By Sarka Halas
Thursday was busy with a variety of borrowers in the European
bond markets.
Here's a rundown of how the credit default swap market stands,
what hit the market today, and what's coming up.
iTraxx Europe index: 2 basis points wider at 117/118 bps
iTraxx Crossover index: 8 bps wider at 483/483 bps
Italian drinks company Davide Campari-Milano SpA is planning a
350 million euro ($458.8 million), seven-year bond. Initial price
thoughts are 337.5-350 basis points over midswaps.
Russian Gazprombank's (GZPR.RS) pricing on its
dollar-denominated, upper tier-2, perpetual bond is in the range of
8% to 8.5%.
OAO Sberbank (SBRCY), Russia's largest private bank, has set
pricing on its 10-year, lower tier-2 bond in the area of 5.25%.
Spanish second-tier bank Bankinter SA (BKT.MC) will price a 500
million euro ($655.6 million) three-year covered bond. Final price
guidance is 335 basis points over midswaps. ]
IsBank revises guidance on its $1 billion bond to range between
6.00% to 6.125.
APT Pipelines, an Australian-based pipeline operator, has
planned a series of U.K.- based investor meetings ahead of a
potential bond. The meetings are expected to start on Oct. 31.
Global packaging company, Amcor (AMC.AU) has planned a series of
investor meetings in the U.K. on October 30 and 31 ahead of a
potential bond.
(Ben Edwards and Serena Ruffoni contributed to this report)
Write to Sarka Halas at