RNS Number:0761Q
Havelock Europa PLC
24 September 2003
Havelock, the Fife-based educational and retail interiors and point of sale
display business, announces an encouraging first six months, in what is
traditionally much the weaker half. A significant increase in pre-tax profit was
achieved, aided by the sale of the Group's share of its Middle East joint
venture. A 17% increase in the interim dividend has been declared.
2003 2002 Change
Turnover (#m) 42.2 34.5 +22%
Pre-tax profit (#000) 1,360 754 +80%
Earnings per share (p) 4.1 2.4 +71%
Dividend per share (p) 0.7 0.6 +17%
* The underlying figures were a pre-tax profit of #569,000 (2002:
#492,000), up 16%, and earnings per share of 1.4p (2002: 1.6p), reflecting a
higher tax charge due to the increased proportion of UK profit.
* ESA Macintosh, the UK market leader in educational fitted furniture,
increased turnover by 11% to #9.2m, and is well placed to record another
excellent result.
* Point of Sale Display turnover declined by 17% to #10.0m as a result of
the protracted corporate activity in the supermarket sector and some consumer
uncertainty at the time of the outbreak of hostilities in the Gulf, both of
which affected spending on new merchandising formats. Although the overall level
of business in the full year will be lower than 2002, a satisfactory result is
* Retail Interiors increased turnover by 85% to #22.4m and made a
positive first half contribution to the Group for the first time in a number of
years. A strong order book will ensure a much improved performance over that
achieved in the last two years.
* The reduction in exposure to the Middle East, which had contributed
useful earnings in recent years, proved timely, but Havelock remains optimistic
about future opportunities in the Gulf.
Michael Kennedy, Chairman, stated "The Board remains confident that, overall,
2003 will be a year of further satisfactory progress and will provide a platform
for continuing growth in the coming years, particularly beyond 2004, as the full
impact of Government expenditure in the education sector is realised."
Havelock Europa PLC 01383-820044
Hew Balfour (Chief Executive) 07801-683851
Graham MacSporran (Finance Director) 07801-683803
Bankside Consultants Limited
Charles Ponsonby 07789-202 312/020-7444 4166
Alistair Macdonald 020-7444 4168
As indicated in my statement at the AGM on 18 June 2003, the Group has had an
encouraging start to the year. In what is traditionally the weaker half of the
year, on turnover up by 22 per cent at
#42.2 million (2002 : #34.5 million), the Group recorded a profit before tax of
#1.36 million (2002 : #0.75 million). Some #935,000 of this profit related to
the sale of the Group's share of the Middle East Joint Venture, Havelock AHI, in
February 2003. The cash proceeds of this sale, net of the re-investment in a 17
per cent share of the purchaser, amounted to #2.0 million.
Underlying pre-tax profit increased by 16 per cent to #569,000 (2002 :
#492,000), after excluding the exceptional profit on disposal of assets of
#935,000 (2002: #399,000) and a goodwill amortisation charge of #144,000 (2002 :
#137,000). Underlying UK profits increased by 164 per cent to #599,000 (2002 :
Basic earnings per share rose to 4.1 pence (2002 : 2.4 pence). Adjusted earnings
per share were 1.4 pence (2002 : 1.6 pence), reflecting a higher tax charge due
to the increased UK proportion of profits.
Net debt at the period end stood at #16.6 million (2002 : #17.8 million). This
reduction was achieved, despite a substantial jump in activity levels, through
strong working capital controls. Full year interest cover is again expected to
be substantial.
The Board is pleased to declare an interim dividend per share of 0.7 pence (2002
: 0.6 pence), an increase of 17%. This dividend will be paid on 29 December 2003
to shareholders on the register at close of business on 14 November 2003.
Educational Furniture
ESA McIntosh is the UK market leader in the design, manufacture and installation
of educational fitted furniture, with facilities in Kirkcaldy, Fife.
Turnover advanced by 11 per cent to #9.2 million (2002 : #8.3 million). Further
progress was made in the proportion of work secured as a sub-contractor to the
educational PFI sector throughout the UK, whilst enquiries for work secured
direct with local authorities and individual schools continued at record levels.
