BULLETIN TYPE: Cease Trade Order
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Companies

A Temporary Cease Trade Order has been issued by the Ontario Securities
Commission on July 2, 2010, against the following Companies for failing to
file the documents indicated within the required time period:

Symbol   Tier  Company                  Failure to File             (Y/M/D)

("EEI")  1     Echo Energy Canada Inc.  audited annual financial  09/12/31
                                        management's discussion & 09/12/31
                                        interim financial         10/03/31
                                        management's discussion & 10/03/31
                                        certification of annual
                                         and interim filings

("NLI")  2     Newlook Industries Corp. audited annual financial  09/12/31
                                        management's discussion & 09/12/31
                                        interim financial         10/03/31
                                        management's discussion & 10/03/31
                                        certification of annual
                                         and interim filings

Upon revocation of the Temporary Cease Trade Order, the Company's shares
will remain suspended until the Company meets TSX Venture Exchange
requirements. Members are prohibited from trading in the securities of the
company during the period of the suspension or until further notice.


BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier  2 Company

Further to the TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated June 2, 2010, effective
at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010, trading in the shares of the Company
will be halted, the Company having failed to complete a Qualifying
Transaction within 24 months of its listing.


BULLETIN TYPE: Normal Course Issuer Bid
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has been advised by the Company that pursuant to a
Notice of Intention to make a Normal Course Issuer Bid dated June 29, 2010,
it may repurchase for cancellation, up to 819,155 Class A shares in its own
capital stock. The purchases are to be made through the facilities of TSX
Venture Exchange during the period July 2, 2010 to July 1, 2011. Purchases
pursuant to the bid will be made by Macquarie Private Wealth Inc. on behalf
of the Company.


BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010, shares of the Company will
resume trading. Please refer to the Company's news release dated June 29,
2010 for further information.


(formerly Royal Roads Corp. ("RRO"))
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

Pursuant to a resolution passed by shareholders June 22, 2010, the Company
has changed its name as follows. There is no consolidation of capital.

Effective at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010, the common shares of Buchans
Minerals Corporation will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange and the
common shares of Royal Roads Corp. will be delisted. The Company is
classified as a "Mineral Exploration/Development" company.

Capitalization:                      Unlimited shares with no par value of
                                     which 112,127,490 shares are issued
                                     and outstanding
Escrow:                              Nil Escrowed Shares

Transfer Agent:                      Computershare Investor Services Inc.
Trading Symbol:                      BMC             (new)
CUSIP Number:                        11801R 10 8     (new)


(formerly Capstock Financial Inc. ("CPK.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Transfer and New Addition to NEX, Symbol Change, Reinstated
for Trading
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

In accordance with TSX Venture Policy 2.4, Capital Pool Companies, the
Company has not completed a Qualifying Transaction within the prescribed
time frame. Therefore, effective the opening Monday July 5, 2010, the
Company's listing will transfer to NEX, the Company's Tier classification
will change from Tier 2 to NEX, and the Filing and Service Office will
change from Vancouver to NEX.

As of July 5, 2010, the Company is subject to restrictions on share
issuances and certain types of payments as set out in the NEX policies.

The trading symbol for the Company will change from CPK.P to CPK.H. There
is no change in the Company's name, no change in its CUSIP number and no
consolidation of capital. The symbol extension differentiates NEX symbols
from Tier 1 or Tier 2 symbols within the TSX Venture market.

Effective at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010 trading will be reinstated
in the securities of the Company (CUSIP 14069J 10 7).


BULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-CPC-Shares
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

This Capital Pool Company's ('CPC') Prospectus dated April 26, 2010 has
been filed with and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange and the British
Columbia and Alberta Securities Commissions effective May 3, 2010, pursuant
to the provisions of the British Columbia and Alberta Securities Acts. The
Common Shares of the Company will be listed on TSX Venture Exchange on the
effective date stated below.

The Company has completed its initial distribution of securities to the
public. The gross proceeds received by the Company for the Offering were
$250,000 (2,500,000 common shares at $0.10 per share).

Commence Date:                       At the opening Monday, July 5, 2010,
                                     the Common shares will commence
                                     trading on TSX Venture Exchange.

Corporate Jurisdiction:              British Columbia

Capitalization:                      Unlimited common shares with no par
                                     value of which 4,500,000 common shares
                                     are issued and outstanding
Escrowed Shares:                     2,040,000 common shares

Transfer Agent:                      Computershare Investor Services Inc.
Trading Symbol:                      CKV.P
CUSIP Number:                        12661B 10 0
Sponsoring Member:                   Union Securities Ltd.

