RNS Number : 2870Y 
Evraz Group S.A. 
01 September 2009 

for immediate release 
September 1, 2009 - Evraz Group S.A. (LSE: EVR) today announces its 
unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2009. 
1H 2009 Highlights: 
  *  Revenue US$4,639 million 
  *  Consolidated adjusted EBITDA US$468 million* 
  *  Net loss US$999 million, negatively impacted by US$833 million due to change in 
  accounting policies. Excluding this impact, it would have been US$166 million 
  *  Operating cash flow US$1,123 million 
  *  Total debt reduced by US$1,504 million to US$8,482 million 
  *  Crude steel production fell by 28.8% year-on-year to 6.8 million tonnes 
  *  Total steel sales volumes decreased by 28.0% to 6.8 million tonnes 
  *  Restart of Blast Furnace No. 3 at Zapsib at the end of June 
  *  Vanadium segment revenues decreased by 81.4% to US$138 million 
  *  Sales volumes of vanadium products fell 52.8% year-on-year to 7,448 tonnes in 
  vanadium equivalent 
  *  Iron ore self-coverage of 99% 
  *  Coking coal self-coverage of 133% 
Corporate developments: 
  *  Sale of 49% interest in NS Group to TMK for US$508 million completed 
  *  Renouncement of the right to purchase licence to develop the Mezhegey coal 
  *  Transfer of 26% of the ordinary equity interest in Mapochs Mine (Proprietary) 
  Limited to local partners in South Africa as part of the Black Economic 
  Empowerment (BEE) government programme, valued at US$59.8 million 
* Excluding extraordinary charges related to bad debt write-offs (US$26 
million), net realisable value adjustment of Evraz Inc NA inventories (US$11 
million) and penalties (US$7 million), underlying adjusted EBITDA would have 
been US$512 million 
Execution of Management Action Plan 
Production optimisation: 
  *  Shutdown of inefficient capacity 
  *  Shift of production to semi-finished products, where demand is relatively high 
  *  Taking advantage of flexibility between billet and slab production depending on 
  market situation 
  *  Full utilisation of available capacity in Russian operations achieved from 1 
  July 2009 (13.5 million tonnes of crude steel per annum) 
Cost savings compared to 1H08: 
  *  Cash cost per tonne of semi-finished steel products in Russia and Ukraine 
  decreased by 35% 
  *  Labour costs decreased by 32% 
  *  Cost of services and auxiliary materials decreased by 42% 
Capex savings: 
  *  Capex in 1H09 was US$203 million (a decrease of 61.5% compared with 1H08) out of 
  US$500 million budgeted for FY2009 
  *  Exit from Cape Lambert Project in Australia 
Financial management: 
  *  US$738 million released from working capital in 1H09 in line with our full year 
  guidance of US$700 million release 
  *  Total debt decreased to US$8,482 million, net debt decreased to US$7,783 million 
  *  Convertible bond and GDR issue in July raised US$965 million 
  *  US$912 million of current loans and borrowings repaid in July-August 2009 
  *  Evraz is currently in compliance with all its financial covenants 
  *  Management intends to proactively approach lenders to address potential covenant 
  compliance issues in relation to full year results for 2009 
Major Changes in Accounting Policies 
In order to provide reliable and more relevant information regarding Group 
assets in the light of the recent currency fluctuations, Evraz's Board and 
management decided to make a voluntary change in the Group's accounting policies 
in respect of selected classes of property, plant and equipment under a 
revaluation model instead of a cost model with effect from 1 January 2009. 
The Group selected the following classes of property, plant and equipment for 
inclusion in the revaluation model: land, buildings and constructions, machinery 
and equipment. The Group continued to apply the cost model for other classes of 
property, plant and equipment. 
The effects of this change in accounting policies on the consolidated profit 
(loss) and consolidated other comprehensive income for the six-month period 
ended 30 June 2009 are: 
Effect on consolidated other comprehensive income: 
  *  US$6,231 million of surplus arising on revaluation of property, plant and 
  equipment, which cannot be distributed to shareholders (net of income tax effect 
  of $1,670 million) 
Effect on consolidated profit (loss): 
  *  US$420 million of revaluation deficit (net of income tax effect of $144 million) 
  *  US$262 million of additional depreciation expense (net of income tax effect of 
  $77 million) 
  *  US$76 million of impairment loss recognised as of the date of revaluation in 
  respect of goodwill 
  *  US$75 million impairment loss recognised as of the date of revaluation in 
  respect of classes of property, plant and equipment that were not subject to 
  revaluation (net of income tax effect of $21 million) 
  *  No impact on EBITDA or cash-flow 
| Six months to 30 June      |           2009 |           2008 |         Change | 
| (US$ million unless        |                |                |                | 
| otherwise stated)          |                |                |                | 
| Revenue                    |          4,639 |         10,723 |        (56.7)% | 
| Adjusted EBITDA 1          |            468 |          3,706 |        (87.4)% | 
| (Loss)/profit from         |       (1,046)* |          3,056 |                | 
| operations                 |                |                |                | 
| Net (loss)/profit          |        (999)** |          2,039 |                | 
| (Losses)/earnings per GDR  |         (2.52) |           5.37 |                | 
| 2, (US$)                   |                |                |                | 
1 Refer to Attachment 1 for reconciliation to profit from operations 
2 One share is represented by three GDRs 
* Net (loss)/profit was adversely affected by US$833 million negative effect of 
the revaluation of property, plant and equipment, caused by changes in 
accounting policy. Excluding this effect it would have been net loss of US$166 
** (Loss)/profit from operations was adversely affected by US$1,075 million 
negative effect of the revaluation of property, plant and equipment, caused by 
changes in accounting policy. Excluding this effect it would have been operating 
profit of US$29 million. 
Alexander Frolov, Evraz Group's CEO, commented: 
"The first half of 2009 proved a challenging time for Evraz and for the global 
steel industry in general. The ongoing economic recession negatively affected 
global infrastructure investments and steel consumption in our key markets. 
At the same time Evraz's business model proved its viability and resistance 
against the global downturn. Our strategy of pursuing international acquisitions 
and global diversification provided us with relative stability. Due to the 
different types of cyclicality in relation to different products in different 
markets, a sharp contraction of demand in one of our regions was partially 
offset by better performances across other business units. 
Our Russian operations were among the first to be hit by the global economic 
crisis during the second half of 2008, whereas our operations in North America 
achieved a stronger performance and, at the onset of 2009, displayed greater 
resistance, thereby helping us to partially offset the negative impacts. 
Later, as the prices and volumes in North America started to deteriorate in line 
with the region's overall market trend, we achieved certain improvements in our 
other business units, largely reflecting the end of traders' de-stocking 
activities. From April 2009 we witnessed the onset of improved demand, 
accompanied by higher pricing, for steel products from our traditional 
international markets, particularly South-East Asia, the Middle East and North 
Africa. This allowed us to restart our previously idled blast furnace in Siberia 
and reach full capacity utilisation across our Russian operations from 1 July 
As a result, our steel segment sales to clients outside Russia accounted for 72% 
of our revenues in the first half of 2009, versus 58% for the same period of 
2008, a development that demonstrates the increasing geographical 
diversification and global competitiveness of our business. 