Point of Sale Display
The Point of Sale Display Division prints promotional graphics and manufactures
display equipment in Letchworth and Bristol for use in retail and branded goods
businesses, typically as part of marketing rather than capital expenditure
Activity in this division was below budget as a result of the protracted
corporate activity in the supermarket sector and some consumer uncertainty at
the time of the outbreak of hostilities in the Gulf, both of which affected
spending on new merchandising formats. In consequence, turnover in the first
half fell to #10.0 million (2002 : #12.0 million).
Further capital investment was channelled into the print facilities at
Hartcliffe in Bristol, where a new lithographic press was installed in April.
The anticipated benefits to productivity as a result of this investment have
already begun to emerge.
Retail Interiors
The Retail Interiors Division designs, manufactures and installs furniture and
fittings for retailers, banks and hotels from its manufacturing site in Dalgety
Bay, Fife. It also has a project management, sales and design office in
Alfreton, Derbyshire.
The Division entered 2003 with the best order book for many years and the level
of activity has continued to improve. Turnover increased to #22.4 million (2002
: #12.1 million), aided by the completion of a new store for Fenwick in
Canterbury, the hand over of the first stage of a major project for House of
Fraser in Manchester, and increased levels of activity in the banking sector and
the hotel bedroom refurbishment market. With overall volumes showing a
significant increase and with the benefits of operating from a single site
throughout the period, the Division made a positive contribution to the Group in
the first half of the year for the first time in a number of years.
Middle East
Havelock AHI manufactures and installs retail and hotel interiors from its base
in Bahrain.
The reduction in exposure to the Middle East in February 2003 proved timely.
Trading in the first half was inevitably affected by the war in Iraq and the
consumer uncertainty which accompanied it. A loss, attributable to the Group, of
#30,000 was recorded.
The strategy, set out at the time of the acquisition of ESA McIntosh in
September 2001, to concentrate on UK markets offering significant opportunities
for profitable growth, is continuing to bear fruit. The scale of the market in
educational furniture is very considerable and is likely to provide further
opportunities for substantial growth, particularly beyond 2004, as a result of
PFI projects that are now reaching preferred bidder status or financial close.
Within the Retail Interiors Division, opportunities are being sought to use the
skill base for more profitable work in other sectors, such as furniture for
hotel bedrooms. There is a growing flexibility between the personnel of ESA
McIntosh and the Retail Interiors Division, and this will enable the Group to
harness the combined resources of the two Divisions to take advantage of rising
levels of Government expenditure in the education and healthcare sectors, as
well as in other areas requiring substantial improvements in infrastructure.
Havelock will continue to build upon the Point of Sale Display Division's
strengths, which include an increasing diversity of customers, and intends to
seek opportunities for further growth in this sector.
Enquiries by individual schools and local authorities are running at record
levels. This, coupled with the volume of PFI work in hand, suggests that ESA
McIntosh will record another excellent result.
PFI orders for educational furniture secured for completion in 2003 total #9.6m.
Negotiations are already at an advanced stage for orders in excess of #10m for
2004, of which #4.5m relates to follow on work to contracts completed in 2003. A
substantial further advance in 2005 is expected with negotiations well underway
for contracts significantly in excess of #15m. To meet the increased demand in
2005, an investment of some #400,000 in additional staff resources will be made
during 2003 and 2004.
A revival of activity has taken place in July and August within the Point of
Sale Display Division and, although the overall level of business in the full
year will be lower than in 2002, a satisfactory result is anticipated.
In the Retail Interiors Division, a strong order book will ensure a much
improved performance over that achieved in the last two years. For reasons
already explained, the share of profit from the Middle East Joint Venture will
be much lower than the contribution achieved in the last three years, but the
uncertainties resulting from the war are now much diminished and the Group
remains optimistic about future opportunities in the Gulf.
