Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): June 12, 2015



Graham Corporation

(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)




Delaware   1-8462   16-1194720

(State or other jurisdiction

of incorporation)



File Number)


(IRS Employer

Identification No.)


20 Florence Avenue, Batavia, New York   14020
(Address of principal executive offices)   (Zip Code)

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (585) 343-2216


(Former name or former address, if changed since last report)



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Item 1.01 Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement

On June 12, 2015, Graham Corporation (the “Company”) and its wholly-owned subsidiary Energy Steel & Supply Co. (“Energy Steel”) entered into a Restated Security Agreement (the “Security Agreement”) with Bank of America, N.A. (the “Bank”). The Security Agreement was executed to include the assets of Energy Steel as collateral under that certain Loan Agreement with the Bank dated December 3, 2010 (the “Loan Agreement”). Also on June 12, 2015, Energy Steel executed a Continuing and Unconditional Guarantee of the Company’s obligations under the Loan Agreement.

A copy of the Security Agreement and the Guarantee are attached to this Current Report on Form 8-K as Exhibits 99.1 and 99.2, respectively, and the above summary of the terms of such instruments are qualified in their entirety by reference to their actual text, which is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 9.01. Financial Statements and Exhibits.

(d) Exhibits.





99.1    Restated Security Agreement dated June 12, 2015 made pursuant to that certain Loan Agreement with Bank of America, N.A. dated December 3, 2010.
99.2    Guarantee of Energy Steel & Supply Co. dated June 12, 2015 made pursuant to that certain Loan Agreement with Bank of America, N.A. dated December 3, 2010.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


Graham Corporation
Date: June 15, 2015 By:

/s/ Jeffrey Glajch

Jeffrey Glajch
Vice President – Finance & Administration and
Chief Financial Officer

Exhibit 99.1




1. THE SECURITY. The undersigned GRAHAM CORPORATION and ENERGY STEEL & SUPPLY CO. (collectively, the “Pledgor”) hereby assigns and grants to BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., its successors and assigns (“BANA”), and to Bank of America Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates (BANA and all such secured parties, collectively, the “Bank”) a security interest in the following described property now owned or hereafter acquired by the Pledgor (the “Collateral”):

(a) All accounts, and all chattel paper, instruments, deposit accounts, letter of credit rights, and general intangibles related thereto; and all returned or repossessed goods which, on sale or lease, resulted in an account.

(b) All inventory.

(c) All equipment and fixtures now owned or hereafter acquired by the Pledgor.

(d) All of the Pledgor’s deposit accounts with the Bank. The Collateral shall include any renewals or rollovers of the deposit accounts, any successor accounts, and any general intangibles and choses in action arising therefrom or related thereto.

(e) All instruments, chattel paper, documents, certificates of deposit, securities and investment property of every type.

(f) All general intangibles. The Collateral shall include all good will connected with or symbolized by any of such general intangibles.

(g) All negotiable and nonnegotiable documents of title covering any Collateral.

(h) All accessions, attachments and other additions to the Collateral, and all tools, parts and equipment used in connection with the Collateral.

(i) All substitutes or replacements for any Collateral, all cash or non-cash proceeds (including insurance proceeds), products, rents and profits of the Collateral, and all income, benefits and property receivable on account of the Collateral, and all supporting obligations covering any Collateral.

(j) All books, data and records pertaining to any Collateral, whether in the form of a writing, photograph, microfilm or electronic media, including but not limited to any computer-readable memory and any computer software necessary to process such memory (“Books and Records”).

2. THE INDEBTEDNESS. The obligations secured by this Agreement are the payment and performance of (a) all present and future Indebtedness of the Pledgor to the Bank; (b) all obligations of the Pledgor and rights of the Bank under this Agreement; and (c) all present and future obligations of the Pledgor to the Bank of other kinds. Each party obligated under any Indebtedness is referred to in this Agreement as a “Debtor.” “Indebtedness” is used in its most comprehensive sense and includes any and all advances, debts, obligations and liabilities of the Debtor, now or hereafter existing, absolute or contingent (including without limitation Indebtedness under any guaranty), liquidated or unliquidated, determined or undetermined, voluntary or involuntary, including under any swap, derivative, foreign exchange, hedge, or other arrangement (“Swap”), deposit, treasury management or other similar transaction or arrangement, and whether the Debtor may be liable individually or jointly with others, or

whether recovery upon such Indebtedness may be or hereafter becomes unenforceable. “Indebtedness” secured by the Collateral of such Pledgor shall not include obligations arising under any Swap to which it is not party if, and to the extent that, all or a portion of the guaranty by such Pledgor to the Bank of, or the grant by such Pledgor of a security interest to the Bank to secure, such Swap, would violate the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C., Sec. 1. et. seq.) by virtue of such Pledgor’s failure to constitute an “eligible contract participant” as defined in the Commodity Exchange Act at the time such guaranty or grant of such security interest becomes effective with respect to such Swap.

Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Bank and the Pledgor, if the Indebtedness includes, now or hereafter, any Special Flood Zone Loan, then the following shall apply: The Special Flood Zone Loan shall not be secured under this Agreement by any Collateral which would constitute “contents” located within the Flood Zone Improvements. For the purposes of this subparagraph, (a) “Flood Zone Improvements” means any “improved” real property that is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area; (b) a “Special Flood Zone Loan” means a loan or line of credit which is secured by Flood Zone Improvements; and (c) the terms “improved” real property, “Special Flood Hazard Area,” and “contents” shall have the meaning ascribed to them by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. § 4001 et seq., and implementing regulations, 44 C.F.R. Parts 59 et seq., and/or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”).]

3. PLEDGOR’S COVENANTS. The Pledgor represents, covenants and warrants that unless compliance is waived by the Bank in writing:

(a) The Pledgor agrees: (i) to indemnify the Bank against all losses, claims, demands, liabilities and expenses of every kind caused by any Collateral; (ii) to permit the Bank to exercise its rights under this Agreement; (iii) to execute and deliver such documents as the Bank deems necessary to create, perfect and continue the security interests contemplated by this Agreement; (iv) not to change its name, and as applicable, its chief executive office, the jurisdiction in which it is organized and/or registered or its business structure without giving the Bank at least 30 days prior written notice; (v) not to change the places where the Pledgor keeps any Collateral or the Pledgor’s Books and Records concerning the Collateral without giving the Bank prior written notice of the address to which the Pledgor is moving same; and (vi) to cooperate with the Bank in perfecting all security interests granted by this Agreement and in obtaining such agreements from third parties as the Bank deems necessary, proper or convenient in connection with the preservation, perfection or enforcement of any of its rights under this Agreement.