Due to the forward nature of export contracts we experience a time lag of 
approximately two months before the benefits of any improvement in international 
benchmark prices for semi-finished steel products are translated into revenues. 
The international spot price increases for semi-finished steel products in 
May-June 2009 will therefore find reflection in our third quarter revenues. 
I am pleased to report that we are delivering against our management action plan 
and have made good progress in cost reduction, working capital decrease 
and capex savings. 
Deleveraging remains one of our key priorities and our liquidity plan has 
yielded positive results. We decreased our total debt by approximately $1.5 
billion in the first half of 2009. In addition, we improved our liquidity 
position through a successful concurrent issuance of GDRs and convertible bonds 
in July 2009, raising US$965 million." 
Commenting on the outlook for the remainder of 2009 and beyond Mr Frolov added: 
"In view of the positive pricing trends in recent months in our key export 
markets, driven primarily by robust demand from the emerging economies of Asia, 
the Middle East and North Africa, and the growing volumes of our Russian steel 
production from July 2009, we expect better results in the second half of the 
current financial year than in the first half. 
At the same time, the improving performance of our Russian and Ukrainian 
operations was overshadowed by the decreasing profitability of our international 
business units, particularly in North America. Although none of our business 
divisions are currently making losses at EBITDA level, the situation in the 
mature markets of North America and Europe is still uncertain and although 
destocking in these markets is largely over, underlying demand remains 
distinctly weak. 
We remain committed to running the business in the best interests of our 
stakeholders and we are confident that consistent execution of our strategy and 
our management action plan in relation to cost reduction, efficiency gains and 
rigorous financial discipline will allow us to see through the downturn and 
improve global competitiveness in order to benefit from subsequent market 
1H 2009 Results Summary: 
Evraz's consolidated revenues decreased by 56.7% to US$4,639 million in the 
first six months of 2009 compared with US$10,723 million in the first six months 
of 2008. Steel segment sales accounted for the majority of the decrease in 
revenues, largely due to the drop in average prices and sales volumes of steel 
products. Evraz's sales volumes of steel products decreased from 9.5 million 
tonnes in 1H 2008 to 6.8 million tonnes in 1H 2009. 
The decrease in steel sales volumes primarily relates to a decline in demand for 
construction products in Russia with the overall sales in the Russian market 
down by 1.9 million tonnes. Sales volumes in Ukraine declined by 0.1 million 
tonnes, while total export sales volumes of the Russian and Ukrainian operations 
remained at 1H 2008 level. The European and South African operations made 
respective contribution of -0.3 million tonnes and -0.2 million tonnes to the 
total decrease. Evraz's North American operations contributed -0.3 million 
tonnes in spite of 0.3 million of extra tonnes from Evraz Inc. Canada (former 
IPSCO Canada), which was acquired in June 2008. These decreases were 
attributable to the general slowdown in the steel markets in the first six 
months of 2009. 
Geographic breakdown of consolidated revenues 
|          |          Six months ended  30 June            | 
|          |      2009        |      2008        | 2009 v  | 
|          |                  |                  |  2008   | 
|          |  US$    |  % of  |  US$    |  % of  |    %    | 
|          |million  | total  |million  | total  | change  | 
| Russia   |   1,304 |  28.1% |   4,280 |  39.9% | (69.5)% | 
| Americas |   1,354 |  29.2% |   1,765 |  16.5% | (23.3)% | 
| Asia     |   1,075 |  23.2% |   1,911 |  17.8% | (43.7)% | 
| Europe   |     507 |  10.9% |   1,543 |  14.4% | (67.1)% | 
| CIS      |     245 |   5.3% |     783 |   7.3% | (68.7)% | 
| Africa   |     138 |   3.0% |     406 |   3.8% | (66.0)% | 
| Rest     |      16 |   0.3% |      35 |   0.3% | (54.3)% | 
| of the   |         |        |         |        |         | 
| world    |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Total    |   4,639 | 100.0% |  10,723 | 100.0% | (56.7)% | 
Revenues from sales in Russia decreased as a proportion of total revenues from 
39.9% to 28.1%. 
In 1H 2009, revenues from non-Russian sales declined by 48.2% to US$3,335 
million compared to US$6,443 million in 1H 2008 and increased as a percentage of 
total revenues to 71.9%, compared to 60.1% in 1H 2008. The higher proportion of 
revenues outside Russia in the six months ended 30 June 2009 compared to the six 
months ended 30 June 2008 was driven by the acquisition of IPSCO Canada and the 
re-orientation of sales from the Russian operations to export markets in view of 
weak demand in the Russian market. 
In the first six months of 2009, the consolidated cost of revenues amounted to 
US$4,297 million increasing to 92.6% of consolidated revenues, compared 
with US$6,616 million, or 61.7% of consolidated revenues, in the first six 
months of 2008. This increase in cost of revenues as a percentage of revenues is 
primarily attributable to the decline in steel product margins due to both 
negative price and product mix effects in the six months ended 30 June 2009 
compared with the same period last year. The effect of the depreciation of local 
currencies against the US dollar contributed to the decrease in costs. 
Gross profit fell by 91.7% to US$342 million from US$4,107 million in 1H 2008. 
Selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses as a percentage of 
consolidated revenues increased year-on-year from 9.0% to 12.8%. 
Impairment of assets increased by US$209 million to US$211 million for 1H 2009, 
compared to 1H 2008. Impairment in the first six months of 2009 was mainly 
attributable to impairment of goodwill related to the acquisition of the 
operations in North America and Ukraine amounting to US$129 million. 
Revaluation deficit on property, plant and equipment in the six months ended 30 
June 2009 amounted to US$564 million and relates to changes in the accounting 
Profit from operations decreased to a loss of US$1,046 million for 1H 2009, or 
-22.5% of consolidated revenues, compared to a profit of US$3,056 million, or 
28.5% of consolidated revenues, for 1H 2008. The decrease in profit from 
operations is attributable to the decline in consolidated gross profit margin, 
impairment of assets and the revaluation deficit on property, plant and 
equipment in the six months ended 30 June 2009. 
Consolidated adjusted EBITDA decreased by 87.4% to US$468 million in 1H 
2009 compared to US$3,706 million in 1H 2008, with EBITDA margins of 10.1% and 
34.6% respectively. 
The interest income decreased by 6.9% to US$27 million in the first six months 
of 2009 from US$29 million in the same period of 2008, largely due to a decrease 
in cash balances. The 1H 2009 interest expense increased by 13.9% to US$335 
million from US$294 million in 1H 2008 predominantly due to the growth of the 
average interest rate. 