Agent's Options:                     250,000 non-transferable options. One
                                     option to purchase one share at $0.10
                                     per share up to 24 months.

For further information, please refer to the Company's Prospectus dated
April 26, 2010.

Company Contact:                     Mar Bergstrom
Company Address:                     2919 West 13th
                                     Vancouver, BC V6K 2T8

Company Phone Number:                (778) 230-8162
Company Fax Number:                  (604) 688-8030
Company Email Address:               marlonett@shaw.ca

Seeking QT primarily in the Mining sector.


BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Debt
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to
issue 150,000 shares at a deemed value of $0.36 per share to settle
outstanding debt for $54,000.

Number of Creditors:                 5 Creditors

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                    Insider=Y/       Amount   Deemed Price
Creditor           Progroup=P         Owing      per Share     # of Shares
Albert Wahbe                Y    $27,000.00          $0.36          75,000
Ravi Chiruvolu              Y    $ 6,750.00          $0.36          18,750
Greg Milavsky               Y    $ 6,750.00          $0.36          18,750
Philippe Tardif             Y    $ 6,750.00          $0.36          18,750
James B. Wigdale Jr.        Y    $ 6,750.00          $0.36          18,750

The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued and the
debt extinguished.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Brokered, Property-Asset or Share Purchase
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to
a Brokered Private Placement announced March 29, 2010:

Number of Shares:                    290,000,000 shares

Purchase Price:                      $0.50 per share

Number of Placees:                   82 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

Name                        ProGroup=P/            # of Shares
Lansdowne UK Strategic               Y              40,000,000
 Investment Master Fund Ltd.
Radcliffe Foundation                 Y               2,600,000
Terry A. Lyons                       Y                 600,000
Gainey Consultants Inc.              Y                 200,000
 (John Reynolds)
Rick N. Collins                      Y                 200,000
Timber Country Investment Corp.      Y                 400,000
 (Jaspaul Rick Harbins Doman)

Agent's Fee:                         Genuity Capital Markets G.P. and
                                     Canaccord Financial Ltd. acted as
                                     co-lead agents
                                     (i) 6% cash plus 6% Agent Options
                                     exercisable for $0.50 for 24 months
                                     (Genuity Capital Markets G.P. and
                                     Canaccord Financial Ltd. now
                                     "Canaccord Genuity Corp.")

Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement:
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to
the acquisition of seven sawmills and an equity interest in an eighth
sawmill located in Eastern Canada from Domtar Corporation in consideration
of $80 million, plus the value of the working capital of approximately
$46.5 million for a total purchase price of approximately $126.5 million
satisfied as to approximately $102.5 million in cash and the issuance of
48,070,712 in common shares of EACOM at a price of $0.50 per share. The
shares will be issued to Domtar Inc.


BULLETIN TYPE: Warrant Term Extension, Remain Suspended, Correction
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to the TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated June 30, 2010, the
bulletin should have read as follows:

TSX Venture Exchange has consented to the extension in the expiry date of
the following warrants:

Private Placement:

# of Warrants:                       3,750,000
Original Expiry Date of Warrants:    June 26, 2010
New Expiry Date of Warrants:         June 26, 2011
Exercise Price of Warrants:          $0.15

These warrants were issued pursuant to a private placement of 10,000,000
shares with 5,000,000 share purchase warrants attached, which was accepted
for filing by the Exchange effective June 26, 2009.

Trading in the Company's securities will remain suspended.


(formerly Everest Ventures Corp. ("EVE.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Reinstated for Trading, Qualifying Transaction-Completed/New
Symbol, Name Change and Consolidation, Company Tier Reclassification
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2  Company

Reinstated for Trading:
The common shares of Everest Ventures Corp. (the "Company") have been halted
since March 26, 2010 pending completion of a Qualifying Transaction. In
conjunction with the completion of the Qualifying Transaction, trading in
the common shares of the Company will be reinstated at the opening Monday,
July 5, 2010.

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's Qualifying
Transaction described in its Filing Statement dated June 14, 2010. As a
result, at the opening on July 5, 2010 the Company will no longer be
considered a Capital Pool Company. The Qualifying Transaction includes
the following:

Qualifying Transaction - Completed:
Pursuant to an arms-length Merger Agreement dated April 30, 2010 the
Company has acquired all of the issued and outstanding shares of Estrella
Overseas Limited ("Estrella"). As consideration, the shareholders of
Estrella were issued 100,167,501 shares of the Company at a deemed price of
$1.00 per share. 47,403,355 of the Company shares issued to the former
shareholders of Estrella will be subject to a TSX Venture Exchange Tier 1
Value Security escrow agreement.