(b) The Pledgor agrees with regard to the Collateral, unless the Bank agrees otherwise in writing: (i) that the Bank is authorized to file financing statements in the name of the Pledgor to perfect the Bank’s security interest in the Collateral; (ii) that the Bank is authorized to notify any account debtors, any buyers of the Collateral, or any other persons of the Bank’s interest in the Collateral, (iii) where applicable, to operate the Collateral in accordance with all applicable statutes, rules and regulations relating to the use and control of the Collateral, and not to use any Collateral for any unlawful purpose or in any way that would void any insurance required to be carried; (iv) not to remove the Collateral from the Pledgor’s premises except in the ordinary course of the Pledgor’s business; (v) to pay when due all license fees, registration fees and other charges in connection with any Collateral; (vi) not to permit any lien on the Collateral, including without limitation, liens arising from repairs to or storage of the Collateral, except in favor of the Bank; (vii) not to sell, hypothecate or dispose of, nor permit the transfer by operation of law of, any Collateral or any interest in the Collateral, except sales of inventory to buyers in the ordinary course of the Pledgor’s business; (viii) to permit the Bank to inspect the Collateral at any time; which prior to an event of default must be a reasonable time and on reasonable notice to Pledgor, (ix) to keep, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, complete and accurate Books and Records regarding all the Collateral, and to permit the Bank to inspect the same and make copies at any reasonable time; (x) if requested by the Bank, to receive and use reasonable diligence to collect the Collateral consisting of accounts and other rights to payment



and proceeds, in trust and as the property of the Bank, and to immediately endorse as appropriate and deliver such Collateral to the Bank daily in the exact form in which they are received together with a collection report in form satisfactory to the Bank; (xi) not to commingle the Collateral, or collections with respect to the Collateral, with other property; (xii) to give only customary allowances and credits and to advise the Bank thereof immediately in writing if they affect any rights to payment or proceeds in any material respect; (xiii) from time to time, when requested by the Bank, to prepare and deliver a schedule of all the Collateral subject to this Agreement and to assign in writing and deliver to the Bank all accounts, contracts, leases and other chattel paper, instruments, and documents; (xiv) in the event the Bank elects to receive payments or rights to payment or proceeds hereunder, to pay all expenses incurred by the Bank, including expenses of accounting, correspondence, collection efforts, reporting to account or contract debtors, filing, recording, record keeping and other expenses; and (xv) to provide any service and do any other acts which may be necessary to maintain, preserve and protect all the Collateral and, as appropriate and applicable, to keep all the Collateral in good and saleable condition (reasonable wear and tear excepted), to deal with the Collateral in accordance with the standards and practices adhered to generally by users and manufacturers of like property, and to keep all the Collateral free and clear of all defenses, rights of offset and counterclaims.

(c) If any Collateral is or becomes the subject of any registration certificate, certificate of deposit or negotiable document of title, including any warehouse receipt or bill of lading, the Pledgor shall immediately deliver such document to the Bank, together with any necessary endorsements.

(d) The Pledgor will maintain and keep in force all risk insurance covering the Collateral against fire, theft, liability and extended coverages (including without limitation flood, windstorm coverage and hurricane coverage as applicable), to the extent that any Collateral is of a type which can be so insured. Such insurance shall be in form, amounts, coverages and basis reasonably acceptable to the Bank, shall require losses to be paid on a replacement cost basis, shall be issued by insurance companies acceptable to the Bank and include a lender loss payable endorsement and additional insured endorsement in favor of the Bank in a form acceptable to the Bank. Upon the request of the Bank, the Pledgor will deliver to the Bank a copy of each insurance policy, or, if permitted by the Bank, a certificate of insurance listing all insurance in force.

(e) The Pledgor will not attach any Collateral to any real property or fixture in a manner which might cause such Collateral to become a part thereof unless the Pledgor first obtains the written consent of any owner, holder of any lien on the real property or fixture, or other person having an interest in such property to the removal by the Bank of the Collateral from such real property or fixture. Such written consent shall be in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the Bank and shall provide that the Bank has no liability to such owner, holder of any lien, or any other person.

(f) To the extent required by the Bank in its discretion, the Pledgor will promptly notify the Bank of any acquisition (by adoption and use, purchase, license or otherwise) of any patent, trademark or service mark registration, copyright registration, mask work registration, and applications therefor, and unregistered trademarks and service marks and copyrights, throughout the world, which are granted or filed or acquired after the date hereof and not listed in the Trademark Security Agreement (“Trademark Security Agreement”) or the Patent Security Agreement (“Patent Security Agreement”), each made by Graham Corporation in favor of the Bank dated as of December 5, 2007, as amended. The Pledgor authorizes the Bank, without notice to the Pledgor, to modify the Schedules to the Trademark Security Agreement or Patent Security Agreement, as applicable, to include any such Collateral, and to file such amendments with the Patent and Trademark Office. Unless the failure to do so would not have a material adverse effect on the Borrower’s business or financial condition taken as a whole: (i) the Pledgor will, at its expense, diligently prosecute all patent, trademark or service mark or copyright



applications pending on or after the date hereof, will maintain in effect all issued patents and will renew all trademark and service mark registrations, including payment of any and all maintenance and renewal fees relating thereto, except for such patents, service marks and trademarks that are being sold, donated or abandoned by the Pledgor pursuant to the terms of its intellectual property management program, (ii) the Pledgor will promptly make application on any patentable but unpatented inventions, registerable but unregistered trademarks and service marks, and copyrightable but uncopyrighted works, (iii) the Pledgor will at its expense protect and defend all rights in such Collateral against any material claims and demands of all persons other than the Bank and will, at its expense, enforce all rights in such Collateral against any and all infringers of the Collateral where such infringement would materially impair the value or use of such Collateral to the Pledgor or the Bank, and (iv) the Pledgor will not license or transfer any of such Collateral, except for such licenses as are customary in the ordinary course of the Pledgor’s business, or except with the Bank’s prior written consent.