Loss of US$7 million in the share of profits of associates and joint ventures in 
the six months ended 30 June 2009 relates to the loss attributable to Evraz's 
interest in the Raspadskaya coal company and the Kazankovskaya mine, an 
associate of Yuzhkuzbassugol. The gain on extinguishment of debts in the amount 
of US$104 million arose as a result of bonds buyback. 
In 1H 2009, income tax expense decreased to a benefit of US$261 million from an 
expense of US$850 million, which corresponds to an effective tax rate of 20.7%, 
compared to 29.4% in 1H 2008. 
The net profit attributable to equity holders of Evraz Group decreased from 
US$1,991 million in the six months ended 30 June 2008 to the loss of 
US$987 million in the six months ended 30 June 2009*. 
* Please refer to Attachment 2 for reconciliation of net profit/(loss) to net 
profit/(loss) without the effect of extraordinary items 
Explanation of Extraordinary Items 
Net income/(loss) line was adversely affected by one-off charges 
resulting predominantly from the revaluation of property, plant and equipment 
caused by changes in accounting policies. Reported net loss of US$999 million 
was negatively impacted by revaluation deficit on property, plant and equipment 
of US$420 million (net of income tax effect of US$144 million), impairment 
charges of US$194 million (net of net income tax effect of US$17 million) 
partially attributed to revaluation (US$151 million, net of income tax effect of 
US$21 million), and other one-off items: bad debt write-offs of US$24 million 
(net of income tax effect of $2 million), net realisable value adjustment of 
Evraz Inc NA inventories of US$7 million (net of income tax effect of $4 
million), penalties of US$7 million, loss from disposal of subsidiary of US$12 
million and effect of change in tax accounting policy for Cyprus subsidiary of 
US$14 million. 
Extraordinary gain on extinguishment of debts (US$104 million) and foreign 
exchange gain (US$71 million, net of income tax effect of US$3 million) 
partially offset negative impact of the revaluation on net income/(loss) line. 
As a result of the above mentioned extraordinary items, net loss increased by 
US$503 million. Without these factors net loss would have been US$496 million. 
Review of Operations 
Steel Segment Results 
| Six months to 30 June      |          2009 |           2008 |         Change | 
| (US$ million unless        |               |                |                | 
| otherwise stated)          |               |                |                | 
| Revenues*                  |         4,291 |          9,235 |        (53.5)% | 
| (Loss)/profit from         |         (882) |          2,314 |       (138.1)% | 
| operations                 |               |                |                | 
| Adjusted EBITDA            |           389 |          2,700 |        (85.6)% | 
| Adjusted EBITDA margin     |          9.1% |          29.2% |                | 
*Segmental revenues here and further include intersegment sales 
Steel Segment Sales 
|                            |          Six months ended 30 June             | 
|                            |      2009        |      2008        | 2009 v  | 
|                            |                  |                  |  2008   | 
|                            |  US$    |  % of  |  US$    |  % of  |    %    | 
|                            |million  | total  |million  | total  | change  | 
| Steel                      |         |        |         |        |         | 
| products                   |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Construction               |     817 |  19.0% |   2,815 |  30.5% | (71.0)% | 
| products 1                 |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Railway                    |     579 |  13.5% |   1,137 |  12.3% | (49.1)% | 
| products                   |         |        |         |        |         | 
| 2                          |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Flat-rolled                |     652 |  15.2% |   1,610 |  17.4% | (59.5)% | 
| products 3                 |         |        |         |        |         | 
|                      of    |      48 |   1.1% |      26 |   0.3% |   84.6% | 
|                      which |         |        |         |        |         | 
|                      IPSCO |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Tubular                    |     675 |  15.7% |     534 |   5.8% |   26.4% | 
| products                   |         |        |         |        |         | 
| 4                          |         |        |         |        |         | 
|                      of    |     414 |   9.6% |      52 |   0.6% |     n/a | 
|                      which |         |        |         |        |         | 
|                      IPSCO |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Semi-finished              |     964 |  22.5% |   1,963 |  21.3% | (50.9)% | 
| products 5                 |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Other                      |     107 |   2.5% |     298 |   3.2% | (64.1)% | 
| steel                      |         |        |         |        |         | 
| products                   |         |        |         |        |         | 
| 6                          |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Other                      |     497 |  11.6% |     878 |   9.5% | (43.4)% | 
| products                   |         |        |         |        |         | 
| 7                          |         |        |         |        |         | 
|                      of    |      73 |   1.7% |       8 |   0.1% |     n/a | 
|                      which |         |        |         |        |         | 
|                      IPSCO |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Total                      |   4,291 | 100.0% |   9,235 | 100.0% | (53.5)% | 
1 Includes rebars, wire rods, wire, H-beams, channels and angles. 
2 Includes rail and wheels. 
3 Includes plates and coils. 
4 Includes large diameter, ERW, seamless pipes and casing. 
5 Includes billets, slabs, pig iron, pipe blanks and blooms. 
6 Includes rounds, grinding balls, mine uprights and strips. 
7 Includes coke and coking products, refractory products, ferroalloys and resale 
of coking coal. 
Steel Segment Sales Volumes* 
| Six months to 30 June        |          2009 |          2008 |        Change | 
| ('000 tonnes)                |               |               |               | 
| Steel products               |               |               |               | 
| Construction products        |         1,728 |         3,138 |       (44.9)% | 
| Railway products             |           822 |         1,247 |       (34.1)% | 
| Flat-rolled products         |           887 |         1,428 |       (37.9)% | 
| Tubular products             |           501 |           367 |         36.5% | 
| Semi-finished products       |         2,704 |         2,987 |        (9.5)% | 
| Other steel products         |           204 |           340 |       (40.0)% | 
| Total                        |         6,846 |         9,507 |       (28.0)% | 
* Including intersegment sales 
Steel segment revenues decreased by 53.5% to US$4,291 million in the first six 
months of 2009 from US$9,235 million in the first six months of 2008, affected 
by the negative price dynamics for steel products and lower sales volumes that 
were to a certain extent mitigated by the acquisition of IPSCO Canada in June 
The proportion of both revenues and sales volumes attributable to construction 
products decreased, reflecting a significant decline in sales volumes of 
construction products from Russian operations. 
Despite a decrease in volumes, the proportion of revenues attributable to sales 
of railway products increased slightly due to the fact that prices for railway 
products decreased less than average prices of other steel products. 
The proportion of revenues attributable to sales of flat-rolled products 
(primarily plates) decreased due to an above average decrease in sales volumes 
compared to other steel products. 
The proportion of revenues attributable to sales of tubular products 
significantly increased as a result of the additional sales volumes from IPSCO 
Canada and below average decline in average prices compared to other steel 
The proportion of revenues attributable to sales of semi-finished products 
showed a slight increase primarily due to higher sales volumes of semis sold by 
the Russian and Ukrainian operations to the export markets. 