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

Name                         Insider=Y/              # of Post
                           Pro Group=P     consolidated Shares
Warren Levy                          Y               5,761,978
Brian Kornegay                       Y               1,099,377
Gustavo Carrido                      Y                 177,500
Carlos Contreas                      Y                 288,500
Remo Mancini                         Y                 161,000
John Zaozirny                        Y                 315,000
Four Third LLC                       Y              39,600,000
 (Seth Taube and Brook Taube)

For a complete description of the Qualifying Transaction, the related
transactions, and the business of the Company please refer to the Filing
Statement of the Company dated June 14, 2010 as filed on SEDAR.

The Exchange has been advised that the above transactions have been

Name Change and Consolidation:
Pursuant to a resolution passed by shareholders on June 11, 2010 the
Company has changed its name from Everest Ventures Corp. to Estrella
International Energy Services Ltd. and the Company has effectively
consolidated its capital on a five point two seven six two five (5.27625)
old for one (1) new basis.

Effective at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010, the common shares of
Estrella International Energy Services Ltd. will commence trading on TSX
Venture Exchange and the common shares of Everest Ventures Corp. will be

Company Tier Reclassification:
In accordance with Policy 2.5, the company has met the requirements for a
Tier 1 company. Therefore, effective at the opening July 5, 2010, the
company's Tier classification will change from Tier 2 to Tier 1.

Capitalization:                      Unlimited common shares with no par
                                     value of which 102,167,501 common
                                     shares are issued and outstanding
Escrow:                              48,730,055 common shares

Transfer Agent:                      Olympia Trust Company
Symbol:                              EEN             (new)
CUSIP Number:                        29758 W 102     (new)

The Company is classified as an "Oil and Gas Contract Drilling" company.

Company Contact:                     Bryan Kornegay
Company Address:                     Carlos Pellegrini 1023, 1st floor
                                     Buenos Aires, Argentina, C1009ABU

Company Phone Number:                +1 (561) 779-8878
Company Fax Number:                  +1 (561) 828-2245
Company Email Address:               bkornegay@estrellasp.com


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to
a Brokered Private Placement announced May 7, 2010:

First Tranche:

Number of Shares:                    4,765,000 flow-through shares
                                     510,000 non flow-through shares

Purchase Price:                      $0.42 per flow-through share
                                     $0.35 per non flow-through share

Warrants:                            2,892,500 share purchase warrants to
                                     purchase 2,892,500 shares

Warrant Exercise Price:              $0.50 for an eighteen-month period

Number of Placees:                   17 placees

Agent's Fee:                         $114,439.50 cash, 71,429 Corporate
                                     Finance Units and 283,720 Agent's
                                     Options payable to Canaccord Genuity
                                     $38,146.50 cash and 85,530 Agent's
                                     Options payable to Fraser MacKenzie
                                     Agent's Options are exercisable at
                                     $0.35 per unit for 18 months and units
                                     are under the same terms as the non
                                     flow-through units to be issued
                                     pursuant to the private placement.
                                     The Corporate Finance Units are under
                                     the same terms as the non flow-through
                                     units to be issued pursuant to the
                                     private placement.

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company must
issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement and
setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must also
issue a news release if the private placement does not close promptly. Note
that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later extend the expiry date
of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum permitted term.


(formerly Giga Capital Corporation ("GIG.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Transfer and New Addition to NEX, Symbol Change, Remain
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

In accordance with TSX Venture Exchange Policy 2.4, Capital Pool Companies,
the Company has not completed a qualifying transaction within the
prescribed time frame. Therefore, effective Monday, July 5, 2010, the
Company's listing will transfer to NEX, the Company's Tier classification
will change from Tier 2 to NEX, and the Filing and Service Office will
change from Calgary to NEX.

As of July 5, 2010, the Company is subject to restrictions on share
issuances and certain types of payments as set out in the NEX policies.

The trading symbol for the Company will change from GIG.P to GIG.H. There
is no change in the Company's name, no change in its CUSIP number and no
consolidation of capital. The symbol extension differentiates NEX symbols
from Tier 1 or Tier 2 symbols within the TSX Venture market.

Further to the TSX Venture bulletin dated April 1, 2010, trading in the
shares of the Company will remain suspended. Members are prohibited from
trading in the securities of the Company during the period of the
suspension or until further notice.


