RNS Number:8918X
Gaming Insight PLC
28 June 2002


David Sanderson                                  John Bick/Chris Steele
Chief Executive, Gaming Insight plc              Holborn
tel: 020 7070 7280                               tel: 020 7929 5599

                             Gaming Insight Plc

           Preliminary Results for the 12 months ended 31 December 2001

Gaming Insight Plc ("Gaming Insight"), the digital media rights and interactive
gaming group announces preliminary results for the twelve months ended 31
December 2001.


  • Turnover increased by 246% to £13 million compared to the previous 18
    month trading period
  • Gross profits increased by 279% to £0.8 million
  • Operating loss for the year of £19.6 million after a £9.9 million charge
    for goodwill amortisation
  • Net assets of £7.8 million
  • Casino division continues perform strongly, benefiting from its exclusive
    online casino partnership with Harrods and new agreements signed since
    period end include Alta Vista, Marco Pierre White Restaurants and Tiscali
  • Launch of www.Dicehouse.com with the Group's new proprietary software
    allowing the bespoke creation of 3 dimensional branded online casinos
  • Gobarkingmad, the UK's first dedicated multi-platform interactive racing
    channel launched on Sky channel 414 on 24 June

Commenting, David Sanderson, Chief Executive, said:

"We have continued to develop each of our core properties during the period and
have been particularly successful in attracting major commercial partners.  The
casino division continues to drive an increasing level of revenues into the
group and gobarkingmad, our interactive racing service has successfully launched
on digital satellite channel 414 and is available to Sky's 5.7 million digital
satellite homes in the UK, and is also simulcast on the Internet.  Racing
Network has also continued to add further services to support its growing
customer base both in the UK and overseas."

Chairman's Statement

The 12 months to 31 December 2001 saw Gaming Insight consolidate its casino
activities and lay the foundations to open up new revenue streams on interactive

During the period revenues increased by 246% to £13 million compared to trading
in the previous 18 months.  We have also improved our gross profit, which
increased by 279% to £0.8 million. The operating loss for the year was £19.6
million after charging £9.9 million for goodwill amortisation as per the
Company's prudent accounting policy. The net assets for the Group as at the
year-end stood at £7.8 million.

The Casino Division continues to make a dominant contribution and to benefit
from the exclusive online casino partnership with Harrods
(www.Harrods-Casino.com).  The Board's objective of establishing strategic
alliances with major distribution partners has been boosted by agreements with
Alta Vista, Marco Pierre White Restaurants, and more recently Tiscali  - the
largest Internet service provider in Europe.  The development of the new,
proprietary casino software, and the subsequent launch of www.DiceHouse.com have
precipitated very encouraging discussions with major international brands, keen
to emulate Harrods in extending their brand franchise into online gaming.

Gobarkingmad, our multi-platform, fully interactive greyhound racing channel,
has successfully passed all tests with BSkyB and went live on 24th June this
year on channel 414 in the UK with simulcast on the Internet and fully
interactive betting facilities. gobarkingmad has also been successfully
presented to a range of digital TV and Internet distribution partners and will
be extensively rolled out when the success of the BSkyB's launch has been

The Racing Network has enhanced its profile and distribution by securing a
5-year exclusive deal with Victor Chandler International to provide its betting
advice service to  their 140,000 unique users. Racing Network has also
successfully broadened the reach of the product offering by launching a Chinese
version of the service branded www.horses888.com..

Casino Division

During 2001 our Casino division continued to show strong growth with  revenues
increasing by over 240% in the year. A large proportion of the year was
dedicated to the continued development of our own proprietary casino software,
which allows the Group to provide a bespoke, state of the art, 3 Dimensional
casino experience, incorporating the best odds available on the Internet. Our
strategy going forward will be to build on the excellent reputation we have
established in terms of probity, fairness and customer service by partnering
with major brands around the world to create new on-line casino gaming

The Group's position with regard to the legality of taking US bets continues to
be prudent. We will not accept US bets until it is clearly legal to do so. This
strategy continues to reap benefits in allowing us to develop strategic
relations with major brands. Furthermore our casino businesses have not suffered
from the downturn experienced in the sector as a result of tightened credit card
procedures introduced predominantly in the USA.

Interactive Racing Division; gobarkingmad

The Board remains committed to delivering a multi-platform, fully interactive
racing channel, offering live greyhound racing from the UK, USA, and Australia
under the gobarkingmad brand.