Revenues from sales of other steel products (mainly rounds, grinding balls and 
mine uprights sold in Russia) decreased slightly as a proportion of steel 
segment revenues due to an above average decrease in sales volumes compared to 
other steel products. 
Revenues attributable to other non-steel sales increased as a proportion of 
steel segment sales due to contribution of IPSCO Canada and lower impact from 
price decreases compared to steel sales. 
For 1H 2009 and 1H 2008, steel segment sales to the mining segment amounted to 
US$37 million and US$84 million, respectively. The decrease is attributable to 
lower sale prices and volumes. 
Revenues from sales outside Russia amounted to approximately 73% of steel 
segment revenues in the first six months of 2009, compared to 58% in the first 
six months of 2008. The increased share of revenues from sales outside Russia is 
primarily attributable to the contribution of IPSCO Canada and a higher 
proportion of export sales by the Russian and Ukrainian operations. 
Steel segment cost of revenues totalled US$3,953 million, or 92.1% of steel 
segment revenues in 1H 2009 compared with US$6,172 million or 66.8% of steel 
segment revenues in 1H 2008. The decrease is attributable to the drop in sales 
volumes and in prices of raw materials. 
In 1H 2009, the steel segment profit from operations decreased to a loss of 
US$882 million, from a profit of US$2,314 million in 1H 2008. 
In 1H 2009, adjusted EBITDA in the steel segment was US$389 million, or 9.1% of 
steel segment revenues, vs. US$2,700 million, or 29.2% in 1H 2008. 
Mining Segment Results 
| Six months to 30 June        |         2009 |         2008 |        Change | 
| (US$ million unless          |              |              |               | 
| otherwise stated)            |              |              |               | 
| Revenues                     |          652 |        2,012 |       (67.6)% | 
| (Loss)/profit from           |        (202) |          620 |      (132.6)% | 
| operations                   |              |              |               | 
| Adjusted EBITDA              |           94 |          837 |       (88.8)% | 
| Adjusted EBITDA margin       |        14.4% |        41.6% |               | 
Mining Segment Sales 
|             |           Six months ended 30 June            | 
|             |      2009        |      2008        | 2009 v  | 
|             |                  |                  |  2008   | 
|             |  US$    |  % of  |  US$    |  % of  |    %    | 
|             |million  | total  |million  | total  | change  | 
| Iron        |     362 |  55.5% |   1,225 |  60.9% | (70.4)% | 
| ore         |         |        |         |        |         | 
| products    |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Iron        |     115 |  17.6% |     308 |  15.3% | (62.7)% | 
| ore         |         |        |         |        |         | 
| concentrate |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Sinter      |     134 |  20.6% |     469 |  23.3% | (71.4)% | 
| Pellets     |     107 |  16.4% |     342 |  17.0% | (68.7)% | 
| Other       |       6 |   0.9% |     106 |   5.3% | (94.3)% | 
| Coal        |     255 |  39.1% |     704 |  35.0% | (63.8)% | 
| products    |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Coking      |      67 |  10.3% |     119 |   5.9% | (43.7)% | 
| coal        |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Coal        |     107 |  16.4% |     414 |  20.6% | (74.2)% | 
| concentrate |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Steam       |      68 |  10.4% |     171 |   8.5% | (60.2)% | 
| coal        |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Steam       |      13 |   2.0% |       - |      - |     n/a | 
| concentrate |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Other       |      35 |   5.4% |      83 |   4.1% | (57.8)% | 
| revenues    |         |        |         |        |         | 
| Total       |     652 | 100.0% |   2,012 | 100.0% | (67.6)% | 
| Six months to 30 June        |          2009 |          2008 |        Change | 
| ('000 tonnes)                |               |               |               | 
| Iron ore products            |         7,733 |        11,920 |       (35.1)% | 
| Iron ore concentrate         |         2,433 |         3,250 |       (25.1)% | 
| Sinter                       |         2,398 |         4,059 |       (40.9)% | 
| Pellets                      |         2,625 |         3,084 |       (14.9)% | 
| Other                        |           277 |         1,527 |       (81.9)% | 
| Coal products                |         6,128 |         6,351 |        (3.5)% | 
| Coking coal                  |         2,264 |         1,501 |         50.8% | 
| Coal concentrate             |         1,809 |         2,635 |       (31.3)% | 
| Steam coal                   |         1,864 |         2,215 |       (15.8)% | 
| Steam concentrate            |           191 |             - |           n/a | 
* Including intersegment sales 
Mining segment revenues were down by 67.6% to US$652 million, compared with 
US$2,012 million in the 1H 2008, primarily reflecting a significant decline in 
the average prices and volumes of iron ore products and in average prices of 
coal products. 
In 1H 2009 mining segment sales to the steel segment amounted to US$456 million, 
or 69.9% of mining segment sales, vs. US$1,265 million, or 62.9% of mining 
segment sales in 1H 2008. 
The mining segment cost of revenues decreased by 42.7% from US$1,196 million in 
1H 2008 to US$685 million in 1H 2009, mainly as a consequence of the decrease in 
raw materials (-81.1%), transportation (-4.5%), staff (-26.4%), energy (-17.7%) 
and other (-54.0%) costs. 
The mining segment profit from operations decreased to a loss of US$202 million 
in the six months ended 30 June 2009. This compares with a profit of US$620 
million in the same period of 2008. 
Adjusted EBITDA in the mining segment decreased by 88.8% to US$94 million, or 
14.4% of mining segment revenues in 1H 2009, from US$837 million, or 41.6% of 
mining segment revenues in 1H 2008. 
Vanadium Segment Results 
| Six months to 30 June        |         2009 |         2008 |        Change | 
| (US$ million unless          |              |              |               | 
| otherwise stated)            |              |              |               | 
| Revenues                     |          138 |          740 |       (81.4)% | 
| (Loss)/profit from           |         (48) |          179 |      (126.8)% | 
| operations                   |              |              |               | 
| Adjusted EBITDA              |         (34) |          185 |      (118.4)% | 
| Adjusted EBITDA margin       |      (24.6)% |        25.0% |               | 
Vanadium Segment Sales Volumes 
| Six months to 30 June        |          2009 |          2008 |        Change | 
| ('000 tonnes)                |               |               |               | 
| Vanadium products            |           7.4 |          15.8 |       (53.2)% | 
| Vanadium in slag             |           4.7 |           5.9 |       (20.3)% | 
| Vanadium in alloys and       |           2.7 |           9.9 |       (72.7)% | 
| chemicals                    |               |               |               | 
Vanadium segment revenues decreased by 81.4% to US$138 million in the first six 
months of 2009, compared with US$740 million in the first six months of 2008. 
The decrease is attributable to a significant decrease in vanadium prices and 
sales volumes. 
The vanadium segment cost of revenues fell by 71.6% from US$559 million in 1H 
2008 to US$159 million in 1H 2009. 
The vanadium segment profit from operations decreased to a loss of US$48 million 
in 1H 2009 from a profit of US$179 million in 1H 2008. 
Adjusted EBITDA in the vanadium segment was down to negative US$34 million from 
positive US$185 million in 1H 2008. 
Other operations segment results 
| Six months to 30 June        |          2009 |          2008 |        Change | 
| (US$ million unless          |               |               |               | 
| otherwise stated)            |               |               |               | 
| Revenues                     |           343 |           582 |       (41.1)% | 
| Profit from operations       |            25 |            67 |       (62.7)% | 
| Adjusted EBITDA              |            70 |            94 |       (25.5)% | 
| Adjusted EBITDA margin       |         20.4% |         16.2% |               | 
Evraz's revenues from other operations including logistics, port services, power 
and heat generation and supporting activities totalled US$343 million, a 41.1% 
decrease compared with 1H 2008 revenues. 
Consolidated Group Financial Position 
Cash flow 
Cash flow from operating activities decreased from US$2,449 million in the first 
six months of 2008 to US$1,123 million in the first six months of 2009 due to 
poor market conditions, resulting in decreased profit margins and to the decline 
in revenue in the first six months of 2009. 
Net cash from investing activities totalled US$380 million in 1H 2009 vs. net 
cash used in investing activities of US$3,166 million in 1H 2008. 
In 1H 2009, Evraz made capital expenditures of approximately US$203 million, 
including US$131 million in its steel segment and US$68 million in its mining 
In 1H 2009, net cash used in financing activities amounted to US$1,775 million 
compared with US$1,304 million net cash generated from financing activities in 
1H 2008. 
Balance sheet 
As of 30 June 2009 total debt amounted to US$8,482 million, down from 
US$9,986 million on 31 December 2008. Cash and cash equivalents together with 
short-term bank deposits amounted to US$699 million, down from US$955 million at 
31 December 2008. Liquidity*, defined as cash and cash equivalents, amounts 
available under unrestricted credit facilities and short-term bank deposits with 
original maturity of more than three months, totalled approximately 
US$1,262 million as of 30 June 2009 and approximately US$1,946 million as of 31 
December 2008. 
As of 30 June 2009, Evraz had unutilised borrowing facilities in the amount of 
US$1,170 million, including US$563 million of committed facilities and 
US$607 million of uncommitted facilities. 
Net debt** decreased to US$7,783 million as of 30 June 2009 from 
US$9,031 million as of 31 December 2008. 
As of 30 June 2009, total assets amounted to US$23,115 million vs. 
US$19,451 million as of 31 December 2008, primarily as a result of the 
revaluation surplus arising from the revaluation of certain of the Group's 
assets as of 1 January 2009. 
Evraz Group S.A. shareholders' equity, including reserves and accumulated 
profits increased to US$9,575 million as of 30 June 2009 from US$4,672 million 
as of 31 December 2008, primarily as a result of the revaluation surplus arising 
from the revaluation of certain of the Group's assets as of 1 January 2009. 
* Please refer to Attachment 3 for calculation of liquidity 
 ** Please refer 
to Attachment 4 for calculation of net debt 
# # # 
Percentage changes may not be exact due to rounding. 
For further information: 
Evraz Group 
Investor Relations Director 
Alexander Boreyko 
Tel: +7 495 232 1370 
  Attachment 1 
Adjusted EBITDA 
Adjusted EBITDA represents profit from operations adjusted for depreciation, 
depletion and amortisation, impairment of assets and loss (gain) on disposal of 
property, plant and equipment, foreign exchange gains/(losses). Evraz presents 
an Adjusted EBITDA because it considers Adjusted EBITDA to be an important 
supplemental measure of its operating performance and believes Adjusted EBITDA 
is frequently used by securities analysts, investors and other interested 
parties in the evaluation of companies in the same industry. Adjusted EBITDA is 
not a measure of financial performance under IFRS and it should not be 
considered as an alternative to net profit as a measure of operating performance 
or to cash flows from operating activities as a measure of liquidity. Evraz's 
calculation of Adjusted EBITDA may be different from the calculation used by 
other companies and therefore comparability may be limited. Adjusted EBITDA has 
limitations as an analytical tool, and potential investors should not consider 
it in isolation, or as a substitute for an analysis of our operating results as 
reported under IFRS. Some of these limitations include: 
Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect the impact of financing or financing costs on 
Evraz's operating performance, which can be significant and could further 
increase if Evraz were to incur more debt. 
Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect the impact of income taxes on Evraz's operating 
Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect the impact of depreciation and amortisation on 
Evraz's operating performance. The assets of Evraz's businesses which are being 
depreciated and/or amortised will have to be replaced in the future and such 
depreciation and amortisation expense may approximate the cost to replace these 
assets in the future. By excluding this expense from Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted 
EBITDA does not reflect Evraz's future cash requirements for these replacements. 
Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to profit from operations is as follows 
|                                                |  Six months ended 30 June   | 
|                                                |    2009      |    2008      | 
|                                                |        (US$ million)        | 
| Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA reconciliation    |                             | 
| (Loss)/profit from operations                  |      (1,046) |        3,056 | 
| Add:                                           |              |              | 
| Depreciation                                   |          782 |          607 | 
| Impairment of assets                           |          211 |            2 | 
| Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant &   |           25 |          (5) | 
| equipment                                      |              |              | 
| Foreign exchange loss (gain)                   |         (68) |           46 | 
| Revaluation deficit                            |          564 |            - | 
| Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA                   |          468 |        3,706 | 
| Steel segment Adjusted EBITDA reconciliation   |              |              | 
| (Loss)/profit from operations                  |        (882) |        2,314 | 
| Add:                                           |              |              | 
| Depreciation                                   |          571 |          380 | 
| Impairment of assets                           |          221 |            1 | 
| Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant &   |           15 |          (5) | 
| equipment                                      |              |              | 
| Foreign exchange loss (gain)                   |           40 |           10 | 
| Revaluation deficit                            |          424 |              | 
| Steel segment Adjusted EBITDA                  |          389 |        2,700 | 
| Vanadium segment Adjusted EBITDA               |              |              | 
| reconciliation                                 |              |              | 
| (Loss)/profit from operations                  |         (48) |          179 | 
| Add:                                           |              |              | 
| Depreciation                                   |            8 |            6 | 
| Impairment of assets                           |            - |            - | 
| Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant &   |            - |            - | 
| equipment                                      |              |              | 
| Foreign exchange loss (gain)                   |            2 |            - | 
| Revaluation deficit                            |            4 |            - | 
| Mining segment Adjusted EBITDA                 |         (34) |          185 | 
| Mining segment Adjusted EBITDA reconciliation  |              |              | 
| (Loss)/profit from operations                  |        (202) |          620 | 
| Add:                                           |              |              | 
| Depreciation                                   |          187 |          196 | 
| Impairment of assets                           |         (11) |            - | 
| Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant &   |            7 |            - | 
| equipment                                      |              |              | 
| Foreign exchange loss (gain)                   |            1 |           21 | 
| Revaluation deficit                            |          112 |            - | 
| Vanadium segment Adjusted EBITDA               |           94 |          837 | 