(formerly Goldbard Capital Corporation ("GDB.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Reinstated For Trading, Qualifying Transaction-Completed/New
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Reinstated For Trading:
Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated March 31, 2010, the Company
has now completed its Qualifying Transaction.

Effective at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010, trading will be reinstated
in the securities of the Company. (CUSIP # 38075Y 10 5).

Qualifying Transaction-Completed:
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's Qualifying
Transaction described in its Filing Statement dated June 17, 2010. As a
result, at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010, the Company will no longer be
considered a Capital Pool Company. The Qualifying Transaction involves the
arm's length acquisition (the Acquisition) of an earn-in option (the
Option) to acquire up to an undivided 70% interest in a Qualifying Property
located near Whitehorse in the Yukon (the Pepper Project). Consideration is
cash of $250,000 paid over four years, 400,000 common shares issuable over
three years, $350,000 exploration expenditures in 2010 and an additional
$1,650,000 of exploration expenditure over the next four years, and
completion of a Feasibility Study. The operator of the Pepper Project will
be the Company.

In connection with the Acquisition, the Company will pay an arm's length
finder a finder's fee of $27,000 in cash at closing.

As a condition of the Acquisition, all existing holders of escrowed shares
of Goldbard have agreed to sell, within escrow, pursuant to the terms of a
CPC Escrow Agreement, a total of 5,000,000 escrowed shares to XDL Resources
Inc. (XDL), at a price of $0.11 per share, for an aggregate consideration
of $550,000 XDL is controlled by Dennis Bennie and Yaron Conforti, who will
be Principals of the Company.

Upon completion of the transactions, a total of 5,000,000 common shares
will be subject to the CPC Escrow Agreement, all of which will be held by
new Principals. As there will be no new Principals created through the
Acquisition, there will be no shares subject to a Tier 2 Escrow Agreement.

The Exchange has been advised that the above transactions have been

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

Name                        ProGroup=P             # of Shares
Dennis Bennie                        Y               4,500,000
Yaron Conforti                       Y                 500,000

The Company is classified as a "mining" company.

Further information on the Acquisition can be found in the Filing Statement
of the Company dated June 17, 2010, as filed on SEDAR.

Capitalization:                      Unlimited common shares with no par
                                     value of which 12,600,000 common
                                     shares are issued and outstanding
Escrow:                              5,000,000 Common Shares will be
                                     subject to a CPC escrow agreement

Transfer Agent:                      Computershare Trust Company of Canada
Trading Symbol:                      GDB     (same symbol as CPC, but with
                                     .P removed)

Company Contact:                     Yaron Conforti, Chief Executive Officer
Company Address:                     30 St Clair Avenue West, Suite 901
                                     Toronto, Ontario M4V 3A1

Company Phone Number:                (416) 250-6500 ext. 1289
Company Fax Number:                  (416) 644-9988


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to
the first tranche of a Non-Brokered Private Placement:

Number of Shares:                    3,197,095 Units
                                     (Each Unit consists of one common
                                     share and one Unit Warrant.)

                                     1,400,000 FT Units
                                     (Each Flow-Through Unit consists of
                                     one flow-through common share and one
                                     FT Unit Warrant.)

Purchase Price:                      $0.30 per Unit
                                     $0.35 per Flow-Through Unit

Warrants:                            3,197,095 Unit Warrants to purchase
                                     3,197,095 common shares
                                     1,400,000 FT Unit Warrants to purchase
                                     1,400,000 common shares

Warrant Exercise Price:              Units Warrants: $0.50 for a one year
                                     FT Unit Warrants: $0.60 for a one year

Number of Placees:                   7 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

Name                        ProGroup=P/            # of Shares
Ben Hubert                           Y      1,400,000 FT Units
Brian Testo                          Y           100,000 Units
Grizzly Gold Inc.                    Y           120,000 Units
 (Brian Testo)

No Finder's Fee

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company must
issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement and
setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must also
issue a news release if the private placement does not close promptly.


BULLETIN TYPE: Warrant Price Amendment, Warrant Term Extension
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has consented to the reduction in the exercise price
of the following warrants:

Private Placement:

# of Warrants:                       6,115,000
Original Expiry Date of Warrants:    July 6, 2010
New Expiry Date of Warrants:         July 6, 2013
Forced Exercise Provision:           If the closing price for the Company's
                                     shares is $0.125 (until July 6, 2011),
                                     $0.1875 (from July 7 2011 to July 6,
                                     2012) or $0.25 (from July 8, 2012 to
                                     July 6, 2013), or greater for a period
                                     of 10 consecutive trading days, then
                                     the warrant holders will have 30 days
                                     to exercise their warrants; otherwise
                                     the warrants will expire on the 31st
Original Exercise Price of Warrants: $0.20
New Exercise Price of Warrants:      $0.10 until July 6, 2011
                                     $0.15 until July 6, 2012
                                     $0.20 until July 6, 2013

These warrants were issued pursuant to a private placement of 6,115,000
shares with 6,115,000 share purchase warrants attached, which was accepted
for filing by the Exchange effective July 7, 2008.


BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

Effective at 11:11 a.m. PST, July 2, 2010, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an announcement;
this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry Regulatory
Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to
the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.


(formerly Lander Energy Corporation ("LAE.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Transfer and New Addition to NEX, Symbol Change, Reinstated
for Trading
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

In accordance with TSX Venture Exchange Policy 2.4, Capital Pool Companies,
the Company has not completed a qualifying transaction within the
prescribed time frame. Therefore, effective Monday, July 5, 2010, the
Company's listing will transfer to NEX, the Company's Tier classification
will change from Tier 2 to NEX, and the Filing and Service Office will
change from Toronto to NEX.

As of July 5, 2010, the Company is subject to restrictions on share
issuances and certain types of payments as set out in the NEX policies.

The trading symbol for the Company will change from LAE.P to LAE.H. There
is no change in the Company's name, no change in its CUSIP number and no
consolidation of capital. The symbol extension differentiates NEX symbols
from Tier 1 or Tier 2 symbols within the TSX Venture market.

Effective at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010, trading will be reinstated
in the securities of the company.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the documentation with respect
to a Non-Brokered Private Placement, announced on June 29, 2010:

Number of Shares:                    468,750 common shares

Purchase Price:                      $0.16 per share

Warrants:                            234,375 warrants to purchase 234,375
                                     common shares.

Warrant Exercise Price:              $0.25 over 24 months following the
                                     closing of the private placement

Number of Placees:                   1 placee

The Company has confirmed the closing of the private placement.

TYPE DE BULLETIN : Placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 2 juillet 2010
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance

Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de la documentation en vertu
d'un placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier, tel qu'annonce le
29 juin 2010:

Nombre d'actions :                   468 750 actions ordinaires

Prix :                               0,16 $ par action

Bons de souscription :               234 375 bons de souscription
                                     permettant de souscrire a 234 375
                                     actions ordinaires.

Prix d'exercice des bons :           0,25 $ pour les 24 mois suivant la
                                     cloture du placement prive

Nombre de souscripteurs :            1 souscripteur

La societe a confirme la cloture du placement prive


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced December 23, 2009:

Number of Shares:                    450,000 flow through shares

Purchase Price:                      $0.10 per share

Number of Placees:                   5 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

Name                        ProGroup=P/            # of Shares
Bruce W. Downing                     Y                  50,000
David Schussler                      Y                 250,000

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company must
issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement and
setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must also
issue a news release if the private placement does not close promptly.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pursuant to the
payment of finders' fees and gross overriding royalties to arm's-length
parties in connection with the Company entering into two Production Sharing
Agreements dated March 25, 2010 ("PSA's") with the Government of Belize, as

Finder's Fees

Name                                 # of Shares
Errin Kimball                            100,000

Belize Lake View Properties              400,000
Limited (John Usher)

Gross Overriding Royalties

Name                                 Percentage
Russel Moore and Mereniuk            1.5% of the production from the PSA's
                                     convertible into 300,000 common shares
Family Trust                         at any time until May 1, 2011

Russel Moore, Mereniuk               3.5% of the production from the PSA's
Family Trust, Belize Lake View
Properties Limited

The Company announced the PSA's in its news release dated April 16, 2010.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing a purchase and royalty
agreement dated June 10, 2010 between Otish Energy Inc. (the 'Company') and
Cynthia L. MacDonald, whereby the Company will acquire a 100% interest in
33 mineral claims known as the RB Claims located in the Abitibi area of

Total consideration consists of $2,500 in cash payments and 250,000 shares
of the Company.

In addition, there is a 2% net smelter return relating to the acquisition.
The Company may at any time purchase 1% of the net smelter return for
$1,000,000 in order to reduce the total net smelter return to 1%.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement, Private
Placement-Brokered, Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement:
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Plan of Merger Agreement,
dated June 17, 2010, between Premium Exploration Inc. (the "Company"), its
wholly owned subsidiary Premium Exploration USA Inc.("Premium USA") and
Clearwater Mining Corporation, ("Clearwater") and Rod Nicholls and Ellen
Steiner (Shareholders"), whereby the Company through its subsidiary will
acquire 100% of the shares of Clearwater Mining Corporation, from the
Shareholders, which holds the Friday-Petsite, Buffalo Gulch, Dixie,
Deadwood, Gallagher, mineral properties in Idaho USA. These properties are
subject to various NSR (0.75 -1%).

In consideration of this transaction, the company will issue 1,250,000
common shares to Rod Nicholls and 1,750,000 common shares to Ellen Steiner

In addition the TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Revised
royalty agreement , dated June 17, 2010, between Premium Exploration Inc.
(the "Company"), its wholly owned subsidiary Premium Exploration USA Inc.
("Premium USA") and Kria Resources Ltd,("Kria") and Valencia Ventures Inc.
("Valencia") with respect to the Buffalo Gulch mineral properties in Idaho,

In consideration of this transaction, the company will pay $585,000 (in
cash or shares), to Kria Resources Ltd and $500,000 (cash or shares) to
Valencia Ventures Inc and a 0.75% NSR on the Buffalo Gulch Project each to
Kria and Valencia.

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

Name                        ProGroup=P             # of Shares
Ellen Steiner                        Y        1,750,000 shares

Further information on this transaction is available in the Company's news
releases dated June 18, 2010 and July 2, 2010.

Private Placement-Brokered:
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect
to a Brokered Private Placement announced April 19, 2010 and June 9, 2010:

Number of Shares:                    40,000,000 shares

Purchase Price:                      $0.25 per share

Warrants:                            20,000,000 share purchase warrants to
                                     purchase 20,000,000 shares

Warrant Exercise Price:              $0.35 for an 18 month period

Number of Placees:                   38 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

Name                        ProGroup=P/            # of Shares
Barney Lee                           Y                  60,000
John Karagiannidis                   P                  56,000
Marie-Claude Gobeil                  P                  20,000
Pierre Colas                         P                  72,000
Ivano Veschini                       P                  50,000
Wilf Struck                          Y                  40,000

Agent's Fee:                         Industrial Alliance Securities Ltd.,
                                     in a syndicate with Dundee Securities
                                     Corporation, and Byron Securities

                                     Industrial Alliance Securities Ltd.
                                     receives $497,350 and 1,989,400
                                     non-transferable warrants, each
                                     exercisable for one unit with terms as

                                     Dundee Securities Corporation receives
                                     $178,150 and 712,600 non-transferable
                                     warrants, each exercisable for one
                                     unit with terms as above.

                                     Byron Securities Limited receives
                                     $24,500 and 98,000 non-transferable
                                     warrants, each exercisable for one
                                     unit with terms as above.

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company must
issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement and
setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must also
issue a news release if the private placement does not close promptly.
(Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later extend the
expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum permitted

Resume Trading:
Effective at opening Monday, July 5, 2010, shares of the Company will
resume trading.


(formerly Rain Resources Inc. ("RAN.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Transfer and New Addition to NEX, Symbol Change, Remain
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

In accordance with TSX Venture Policy 2.4, Capital Pool Companies, the
Company has not completed a Qualifying Transaction within the prescribed
time frame. Therefore, effective at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010, the
Company's listing will transfer to NEX, the Company's Tier classification
will change from Tier 2 to NEX, and the Filing and Service Office will
change from Vancouver to NEX.

As of July 5, 2010, the Company is subject to restrictions on share
issuances and certain types of payments as set out in the NEX policies.

The trading symbol for the Company will change from RAN.P to RAN.H. There
is no change in the Company's name, no change in its CUSIP number and no
consolidation of capital. The symbol extension differentiates NEX symbols
from Tier 1 or Tier 2 symbols within the TSX Venture market.

Further to the TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated April 5, 2010, trading
in the Company's securities will remain suspended.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for expedited filing documentation
pertaining to an option agreement dated June 16, 2010 between Rainy River
Resources Ltd. (the 'Company') and the vendors, Daniel Teeple and Julia
Teeple, pursuant to which the Company has an option to acquire a 100%
interest in the patented mineral rights in pt section 36 SW, totalling
approximately 164 acres, situated in Tait Township in the Rainy River
District of northwestern Ontario. In consideration, the Company will pay a
total of $100,000 and issue a total of 50,000 shares as follows:

DATE               CASH     SHARES           CUMMULATIVE
                                       WORK EXPENDITURES
On approval     $10,000     10,000                   nil
Year 2          $20,000     10,000                   nil
Year 3          $20,000     10,000                   nil
Year 4          $20,000     10,000                   nil
Year 5          $30,000     10,000                   nil

In addition, there is a 2% net smelter return relating to the acquisition.
The Company may purchase 1% of the net smelter return for $1,000,000.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 1010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced May 7, 2010:

Number of Shares:                    52,500,000 shares

Purchase Price:                      $0.10 per share

Warrants:                            52,500,000 share purchase warrants to
                                     purchase 52,500,000 shares

Warrant Exercise Price:              $0.20 for a two year period

Number of Placees:                   37 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

Name                        ProGroup=P/            # of Shares
Alain Krushnisky                     Y                 375,000
Carole Plante                        Y                  50,000
Vijay Kirpalani                      Y                 500,000
Mackenzie Financial                  Y               8,500,000
Christian Owen                       P                 500,000
Richard Cohen                        P                 250,000
Loraine Oxley                        Y                 500,000
Andrew Mickelson                     P                 950,000
Doug Flegg                           P                 750,000
Leanne M. Baker                      Y                 500,000
Peter Nixon                          Y                 300,000
Ilan Bahar                           P                 150,000
Jason Neal                           P               1,450,000
Christine Harman                     P                 750,000
538800 B.C. Ltd.                     Y                 350,000
 (D. Bruce McLeod,
 Donald McLeod,
 Catherine Seltzer)
D. Bruce McLeod                      Y                 350,000
Dundee Resources Limited             Y              19,250,000
James Arnott Crombie                 Y                 300,000

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company must
issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement and
setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must also
issue a news release if the private placement does not close promptly.
(Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later extend the
expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum permitted


BULLETIN TYPE: Regional Office Change
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Pursuant to Policy 1.2, TSX Venture Exchange has been advised of, and
accepted the change of the Filing and Regional Office from Vancouver to


BULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-CPC-Shares, Halt
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

This Capital Pool Company's ('CPC') Prospectus dated April 13, 2010 has
been filed with and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange, Alberta and British
Columbia Securities Commissions and the Saskatchewan Financial Services
Commission effective April 13, 2010, pursuant to the provisions of the
Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan Securities Acts. The Common
Shares of the Company will be listed on TSX Venture Exchange on the
effective date stated below.

The Company has completed its initial distribution of securities to the
public. The gross proceeds received by the Company for the Offering were
$1,000,000 (5,000,000 common shares at $0.20 per share).

Commence Date:                       At the opening Monday, July 5, 2010
                                     the Common shares will commence
                                     trading on TSX Venture Exchange.
                                     Trading in the common shares will be
                                     immediately halted upon commencement
                                     of trading pending dissemination of a
                                     news release pertaining to the
                                     Company's Qualifying Transaction.

Corporate Jurisdiction:              Alberta

Capitalization:                      Unlimited common shares with no par
                                     value of which 8,000,000 common shares
                                     are issued and outstanding
Escrowed Shares:                     3,000,000 common shares

Transfer Agent:                      Olympia Trust Company
Trading Symbol:                      RAZ.P
CUSIP Number:                        78005A108
Sponsoring Member:                   Canaccord Capital Corporation

Agent's Options:                     500,000 non-transferable stock
                                     options. One option to purchase one
                                     share at $0.20 per share up to 24
                                     months from date of listing.

For further information, please refer to the Company's Prospectus dated
April 13, 2010.

Company Contact:                     Dennis Nerland
Company Address:                     2800, 715 - 5th Avenue SW
                                     Calgary, AB, T2P 2X6

Company Phone Number:                (403) 299-9600
Company Fax Number:                  (403) 299-9601
Company Email Address:               dln@snclaw.com


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced June 10, 2010:

Number of Shares:                    3,647,334 shares

Purchase Price:                      $0.30 per share

Warrants:                            1,823,668 share purchase warrants to
                                     purchase 1,823,668 shares

Warrant Exercise Price:              $0.35 for a two year period

Number of Placees:                   3 placees

Finder's Fee:                        $3,000 payable to Raymond James Ltd.

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company must
issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement and
setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must also
issue a news release if the private placement does not close promptly.
(Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later extend the
expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum permitted


(formerly Verb Exchange Inc. ("VEI"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Name Change and Consolidation, Symbol Change, Private
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Name Change and Consolidation:
Pursuant to a resolution passed by shareholders May 26, 2010, the Company
has consolidated its capital on a 25 old for 1 new basis. The name of the
Company has also been changed as follows.

Effective at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010, the common shares of Seymour
Ventures Corp. will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange, and the
common shares of Verb Exchange Inc. will be delisted. The Company is
classified as a 'Technology' company.

Post - Consolidation
Capitalization:                      Unlimited shares with no par value of
                                     which 11,793,711 shares are issued and
                                     outstanding (including shares issued
                                     pursuant to the Private Placement
Escrow:                              Nil shares

Transfer Agent:                      Computershare Trust Company of Canada
Trading Symbol:                      SEY             (new)
CUSIP Number:                        818764 10 2     (new)

Private Placement-Non-Brokered:
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced May 13, 2010:

Number of Shares:                    8,000,000 shares

Purchase Price:                      $0.095 per share

Warrants:                            8,000,000 share purchase warrants to
                                     purchase 8,000,000 shares

Warrant Exercise Price:              $0.125 for a one year period

Number of Placees:                   9 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

Name                        ProGroup=P/            # of Shares
0881607 B.C. Ltd.                    Y               6,100,000
 (Robert Chisholm)

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company must
issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement and
setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must also
issue a news release if the private placement does not close promptly.
(Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later extend the
expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum permitted


BULLETIN TYPE: Declaration of Dividend
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

The Issuer has declared the following dividends:

Dividend per Share:                  $0.073125
Payable Date:                        September 29, 2010; October 28, 2010
                                     and November 29, 2010
Record Date:                         September 15, 2010; October 15, 2010
                                     and November 15, 2010
Ex-dividend Date:                    September 13, 2010; October 13, 2010
                                     and November 10, 2010 respectively


(formerly Shelby Ventures Inc. ("SLY.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Transfer and New Addition to NEX, Symbol Change, Remain
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

In accordance with TSX Venture Policy 2.4, Capital Pool Companies, the
Company has not completed a Qualifying Transaction within the prescribed
time frame. Therefore, effective at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010, the
Company's listing will transfer to NEX, the Company's Tier classification
will change from Tier 2 to NEX, and the Filing and Service Office will
change from Vancouver to NEX.

As of July 5, 2010, the Company is subject to restrictions on share
issuances and certain types of payments as set out in the NEX policies.

The trading symbol for the Company will change from SLY.P to SLY.H. There
is no change in the Company's name, no change in its CUSIP number and no
consolidation of capital. The symbol extension differentiates NEX symbols
from Tier 1 or Tier 2 symbols within the TSX Venture market.

Further to the TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated April 5, 2010, trading
in the Company's securities will remain suspended.


BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at 10:15 a.m. PST, July 2, 2010, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an announcement;
this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry Regulatory
Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to
the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.


BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at 5:36 a.m. PST, July 2, 2010, trading in the shares of the
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an announcement;
this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry Regulatory
Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to
the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.


(formerly Valiant Minerals Ltd. ("VTM.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Transfer and New Addition to NEX, Symbol Change, Remain
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

In accordance with TSX Venture Policy 2.4, Capital Pool Companies, the
Company has not completed a Qualifying Transaction within the prescribed
time frame. Therefore, effective at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010, the
Company's listing will transfer to NEX, the Company's Tier classification
will change from Tier 2 to NEX, and the Filing and Service Office will
change from Vancouver to NEX.

As of July 5, 2010, the Company is subject to restrictions on share
issuances and certain types of payments as set out in the NEX policies.

The trading symbol for the Company will change from VTM.P to VTM.H. There
is no change in the Company's name, no change in its CUSIP number and no
consolidation of capital. The symbol extension differentiates NEX symbols
from Tier 1 or Tier 2 symbols within the TSX Venture market.

Further to the TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated March 24, 2010, trading
in the Company's securities will remain suspended.


(formerly ZZZ Capital Corp. ("ZAP.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Transfer and New Addition to NEX, Symbol Change, Remain
BULLETIN DATE: July 2, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

In accordance with TSX Venture Policy 2.4, Capital Pool Companies, the
Company has not completed a Qualifying Transaction within the prescribed
time frame. Therefore, effective at the opening Monday, July 5, 2010, the
Company's listing will transfer to NEX, the Company's Tier classification
will change from Tier 2 to NEX, and the Filing and Service Office will
change from Vancouver to NEX

As of July 5, 2010, the Company is subject to restrictions on share
issuances and certain types of payments as set out in the NEX policies.

The trading symbol for the Company will change from ZAP.P to ZAP.H. There
is no change in the Company's name, no change in its CUSIP number and no
consolidation of capital. The symbol extension differentiates NEX symbols
from Tier 1 or Tier 2 symbols within the TSX Venture market.

Further to the TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated April 5, 2010, trading
in the Company's securities will remain suspended.


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