The gobarkingmad technical network test between June and September last year,
confirmed that live racing content from 66 tracks around the world could be
simulcast on the Internet and digital satellite TV in the UK.  Subsequently, the
proto-type interactive pool betting application was successfully demonstrated
live, on-air, to key technical and content partners in December and the final
review with BskyB was successfully completed in June 2002

Having successfully passed all hurdles, gobarkingmad went live with a soft
launch on the 24th June this year on BSkyB channel 414. The Board believes that
this represents the world's first dedicated, free-to-air racing channel,
simulcast on the Internet and digital television, with fully interactive betting
facilities. Armchair viewers are now able to bet on live greyhound racing from
around the world at the touch of a button via their remote control. When fully
operational, the service will broadcast races live, every few minutes on Sky
digital TV platform and on the Internet. A user or viewer will be able to access
his or her account via either platform.

In addition, the gobarkingmad concept has been successfully marketed to a range
of Internet Service Providers and cable TV platforms around Europe and the Board
is confident that following a successful launch on digital satellite in the UK,
commercial terms will be agreed with networks in over 10 European countries.

Racing Network

In 2001, www.racing-network.co.uk consolidated its position as one of Britain's
leading racing and betting advice online services. The focus on new customer
acquisition has been led by the addition of superior content rather than
advertising spend, with a range of betting tools and services to establish a
position as a market leader. 2001 culminated in the signing of an exclusive
five-year marketing deal with Victor Chandler International and now all Racing
Network users are able to bet seamlessly via interactive racecards and betting

The reach of Racing Network has also widened substantially since the
introduction of www.horses888.com, a Chinese version of the Racing Network
betting and form service..

Additional developments include a pioneering broadcast of Internet radio in a
partnership with Cheltenham racecourse, delivering Cheltenham Festival radio to
Racing Network's worldwide user base.


In the course of 2001, Richard Kay, Richard Kleiner and the Rt. Hon. Jonathan
Davies resigned as Directors of the company and the Board thanks them for their
efforts during their time with the company.  More recently, Ian Hayes resigned
as  Finance Director of the company in June 2002 to pursue other interests. Tom
Betts joined the Board as a non Executive Director in May 2001.


The Board remains confident that the launch of the new, 3 Dimensional casino
gaming software will yield significant new brand partnerships. The proprietary
nature of the new software also means that the Group will cease to incur the
previous levels of licence fee payments made to its software partner. This
should result in increased  gross margin whilst sustaining continued growth in
casino revenues.

The recent soft launch of gobarkingmad is an important milestone for Gaming
Insight, marking the culmination of significant investment by the Company and
offering potentially very significant revenues.

This soft launch of gobarkingmad currently  features Australian and American
racing, and will be followed by a full launch including UK racing and supported
by a high profile media campaign on digital satellite TV channels and the
Internet featuring Vinnie Jones - the actor, former footballer and respected
greyhound racing fan.

Although it is too early to tell how gobarkingmad will perform, particularly as
this service is believed to be the first of its kind to be launched in the
world, the Board is pleased with the initial uptake in the first few days and is
also greatly encouraged by BSkyB's recently published interactive revenue
figures. Additional funding will however, be required to ensure the safe passage
of gobarkingmad from its start up phase through to profitability.

Racing Network continues to enhance the quality and depth of its betting advice
service, and will take advantage of distribution opportunities presented by SMS
technology on mobile networks. The commercial relationship with Victor Chandler
International is already yielding improved levels of revenue share and the Board
expects to see Racing Network develop new revenue streams through similar
arrangements with other leading bookmakers

Whilst the Board remains confident of the commercial prospects of the
gobarkingmad concept, our ability to continue is dependent upon raising
additional funding. The Directors are currently discussing further financing
opportunities with various parties and believe that these discussions will be
successfully concluded.

Nigel Robertson


28th June 2002

Consolidated profit and loss account for the year 31 December 2001

                                                                                                        18 months
                                                                                     Year ended             ended
                                                                                    31 December       31 December       
                                                                                           2001              2000
                                                                                          £'000             £'000

Turnover                                                                                12,989             3,752

Cost of sales                                                                         (12, 204)           (3,535)
Gross profit                                                                               785               217

Administrative expenses                                                                 20,339            28,049

Operating loss                                                                         (19,554)          (27,832)

Loss on disposal of discontinued operation                                                    -           (1,458)
Loss on ordinary activities  before interest and other income                          (19,554)          (29,290)

Net interest (payable) / receivable                                                       (123)              115
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                                            (19,677)          (29,175)

Taxation on loss on ordinary activities                                                      -                 -

Loss for the financial year                                                            (19,677)          (29,175)

Loss per share

- Basic and diluted                                                                     (9.05)p           (23.9)p

All amounts relate to continuing activities.

All recognised gains and losses have been included in the profit and loss

Consolidated and company balance sheet at 31 December 2001

                                                    Group             Group           Company           Company
                                                     2001              2001              2001              2000
                                                    £'000             £'000             £'000             £'000

Fixed Assets
Intangible assets                                  9,410            19,144                 -                 -
Tangible assets                                      549                66                18                10
Investments in subsidiary
undertakings                                           -                 -            25,474            25,999
Other fixed asset investments                          -                 -                 -                 -
Total investments                                      -                 -            25,474            25,999
                                                   9,959            19,210            25,492            26,009
Current Assets
Debtors                                            1,143               126               564             3,030
Cash at bank and in hand                             551               174               196                94
                                                   1,694               300               760             3,124
Creditors: amounts falling due within
one year                                           2,241               932               533               491
Net current (liabilities) / assets                  (547)             (632)              227             2,633

Total assets less current liabilities              9,412            18,578            25,719            28,642


Creditors: amounts falling due after
more than one year                                (1,600)             (600)           (1,000)                -

Net assets                                         7,812            17,978            24,719            28,642

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                             2,526            37,774             2,526            37,774
Deferred share capital                             36,657               202            36,657               202
Share premium account                               9,763             1,459             9,763             1,459
Profit and loss account                          (41,134)          (21,457)          (24,227)          (10,793)
Shareholders' funds                                 7,812            17,978            24,719            28,642

Included within Group and Company shareholders' funds is an amount of
£36,657,000 (2000 - £202,000) in respect of non-equity interests.

Consolidated cash flow statement for the year 31 December 2001

                                                                                     18 months          18 months
                                              Year ended        Year ended               ended              ended
                                             31 December       31 December         31 December        31 December
                                                    2001              2001                2000               2000
                                                   £'000             £'000               £'000              £'000

Net cash outflow from operating                                     (8,430)                               (4,081)
activities (note 2)

Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received                                    27                                   115
Interest paid                                      (150)                                    -

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
returns on investments and servicing
of finance                                                            (123)                                  115


Tax paid                                                                 -                                     -

Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                  (679)                                 (100)

Net cash outflow from capital
expenditure and financial investment                                  (679)                                 (100)

Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                   -                                  (558)
Net cash acquired with subsidiaries                   -                                   120

Net cash outflow from acquisitions                                       -                                  (438)

Redemption of loan notes                              -                                   (10)
Issue of shares                                   6,775                                 5,000
Expenses paid in connection with
shares issued                                      (399)                                 (369)
Issue of loans                                    3,235                                     -

Net cash inflow from financing                                       9,611                                 4,621

Increase in cash                                                       379                                   117

Notes to the preliminary results

1. Accounting policies

The financial information set out above has been prepared using accounting
polices consistent with those used in the preparation of the full statutory

To assist the readers of the preliminary results certain policies used in the
preparation of the full statutory accounts are reproduced below:

Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the results of Gaming Insight
plc and all of its subsidiaries as at 31 December 2001 using the acquisition
method of accounting.  The results of subsidiary undertakings are included from
the date of acquisition and until the date of disposal.


Goodwill represents the difference between the fair value of the consideration
paid on acquisition of a business and the fair value of its identifiable net
assets at the date of acquisition, less any provision for impairment.  It is
capitalised and amortised through the profit and loss account over the
directors' estimate of its useful economic life which is three years.

Impairment of fixed assets and goodwill

The need for any fixed asset impairment write down is assessed by comparison of
the carrying value of the asset against the higher of realisable value and value
in use.

Development costs

Development costs in respect of websites and software are charged to the profit
and loss account in the year of expenditure, unless individual projects satisfy
all of the following criteria:

•      the project is clearly defined and related expenditure is separately

•      the project is technically feasible and commercially viable;

•      current and future costs are expected to be exceeded by future sales; and

•      adequate resources exist for the project to be completed.

In such circumstances the costs are carried forward and amortised over the
directors' estimate of the useful life, commencing in the year the company
starts to benefit from the expenditure.

2. Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating

                                                                        Year ended         18 months ended
                                                                  31 December 2001             31 December
                                                                             £'000                    2000

Operating loss                                                             (19,554)               (27,832)
Depreciation                                                                   196                     34
Amortisation                                                                 9,914                 13,858
Impairment charge                                                              720                  9,111
Provision against investments                                                    -                     34
(Increase) / decrease in debtors                                            (1,017)                   291
Increase in creditors                                                        1,311                    401
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                                 -                     22
Net cash outflow from operating activities                                  (8,430)                (4,081)

3. Accounts

These preliminary results do not constitute full statutory accounts within the
meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 (as amended). The financial
information for the year ended 31 December 2001 is extracted from the Group's
full statutory accounts to that date.

The auditors have not yet reported on the accounts for the year ended 31
December 2001 nor have any such accounts been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The auditors' report will refer to the disclosures made by the
directors regarding the ability of the Group to continue as a going concern, but
their opinion will not be qualified in this respect.

The financial information for the period ended 31 December 2000 is extracted
from the Group's full statutory accounts to that date, which received an
unqualified auditors' report and have been filed with the Registrar of

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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