Overall, the Board remains confident that 2003 will be a year of further
satisfactory progress and provide a platform for continuing growth in the coming
years, particularly beyond 2004, as the full impact of Government expenditure in
the education sector is realised.
Michael Kennedy
Chairman 24 September 2003
for the half year ended 30 June 2003
Half Half Audited
Year Year Year
Ended Ended Ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2003 2002 2002
Notes #000 #000 #000
Group and share of Joint Venture 42,168 34,544 87,442
Less: share of Joint Venture's (553) (2,184) (4,601)
-------- -------- --------
Group turnover 41,615 32,360 82,841
===== ===== =====
Operating profit before exceptional 944 651 4,066
Exceptional reorganisation credit - 399 399
-------- -------- --------
Operating profit after exceptional 944 1,050 4,465
Share of Joint Venture's operating (24) 269 586
Share of Associated Company's
operating loss (4) - -
-------- -------- --------
Total operating profit 916 1,319 5,051
Gain on sale of investments 935 - -
Interest payable less receivable
Group (489) (561) (1,115)
Joint Venture (2) (4) (10)
-------- -------- --------
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 1,360 754 3,926
Tax charge on profit on ordinary 3 (143) (27) (995)
-------- -------- --------
Profit for the period 1,217 727 2,931
Dividend-equity (217) (185) (743)
-------- -------- --------
Retained profit for the period 1,000 542 2,188
===== ===== =====
Basic earnings per share 4 4.1p 2.4p 9.8p
===== ===== =====
Adjusted earnings per share 4 1.4p 1.6p 9.4p
===== ===== =====
Diluted earnings per share 4 3.9p 2.4p 9.6p
===== ===== =====
Dividend per share 0.7p 0.6p 2.4p
===== ===== =====
Half Half Audited
Year Year Year
Ended Ended Ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2003 2002 2002
#000 #000 #000
Profit for the period 1,217 727 2,931
Exchange loss on investment in Joint
Venture (21) (51) (107)
-------- -------- --------
Total recognised gains relating to the
period 1,196 676 2,824
Prior year adjustment (adoption of FRS (732) (732)
-------- -------- --------
Total gains/(losses) recognised since 1,196 (56) 2,092
the last annual report ====== ====== =====
Reported profit on ordinary activities 1,360 754 3,926
before taxation
Realisation of property revaluation -- 444 444
gains of previous years
Difference between a historical cost -- (4) (4)
depreciation charge and the actual
deprecation charge of the period
calculated on the revalued amount
-------- ------- -------
Historical cost profit on ordinary 1,360 1,194 4,366
activities before taxation
-------- ------- -------
Historical cost profit for the period 1,000 982 2,628
retained after taxation and dividends
--------- ------- -------
as at 30 June 2003
30 June 30 June 31 December
2003 2002 2002
Notes #000 #000 #000
Fixed assets
Intangible asset - goodwill 3,952 4,206 4,077
Tangible assets 13,222 12,376 12,649
Investment in Associated 541
Investment in Joint Venture
------- -------- --------
- goodwill 124 112
- share of assets 2,250 2,551
- share of liabilities (959) (1,005)
------- -------- --------
1,415 1,658
Investment in own shares 73 368 368
-------- -------- --------
17,788 18,365 18,752
===== ===== =====
Current assets
Stocks 5 7,454 7,471 7,317
Debtors 6 18,830 17,375 16,725
Cash at bank and in hand 1 1 902
-------- -------- --------
26,285 24,847 24,944
Prepayments and accrued -- 434 --
Creditors - Amounts falling due
within one year 7 (24,604) (24,837) (24,568)
-------- -------- --------
Net current assets 1,681 444 376
-------- -------- --------
Total assets less current 19,469 18,809 19,128
Creditors - Amounts falling due
after more than one year 8 (8,745) (10,798) (9,399)
Provision for liabilities and (79) -- (79)
-------- -------- --------
Net assets 10,645 8,011 9,650
===== ===== =====
Capital and reserves
Share capital 3,101 3,083 3,097
Share premium account 9 891 844 879
Revaluation reserve 9 1,318 1,318 1,318
Profit and loss account 9 5,335 2,766 4,356
-------- -------- --------
Equity shareholders' funds 10,645 8,011 9,650
===== ===== =====
for the half year ended 30 June 2003
Half Half Audited
Year Year Year
Ended Ended Ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2003 2002 2002
Notes #000 #000 #000
Cash (outflow)/inflow from
operating activities 10(a) (2,348) (1,984) 7,047
------ ----- -------
Return on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received 37 3 5
Interest paid (516) (559) (1,114)
