WesternZagros Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:WZR) ("WesternZagros" or "the
Company") announced today its operating and financial results for the first
quarter ended March 31, 2014, and additional key highlights and activities to
date. A summary of the activities, the financial statements the accompanying
Management Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") are available at and on SEDAR at 

Commenting on the first quarter results and subsequent events, WesternZagros's
Chief Executive Officer Simon Hatfield said: 

"There have been several key operational accomplishments and corporate
initiatives this year that continue to steadily advance the development of our
substantial oil and gas discoveries in Kurdistan. The most significant of these
is that the interpretation of the integrated 3D seismic data that we acquired
last year over the Kurdamir discovery and the Baram structure indicates that it
is likely that the oil leg in the Oligocene reservoir at Kurdamir contains
significantly more resources than our currently audited contingent resource
estimates. This is also supported by the successful results of the approximately
one and half month extended well test of the lowest perforated interval in our
Kurdamir-2 well. This test produced approximately 90,000 barrels of oil, a
significant amount of gas and, most significantly, no formation water. This
confirms that any oil-water contact ("OWC") is significantly deeper than the
tested interval." 

"This evidence, together with the new high quality 3D seismic interpretation,
provides compelling support that the OWC may be as deep as that encountered at
Baram-1. Should this prove to be the case, the oil leg in the Oligocene
reservoir at Kurdamir would increase from the 241 metres used for our last
contingent resource estimate to an eye-popping 837 metres, a 250% increase. The
Company has long recognized that Kurdamir has significant undiscovered potential
in the Oligocene reservoir down the flank of the structure from the audited
contingent resources as we carry over 1 billion barrels of gross prospective oil
resources (mean estimate), however, these recent findings increase the chance of
success for these resources considerably. If proven, this has the potential to
convert an estimated 950 million barrels of prospective oil resources to
contingent resources. We also anticipate the results of two additional wells
that are underway to test the extension of the Kurdamir Oligocene oil leg onto
adjacent blocks. These are Talisman's Topkhana-2 well and KNOC's Massoyi-1 well,
being drilled to the west on Talisman's Topkhana Block and to the north on
KNOC's Sengaw South Block. The Company anticipates that the results from these
wells are likely to support our assertion that the Kurdamir oil discovery and
its extension onto adjacent blocks will prove to be a multi-billion barrel light
oil field." 

"On our Garmian Block, the KRG has accepted our declaration of commerciality for
the Sarqala oilfield and we are near to submitting our first field development
plan to the KRG for their approval with a view to commencing production as soon
as possible. Preliminary open hole flow tests on the Hasira-1 well have
confirmed light oil in both the Oligocene and Jeribe reservoirs although
mechanical difficulties have prevented comprehensive testing in the open hole
and both sections have now been cased for future testing. The light oil that
flowed is similar in quality to previous production from our neighboring
Sarqala-1 well. A more comprehensive Hasira-1 cased hole production test program
is planned once the current drilling rig has moved off the location and the more
cost effective workover rig is available, following the workover of Sarqala-1.
The current workover of Sarqala-1 is part of the Garmian Development Plan, which
contemplates initial Sarqala production of about 10,000 barrels of oil per day
this year, increasing up to 25,000 to 35,000 barrels of oil per day during the
second phase of development," Hatfield said. 

WesternZagros is evaluating a range of funding options available to the Company
while it progresses these development plans. In connection therewith, the Board
of Directors has established a Special Committee to review all financing and
strategic alternatives available to the Company with a view to enhancing
shareholder value. In addition, the Company has retained Citigroup Global
Markets Inc. ("Citi") to act as its financial advisor. One of the alternatives
that the Special Committee is exploring is a possible corporate transaction and
is in discussions with certain parties to determine whether such a transaction
would deliver additional value to shareholders. Notwithstanding this, the
Special Committee continues to consider all available alternatives for enhancing
shareholder value, which may include, but are not limited to, a potential sale
of the Company, a merger or other business combination, the sale of some or all
of the assets of the Company in one or more transactions, the completion of a
rights offering or other equity or debt financing or any combination of these
alternatives. The review process is ongoing and WesternZagros does not intend to
disclose developments with respect to the review process until the Board of
Directors has approved a specific transaction, action plan or otherwise
determines that disclosure is necessary or appropriate.