| Other operations Adjusted EBITDA               |              |              | 
| reconciliation                                 |              |              | 
| Profit from operations                         |           25 |           67 | 
| Add:                                           |              |              | 
| Depreciation                                   |           15 |           24 | 
| Impairment of assets                           |            1 |            2 | 
| Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant &   |            3 |            - | 
| equipment                                      |              |              | 
| Foreign exchange loss (gain)                   |            2 |            1 | 
| Revaluation deficit                            |           24 |            - | 
| Other operations Adjusted EBITDA               |           70 |           94 | 
Attachment 2 
Reconciliation of net profit/(loss) to net profit/(loss) without the impact of 
one-offs and write-offs (unaudited): 
|                                                |  Six months ended 30 June   | 
|                                                |    2009      |    2008      | 
|                                                |        (US$ million)        | 
| Net profit/(loss)                              |        (999) |        2,039 | 
| Add:                                           |              |              | 
| Revaluation deficit on property, plant and     |          420 |            - | 
| equipment                                      |              |              | 
| Impairment (including $151 million recognised  |          194 |            2 | 
| on revaluation)                                |              |              | 
| Foreign exchange gain                          |         (71) |           35 | 
| Gain on bonds repurchase                       |        (104) |            - | 
| Write-off of receivables                       |           24 |            - | 
| Fines and penalties                            |            7 |            - | 
| Additional NRV allowance                       |            7 |            - | 
| Loss from disposal of subsidiary               |           12 |            9 | 
|                 Cumulative effect of change in |           14 |            - | 
|                 tax accounting policy for      |              |              | 
|                 Cyprus subsidiary              |              |              | 
| Net profit/(loss) without one-offs             |        (496) |        2,085 | 
Attachment 3 
|                                                 |  30 June   |    31 December     | 
|                                                 |    2009    |        2008        | 
|                                                 |          (US$ million)          | 
| Liquidity Calculation                           |                                 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                       |                678 |        930 | 
| Amounts available under unrestricted credit     |                563 |        991 | 
| facilities                                      |                    |            | 
| Short-term bank deposits with original maturity |                 21 |         25 | 
| more than 3 months                              |                    |            | 
| Total liquidity                                 |              1,262 |      1,946 | 
Attachment 4 
Net Debt 
Net Debt represents long-term loans, net of current portion, plus short-term 
loans and current portion of long?term loans less cash and cash equivalents 
(excluding restricted deposits). Net Debt is not a balance sheet measure under 
IFRS, and it should not be considered as an alternative to other measures of 
financial position. Evraz's calculation of Net Debt may be different from the 
calculation used by other companies and therefore comparability may be limited. 
Net Debt has been calculated as follows (unaudited): 
|                                                 |  30 June   |    31 December     | 
|                                                 |    2009    |        2008        | 
|                                                 |          (US$ million)          | 
| Net Debt Calculation                            |                                 | 
| Add:                                            |                    |            | 
| Long-term loans, net of current portion         |              4,545 |      6,064 | 
| Short-term loans and current portion of         |              3,937 |      3,922 | 
| long-term loans                                 |                    |            | 
| Less:                                           |                    |            | 
| Short-term bank deposits                        |               (21) |       (25) | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                       |              (678) |      (930) | 
| Net Debt                                        |              7,783 |      9,031 | 
  Evraz Group S.A. 
Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations 
(In millions of US dollars, except for per share information) 
|                                            |Six-month period ended 30 June   | 
|                                            |           2009 |          2008* | 
| Revenue                                    |                |                | 
|               Sale of goods                | 4,485          | 10,512         | 
|               Rendering of services        |            154 |            211 | 
|                                            |          4,639 |         10,723 | 
| Cost of revenue                            |        (4,297) |        (6,616) | 
| Gross profit                               |            342 |          4,107 | 
|                                            |                |                | 
| Selling and distribution costs             |          (284) |          (499) | 
| General and administrative expenses        |          (311) |          (461) | 
| Social and social infrastructure           |           (17) |           (49) | 
| maintenance expenses                       |                |                | 
| Gain/(loss) on disposal of property, plant |           (25) |              5 | 
| and equipment                              |                |                | 
| Impairment of assets                       |          (211) |            (2) | 
| Revaluation deficit on property, plant and |          (564) |              - | 
| equipment                                  |                |                | 
| Foreign exchange gains/(losses), net       |             68 |           (46) | 
| Other operating income                     |             13 |             24 | 
| Other operating expenses                   |           (57) |           (23) | 
| Profit/(loss) from operations              |        (1,046) |          3,056 | 
|                                            |                |                | 
| Interest income                            |             27 |             29 | 
| Interest expense                           |          (335) |          (294) | 
| Share of profits/(losses) of joint         |            (7) |             96 | 
| ventures and associates                    |                |                | 
| Gain/(loss) on financial assets and        |            110 |              2 | 
| liabilities                                |                |                | 
| Loss on disposal groups classified as held |            (3) |            (9) | 
| for sale                                   |                |                | 
| Other non-operating gains/(losses), net    |            (6) |              9 | 
| Profit/(loss) before tax                   |        (1,260) |          2,889 | 
|                                            |                |                | 
| Income tax benefit/(expense)               |            261 |          (850) | 
| Net profit/(loss)                          | (999)          | 2,039          | 
|                                            |                |                | 
| Attributable to:                           |                |                | 
|           Equity holders of the parent     | (987)          | 1,991          | 
|           entity                           |                |                | 
|           Minority interests               |           (12) |             48 | 
|                                            | (999)          | 2,039          | 
| Earnings/(losses) per share:               |                |                | 
| basic, for profit attributable to equity   | (7.55)         | 16.12          | 
| holders of the parent entity, US dollars   |                |                | 
|       diluted, for profit attributable to  | (7.55)         | 16.03          | 
|       equity holders of the parent entity, |                |                | 
|       US dollars                           |                |                | 
* The amounts shown here do not correspond to the financial statements for the 
six-month period ended 30 June 2008 and reflect adjustments made in connection 
with the completion of initial accounting as detailed in Note 4 to the Unaudited 
Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 
Evraz Group S.A. 
Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
(In millions of US dollars, except for per share information) 
|                                            | 
|                                            |  Six-month period ended 30 June | 
|                                            |           2009 |          2008* | 
|                                            |  Six-month period ended 30 June | 
|                                            |           2009 |          2008* | 
| Net profit/(loss)                          |          (999) |          2,039 | 
|                                            |                |                | 
| Other comprehensive income                 |                |                | 
| Effect of translation to presentation      |          (465) |            366 | 
| currency                                   |                |                | 
|                                            |                |                | 
| Net gains/(losses) on available-for-sale   |             20 |           (22) | 
| financial assets                           |                |                | 
|           Income tax effect                |            (2) |              - | 
|                                            |             18 |           (22) | 
|                                            |                |                | 
|       Surplus on revaluation of property,  |          7,901 |              - | 
|       plant and equipment of the Group's   |                |                | 
|       subsidiaries                         |                |                | 
|       Deficit on revaluation of property,  |           (38) |                | 
|       plant and equipment recognised in    |                |                | 
|       other comprehensive income           |                |                | 
|       Decrease in revaluation surplus in   |           (45) |              - | 
|       connection with the impairment of    |                |                | 
|       property, plant and equipment        |                |                | 
|           Income tax effect                |        (1,656) |              - | 
|                                            |          6,162 |              - | 
|                                            |                |                | 
|       Surplus on revaluation of property,  |             66 |              - | 
|       plant and equipment of the Group's   |                |                | 
|       joint ventures and associates        |                |                | 
|       Effect of translation to             |           (37) |             28 | 
|       presentation currency                |                |                | 
|       Share of other comprehensive income  |             29 |             28 | 
|       of joint ventures and associates     |                |                | 
|       accounted for using the equity       |                |                | 
|       method                               |                |                | 
|                                            |                |                | 
|                                            |                |                | 
| Total other comprehensive income           |          5,744 |            372 | 
| Total other comprehensive income, net of   |          4,745 |          2,411 | 
| tax                                        |                |                | 
|                                            |                |                | 
| Attributable to:                           |                |                | 
|           Equity holders of the parent     | 4,680          | 2,382          | 
|           entity                           |                |                | 
|           Minority interests               |             65 |             29 | 
|                                            | 4,745          | 2,411          | 
* The amounts shown here do not correspond to the financial statements for the 
six-month period ended 30 June 2008 and reflect adjustments made in connection 
with the completion of initial accounting as detailed in Note 4 to the Unaudited 
Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 
  Evraz Group S.A. 
Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
(In millions of US dollars) 
|                                            |        30 June |    31 December | 
|                                            |           2009 |          2008* | 
| Assets                                     |                |                | 
| Non-current assets                         |                |                | 
| Property, plant and equipment              | 14,989         | 9,012          | 
| Intangible assets other than goodwill      |          1,097 |          1,108 | 
| Goodwill                                   |          2,077 |          2,167 | 
| Investments in joint ventures and          |            586 |            551 | 
| associates                                 |                |                | 
| Deferred income tax assets                 |             26 |             44 | 
| Other non-current assets                   |            281 |            278 | 
|                                            |         19,056 |         13,160 | 
| Current assets                             |                |                | 
| Inventories                                |          1,641 |          2,416 | 
| Trade and other receivables                |            925 |          1,369 | 
| Prepayments                                |             86 |             76 | 
| Loans receivable                           |             58 |            108 | 
| Receivables from related parties           |             98 |            137 | 
| Income tax receivable                      |            147 |            262 | 
| Other taxes recoverable                    |            263 |            397 | 
| Short-term investments                     |             89 |            589 | 
| Restricted deposits at banks               |             47 |              - | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                  |            678 |            930 | 
|                                            |          4,032 |          6,284 | 
| Assets of disposal groups classified as    |             27 |              7 | 
| held for sale                              |                |                | 
|                                            |          4,059 |          6,291 | 
| Total assets                               | 23,115         | 19,451         | 
| Equity and liabilities                     |                |                | 
| Equity                                     |                |                | 
| Equity attributable to equity holders of   |                |                | 
| the parent entity                          |                |                | 
| Issued capital                             | 357            | 332            | 
| Treasury shares                            | -              | (9)            |                | 
| Additional paid-in capital                 |          1,249 |          1,054 | 
| Revaluation surplus                        |          6,379 |            218 | 
| Legal reserve                              |             32 |             30 | 
| Unrealised gains and losses                |             18 |              - | 
| Accumulated profits                        |          3,394 |          4,377 | 
| Translation difference                     |        (1,854) |        (1,330) | 
|                                            |          9,575 |          4,672 | 
| Minority interests                         |            309 |            245 | 
|                                            |          9,884 |          4,917 | 
| Non-current liabilities                    |                |                | 
| Long-term loans                            |          4,545 |          6,064 | 
| Deferred income tax liabilities            |          2,611 |          1,389 | 
| Finance lease liabilities                  |             42 |             40 | 
| Employee benefits                          |            296 |            292 | 
| Provisions                                 |            156 |            153 | 
| Other long-term liabilities                |             59 |             58 | 
|                                            |          7,709 |          7,996 | 
| Current liabilities                        |                |                | 
| Trade and other payables                   |          1,058 |          1,479 | 
| Advances from customers                    |             60 |            107 | 
| Short-term loans and current portion of    |          3,937 |          3,922 | 
| long-term loans                            |                |                | 
| Payables to related parties                |            230 |            322 | 
| Income tax payable                         |             52 |            156 | 
| Other taxes payable                        |            122 |            154 | 
| Current portion of finance lease           |             16 |             15 | 
| liabilities                                |                |                | 
| Provisions                                 |             33 |             63 | 
| Dividends payable by the parent entity to  |              - |            309 | 
| its shareholders                           |                |                | 
| Dividends payable by the Group's           |             12 |             11 | 
| subsidiaries to minority shareholders      |                |                | 
|                                            |          5,520 |          6,538 | 
| Liabilities directly associated with       |              2 |              - | 
| disposal groups classified as held for     |                |                | 
| sale                                       |                |                | 
|                                            |          5,522 |          6,538 | 
| Total equity and liabilities               |         23,115 |         19,451 | 
* The amounts shown here do not correspond to the financial statements for the 
six-month period ended 30 June 2008 and reflect adjustments made in connection 
with the completion of initial accounting as detailed in Note 4 to the Unaudited 
Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 
  Evraz Group S.A. 
Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
(In millions of US dollars) 
|                                                  |  Six-month period ended 30 June | 
|                                                  |           2009 |          2008* | 
|     Cash flows from operating activities         |                |                | 
|     Net profit/(loss)                            | (999)          | 2,039          | 
| Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net       |                |                | 
| cash flows from operating activities:            |                |                | 
|                                 Depreciation,    |            782 |            607 | 
|                                 depletion and    |                |                | 
|                                 amortisation     |                |                | 
|                                 Deferred         |          (354) |          (144) | 
|                                 income tax       |                |                | 
|                                 benefit          |                |                | 
|                                 (Gain)/loss      |             25 |            (5) | 
|                                 on disposal      |                |                | 
|                                 of               |                |                | 
|                                 property,        |                |                | 
|                                 plant and        |                |                | 
|                                 equipment        |                |                | 
|                                 Impairment       |            211 |              2 | 
|                                 of assets        |                |                | 
|                                 Revaluation      |            564 |              - | 
|                                 deficit on       |                |                | 
|                                 property,        |                |                | 
|                                 plant and        |                |                | 
|                                 equipment        |                |                | 
|                                 Foreign          |           (68) |             46 | 
|                                 exchange         |                |                | 
|                                 (gains)/losses,  |                |                | 
|                                 net              |                |                | 
|                                 Share of         |              7 |           (96) | 
|                                 (profits)/losses |                |                | 
|                                 of joint         |                |                | 
|                                 ventures and     |                |                | 
|                                 associates       |                |                | 
|                                 (Gain)/loss      |          (110) |            (2) | 
|                                 on               |                |                | 
|                                 financial        |                |                | 
|                                 assets and       |                |                | 
|                                 liabilities      |                |                | 
|                                 Loss on          |              3 |              9 | 
|                                 disposal         |                |                | 
|                                 groups           |                |                | 
|                                 classified       |                |                | 
|                                 as held          |                |                | 
|                                 for sale         |                |                | 
|                                 Other            |              6 |            (9) | 
|                                 non-operating    |                |                | 
|                                 (gains)/losses,  |                |                | 
|                                 net              |                |                | 
|                                 Interest         |           (27) |           (29) | 
|                                 income           |                |                | 
|                                 Interest         |            335 |            294 | 
|                                 expense          |                |                | 
|                                 Bad debt         |             26 |              2 | 
|                                 expense          |                |                | 
|                                 Share-based      |              9 |              4 | 
|                                 payments         |                |                | 
|                                 Changes in       |           (25) |            (7) | 
|                                 provisions,      |                |                | 
|                                 employee         |                |                | 
|                                 benefits         |                |                | 
|                                 and other        |                |                | 
|                                 long-term        |                |                | 
|                                 assets and       |                |                | 
|                                 liabilities      |                |                | 
|                                                  |            385 |          2,711 | 
|                                                  |                |                | 
|     Changes in working capital:                  |                |                | 
|                                 Inventories      |            778 |          (332) | 
|                                 Trade and        |            411 |           (62) | 
|                                 other            |                |                | 
|                                 receivables      |                |                | 
|                                 Prepayments      |           (12) |             12 | 
|                                 Receivables      |           (99) |             73 | 
|                                 from/payables    |                |                | 
|                                 to related       |                |                | 
|                                 parties          |                |                | 
|                                 Taxes            |            214 |           (47) | 
|                                 recoverable      |                |                | 
|                                 Other            |           (48) |           (10) | 
|                                 assets           |                |                | 
|                                 Trade and        |          (338) |              9 | 
|                                 other            |                |                | 
|                                 payables         |                |                | 
|                                 Advances         |           (40) |          (213) | 
|                                 from             |                |                | 
|                                 customers        |                |                | 
|                                 Taxes            |          (126) |            311 | 
|                                 payable          |                |                | 
|                                 Other            |            (2) |            (3) | 
|                                 liabilities      |                |                | 
|     Net cash flows from operating                |          1,123 |          2,449 | 
|     activities                                   |                |                | 
|     Cash flows from investing activities         |                |                | 
|              Issuance of loans receivable        |           (28) |           (59) | 
|              Proceeds from repayment of          |             71 |              4 | 
|              loans receivable, including         |                |                | 
|              interest                            |                |                | 
|              Proceeds from the transaction       |            508 |              - | 
|              with a 49% ownership interest       |                |                | 
|              in NS Group                         |                |                | 
|              Purchases of subsidiaries,          |              - |        (1,997) | 
|              net of cash acquired                |                |                | 
|              Purchases of minority               |              - |           (48) | 
|              interests                           |                |                | 
|              Purchases of other                  |            (3) |          (683) | 
|              investments                         |                |                | 
|              Sale of other investments           |              2 |              - | 
|              Short-term deposits at banks,       |             11 |             17 | 
|              including interest                  |                |                | 
|              Purchases of property, plant        |          (203) |          (528) | 
|              and equipment                       |                |                | 
|              Proceeds from disposal of           |              5 |             23 | 
|              property, plant and equipment       |                |                | 
|              Proceeds from sale of               |             17 |             55 | 
|              disposal groups classified as       |                |                | 
|              held for sale, net of               |                |                | 
|              transaction costs                   |                |                | 
|              Dividends and advances in           |              - |             50 | 
|              respect of future dividends         |                |                | 
|              received                            |                |                | 
|     Net cash flows from/(used in)                |            380 |        (3,166) | 
|     investing activities                         |                |                | 
| Cash flows from financing activities             |                |                | 
| Repurchase of vested share options               |              - |           (70) | 
| Purchase of treasury shares                      |            (3) |           (74) | 
| Sale of treasury shares                          |              5 |             11 | 
| Distribution to a shareholder                    |              - |           (68) | 
| Net proceeds from /(repayment of) bank           |          (727) |            101 | 
| overdrafts and credit lines, including           |                |                | 
| interest                                         |                |                | 
| Proceeds from loans and promissory notes         |            763 |          3,018 | 
| Repayment of loans and promissory notes,         |        (1,721) |          (978) | 
| including interest                               |                |                | 
| Repayment of loans and promissory notes,         |              - |           (20) | 
| including interest, to related parties           |                |                | 
| Restricted deposits at banks in respect of       |              1 |              - | 
| financing activities                             |                |                | 
| Dividends paid by the parent entity to its       |           (90) |          (443) | 
| shareholders                                     |                |                | 
| Dividends paid by the Group's subsidiaries       |            (1) |           (52) | 
| to minority shareholders                         |                |                | 
| Payments under finance leases, including         |           (12) |           (11) | 
| interest                                         |                |                | 
| Payments of restructured liabilities,            |              - |          (110) | 
| including interest                               |                |                | 
| Proceeds from sale-leaseback                     |             10 |              - | 
| Net cash flows from/(used in) financing          |        (1,775) |          1,304 | 
| activities                                       |                |                | 
| Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on       |             20 |           (26) | 
| cash and cash equivalents                        |                |                | 
| Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash         |          (252) |            561 | 
| equivalents                                      |                |                | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of        |            930 |            327 | 
| period                                           |                |                | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of period       |            678 |            888 | 
| Supplementary cash flow information:             |                |                | 
| Cash flows during the period:                    |                |                | 
| Interest paid                                    | (317)          | (217)          | 
| Interest received                                |             15 |             22 | 
| Income taxes paid                                |           (60) |          (691) | 
|                                                  |                |                | 
| Non-cash transactions:                           |                |                | 
| Loans provided in the form of payments by        | -              | 816            | 
| banks for the subsidiaries acquired by the       |                |                | 
| Group                                            |                |                | 
| Offset of income tax payable against input       | 16             | 8              | 
| VAT and other taxes                              |                |                | 
|                                                  |                |                | 
* The amounts shown here do not correspond to the financial statements for the 
six-month period ended 30 June 2008 and reflect adjustments made in connection 
with the completion of initial accounting as detailed in Note 4 to the Unaudited 
Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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