------- -------- --------
(479) (556) (1,109)
-------- -------- --------
Taxation (paid) / reimbursed (102) 458 498
-------- -------- --------
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchases of tangible fixed (1,585) (504) (1,807)
Sales of tangible fixed -- 3,430 3,324
Loan to ESOP trust (250) (118) (118)
-------- -------- --------
(1,835) 2,808 1,399
--------- -------- --------
Deferred consideration and (45) (740) (238)
Cost of investment in (568) -- --
---------- ------- --------
(613) (740) (238)
Proceeds from disposal of 2,567 -- --
interest in Joint Venture
Equity dividends paid - (33) (682)
-------- -------- --------
Cash (outflow)/inflow before (2,810) (47) 6,915
--------- --------- --------
Repayment of loan notes issued
on acquisition of subsidiaries (1,310) (2,327) (4,334)
Capital element of finance
lease rental payments (152) (293) (516)
Repayment of long term loan (624) (625) (1,251)
Bank term loan and other -- 2,600 2,000
Issue of new shares 16 --- 49
------- ------- -------
(2,070) (645) (4,052)
------- -------- --------
(Decrease)/increase in cash for 10(b) (4,880) (692) 2,863
the period
------- ------- -------
1. The financial information contained in this statement for the half year
ended 30 June 2003 has been prepared on a basis consistent with the accounting
policies set out in the audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2002.
The figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2002 are extracted from the
statutory accounts for that year on which an unqualified report was made by the
Auditors and which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The
summarised results for the half year to 30 June 2003 and the comparative results
for the half year to 30 June 2002 are non-statutory accounts within the meaning
of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
2. All operations are continuing.
3. A charge for taxation has been included at 31% (2002:30%), being the
effective rate likely to be applied to the UK result, excluding the exceptional
gain, for the full year to 31 December 2003. The results of the Middle East
joint venture (including the exceptional gain) are not subject to taxation.
4. Basic and adjusted earnings per share are calculated by dividing the
profit after tax by 29,969,760 (2002: 29,853,926), being the weighted average
number of shares in issue during the period, excluding those held by the
employee share scheme in accordance with UITF 13. Diluted earnings per share are
calculated by dividing the profit after tax by 31,082,760 shares, which includes
all share options with an option price less than the average market price for
the period.
Adjusted earnings attributable to
June June December
2003 2002 2002
#000 #000 #000
Profit after tax 1,217 727 2,931
Adjusted for:
Gain on sale of investments (935) - -
Exceptional items - (399) (399)
Amortisation of goodwill 144 137 277
--------- -------- -------
Adjusted profit after tax 426 465 2,809
===== ===== =====
Basic weighted average shares 29,970 29,854 29,940
Diluted weighted average shares 31,083 30,657 30,590
Basic EPS 4.1p 2.4p 9.8p
Adjusted EPS 1.4p 1.6p 9.4p
Diluted EPS 3.9p 2.4p 9.6p
5. Stocks 30 June 30 June 31 December
2003 2002 2002
#000 #000 #000
Raw materials and consumables 2,144 1,994 2,027
Work in progress 2,964 2,775 3,514
Less: Payments to account (1,102) (1) (787)
Finished goods 3,448 2,703 2,563
--------- -------- --------
7,454 7,471 7,317
===== ===== =====
30 June 30 June 31 December
2003 2002 2002
#000 #000 #000
6. Debtors
Trade debtors 17,042 15,800 15,029
Other debtors 1,441 868 351
Prepayments 347 707 1,345
-------- -------- --------
18,830 17,375 16,725
===== ===== =====
7. Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year
30 June 30 June 31 December
2003 2002 2002
#000 #000 #000
Bank overdraft (secured) 3,979 2,654 --
Bank loans (secured) 1,250 1,250 1,250
Loan notes 2,455 2,781 1,310
Trade creditors 11,276 8,932 12,610
Corporation tax 121 80
Other taxes and social security 2,054 1,837 2,258
Accruals 2,564 3,076 3,750
Provision for Nottingham closure -- 856 --
Dividends - Final 557 463 557
- Interim 217 185 --
Obligations under finance leases 131 303 253
Provision for deferred -- 2,500 2,500
-------- -------- --------
24,604 24,837 24,568
===== ===== =====
The loan notes are repayable at par on the holder giving one month's notice. The
Company's obligations under these notes are guaranteed by the Bank of Scotland.
