Black Dragon Gold Corp. (ASX/TSX-V: BDG) ("Black Dragon" or
the "Company") is pleased to announce the positive results of
the Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") completed on its 100%
owned Salave Gold Project ("Salave" or "Project") located in
Asturias in northern Spain. The PEA is based on the recently
completed Mineral Resource Estimate completed by CSA Global (See
October 25, 2018 News Release). All figures are in United States
Dollars unless otherwise stated.
This press release features multimedia. View
the full release here:
Figure 1: Lateral view of the underground
layout (Graphic: Business Wire)
The PEA demonstrates robust economics for an underground mining
operation with a 14-year mine life.
Paul Cronin, Managing Director and CEO commented,
"The completion of the PEA is a major milestone on the path to
development of the Salave Project and the metrics support our
belief that Salave can potentially generate strong returns for
shareholders. It forms the first step in our permitting process,
presenting a new optimised process on a zero- discharge basis that
minimises the visual and surface impact of the project.
The robust results of this PEA underline the potential economic
viability of the current Salave resource to be mined over an
initial 14 year mine life, and our successful drilling campaign
last year indicates strong potential for growth in mine life at
This study supports that Salave can produce over 1.1Moz (560 kt
of concentrate averaging over 59 g/t Au), providing a number of
marketing options for export and refining, minimising the need for
additional plant and equipment, and hence reducing the Project’s
footprint. The relatively low upfront capex also opens alternative
financing opportunities which will ensure that both shareholders
and the local community benefit from the success of this
- Pre-Tax NPV at 5% discount rate: US$
296.2 million.
- After-Tax NPV: US$ 230.0 million
- Pre-Tax Internal Rate of Return
("IRR"): 28%
- After-Tax Internal Rate of Return
("IRR"): 25%
- After-Tax Payback: 3.8 years
- Pre-Production Capital Cost, including
contingency: US$ 95.3 million
- Life of Mine ("LOM") Sustaining Capital
Cost: US$19.3 million
- Estimated Average LOM Total Cash Cost:
$729/ounce (oz) Au
- Estimated Average LOM All-In Sustaining
Costs ("AISC"): $752/oz Au
- The PEA is a preliminary technical and
economic study of the potential viability of the Salave Gold
Project. It is preliminary in nature and includes Inferred Mineral
Resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have
economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to
be categorized as Mineral Reserves. There can be no assurance, and
there is no certainty, that the preliminary economic assessment
contained therein will be realised. Further exploration and
evaluation work and appropriate studies are required before Black
Dragon will be in a position to estimate any Ore Reserves or to
provide any assurance of an economic development case.
- The production target and forecast
financial information referred to in this PEA are comprised of
Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources (73%) and Inferred Mineral
Resources (27%). The proportion of Inferred Mineral Resources is
not determinative of the project viability and does not feature as
a significant proportion early in the mine plan.
- Metallurgical recoveries have been
based on test work data and costs have been estimated by
independent consultants generally from budget quotations, factored
estimates or cost data from similar operations/projects. Cost
estimate accuracy for the PEA is in the order of +/-35%.
- The PEA is based on the material
assumptions outlined herein and in the report. These include
assumptions about the availability of funding. While BDG considers
all of the material assumptions to be based on reasonable grounds,
there is no certainty that they will prove to be correct or that
the range of outcomes indicated by the PEA will be achieved. To
achieve the range of outcomes indicated in the PEA, among other
things, funding of in the order of US$100 million will likely be
required. Investors should note that there is no certainty that
Black Dragon will be able to raise that amount of funding when
- It is also likely that such funding may
only be available on terms that may be dilutive to or otherwise
affect the value of BDG’s existing shares. It is also possible that
BDG could pursue other ‘value realisation’ strategies such as a
sale, partial sale or joint venture of the project. If it does,
this could materially reduce BDG’s proportionate ownership of the
project. Given the uncertainties involved, investors should not
make any investment decisions based solely on the results of the
- Submission of the Project Description
for the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ("ESIA") in
February 2019;
- Additional geophysics over the entire
Investigation Permit at Salave – April 2019;
- Issuance of the ESIA Terms of Reference
in June 2019;
- Soil Geochemistry testing on potential
drill targets – June 2019;
- Pre-Feasibility Study – October
- Assumed gold price: US$1,250/oz
- Exchange Rate of $1.15 / €
- Life of Mine: 14-years
- Main Underground Mining Method:
Vertical Retreat & Sub-Level Stoping
- Average Diluted Head Grade: 3.87 g/t
- Total Underground Dilution: 43%
- LOM Plant Throughput 9.19 Mt
- Access Ramp Gradient of 15% at a 5.0m x
5.5m profile
- Mineralised Zone Development at a 4.0m
x 4.5m profile
- Average Mining and Processing
throughput: 2,000 tonnes per day ("tpd")
- Flotation Plant Recoveries: 97%
- Average Annual Production (LOM): 79,200
oz Au in concentrate at an average grade of 59.7 g/t Au
- LOM recovered gold in concentrate
production: 1,108,420 oz;
- Refining and Processing Charges:
US$368/t concentrate or US$188/oz Au
Table 1 - PEA Summary
Input Unit Physical Parameters
Total Mineralised Material Tonnes Mined (LOM) Mt 9.19 Average
Annual Throughput (LOM) ktpa 656.3 Head Grade Au g/t 3.87 Gold
Recovery to Concentrate % 97% Mine Life years 14 Gold Grade of
Concentrate Au g/t 59.71 Total Concentrate Produced kt 560.5 Total
Ounces in Concentrate koz 1,108.4 Average Annual Production (LOM)
koz 79.2 Cost Parameters Mining
Costs US$/t 40.68 Processing Costs US$/t 14.00 General &
Administrative US$/t 2.71 Total Costs US$/t 57.39
Pre-Production Capital Costs Mine Development
& Infrastructure US$m 29.7 Mining Equipment US$m 11.2 Tailings
US$m 1.3 Process Plant US$m 28.3 Owners Costs & EPCM US$m 12.5
Contingency (15%) US$m 12.4 Total Pre-Production Capital US$m 95.3
Sustaining Capital US$m 19.3
LOM Cash Costs US$/oz 729.15 LOM AISC US$/oz 752.80
An updated NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate, effective 22
October 2018 is included in this PEA and has been filed on SEDAR
and the ASX market announcements platform (See October 25, 2018
News Release).
Category Tonnes Au Mt
g/t koz Measured 1.03 5.59 185 Indicated 7.18
4.43 1,023 Measured & Indicated 8.21 4.58 1,208 Inferred 3.12
3.47 348
Notes:1. Rounding may cause apparent discrepancies2. Resource
Estimate conducted by CSA Global of Perth Australia ("CSA") with an
effective date of October 22, 2018. Classification of the MRE was
completed based on the guidelines presented by Canadian Institute
for Mining (CIM, May 2014), adopted for Technical Reports which
adhere to the regulations defined in Canadian NI 43-101. The
Mineral Resource Estimate was also prepared in accordance with the
Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral
Resources and Ore Reserves, 2012 edition ("2012 JORC Code").3. The
Mineral Resource Estimate was first announced on 25 October 2018.
Black Dragon confirms that it is not aware of any new information
or data that materially affects the information in the previous
announcement and that all material assumptions and technical
parameters underpinning the Mineral Resource Estimate continue to
apply and have not materially changed.4. A cut-off grade of 2 g/t
Au has been applied when reporting the Mineral Resource Estimate.5.
Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have
demonstrated economic viability but do have reasonable prospects
for eventual economic extraction.6. The quantity and grade of
reported Inferred Resources in this estimation are conceptual in
nature and there has been insufficient exploration to define these
Inferred Resources as an Indicated or Measured Resource. It is
uncertain if further exploration will result in upgrading them to
an Indicated or Measured Resource category, although it is
reasonably expected that the majority of the Inferred Resources
could be upgraded to Indicated Mineral Resources with further
exploration.7. The Mineral Resource Estimate underpinning the
production targets in this announcement was prepared by a Competent
Person under the 2012 JORC Code.8. The title of the report is
"Salave Gold Project Mineral Resource Update for Black Dragon Gold
Corp.", with an effective date of October 22, 2018, and it was
authored by Ian Stockton, B.Sc (Geol)., MAusIMM, FAIG, Dmitry
Pertel, MSc (Geol), MAIF, GAA, and Galen White, B.Sc, FAusIMM,
The mine plan supported by the PEA demonstrates that
approximately 81.1% of the total 2018 updated Mineral Resource
tonnage is amenable to underground extraction. For purposes of mine
planning, the potentially extractable portion of the Mineral
Resources are comprised of 9.19 million tonnes at a diluted grade
of 3.87 g/t Au, containing just over 1.1 million ounces of gold.
The mineralised material modelled to be mined in the PEA contains
Mineral Resources classified in the Inferred category (28%) that
are too speculative geologically to have economic considerations
applied that would enable them to be categorized as Mineral
Reserves. These Inferred Resources will require further exploration
and definition to meet the criteria to be classified as Indicated
or Measured Mineral Resources before being considered for
conversion to Mineral Reserves at the next level of detailed
economic study.
Given environmental and community considerations, the PEA has
only evaluated underground mining operations. The primary mining
method selected for detailed analysis in this study was the
vertical retreat mining ("VRM"). Sub-level stoping was considered
as a secondary method applicable to specific vertical thin
geometries (<15m length). Rock and paste fill will be used as
backfill to maximize mining recovery.
The mine design was based on basic economic assumptions to
create mineable stope outlines. A value of 2 g/t was assumed as
mine cut-off grade. Mining dilution and mineralised material loss
factors were also applied to each mining shape to reflect the
selected mining method.
The mine production rate targets a 0.70 Mtpa of RoM. A
conceptual mine layout was designed including stopes and
development as illustrated in Figure 1, with 60m levels and 3 x 20m
sub-levels. The total mineralised material from stopes, drives and
sill pillar recovery (50%) will total 9.2Mt at 3.87 g/t Au.
A long term mine schedule was created integrating stopes and
development as shown in Figures 2 and 3. Mineralised zones were
sequenced to prioritise higher grades at lower operating costs.
In order to minimise potential social and environmental issues,
processing of Salave mineralised material has been limited to
crushing, grinding and flotation, with concentrates exported via
local ports. Mine feed will be crushed on surface at a rate of 0.7
Mtpa, and then be processed via conventional SAG and ball milling
followed by sulphide flotation and thickening.
The run-of-mine will feed a primary jaw crusher with a capacity
of 400 t/h with a physical availability of 70% with design factor
of 20%.
From an intermediate stockpile, the coarse material will feed
the mill circuit which consists of a conventional SAG and ball mill
configuration working in close circuit with the cyclones.
The flotation circuit consists of a number of cells of 300-400
m3 capacity (9-10 cells of 40 m3 each) with two conditioning tanks
for pH stabilisation and reagents.
The final stage consists of tailings thickening to minimise the
fresh water consumption and to re-cycle process water. A ‘paste’
thickener will achieve a product of 70-75% of solids.
Based on flotation test work conducted to date, it is assumed
that 97% of the gold head grade will be recovered in the flotation
concentrate that will be thickened, filtered and bagged for
shipping to customers.
Power to the project is available from Tapia, which is linked to
the Asturias main distribution grid, and an existing network of
power lines enter the property that are connected to the Spanish
national transmission grid. Water for both domestic and plant usage
can be sourced from wells, the Porcia River (2.5km east of the
property) or the reticulated water supply that is currently in
place near the plant location.
A Tailings Management Facility ("TMF") will be constructed at
surface for temporary storage of plant tailings. The paste and
backfill of the mine will minimise the amount of tailings storage
at surface, and various options for complete tailings disposal are
being evaluated. The TMF design will involve water recovery in the
processing plant and transportation to geo-membrane lined facility
eliminating any risk for potential surface and ground water
Surface facilities to support the Salave Project will include an
administration and engineering building, security, warehouse, fuel
and explosive storage, fire protection, maintenance shops with a
site design to accommodate for 50 full time staff.
Input (US$M) Pre-Production
Sustaining LOM Development 29.7 15.7 45.3
Equipment & Infrastructure 11.2 3.6 14.8 Tailings 1.3 0.0 1.3
Process Plant 28.3 0.0 28.3 Owner Costs & EPCM 12.5 0.0 12.5
Contingency (15%) 12.4 0.0 12.4
Total Capex 95.3
19.3 114.6
Sensitivity Analysis
Parameter After-Tax NPV (US$M) %
relative to the Base Case -20% Base Case +20%
-20% Base Case +20% Gold price 95.8 230.0 361.0 -58%
0% 57% Processing costs 244.5 230.0 163.4 6% 0% -29% Mining costs
296.1 230.0 192.3 29% 0% -16% Capex 245.3 230.0 214.6 7% 0% -7%
Gold Price Sensitivities Macro Parameters Unit
-20% Base Case +20% Gold
Price US$/oz 1,000 1,250 1,500
Pre-Tax NPV5% US$M 122.2
296.2 469.2 IRR % 16% 28% 40%
Post-Tax NPV5% US$M 95.8 230.0
361.0 IRR % 14% 25% 36% Payback Years 6.3 3.8 2.6
The Board of BDG believes there is a reasonable basis to assume
the necessary funding for the Salave Gold Project will be obtained
for the following reasons:
- The Company has been able to raise
funding for its exploration over the past years in order to
progress its project. In the last two years BDG has raised over
$14.5 million via equity placements. These raises indicate a clear
base of support from new and existing shareholders and third-party
investors. The Company considers it will be able to raise funding
for the next stage of the Project, which will advance the Project
to the completion of a detailed Feasibility Study.
- The positive outcomes delivered by the
PEA give confidence to the Board in the ability of the Company to
fund the development capital through conventional debt and equity
financing. A mix of debt and equity is the most likely funding
model so 100% of the capital expenditure will not need to be
borrowed. The Board has a strong financing track record in funding
start up mining operations, and in their view, it is reasonably
expected that when the project parameters in this PEA are met, that
funding will be able to be arranged. Notwithstanding this, the
normal risks for the raising of capital will apply to the Company,
such as the state of equity capital and debt markets, the results
of the Feasibility Study and the price of gold.
- The Company believes that its funding
opportunities will be improved at the completion of the Feasibility
Study as a result of:
- (i) confidence in the possibility to
increase the Mineral Resource Estimate that would serve to improve
the mine life of the Project;
- (ii) confirmation of earlier
metallurgical test work to support, optimise and potentially
improve concentrate grades; and
- (iii) finalisation of further
engineering studies to improve the accuracy of the assessed capital
and operating costs
- (iv) offtake contracts for concentrates
to improve revenue and treatment charge assumptions
- The funding models being considered
will depend on the outcomes of the Feasibility Study, but as set
out above will likely be conventional debt and equity financing,
but may include convertible notes, gold streaming, prepayment of
royalties and other options for projects of a similar nature.
- The raising of equity by the Company
may be dilutive to existing shareholders, but that will depend on
the price at which the then funding is completed. Where the market
capitalisation of the Company is low as against the amount of
equity that is required to be raised at the time, there is a high
likelihood that shareholders will be substantially diluted. This is
to be balanced against the reasonable expectation of the Company
that as the Project becomes more advanced, the value of the Company
is more likely to increase, resulting in the actual dilution to
existing shareholders being less. The reality is that in this case,
although the percentage holding of each shareholder will be
reduced, the value of that holding will be assessed against a
Company that is anticipated to have a higher market capitalisation
at the time of the raising.
CRS Ingenieria ("CRS"), in Madrid were the principal authors of
the PEA and have made the following recommendations for further
evaluation that may improve the economics of the project:
- The mineralisation style indicates that
both vertical retreat mining (VRM) and room and pillar (RP) are
applicable to Salave. For this study, a combination of VRM and SLS
was selected, configured with 60m-height panels, however, CRS
recommends assessing the benefits of RP for individual panels.
- The production rate of Salave used for
the PEA was 0.70 Mtpa. While this production capacity is optimal
under current assumptions of mining method and cut-off grade, CRS
suggests the evaluation of alternative cut-off strategies that may
lead to review the production rate.
- Evaluate mining methods by panel and
create integrated layouts.
- Develop detailed geotechnical studies
to estimate stope and room dimensions and modifying factors such as
dilution and mineralised material loss.
- Develop a volume balance of waste and
paste over the LoM sequence.
- Further investigate low grade materials
by additional drilling to verify geological continuity.
- Sill pillars may be recovered if
specific technical and economic studies demonstrate that economic
extraction could reasonably be justified under realistic
conditions. CRS recommends the completion of detailed geotechnical
studies to confirm the viability of sill pillar recovery.
- Complete an economic study considering
obtain free gold through panning before shipment the product.
- Develop a detailed market study to
identify potential clients for the Salave gold concentrates.
The information in this announcement that relates to the PEA for
the Salave Gold Project is based on and fairly represents
information and supporting documentation prepared by CRS Ingenieria
and CSA Global. Paulo Laymen (P.Eng., M.AusIMM., B.Eng., M.Eng.) of
CRS Ingenieria supervised the preparation of the PEA, is
independent of the Company and a qualified person as defined by
National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the
technical disclosure reported herein. Dmitry Pertel (P.Geo., MSc
(Geol), MAIF, GAA) and Belinda van Lente (P.Geo.) of CSA Global
were responsible for the Mineral Resource Estimate and are
independent of the Company and qualified persons as defined by
National Instrument 43-101 and have reviewed and approved the
technical disclosure reported herein.
The NI 43-101 Technical Report will be fined on SEDAR within 45
days of this release.
BLACK DRAGON GOLD CORP.1000 Cathedral Place925 West Georgia
StreetVancouver, BC V6C 3L2, Canada,T- +44 20 79934077 F- +44 20
Black Dragon Gold "BDG" is the 100% owner of one of the largest
undeveloped gold projects in Europe, the Salave project. Salave is
situated in the North of Spain in the province of Asturias. The
Salave project has an updated combined Measured and Indicated
Mineral Resource of 8.21 million tonnes grading 4.58 g/t Au,
containing 1.21 million ounces of gold, plus Inferred resources
totalling 3.12 million tonnes grading 3.47 g/t Au, containing
348,000 ounces of gold.
A full technical report summarizing the Mineral Resource
estimate completed by CSA Global is available on the company’s web
site and posted on SEDAR. In addition to the current Mineral
Resource, historical exploration work suggests there is the
potential for additional mineralisation within Black Dragon’s
This news release contains forward-looking statements that are
based on the Corporation's current expectations and estimates.
Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words
such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe",
"anticipate", "estimate", "suggest", "indicate" and other similar
words or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or
"will" occur. Such forward-looking statements involve known and
unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause
actual events or results to differ materially from estimated or
anticipated events or results implied or expressed in such
forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others: the
actual results of current planned exploration activities; changes
in project parameters as plans to continue to be refined; possible
variations in recovered material grade or recovery rates;
accidents, labor disputes and other risks of the mining industry;
delays or any inability in obtaining governmental approvals or
financing; and fluctuations in metal prices. There may be other
factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as
anticipated, estimated or intended. Any forward-looking statement
speaks only as of the date on which it is made and, except as may
be required by applicable securities laws, the Corporation
disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking
statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or
results or otherwise. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees
of future performance and accordingly undue reliance should not be
put on such statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange, nor its Regulation Services
Providers (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX
Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or
accuracy of this news release.
All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the
news release.
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Paul CroninCEO & Managing DirectorP: +44 20
Black Dragon Gold (ASX:BDG)
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