4. BANK RIGHTS. The Pledgor appoints the Bank its attorney in fact to perform any of the following rights, which are coupled with an interest, are irrevocable until termination of this Agreement and may be exercised from time to time by the Bank’s officers and employees, or any of them, whether or not the Pledgor is in default (except as provided below): (a) to perform any obligation of the Pledgor hereunder in the Pledgor’s name or otherwise; (b) after a default hereunder, to release persons liable on the Collateral and to give receipts and acquittances and compromise disputes; (c) to release or substitute security; (d) to prepare, execute, file, record or deliver notes, assignments, schedules, designation statements, financing statements, continuation statements, termination statements, statements of assignment, applications for registration or like documents to perfect, preserve or release the Bank’s interest in the Collateral; (e) after a default hereunder, to take cash, instruments for the payment of money and other property to which the Bank is entitled; (f) to verify facts concerning the Collateral by inquiry of obligors thereon, or otherwise, in its own name or a fictitious name; (g) after a default hereunder, to endorse, collect, deliver and receive payment under instruments for the payment of money constituting or relating to the Collateral; (h) to prepare, adjust, execute, deliver and receive payment under insurance claims, and to collect and receive payment of and endorse any instrument in payment of loss or returned premiums or any other insurance refund or return, and to apply such amounts received by the Bank, at the Bank’s sole option, toward repayment of the Indebtedness or, where appropriate, replacement of the Collateral; (i) to enter onto the Pledgor’s premises in inspecting the Collateral; (j) after a default hereunder or at any time in the case of lockbox accounts or pledged controlled accounts, to make withdrawals from and to close deposit accounts or other accounts with any financial institution, wherever located, into which proceeds may have been deposited, and to apply funds so withdrawn to payment of the Indebtedness; (j) to preserve or release the interest evidenced by chattel paper to which the Bank is entitled and to endorse and deliver any evidence of title; and (k) to do all acts and things and execute all documents in the name of the Pledgor or otherwise, deemed by the Bank as necessary, proper and convenient in connection with the preservation, perfection or enforcement of its rights.

5. DEFAULTS. Any one or more of the following shall be a default hereunder:

(a) The occurrence of any defined or described event of default under, or any default in the performance of or compliance with any obligation, agreement, representation, warranty, or other provision contained in (i) this Agreement, or (ii) any other contract or instrument evidencing the Indebtedness.

(b) Any involuntary lien of any kind or character attaches to any Collateral, except for liens for taxes not yet due.

(c) The Bank fails to have an enforceable first lien (except for any prior liens to which the Bank has consented in writing) on or security interest in the Collateral if (i) the security interest and lien can be perfected and achieve priority by the filing of financing statements under the Uniform Commercial Code, or (ii) the security interest and lien covers specific Collateral not covered by clause (i) with respect to which the Bank has specifically requested perfection and priority of its security interest and lien.



6. BANK’S REMEDIES AFTER DEFAULT. In the event of any default, the Bank may do any one or more of the following, to the extent permitted by law:

(a) Declare any Indebtedness immediately due and payable, without notice or demand.

(b) Enforce the security interest given hereunder pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code and any other applicable law.

(c) Enforce the security interest of the Bank in any deposit account of the Pledgor maintained with the Bank by applying such account to the Indebtedness.

(d) Require the Pledgor to obtain the Bank’s prior written consent to any sale, lease, agreement to sell or lease, or other disposition of any Collateral consisting of inventory.

(e) Require the Pledgor to segregate all collections and proceeds of the Collateral so that they are capable of identification and deliver daily such collections and proceeds to the Bank in kind.

(f) Require the Pledgor to direct all account debtors to forward all payments and proceeds of the Collateral to a post office box under the Bank’s exclusive control.

(g) Give notice to others of the Bank’s rights in the Collateral, to enforce or forebear from enforcing the same and make extension and modification agreements.

(h) Require the Pledgor to assemble the Collateral, including the Books and Records, and make them available to the Bank at a place designated by the Bank.

(i) Enter upon the property where any Collateral, including any Books and Records, are located and take possession of such Collateral and such Books and Records, and use such property (including any buildings and facilities) and any of the Pledgor’s equipment, if the Bank deems such use necessary or advisable in order to take possession of, hold, preserve, process, assemble, prepare for sale or lease, market for sale or lease, sell or lease, or otherwise dispose of, any Collateral.

(j) Demand and collect any payments on and proceeds of the Collateral. In connection therewith the Pledgor irrevocably authorizes the Bank to endorse or sign the Pledgor’s name on all checks, drafts, collections, receipts and other documents, and to take possession of and open the mail addressed to the Pledgor and remove therefrom any payments and proceeds of the Collateral.

(k) Grant extensions and compromise or settle claims with respect to the Collateral for less than face value, all without prior notice to the Pledgor.

(l) Use or transfer any of the Pledgor’s rights and interests in any Intellectual Property now owned or hereafter acquired by the Pledgor, if the Bank deems such use or transfer necessary or advisable in order to take possession of, hold, preserve, process, assemble, prepare for sale or lease, market for sale or lease, sell or lease, or otherwise dispose of, any Collateral. The Pledgor agrees that any such use or transfer shall be without any additional consideration to the Pledgor. As used in this paragraph, “Intellectual Property” includes, but is not limited to, all trade secrets, computer software, service marks, trademarks, trade names, trade styles, copyrights, patents, applications for any of the foregoing, customer lists, working



drawings, instructional manuals, and rights in processes for technical manufacturing, packaging and labeling, in which the Pledgor has any right or interest, whether by ownership, license, contract or otherwise.

(m) Have a receiver appointed by any court of competent jurisdiction to take possession of the Collateral. The Pledgor hereby consents to the appointment of such a receiver and agrees not to oppose any such appointment.

(n) Take such measures as the Bank may deem necessary or advisable to take possession of, hold, preserve, process, assemble, insure, prepare for sale or lease, market for sale or lease, sell or lease, or otherwise dispose of, any Collateral, and the Pledgor hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints the Bank as the Pledgor’s attorney-in-fact to perform all acts and execute all documents in connection therewith.

(o) Without notice or demand to the Pledgor, to the furthest extent permitted by law, set off and apply against any and all of the Indebtedness any and all deposits (general or special, time or demand, provisional or final) and any other indebtedness, at any time held or owing by the Bank or any of the Bank’s agents or affiliates to or for the credit of the account of the Pledgor or any guarantor or endorser of the Pledgor’s Indebtedness.

(p) Exercise all rights, powers and remedies which the Pledgor would have, but for this Agreement, with respect to all Collateral.

(q) Receive, open and read mail addressed to the Pledgor.

(r) Resort to the Collateral under this Agreement, and any other collateral related to the Indebtedness, in any order.

(s) Exercise any other remedies available to the Bank at law or in equity.

7. PLEDGOR NOT A DEBTOR. If any Pledgor is a guarantor or not a Debtor under some or all of the Indebtedness:

(a) The Pledgor authorizes the Bank, from time to time, without affecting the Pledgor’s obligations under this Agreement, to enter into an agreement with the Debtor to change the interest rate on or renew the Indebtedness; accelerate, extend, compromise, or otherwise change the repayment terms or any other terms of the Indebtedness; receive and hold, exchange, enforce, waive, fail to perfect, substitute, or release the Collateral, including collateral not originally covered by this Agreement; sell or apply any Collateral in any order; or release or substitute any borrower, guarantor or endorser of the Indebtedness, or other person.

(b) The Pledgor waives any defense by reason of any Debtor’s or any other person’s defense, disability, or release from liability. The Bank can exercise its rights against the Collateral even if any Debtor or any other person no longer is liable on the Indebtedness because of a statute of limitations or for other reasons.

(c) The Pledgor agrees that it is solely responsible for keeping itself informed as to the financial condition of the Debtors and of all circumstances which bear upon the risk of nonpayment. The Pledgor waives any right it may have to require the Bank to disclose to the Pledgor any information which the Bank may now or hereafter acquire concerning the financial condition of the Debtors.

(d) The Pledgor waives all rights to notices of default or nonperformance by the Debtors. The Pledgor further waives all rights to notices of the existence or the creation of new indebtedness by any Debtor and all rights to any other notices to any party liable on any of the Indebtedness.



(e) The Pledgor represents and warrants to the Bank that it will derive benefit, directly and indirectly, from the collective administration and availability of credit under the Indebtedness. The Pledgor agrees that the Bank will not be required to inquire as to the disposition by any Debtor of funds disbursed by the Bank.

(f) Until all obligations to the Bank under the Indebtedness have been paid in full and any commitments of the Bank or facilities provided by the Bank with respect to the Indebtedness have been terminated, the Pledgor waives any right of subrogation, reimbursement, indemnification and contribution (contractual, statutory or otherwise), including without limitation, any claim or right of subrogation under Bankruptcy Code (Title 11, United States Code) or any successor statute, which the Pledgor may now or hereafter have against any Debtor with respect to the Indebtedness. The Pledgor waives any right to enforce any remedy which the Bank now has or may hereafter have against any Debtor, and waives any benefit of, and any right to participate in, any security now or hereafter held by the Bank.

(g) The Pledgor waives any right to require the Bank to proceed against any Debtor or any other person; proceed against or exhaust any security; or pursue any other remedy. Further, the Pledgor consents to the taking of, or failure to take, any action which might in any manner or to any extent vary the risks of the Pledgor under this Agreement or which, but for this provision, might operate as a discharge of the Pledgor.

(h) In the event any amount paid to the Bank on any Indebtedness or any interest in property transferred to the Bank as payment on any Indebtedness is subsequently recovered from the Bank in or as a result of any bankruptcy, insolvency or fraudulent conveyance proceeding, the Pledgor shall be liable to the Bank for the amounts so recovered up to the fair market value of the Collateral whether or not the Collateral has been released or the security interest terminated. In the event the Collateral has been released or the security interest terminated, the fair market value of the Collateral shall be determined, at the Bank’s option, as of the date the Collateral was released, the security interest terminated, or said amounts were recovered.


(a) Any waiver, express or implied, of any provision hereunder and any delay or failure by the Bank to enforce any provision shall not preclude the Bank from enforcing any such provision thereafter.

(b) The Pledgor shall, at the request of the Bank, execute such other agreements, documents, instruments, or financing statements in connection with this Agreement as the Bank may reasonably deem necessary.

(c) All notes, security agreements, subordination agreements and other documents executed by the Pledgor or furnished to the Bank in connection with this Agreement must be in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Bank.

(d) Governing Law. Except to the extent that any law of the United States may apply, this Agreement shall be governed and interpreted according to the laws of the State of New York (the “Governing Law State”), without regard to any choice of law, rules or principles to the contrary. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit or otherwise affect any rights or remedies of the Bank under federal law.



(e) All rights and remedies herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies otherwise provided by law. Any single or partial exercise of any right or remedy shall not preclude the further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy.

(f) All terms not defined herein are used as set forth in the Uniform Commercial Code.

(g) The Pledgor shall pay to the Bank immediately upon demand the full amount of all payments, advances, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, expended or incurred by the Bank in connection with (a) the perfection and preservation of the Collateral or the Bank’s interest therein, and (b) the realization, enforcement and exercise of any right, power, privilege or remedy conferred by this Agreement, relating to the Pledgor, or in any way affecting any of the Collateral or the Bank’s ability to exercise any of its rights or remedies with respect to the Collateral.

(h) In the event the Bank seeks to take possession of any or all of the Collateral by judicial process, the Pledgor irrevocably waives any bonds and any surety or security relating thereto that may be required by applicable law as an incident to such possession, and waives any demand for possession prior to the commencement of any such suit or action.

(i) This Agreement shall constitute a continuing agreement, applying to all future as well as existing transactions.

(j) This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties, and may be amended or modified only in writing signed by the Bank and the Pledgor.

(k) The secured parties covered by this Agreement include BANA as well as Bank of America Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Such secured parties are collectively referred to as the “Bank.” If, from time to time, any of the Indebtedness covered by this Agreement includes obligations to entities other than BANA, then BANA shall act as collateral agent for itself and all such other secured parties. BANA shall have the right to apply proceeds of the Collateral against debts, obligations or liabilities constituting all or part of the Indebtedness in such order as BANA may determine in its sole discretion, unless otherwise agreed by BANA and one or more of the other secured parties.

(l) The Pledgor agrees that the Collateral may be sold as provided for in this Security Agreement and expressly waives any rights of notice of sale, advertisement procedures, or related provisions granted under applicable law, including the New York Lien Law.

(m) This Agreement amends and restates and constitutes a replacement of that certain Security Agreement entered into as of December 5, 2007, between Graham Corporation and the Bank, is a continuation and not a novation of such prior agreement, and also includes the addition of Energy Steel & Supply Co. as a party. This Agreement and any other documents executed or delivered in connection herewith constitute the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and shall supersede any prior expressions of intent or understandings with respect to the subject matter of this agreement; provided, however, the Patent Security Agreement and Trademark Security Agreement, as amended, remain in full force and effect.




[Signature Pages Follow]



The parties executed this Agreement as of June 12, 2015, intending to create an instrument executed under seal.




/s/ Colleen M. O’Brien

Colleen M. O’Brien
Senior Vice President
Address for Notices:
One East Avenue
Rochester, New York 14638




/s/ Jeffrey Glajch


Chief Financial Officer

Pledgor’s Location:

20 Florence Avenue

Batavia, New York 14020

Pledgor’s state of incorporation:



/s/ Jeffrey Glajch


Chief Financial Officer

Pledgor’s Location:

20 Florence Avenue

Batavia, New York 14020

Pledgor’s state of incorporation:


Exhibit 99.2




BORROWER: Graham Corporation


GUARANTOR: Energy Steel & Supply Co


1. The Guaranty. For valuable consideration, the undersigned (“Guarantor”) hereby unconditionally guarantees and promises to pay promptly to Bank of America, N.A., its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “Bank”), or order, in lawful money of the United States, any and all Indebtedness of Graham Corporation (“Borrower”) to Bank when due, whether at stated maturity, upon acceleration or otherwise, and at all times thereafter. The liability of Guarantor under this Guaranty is not limited as to the principal amount of the Indebtedness guaranteed and includes, without limitation, liability for all interest, fees, indemnities, and other costs and expenses relating to or arising out of the Indebtedness and for all swap, derivative, foreign exchange or hedge or other similar transaction or arrangement (“Swap Obligations”) now or hereafter owing from Borrower to Bank. No Guarantor will be deemed to be a guarantor of any Swap Obligation to the extent that such Guarantor is not an Eligible Contract Participant at the time such guaranty becomes effective with respect to such Swap Obligations as set forth in the Commodities Exchange Act (7 U.S.C., Sec. 1, et. seq.). The liability of Guarantor is continuing and relates to any Indebtedness, including that arising under successive transactions which shall either continue the Indebtedness or from time to time renew it after it has been satisfied. This Guaranty is cumulative and does not supersede any other outstanding guaranties, and the liability of Guarantor under this Guaranty is exclusive of Guarantor’s liability under any other guaranties signed by Guarantor. If multiple entities sign or later join this Guaranty, their obligations under this Guaranty shall be joint and several “Indebtedness” shall mean and includes any and all advances, debts, obligations and liabilities of Borrower, or any of them, previously, now or later made, incurred or created, whether voluntary or involuntary and however arising, whether due or not due, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, determined or undetermined, including Swap Obligations and obligations under any deposit, treasury management or other similar transaction or arrangement, and whether any of the Borrowers may be liable individually or jointly with others, or whether recovery upon such Indebtedness may be or later becomes unenforceable.

2. Obligations Independent. The obligations under this Guaranty are independent of the obligations of Borrower or any other guarantor, and a separate action or actions may be brought and prosecuted against Guarantor whether action is brought against Borrower or any other guarantor or whether Borrower or any other guarantor be joined in any such action or actions.

3. Rights of Bank. To the furthest extent permitted by law, Guarantor authorizes Bank, without notice or demand and without affecting its liability hereunder, from time to time to:

(a) renew, compromise, extend, accelerate, or otherwise change the time for payment, or otherwise change the terms, of the Indebtedness or any part thereof, including increase or decrease of the rate of interest, or otherwise change the terms of any Bank Agreements;

(b) receive and hold security for the payment of this Guaranty or any Indebtedness and exchange, enforce, waive, release, fail to perfect, sell, or otherwise dispose of any such security;

(c) apply such security and direct the order or manner of sale thereof as Bank in its discretion may determine;

(d) release or substitute any Guarantor or any one or more of any endorsers or other guarantors of any of the Indebtedness; and

(e) permit the Indebtedness to exceed Guarantor’s liability under this Guaranty, and Guarantor agrees that any amounts received by Bank from any source other than Guarantor shall be deemed to be applied first to any portion of the Indebtedness not guaranteed by Guarantor.

4. Guaranty to be Absolute. Guarantor agrees that until the Indebtedness has been paid in full in immediately available funds and any commitments of Bank or facilities provided by Bank with respect to the Indebtedness have been terminated, Guarantor shall not be released by or because of the taking, or failure to take, any action that might in any manner vary, discharge or otherwise reduce, limit, or modify Guarantor’s obligations under this Guaranty. Guarantor waives and surrenders any defense to any liability under this Guaranty based upon any such action, including but not limited to any action of Bank described in the immediately preceding paragraph of this Guaranty. It is the express intent of Guarantor that Guarantor’s obligations under this Guaranty are and shall be absolute and unconditional. If this Guaranty is revoked, returned, or canceled, and subsequently any payment or transfer of any interest in property by Borrower to Bank is rescinded or must be returned by Bank to Borrower, this Guaranty shall be reinstated with respect to any such payment or transfer, regardless of any such prior revocation, return, or cancellation; and any guaranty of any indemnities, shall survive any termination of this Guaranty. In the event that acceleration of the time for payment of any of the Indebtedness is stayed upon the insolvency, bankruptcy, or reorganization of Borrower or otherwise, all such Indebtedness guaranteed by Guarantor shall nonetheless be payable by Guarantor immediately if requested by Bank.

5. Guarantor’s Waivers of Certain Rights and Certain Defenses. Guarantor waives:

(a) any right to require Bank to:

(i) proceed against Borrower or any other person;

(ii) marshal assets or proceed against or exhaust any security held from any of the Borrowers or any other person;

(iii) give notice of the terms, time and place of any public or private sale or other disposition of personal property security held from Borrower or any other person;

(iv) take any other action or pursue any other remedy in Bank’s power; or

(v) make any presentment or demand for performance, or give any notice of nonperformance, acceleration, protest, notice of protest or notice of dishonor hereunder or in connection with any obligations or evidences of indebtedness held by Bank as security for or which constitute in whole or in part the Indebtedness guaranteed hereunder, or in connection with the creation of new or additional Indebtedness, or give any notice of acceptance of this Guaranty, or notices of any fact that might increase Guarantor’s risk.

(b) any defense to its obligations under this Guaranty based upon or arising by reason of:

(i) any disability or other defense of Borrower or any other person;

(ii) the cessation or limitation from any cause whatsoever, other than payment in full, of the Indebtedness of Borrower or any other person;


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(iii) any lack of authority of any officer, director, partner, agent or any other person acting or purporting to act on behalf Borrower which is a corporation, partnership or other type of entity, or any defect in the formation of Borrower;

(iv) the application by Borrower of the proceeds of any Indebtedness for purposes other than the purposes represented by Borrower to, or intended or understood by, Bank or Guarantor;

(v) any act or omission by Bank which directly or indirectly results in or aids the discharge of Borrower or any portion of the Indebtedness by operation of law or otherwise, or which in any way impairs or suspends any rights or remedies of Bank against Borrower;

(vi) any impairment of the value of any interest in any security for the Indebtedness, including without limitation, the failure to obtain or maintain perfection or recordation of any interest in any such security, the release of any such security without substitution, and/or the failure to preserve the value of, or to comply with applicable law in disposing of, any such security;

(vii) any modification of the Indebtedness, in any form whatsoever, including any modification made after revocation hereof to any Indebtedness incurred prior to such revocation, and including without limitation the renewal, extension, acceleration or other change in time for payment of, or other change in the terms of, the Indebtedness, including increase or decrease of the rate of interest;

(viii) any requirement that Bank give any notice of acceptance of this Guaranty;

(ix) any defense based on any claim that Guarantor’s obligations exceed or are more burdensome than those of Borrower;

(x) the benefit of any statute of limitations affecting Guarantor’s liability under this Guaranty; or

(xi) any election of remedies by Bank, even though that election of remedies, such as a non-judicial foreclosure with respect to any security for any portion of the Indebtedness, destroys Guarantor’s rights of subrogation or Guarantor’s rights to proceed against Borrower for reimbursement; and

(c) until the Indebtedness has been paid in full and any commitments of Bank or facilities provided by Bank with respect to the Indebtedness have been terminated, even though the Indebtedness may be in excess of Guarantor’s liability hereunder, to the extent permitted by applicable law, any right of subrogation, reimbursement, indemnification, and contribution (contractual, statutory, or otherwise).

No provision or waiver in this Guaranty shall be construed as limiting the generality of any other waiver contained in this Guaranty.

6. Lien and Setoff. Guarantor grants to Bank a continuing lien, security interest, and right of setoff as security for all of Guarantor’s liabilities and obligations to Bank, whether now existing or later arising, upon and against all the deposits, credits, collateral and property of Guarantor (other than clients’ trust and other fiduciary accounts or escrows) now or hereafter in the possession, custody, or control of Bank or, to the furthest extent permitted by law, any entity under the control of Bank of America


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Corporation and its successors and assigns or in transit to any of them. At any time, without further demand or notice (any such notice being expressly waived by Guarantor), Bank may set off the same or any part thereof and apply the same to any liability or obligation of Guarantor in default or then due, and regardless of the adequacy of any other collateral securing this Guaranty. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, ANY AND ALL RIGHTS TO REQUIRE BANK TO EXERCISE ITS REMEDIES WITH RESPECT TO ANY OTHER COLLATERAL WHICH SECURES THE LIABILITIES PRIOR TO EXERCISING ITS RIGHT OF SET OFF WITH RESPECT TO SUCH DEPOSITS, CREDITS OR OTHER PROPERTY OF GUARANTOR, ARE VOLUNTARILY, INTENTIONALLY, AND IRREVOCABLY WAIVED.

7. Subordination. Any obligations of Borrower to Guarantor, now or hereafter existing, including but not limited to any obligations to Guarantor as subrogee of Bank or resulting from Guarantor’s performance under this Guaranty, are hereby subordinated to the Indebtedness. Guarantor agrees that, if Bank so requests, Guarantor shall not demand, take, or receive from Borrower, by setoff or in any other manner, payment of any other obligations of Borrower to Guarantor until the Indebtedness has been paid in full and any commitments of Bank or facilities provided by Bank with respect to the Indebtedness have been terminated. If any payments are received by Guarantor in violation of such waiver or agreement, such payments shall be received by Guarantor as trustee for Bank and shall be paid over to Bank on account of the Indebtedness, but without reducing or affecting in any manner the liability of Guarantor under the other provisions of this Guaranty. Any security interest, lien, or other encumbrance that Guarantor may now or hereafter have on any property of Borrower is hereby subordinated to any security interest, lien, or other encumbrance that Bank may have on any such property.

8. Revocation of Guaranty.

(a) This Guaranty may be revoked at any time by Guarantor in respect to future transactions. Such revocation shall be effective upon actual receipt by Bank, at the address shown below or at such other address as may have been provided to Guarantor by Bank, of written notice of revocation. Revocation shall not affect any of Guarantor’s obligations or Bank’s rights with respect to transactions committed or entered into prior to Bank’s receipt of such notice, nor shall it affect Guarantor’s obligations with respect to any indemnities, executed prior to Bank’s receipt of such notice.

(b) Guarantor acknowledges and agrees that this Guaranty may be revoked only in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this paragraph and shall not be revoked simply as a result of any change in name, location, ownership or composition or structure of Borrower, or the dissolution of Borrower.

9. Extent of Guaranty. Guarantor’s liability hereunder shall not exceed at any one time the largest amount during the period commencing with Guarantor’s execution of this Guaranty and thereafter that would not render Guarantor’s obligations hereunder subject to avoidance under Section 548 of the Bankruptcy Code (Title 11, United States Code) or any comparable provisions of any applicable state law.

10. Taxes.

(a) Guarantor represents and warrants that it is organized and resident in the United States of America. All payments by Guarantor hereunder shall be paid in full, without setoff or counterclaim or any deduction or withholding whatsoever, including, without limitation, for any and all present and future taxes. If Guarantor must make a payment under this Guaranty, Guarantor represents and warrants that it will make the payment from one of its U.S. resident offices to Bank so that no withholding tax is imposed on the payment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Guarantor makes a payment under this Guaranty to which withholding tax applies or if any taxes (other than taxes on net income (i) imposed by the country or any subdivision of the


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country in which Bank’s principal office or actual lending office is located and (ii) measured by the United States taxable income Bank would have received if all payments under or in respect of this Guaranty were exempt from taxes levied by Guarantor’s country) are at any time imposed on any payments under or in respect of this Guaranty including, but not limited to, payments made pursuant to this paragraph, Guarantor shall pay all such taxes to the relevant authority in accordance with applicable law such that Bank receives the sum it would have received had no such deduction or withholding been made (or, if Guarantor cannot legally comply with the foregoing, Guarantor shall pay to Bank such additional amounts as will result in Bank receiving the sum it would have received had no such deduction or withholding been made). Further, Guarantor shall also pay to Bank, on demand, all additional amounts that Bank specifies as necessary to preserve the after-tax yield Bank would have received if such taxes had not been imposed.

(b) Guarantor shall promptly provide Bank with an original receipt or certified copy issued by the relevant authority evidencing the payment of any such amount required to be deducted or withheld.

11. Information Relating to Borrower. Guarantor acknowledges and agrees that it has made such independent examination, review, and investigation of the Bank Agreements as Guarantor deems necessary and appropriate, and shall have sole responsibility to obtain from Borrower any information required by Guarantor about any modifications to the Bank Agreements. Guarantor further acknowledges that Bank has no duty, and Guarantor is not relying on Bank, at any time to disclose to Guarantor any information relating to the business operations or financial condition of Borrower. “Bank Agreements” shall mean all agreements, documents, and instruments evidencing any of the Indebtedness, including but not limited to all loan agreements between Borrower and Bank and promissory notes from Borrower in favor of Bank, and all deeds of trust, mortgages, security agreements, and other agreements, documents, and instruments executed by Borrower in connection with the Indebtedness, all as now in effect and as hereafter amended, restated, renewed, or superseded.

12. Borrower’s Authorization. It is not necessary for Bank to inquire into the powers of Borrower or of the officers, directors, partners, members, managers, or agents acting or purporting to act on its behalf, and any Indebtedness made or created in reliance upon the professed exercise of such powers shall be guaranteed under this Guaranty, subject to any limitations on Guarantor’s liability set forth in this Guaranty.

13. Guarantor Information; Reporting to Credit Bureaus. Guarantor authorizes Bank to verify or check any information given by Guarantor to Bank, check Guarantor’s credit references, verify employment, and obtain credit reports. Guarantor shall provide such financial statements and other financial information about Guarantor as Bank may reasonably request from time to time. Guarantor agrees that Bank shall have the right at all times to disclose and report to credit reporting agencies and credit rating agencies such information pertaining to the Indebtedness and/or Guarantor as is consistent with Bank’s policies and practices from time to time in effect.

14. Change of Status. Guarantor shall not enter into any consolidation, merger, or other combination unless Guarantor is the surviving business entity. Further, Guarantor shall not change its legal structure unless (a) Guarantor obtains the prior written consent of Bank which may be reasonably conditioned but shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, and (b) all Guarantor’s obligations under this Guaranty are assumed by the new business entity.

15. Remedies. If Guarantor fails to fulfill its duty to pay all Indebtedness guaranteed hereunder or shall breach or fail to comply with any term or provision of this Guaranty, Bank shall have all of the remedies of a creditor and, to the extent applicable, of a secured party, under all applicable law. Without limiting the foregoing to the extent permitted by law, Bank may, at its option and without notice or demand:

(a) declare any Indebtedness due and payable at once;


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(b) take possession of any collateral pledged by Borrower or Guarantor, wherever located, and sell, resell, assign, transfer, and deliver all or any part of the collateral at any public or private sale or otherwise dispose of any or all of the collateral in its then condition, for cash or on credit or for future delivery, and in connection therewith Bank may impose reasonable conditions upon any such sale. Further, Bank, unless prohibited by law the provisions of which cannot be waived, may purchase all or any part of the collateral to be sold, free from and discharged of all trusts, claims, rights of redemption and equities of Borrower or Guarantor whatsoever. Guarantor acknowledges and agrees that the sale of any collateral through any nationally recognized broker-dealer, investment banker, or any other method common in the securities industry shall be deemed a commercially reasonable sale under the Uniform Commercial Code or any other equivalent statute or federal law, and expressly waives notice thereof except as provided in this Guaranty; and

(c) set off and apply any and all deposit accounts of Guarantor held by Bank or, to the furthest extent permitted by law, its affiliates against any and all obligations of Guarantor owing to Bank. The set-off may be made irrespective of whether or not Bank shall have made demand under this Guaranty, and although such obligations may be contingent or denominated in a currency different from that of the applicable deposit accounts and without regard for the availability or adequacy of other collateral. If exercised by Bank, Bank shall be deemed to have exercised such right of setoff and to have made a charge against any such money immediately upon the occurrence of such default although made or entered on the books after such default.

16. Notices. All notices required under this Guaranty shall be personally delivered or sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, or by overnight courier, to the addresses on the signature page of this Guaranty, or sent by facsimile to the fax numbers listed on the signature page, or to such other addresses as Guarantor may specify from time to time in writing. Notices and other communications shall be effective (i) if mailed, upon the earlier of receipt or five (5) days after deposit in the U.S. mail, first class, postage prepaid, (ii) if telecopied, when transmitted, or (iii) if hand-delivered, by courier or otherwise (including telegram, lettergram or mailgram), when delivered.

17. Successors and Assigns. This Guaranty (a) binds Guarantor and Guarantor’s successors, and assigns, provided that Guarantor may not assign its rights or obligations under this Guaranty without the prior written consent of Bank, and (b) inures to the benefit of Bank and Bank’s indorsees, successors, and assigns. Bank may, without notice to Guarantor and without affecting Guarantor’s obligations, sell participations in, or assign the Indebtedness and this Guaranty, in whole or in part and may exchange information about Guarantor to any actual or potential participants or assignees.

18. Amendments, Waivers, and Severability. No provision of this Guaranty may be amended or waived except in writing. No failure by Bank to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any of its rights, remedies, or powers shall operate as a waiver of such rights, remedies or powers, and no single or partial exercise of any such right, remedy, or power shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy, or power. The unenforceability or invalidity of any provision of this Guaranty shall not affect the enforceability or validity of any other provision of this Guaranty.

19. Costs and Expenses. Guarantor agrees to pay all reasonable attorneys’ fees and all other costs and expenses that may be incurred by Bank (a) in the enforcement of this Guaranty or (b) in the preservation, protection, or enforcement of any rights of Bank in any case commenced by or against Guarantor under the Bankruptcy Code (Title 11, United States Code) or any similar or successor statute.

20. Representations and Warranties. When Guarantor signs this Guaranty, and until the Indebtedness is repaid in full and any commitments or facilities provided by Bank with respect to the Indebtedness have been terminated, Guarantor makes the following representations and warranties:

(a) Guarantor is duly formed and existing under the laws of the state or other jurisdiction where organized.


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(b) This Guaranty, and any instrument or agreement required hereunder, are within Guarantor’s powers, have been duly authorized, and do not conflict with any of its organizational papers.

(c) In each state in which Guarantor does business, it is properly licensed, in good standing, and, where required, in compliance with fictitious name statutes.

(d) All financial and other information that has been or will be supplied to Bank is, taken as a whole, sufficiently complete to give Bank accurate knowledge of Guarantor’s financial condition, including all material contingent liabilities. Since the date of the most recent financial statement provided to Bank, there has been no material adverse change in the business condition (financial or otherwise), operations, properties or prospects of Guarantor.

(e) There is no lawsuit, tax claim or other dispute pending or threatened against Guarantor which, if lost, would materially impair Guarantor’s financial condition or ability to repay the Indebtedness, except as have been disclosed in writing to Bank.

(f) Guarantor is not in default on any obligation for borrowed money, any purchase money obligation or any other material lease, commitment, contract, instrument or obligation, except as have been disclosed in writing to Bank.

(g) Guarantor has no knowledge of any pending assessments or adjustments of its income tax for any year and all taxes due have been paid, except as have been disclosed in writing to Bank.

(h) There is no event which is, or with notice or lapse of time or both would be, a default by Guarantor under this Guaranty or under any other instrument or agreement executed in connection with the Indebtedness or this Guaranty.

(i) Guarantor will not be rendered insolvent by the execution, delivery, and performance of its obligations under this Guaranty.

(j) All collateral pledged by Guarantor to secure the Indebtedness or this Guaranty is owned by Guarantor free of any title defects or any liens or interests of others, except those which have been approved by Bank in writing.

21. Governing Law. Except to the extent that any law of the United States may apply, this Guaranty shall be governed and interpreted according to the laws of the State of New York (the “Governing Law State”), without regard to any choice of law, rules or principles to the contrary. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit or otherwise affect any rights or remedies of Bank under federal law.

22. Venue and Jurisdiction. Guarantor agrees that any action or suit against Bank arising out of or relating to this Guaranty shall be filed in federal court or state court located in the Governing Law State. Guarantor agrees that Bank shall not be deemed to have waived its rights to enforce this section by filing an action or suit against Guarantor in a venue outside of the Governing Law State. If Bank does commence an action or suit arising out of or relating to this Guaranty, Guarantor agrees that the case may be filed in federal court or state court in the Governing Law State. Bank reserves the right to commence an action or suit in any other jurisdiction where Borrower, any Guarantor, or any collateral has any presence or is located. Guarantor consents to personal jurisdiction and venue in such forum selected by Bank and waives any right to contest jurisdiction and venue and the convenience of any such forum. The provisions of this section are material inducements to Bank’s acceptance of this Guaranty.


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24. Waiver of Class Actions. The terms “Claim” or “Claims” refer to any disputes, controversies, claims, counterclaims, allegations of liability, theories of damage, or defenses between Bank of America, N.A., its subsidiaries and affiliates, on the one hand, and the parties to this Guaranty, on the other hand (all of the foregoing each being referred to as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”). Whether in state court, federal court, or any other venue, jurisdiction, or before any tribunal, the Parties agree that all aspects of litigation and trial of any Claim will take place without resort to any form of class or representative action. Thus the Parties may only bring Claims against each other in an individual capacity and waive any right they may have to do so as a class representative or a class member in a class or representative action. THIS CLASS ACTION WAIVER PRECLUDES ANY PARTY FROM PARTICIPATING IN OR BEING REPRESENTED IN ANY CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE ACTION REGARDING A CLAIM.

25. Application of Singular and Plural. In all cases where there is but a single Borrower, then all words used herein in the plural shall be deemed to have been used in the singular where the context and construction so require; and when there is more than one Borrower, or when this Guaranty is executed by more than one Guarantor, the word “Borrower” or “Borrowers” and the word “Guarantor” respectively shall mean all or any one or more of them as the context requires.

26. Final Agreement. This Agreement and any related security agreements or other agreements required by this Agreement constitute the entire agreement between Guarantor and Bank with respect to the subject matter of this Guaranty and with respect to the credit facilities provided by Bank to Borrower and supersede all prior negotiations, communications, discussions and correspondence concerning the subject matter hereof. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any other agreements required by this Agreement, this Agreement will prevail.

[Signature Pages Follow]


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The parties executed this agreement as of June 12, 2015, intending to create an instrument executed under seal.


Energy Steel & Supply Co.

/s/ Jeffrey Glajch

Printed Name:

Jeffrey Glajch


Chief Financial Officer


Address for notices to Bank: Address for notices to Guarantor:
One East Avenue 20 Florence Avenue
Rochester, New York 14638 Batavia, New York 14020
Facsimile: (585) 546-9278 Facsimile: (585) 815-2003


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