Operations Summary 

WesternZagros's assets comprise two contract areas, the Garmian and Kurdamir
blocks, with significant oil and gas discoveries on both. These blocks are on
trend with the super-giant Kirkuk oil field and adjacent to a number of prolific
oil and gas discoveries.

Operated Joint Venture: Garmian Block

--  The Company declared the commerciality of the Sarqala Discovery on
    December 23, 2013, and design work is underway on future development
    plans for the oil resources in the Sarqala area. 
--  As part of the Sarqala development plan, a workover commenced in March
    2014 on the Sarqala-1 well to increase the production capability above
    the current capacity of 5,000 barrels of oil per day ("bbl/d") up to
    10,000 bbl/d. Upon approval of the development plan, the Company
    anticipates commencing oil sales into the domestic market or into the
    export market via the new Kurdistan Region-Turkey pipeline 
--  The Hasira-1 well has reached a total depth of 4,181 metres, drilling
    through both the Jeribe and Oligocene reservoirs. Logging and initial
    open hole tests conducted in both reservoirs have confirmed light oil in
    both the Jeribe and Oligocene reservoirs. The open hole test completed
    in the Oligocene reservoir flowed oil to surface during an initial clean
    up flow, however the test was prematurely terminated after six hours due
    to formation debris plugging the tubing. Estimated rates from the
    cleanup flow period were 3,000 barrels per day of fluid, with up to 40
    percent oil cut, the balance being drilling fluids. The oil flowed to
    surface was consistent with the oil produced from Sarqala-1, approximate
    40 degree API and no indications of H2S. Currently the Company is casing
    the Oligocene reservoir section, and then will suspend the well for
    future testing of both the Oligocene and Jeribe reservoirs utilizing the
    more cost-effective workover rig which will be moved to Hasira-1 once it
    has completed the workover of Sarqala-1. 

Non-Operated Joint Venture: Kurdamir Block

--  WesternZagros updated its contingent and prospective resource estimates
    for the Oligocene reservoir in the Kurdamir structure based on new
    information obtained from the drilling of the Kurdamir-3 well and the
    interpretation of 3D seismic data. The revised resources assessment has
    been audited by the Company's independent reserves evaluator, Sproule
    International Limited, as of February 10, 2014, resulting in a revised
    mean estimate of gross unrisked contingent resources ("Mean Contingent
    Resources") of 750 MMBOE, an increase of five percent from those
    previously recognized. On an oil basis, the Mean Contingent Resources
    are now 386 million barrels of oil ("MMbbl"). The combined Mean
    Contingent Resources estimates for the Oligocene and Eocene reservoirs
    in the Kurdamir Block are now 976 MMBOE or 541 MMbbl on an oil basis.
    The revised mean estimate of gross unrisked prospective resources ("Mean
    Prospective Resources") for the Oligocene reservoir at Kurdamir is now
    1,084 MMbbl of oil, effectively unchanged from a previous estimate of
    1,076 MMbbl of oil. 
--  Subsequent to updating the contingent and prospective resources, the
    Company has conducted the following work to better understand the
    Kurdamir discovery and prepare for future development activities and for
    further delineation of the prospective resources: 
    --  A 44-day extended well test ("EWT") from the drill stem test ("DST")
        6 interval at the Kurdamir-2 well (deepest test conducted in base of
        Oligocene at -1,966 to -1,986 metres sub-sea ("mSS") was completed
        on May 2). Cumulative oil production was approximately 90,000
        barrels and during this time no formation water was produced. The
        Company views this information as support that the current
        contingent resource estimates, which limit lowest known oil to a
        depth in the range between -2,049 and -2081 mSS, represents a
        conservative view. During testing, the oil flow rate was restricted
        to limit the volume of gas flared as per the requirements of the
    --  Analyzed the Kurdamir-3 log and test data and concluded that the
        formation water encountered in Kurdamir-3 was most likely from a
        deeper interval. Based upon the oil tested at the DST 1 interval and
        oil pay calculated on wireline logs, the lowest known oil would
        extend significantly deeper, i.e. down to the deepest point drilled
        to date in the Oligocene reservoir at -2228 mSS. Extending the
        lowest known oil to that depth has the potential to convert
        approximately 350 million barrels of the current prospective oil
        resources to contingent oil resources. 
    --  In addition, the Company has continued to interpret the integrated
        3D seismic data acquired over Baram and Kurdamir in 2013 and
        determine the implications to its understanding of the Kurdamir
        discovery. This work has recently identified that while the Kurdamir
        Thrust Fault exists between Baram and Kurdamir, the 3D seismic data
        clearly shows that the Oligocene reservoir interval remains
        juxtaposed and, as such, is unlikely to represent a pressure barrier
        between Kurdamir and Baram. In this case, the oil-water contact
        tested in Baram at -2,676 mSS is likely to represent a common oil-
        water contact for the whole Topkhana-Kurdamir structure. This is a
        very significant observation, as the implication is that it extends
        the known oil leg another 600 metres than that used in the current
        audited contingent resource estimate. If this common oil-water
        contact can be proven, this has the potential to convert an
        additional approximately 600 MMbbl of the current prospective oil
        resources to contingent oil resources. This is in addition to the
        additional 350 MMbbl of prospective oil resources discussed in the
        previous paragraph, i.e. on a combined basis this would allow the
        conversion of approximately 1 billion barrels of prospective oil
        resources to contingent resources. 
    --  Please refer to the following map and schematic diagram for further
        information based on the recent analysis and interpretation: 

To view the first image associated with this release, please visit the following

To view the second image associated with this release, please visit the
following link:

--  Work has continued during the first quarter to identify possible future
    drilling locations on the Kurdamir block, utilizing the 3D seismic to
    identify locations within the current contingent resources for a
    horizontal development well to target the Oligocene reservoir estimated
    to have the best fracture development for well deliverability and to
    identify locations that could also convert further prospective resources
    to contingent resources by confirming lowest known oil deeper than the
    currently recognized range of -2,049 to -2,081 mSS. 
--  The Company continues to monitor the progress and results from wells
    that are drilling on neighboring blocks but still on the
    Kurdamir/Tophkana structure. The Tophkana-2 well currently being drilled
    by Talisman on its neighboring block is targeting the Oligocene
    reservoir, which reached total depth at the end of April, and is now
    commencing testing operations. The Massoyi-1 well currently being
    drilled by KNOC on its neighboring block to the north is targeting the
    Oligocene and Eocene reservoirs and is anticipated to be testing in the
    second half of 2014. 


--  As at March 31, 2014, WesternZagros had $70.0 million in working
    capital, excluding the $5.3 million non-current portion of the deposit
    held in trust pertaining to the drilling contract.  
--  Subsequent to March 31, 2014, the Company completed the assignment of
    its two drilling rigs and recovered $10 million of the deposit held in
    trust in relation to the first of two rigs which were assigned. Refer to
    the "Outlook" section for further discussion. 
--  WesternZagros's share of exploration and evaluation ("E&E") expenditures
    during the first quarter of 2014 included 50 percent of Garmian Block
    costs and 60 percent of Kurdamir Block costs. WesternZagros's share for
    these activities and other capitalized costs was $26.0 million,
    comprised of $12.3 million of drilling-related costs on the Garmian
    Block and $13.7 million in other appraisal and development planning
    costs. The Company's portion of drilling-related costs included $6.4
    million for Hasira-1 and $5.9 million for Baram-1. Appraisal and
    development costs included $2.9 million for the Kurdamir-2 EWT, $1.4
    million for the Sarqala workover, $4.5 million for initial long lead
    costs and other site preparation costs, $0.6 million for development
    planning and $4.3 million for local office and other PSC-related costs
    for both blocks. 


In 2014, WesternZagros will focus on the completion of appraisal activities and
on the advancement of development plans on the Garmian and Kurdamir blocks.

On the Kurdamir Block, the Company is working with Talisman, the operator, to
advance the submission of a declaration of commerciality prior to the end of the
second quarter 2014, with the development plan anticipated to be submitted
during the third quarter of 2014.

Remaining activities during 2014 will include completion of the interpretation
of the 3D seismic program over the Kurdamir structure and securing a site and
long lead materials for a future horizontal well. The Company is focused on
applying the same phased development approach that is being utilized on the
Garmian Block with early production initially achieved using available
production equipment. Subsequent phases will focus on the construction of
centralized production facilities and the drilling of development wells
targeting initial total production levels of 25,000 to 35,000 bbl/d of oil.
Additional phases will be completed as further development wells are drilled
targeting the approximately 1 billion BOE of gross unrisked contingent resources
(mean estimate) and to further delineate the 1.6 billion BOE of gross unrisked
prospective resources (mean estimate).

With the declaration of commerciality on the Garmian Block, the Company is
progressing towards bringing production on from its Sarqala Discovery and
anticipates that this will happen subsequent to the submission of the
development plan due in June 2014. 

The Company and Gazprom Neft are advancing a development plan and have
established a dedicated team to complete this work by the submission deadline of
June 21, 2014. Current facilities at Sarqala can support production levels of at
least 10,000 bbl/d, and a workover of the Sarqala-1 well has commenced with the
objective of increasing the production capacity up to 10,000 bbl/d. These
facilities may also be expanded to handle any additional volumes of crude oil
that Hasira-1 may provide once testing is completed at that well. The second
phase of development on the Sarqala field is expected to focus on development
wells and the construction of centralized production facilities that could
support total production of up to 25,000 to 35,000 bbl/d of oil. Additional
development phases for the Sarqala field may be added beyond this as future
wells appraise the estimated 463 MMBOE of gross unrisked prospective resources
(mean estimate) in determining the ultimate extent of the reservoir. Work is
continuing on opportunities to utilize the associated natural gas from any
future crude oil production to minimize the flaring.

Subsequent to March 31, 2014, WesternZagros concluded an assignment agreement
with Gazprom Neft and the rig contractor to temporarily assign two of its
contracted drilling rigs elsewhere for the remainder of 2014. Under this
arrangement, the rigs will return to the Company's Garmian Block for development
drilling on the Sarqala Discovery in early 2015 once the development plan is
approved and additional development locations are prepared. This will minimize
expenditures in the near term during the preparation of the development plan and
its approval by the KRG. Under the development terms of the Garmian Block
contract, WesternZagros's operatorship is expected to transfer to Gazprom Neft
by December 31, 2014.

The Company's portion of planned expenditures related to Garmian and Kurdamir
Block activities for the remainder of 2014 include $9 million for Hasira-1 and
other exploration-related costs, $5 million for the Sarqala-1 workover, $3
million for the Kurdamir-2 EWT activities, $13 million for Garmian and Kurdamir
development planning, $19 million for supervision, local office costs and other
Garmian and Kurdamir PSC-related costs and $11 million for other corporate

Liquidity and Capital Resources 

As at March 31, 2014, WesternZagros had $70.0 million in working capital, which
is sufficient for funding the completion of its exploration and appraisal
activities on the Garmian and Kurdamir Blocks. WesternZagros invests its cash
and cash equivalents and short-term investments with major Canadian financial
institutions with investment grade credit ratings and in Government of Canada
instruments in accordance with an Investment Policy approved by the Board of
Directors. The other income generated during the interim period ended March 31,
2014, was comprised entirely of interest earned on cash and cash equivalent
balances and short-term investments. 

WesternZagros and its co-venturers on the Garmian and Kurdamir blocks are
currently preparing staged development plans with early production systems to
supply both oil and natural gas to either the domestic or export markets. With
the submission of the development plan on the Garmian Block, which is
anticipated by the end of the second quarter of 2014, WesternZagros will be
requesting to commence the production and sale of crude oil from Sarqala-1.

Further funding will be required by WesternZagros as it advances the development
of its properties. In connection therewith, the Board of Directors has
established a Special Committee to review all financing and strategic
alternatives available to the Company and has retained Citi to act as the
Company's financial advisor. The Special Committee continues to evaluate all
available alternatives for enhancing shareholder value, which may include, but
are not limited to, a potential sale of the Company, a merger or other business
combination, the sale of some or all of the assets of the Company in one or more
transactions, the completion of a rights offering or other equity or debt
financing or any combination of these alternatives. The review process is
ongoing and a definitive schedule to complete it has not been set.

In determining which course of action to pursue, the Company will monitor and
assess all relevant factors, including the following: 

--  The Special Committee's review and evaluation of the financing and
    strategic alternatives; 
--  The timing of submission and approval for development plans; 
--  The expected timing and scope of development activities; 
--  The ability to export or to sell into the domestic markets oil and
    natural gas in accordance with the economic terms of the PSCs; 
--  The ability to generate cash flow from early production; 
--  The current conditions in the financial markets, including the potential
    for further market instability; 
--  The ability to access debt, and the costs thereof, for development
    activities in Kurdistan; and 
--  The timing for repayment of outstanding debt. 

About WesternZagros Resources Ltd.

WesternZagros is an international natural resources company focused on acquiring
properties and exploring for, developing and producing crude oil and natural gas
in Iraq. WesternZagros, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, holds a 40
percent working interest in two Production Sharing Contracts with the Kurdistan
Regional Government in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. WesternZagros's shares
trade in Canada on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "WZR".

This news release contains certain forward-looking statements relating to, but
not limited to, operational information, future appraisal and development plans
and the timing associated therewith, future production capability and capacity
of wells and facilities, estimated commitments under the Company's Production
Sharing Contract for the Kurdamir area ("Kurdamir PSC") and Production Sharing
Contract for the Garmian area ("Garmian PSC"), and planned expenditures.
Forward-looking information typically contains statements with words such as
"anticipate", "estimate", "expect", "potential", "could", or similar words
suggesting future outcomes. The Company cautions readers and prospective
investors in the Company's securities to not place undue reliance on
forward-looking information as, by its nature, it is based on current
expectations regarding future events that involve a number of assumptions,
inherent risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ
materially from those anticipated by WesternZagros. Readers are also cautioned
that disclosed test rates and results are not necessarily indicative of
long-term performance or of ultimate recovery.

Forward looking information is not based on historical facts but rather on
management's current expectations as well as assumptions made by, and
information currently available to management, concerning, among other things,
outcomes of future well operations, plans for and results of extended well tests
and drilling activity, future capital and other expenditures (including the
amount, nature and sources of funding thereof), future economic conditions,
future currency and exchange rates, continued political stability, timely
receipt of any necessary government or regulatory approvals, the successful
resolution of disputes, the Company's continued ability to employ qualified
staff and to obtain equipment in a timely and cost efficient manner, the
participation of the Company's co-venturers in joint activities, and the ability
to sell production and the prices to be received in connection therewith. In
addition, budgets are based upon WesternZagros's current appraisal and
development plans and anticipated costs, both of which are subject to change
based on, among other things, the actual outcomes of well operations and the
installation and commissioning of facilities, unexpected delays, availability of
future financing and changes in market conditions. Although the Company believes
the expectations and assumptions reflected in such forward-looking information
are reasonable, they may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking information
involves significant known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of
factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated
by WesternZagros including, but not limited to, risks associated with the oil
and gas industry (e.g. operational risks in exploration and production; inherent
uncertainties in interpreting geological data; changes in plans with respect to
capital expenditures; interruptions in operations together with any associated
insurance proceedings; the uncertainty of estimates and projections in relation
to costs and expenses and health, safety and environmental risks), the risk of
commodity price and foreign exchange rate fluctuations, the uncertainty
associated with any dispute resolution proceedings, the uncertainty associated
with negotiating with foreign governments and risk associated with international
activity, including the lack of federal petroleum legislation and ongoing
political disputes in Iraq in particular. 

In addition, statements relating to "resources" contained herein are deemed to
be forward-looking statements, as they involve the implied assessment, based on
certain estimates and assumptions that the resources described can be
economically produced in the future. Terms related to resource classifications
referred to herein are based on the definitions and guidelines in the Canadian
Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook which are as follows. "Prospective resources"
are those quantities of petroleum estimated, as of a given date, to be
potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations by application of future
development projects. Prospective resources have both an associated chance of
discovery (geological chance of success) and a chance of development (economic,
regulatory, market, facility, corporate commitment or political risks). The
chance of commerciality is the product of these two risk components. The
estimates referred to herein have not been risked for either the chance of
discovery or the chance of development. There is no certainty that any portion
of the prospective resources will be discovered. If a discovery is made, there
is no certainty that it will be developed or, if it is developed, there is no
certainty as to the timing of such development or that it will be commercially
viable to produce any portion of the prospective resources. "Contingent
resources" are those quantities of petroleum estimated, as of a given date, to
be potentially recoverable from known accumulations using established technology
or technology under development, but which are not currently considered to be
commercially recoverable due to one or more contingencies. Contingent resources
have an associated chance of development (economic, regulatory, market and
facility, corporate commitment or political risks). 

The estimates referred to herein have not been risked for the chance of
development. There is no certainty that the contingent resources will be
developed and, if developed, there is no certainty as to the timing of such
development or that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the
contingent resources. All resource estimates presented are gross volumes for the
indicated reservoirs, without any adjustment for the Company's working interest
or encumbrances. A barrel of oil equivalent ("BOE") is determined by converting
a volume of natural gas to barrels using the ratio of 6 million cubic feet
("Mcf") to one barrel. BOEs may be misleading, particularly if used in
isolation. A BOE conversion ratio of 6 Mcf:1 BOE is based on an energy
equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does
not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead. Given that the value ratio
based on the current price of oil as compared to natural gas is significantly
different from the energy equivalency of 6:1, utilizing a conversion on a 6:1
basis may be misleading as an indication of value. The Company's Statement of
Oil and Gas Information contained in its Annual Information Form dated March 13,
2014 ("AIF"), filed on SEDAR at contains additional detail with
respect to the resource assessments and includes the significant risks and
uncertainties associated with the estimates and the recovery and development of
the resources, and, in respect of contingent resources, the specific
contingencies that prevent the classification of the resources as reserves. In
addition, combined mean estimates of resources that are presented in this MD&A
are an arithmetic sum of the mean estimates for individual reservoirs and each
such individual mean estimate is the average from the probabilistic assessment
that was completed for the reservoir. Readers should refer to the AIF for a
detailed breakdown of the high (P10), low (P90) and best (P50) estimates for
each of the individual reservoir assessments as audited by the Company's
independent reserves evaluator.



WesternZagros Resources Ltd.
Greg Stevenson
Chief Financial Officer
(403) 693-7007

WesternZagros Resources Ltd.
Tony Kraljic
VP Business Development
(403) 693-7011

WesternZagros Resources Ltd.
Lisa Harriman
Manager of Investor Relations
(403) 693-7017

John Kiely
Brett Jacobs
James McFarlane
Smithfield Group
+44 (0) 20 7360 4900

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