In so far as the ESA McIntosh notes have not already been redeemed, they will be
redeemed in full by the Company on 31 December 2004 at par.
8. Creditors: amounts falling
due after more than one year
30 June 30 June 31 December
2003 2002 2002
#000 #000 #000
Bank loans (secured) 8,563 10,413 9,187
Obligations under hire purchase 182 385 212
and finance leases
-------- -------- --------
8,745 10,798 9,399
===== == =====
10. Reserves
Share Revaluation Profit & Loss
Premium Reserve Account
#000 #000 #000
At 1 January 2003 879 1,318 4,356
Exchange loss on investment - - (21)
Issue of new shares 12 - -
Retained profit for the period - - 1,000
------- ------- -------
At 30 June 2003 891 1,318 5,335
==== ==== ====
11. Cash Flow Statement Half Half Audited
Year Year Year
ended Ended Ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2003 2002 2002
#000 #000 #000
a) Reconciliation of operating profit to
net cash flow from operating activities
Operating profit after exceptional items 944 1,050 4,465
Depreciation and amortisation charges 1,090 1,264 2,442
Gain on disposal of fixed tangible assets - (297) (145)
Increase in stocks (137) (1,678) (1,524)
Increase in debtors (2,105) (764) (528)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors (2,140) (1,559) 2,337
------- ------- -------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating
activities (2,348) (1,984) 7,047
------- ------- -------
b) Reconciliation of net cash flow to
movement in net debt
(Decrease)/increase in cash for the (4,880) (692) 2,863
Finance lease payments 152 294 516
Inception of new finance leases (44) (44)
Loan notes issued in the period (2,455) (1,965) (2,500)
Loan notes redeemed 1,310 2,327 4,334
Bank loan repaid 624 625 1,251
Bank term loan & other advances - (2,600) (2,000)
------- ------- -------
Movement in net debt in the period (5,249) (2,055) 4,420
Opening net debt (11,310) (15,730) (15,730)
-------- -------- --------
Closing net debt (16,559) (17,785) (11,310)
===== ===== =====
c) Analysis of net debt
At Other At
1 January Cash Non-Cash 30 June
2003 Flow Changes 2003
#000 #000 #000 #000
Overdraft -- (3,979) -- (3,979)
Cash at bank and in hand 902 (901) -- 1
-------- ------- -------- -------
902 (4,880) - (3,978)
-------- ------- ------- -------
Debt due within one year
Bank loans (1,250) 624 (624) (1,250)
Loan notes (1,310) 1,310 (2,455) (2,455)
Finance lease creditor (253) 152 (30) (131)
------- ------- ------- -------
(2,813) 2,086 (3,109) (3,836)
------- ------- ------- -------
Debt due after one year
Finance lease creditor (212) -- 30 (182)
Bank loans (9,187) -- 624 (8,563)
------- ------- ------- -------
(9,399) - 654 (8,745)
------- ------- ------- -------
Total net debt (11,310) (2,794) (2,455) (16,559)
===== ==== ==== =====
12. The interim statement for the half year ended 30 June 2003 was approved by
the Directors on 23 September 2003.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange