   3,953   2,672 
------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Trading costs                     265     237     727     887   1,517 
------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 

Key project expenditure (US$ million)

                          Three months ended      Year to date 
                         Sep      Jun     Sep     Sep      Sep 
                         2023     2023    2022    2023     2022 
 Capital expenditure 
 Scarborough [28]          613     578     442    1,817   1,242 
 Sangomar                  257     272     278      808     727 
 Trion                     111       8       -      119       - 
---------------------  -------  ------  ------  -------  ------ 


-- In the US Gulf of Mexico, the Spinel well (non-operated) completed drilling in August 2023. The well did not encounter hydrocarbons.

-- Woodside drilled the Gemtree well in Australia. The well was unsuccessful, encountering minor gas shows in the primary target.

Exploration or appraisal wells drilled

Region       Permit   Well      Target   Interest        Spud date   Water   Planned      Remarks 
              area                        (%)                         depth   well depth 
                                                                      (m)     (m) 20 
-----------  -------  --------  -------  --------------  ----------  ------  -----------  --------- 
Gulf                                     44%             7 June                           Drilling 
 of Mexico   GC 436   Spinel    Oil       Non-operator    2023       1,258   7,042         complete 
-----------  -------  --------  -------  --------------  ----------  ------  -----------  --------- 
                                         65%             25 August                        Drilling 
Australia    WA49-L   Gemtree   Gas       Operator        2023       202m    3,554         complete 
-----------  -------  --------  -------  --------------  ----------  ------  -----------  --------- 

Permits and licences

Key changes to permit and licence holding during the quarter ended 30 September 2023 are noted below.

 Region            Permits or licence    Change         Current     Remarks 
                    areas                 in interest    interest 
                                          (%)            (%) 
----------------  --------------------  -------------  ----------  -------- 
 Gulf of Mexico    GC 520, GC 564        (100%)         0% 
----------------  --------------------  -------------  ----------  -------- 

Production rates

Average daily production rates (100% project) for the quarter ended 30 September 2023:

                           Woodside     Production      Remarks 
                             share          rate 
                             [30]      (100% project, 
                                       Sep      Jun 
                                       2023     2023 
NWS Project 
-------------------------  --------  -------  --------  --------------------------------------- 
                                                        Production was lower due 
                                                         to planned turnaround and 
                                                         maintenance activities on 
                                                         the North Rankin Complex, 
                                                         Goodwyn Platform and the 
LNG                         29.91%     238      321      Karratha Gas Plant. 
Crude oil and condensate    29.88%     46        57 
NGL                         33.27%     10        11 
Pluto LNG 
-------------------------  --------  -------  --------  --------------------------------------- 
                                                        Production was higher following 
                                                         completion of planned maintenance 
LNG                         90.00%     123       83      and turnaround in Q2 2023. 
Crude oil and condensate    90.00%     11        8 
Pluto-KGP Interconnector 
-----------------------------------  -------  --------  --------------------------------------- 
LNG                        100.00%     22        22 
Crude oil and condensate   100.00%      1        1 
NGL                        100.00%      1        0 
Wheatstone [31] 
-------------------------  --------  -------  --------  --------------------------------------- 
LNG                         11.86%     239      240 
Crude oil and condensate    14.90%     31        31 
Bass Strait 
-------------------------  --------  -------  --------  --------------------------------------- 
Pipeline gas                43.75%     105      105 
Crude oil and condensate    45.96%     23        22 
NGL                         45.83%     30        29 
Australia Oil 
-------------------------  --------  -------  --------  --------------------------------------- 
                                                        Production was higher following 
                                                         completion of planned maintenance, 
                                                         with production recommencing 
Ngujima-Yin                 60.00%     21        0       in July. 
Okha                        50.00%     13        9 
Pyrenees                    64.97%     12        13 
-------------------------  --------  -------  --------  --------------------------------------- 
Pipeline gas 25F [32]                  38        34 
                              Woodside      Production       Remarks 
                                share           rate 
                                [33]       (100% project, 
                                            Sep      Jun 
                                            2023     2023 
--------------------------  -----------  --------  -------  -------------------------- 
 Crude oil and condensate      38.50%       77        80 
 NGL                           38.50%        5        5 
 Pipeline Gas                  38.50%        6        7 
 Mad Dog 
--------------------------  -----------  --------  -------  -------------------------- 
                                                             Production was higher due 
                                                              to the continuation of 
                                                              ramp-up activities for 
 Crude oil and condensate      20.86%       114       86      Mad Dog Phase 2. 
 NGL                           20.86%        4        2 
 Pipeline Gas                  20.86%        2        2 
--------------------------  -----------  --------  -------  -------------------------- 
                                                             Completed turnaround for 
                                                              Shenzi North tie-ins and 
 Crude oil and condensate      64.39%       36        44      maintenance 
 NGL                           64.39%        2        2 
 Pipeline Gas                  64.39%        1        1 
 Trinidad & Tobago 
--------------------------  -----------  --------  -------  -------------------------- 
 Crude oil and condensate       [34]         5        5 
 Pipeline gas                46.58%(34)     56        57 

Forward looking statements

Disclaimer and important notice

This announcement contains forward-looking statements with respect to Woodside's business and operations, market conditions, results of operations and financial condition, including, for example, but not limited to, statements regarding development, completion and execution of Woodside's projects, guidance with respect to production, expectations regarding future capital commitment, future results of projects, operating activities, new energy products, expectations and plans for renewables production capacity and investments in, and development of, renewables projects. All statements, other than statements of historical or present facts, are forward-looking statements and generally may be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as 'guidance', 'foresee', 'likely', 'potential', 'anticipate', 'believe', 'aim', 'estimate', 'expect', 'intend', 'may', 'target', 'plan', 'forecast', 'project', 'schedule', 'will', 'should', 'seek' and other similar words or expressions. Similarly, statements that describe the objectives, plans, goals or expectations of Woodside are forward-looking statements. The information and statements in this announcement about Woodside's future strategy and other forward-looking statements are not guidance, forecasts, guarantees or predictions of future events or performance, but are in the nature of aspirational targets that Woodside has set for itself and its management of the business. Those statements and any assumptions on which they are based are only opinions and are subject to change without notice and are subject to inherent known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Woodside, its related bodies corporate and their respective officers, directors, employees, advisers or representatives. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, fluctuations in commodity prices; actual demand; currency fluctuations; geotechnical factors; drilling and production results; gas commercialisation; development progress; operating results; engineering estimates; reserve and resource estimates; loss of market; industry competition; environmental risks; physical risks; legislative, fiscal and regulatory developments; changes in accounting standards; economic and financial markets conditions in various countries and regions; political risks; project delay or advancement; approvals; cost estimates; the effect of future regulatory or legislative actions on Woodside or the industries in which it operates, including potential changes to tax laws; and the impact of general economic conditions, prevailing exchange rates and interest rates and conditions in financial markets.

Details of the key risks relating to Woodside and its business can be found in the "Risk" section of Woodside's most recent Annual Report released to the Australian Securities Exchange and London Stock Exchange, and in Woodside's most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and available on the Woodside website at https://www.woodside.com/investors/reports-investor-briefings. You should review and have regard to these risks when considering the information contained in this announcement.

If any of the assumptions on which a forward-looking statement is based were to change or be found to be incorrect, this would likely cause outcomes to differ from the statements made in this announcement.

All forward-looking statements contained in this announcement reflect Woodside's views held as at the date of this announcement and, except as required by applicable law, Woodside does not intend to, undertake to, or assume any obligation to, provide any additional information or update or revise any of these statements after the date of this announcement, either to make them conform to actual results or as a result of new information, future events, changes in Woodside's expectations or otherwise.

Investors are strongly cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. Actual results or performance may vary materially from those expressed in, or implied by, any forward-looking statements. None of Woodside nor any of its related bodies corporate, nor any of their respective officers, directors, employees, advisers or representatives , nor any person named in this report or involved in the preparation of the information in this report, makes any representation, assurance, guarantee or warranty (either express or implied) as to the accuracy or likelihood of fulfilment of any forward-looking statement , or any outcomes, events or results expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement in this report.

Past performance (including historical financial and operational information) is given for illustrative purposes only. It should not be relied on as, and is not necessarily, a reliable indicator of future performance, including future security prices.

All figures are Woodside share for the quarter ending 30 September 2023, unless otherwise stated.

All references to dollars, cents or $ in this presentation are to US currency, unless otherwise stated.

References to "Woodside" may be references to Woodside Energy Group Ltd or its applicable subsidiaries.

Other conversion factors

 Product               Unit      Conversion factor     bbl      barrel 
                                                        bcf      billion cubic feet 
                                                        boe      of gas 
                                                        Mbbl     barrel of oil equivalent 
                                                        Mboe     thousand barrels 
                                                        Mcf      thousand barrels of 
                                                        MMboe    oil equivalent 
                                                        MMBtu    thousand cubic feet 
                                                        MMscf    of gas 
                                                        scf      million barrels of 
                                                                 oil equivalent 
                                                                 million British thermal 
                                                                 million standard cubic 
                                                                 feet of gas 
                                                                 standard cubic feet 
                                                                 of gas 
--------------------  --------  ------------------ 
 Natural gas           5,700                 1 boe 
 Condensate            1 bbl                 1 boe 
 Oil                   1 bbl                 1 boe 
 Natural gas liquids   1 bbl                 1 boe 
 Facility              Unit         LNG conversion 
--------------------  --------  ------------------ 
 Karratha Gas          1 tonne            8.08 boe 
 Pluto Gas Plant       1 tonne            8.34 boe 
 Wheatstone            1 tonne            8.27 boe 

The LNG conversion factor from tonne to boe is specific to volumes produced

at each facility and is based on gas composition which may change over time.

[1] September 2022 reflects the performance of the interests acquired as part of the merger with BHP's petroleum business from 1 June 2022.

[2] Q3 2023 includes 0.26 MMboe, Q2 2023 includes 0.23 MMboe and Q3 2022 includes 0.30 MMboe primarily from feed gas purchased from Pluto non-operating participants processed through the Pluto-KGP Interconnector.

[3] A typical Tier 1 process safety event is loss of containment of hydrocarbons greater than 500 kg (in any one-hour period).

[4] See "Woodside to sell 10% Scarborough interest to LNG Japan", announced 8 August 2023.

[5] September 2022 reflects the performance of the interests acquired as part of the merger with BHP's petroleum business from 1 June 2022.

[6] Q3 2023 includes 2.07 MMboe of LNG, 0.08 MMboe of condensate and 0.05 MMboe of NGL, Q2 2023 includes 1.96 MMboe of LNG, 0.08 MMboe of condensate and 0.05 MMboe of NGL and Q3 2022 includes 2.35 MMboe of LNG and 0.09 MMboe of condensate and 0.05 MMboe of NGL processed at the Karratha Gas Plant (KGP) through the Pluto-KGP Interconnector.

[7] Includes the aggregate Woodside equity domestic gas production from all Western Australian projects.

[8] Q3 2023 includes 0.26 MMboe, Q2 2023 includes 0.23 MMboe and Q3 2022 includes 0.30 MMboe primarily from feed gas purchased from Pluto non-operating participants processed through the Pluto-KGP Interconnector.

[9] September 2022 reflects the performance of the interests acquired as part of the merger with BHP's petroleum business from 1 June 2022.

[10] Overriding royalty interests held in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) for several producing wells.

[11] September 2022 reflects the performance of the interests acquired as part of the merger with BHP's petroleum business from 1 June 2022.

[12] Includes periodic adjustments reflecting the arrangements governing Wheatstone LNG sales of 0.16 MMboe in Q3 2023, 0.15 MMboe in Q2 2023 and 0.09 MMboe in Q3 2022.

[13] September 2022 reflects the performance of the interests acquired as part of the merger with BHP's petroleum business from 1 June 2022.

[14] Overriding royalty interests held in the GoM for several producing wells.

[15] Purchased LNG volumes sourced from third parties.

[16] September 2022 reflects the performance of the interests acquired as part of the merger with BHP's petroleum business from 1 June 2022.

[17] Q3 2023 includes $11 million, Q2 2023 includes $11 million and Q3 2022 includes $10 million recognised in relation to periodic adjustments reflecting the arrangements governing Wheatstone LNG sales. These amounts will be included within other income/(expenses) in the financial statements rather than operating revenue.

[18] Includes the impact of periodic adjustments related to the production sharing contract (PSC).

[19] Overriding royalty interests held in the GoM for several producing wells.

[20] Values include revenue generated from purchased LNG volumes, as well as the marketing margin on the sale of Woodside's produced liquids portfolio. Hedging impacts are excluded.

[21] Total sales revenue excludes all hedging impacts.

[22] Realised prices include the impact of periodic adjustments reflecting the arrangements governing Wheatstone LNG sales.

[23] Excludes any additional benefit attributed to produced LNG through third-party trading activities.

[24] Average realised price for International excludes the impact of periodic adjustments related to the PSC in Trinidad.

[25] September 2022 reflects the expenditure relating to interests acquired as part of the merger with BHP's

petroleum business from          1 June 2022. 

[26] Exploration capitalised represents expenditure on successful and pending wells, plus permit acquisition costs during the period and is net of well costs reclassified to expense on finalisation of well results.

[27] Project final investment decisions result in amounts of previously capitalised exploration and evaluation expense (from current and prior years) being transferred to oil and gas properties. This table does not reflect the impact of such transfers.

[28] Scarborough key project expenditure includes Scarborough offshore, Pluto Train 2, Pluto Train 1 modifications and Train 2 tie-in spend. Prior period comparatives have been restated to include Pluto Train 1 modifications and Train 2 tie-in spend of $18 million in Q3 2022 and

$52 million in YTD Q3 2022.

[29] Well depths are referenced to the rig rotary table.

[30] Woodside share reflects the net realised interest for the period.

[31] The Wheatstone asset processes gas from several offshore gas fields, including the Julimar and Brunello fields, for which Woodside has 65% participating interest and is the operator.

[32] Includes the aggregate Woodside equity domestic gas production from all Western Australian projects.

[33] Woodside share reflects the net realised interest for the period.

[34] Operations governed by production sharing contracts, Woodside share changes monthly.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 18, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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