RNS Number : 0686J
  Gateway VCT PLC
  27 November 2008

    Gateway VCT plc

    Interim Announcement for the six months ended 30 September 2008 (unaudited)     
    The Directors announce the unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended 30 September 2008.

    This Interim Management Report covers a period of extreme volatility in economies and markets throughout the world, with equity values
generally having seen a downward trend in the face of tighter credit conditions. Most commentators are predicting that negative growth in
the UK economy will continue into 2009 and share prices are likely to remain unstable given the ongoing uncertainty over economic forecasts.
Your Company still has a significant exposure to AIM, representing 32.7% of net assets at 30 September 2008, where there has been continued
volatility that has had a material and adverse influence on the results for the period under review. However, following the appointment of
Aberdeen Asset Managers as Manager on 31 March 2008, and the Company's related change to a more generalist investment policy as stated in
the 2008 Annual Report, the portfolio is in the process of being reconstructed with a bias towards more robust private equity investments.
These should offer a degree of protection from the sentiment of quoted markets and, as the portfolio matures, provide the basis for a recovery in the Company's Net Asset Value (NAV).

    Key information
    *     NAV of 32.3p per share (pps) at 30 September 2008; compared to 35.5pps at 31 March 2008 and 41.9pps at 30 September 2007.
    *     Decrease of 9.0% in NAV per share since 31 March 2008 and of 22.9% since 30 September 2007.
    *     Eight unlisted and AIM/PLUS investments made during the period under review.
    *     Disposals of unlisted and AIM quoted investments generated net realised losses of �298,000 during the period under review.

    The NAV per share at 30 September 2008 was 32.3pps, representing decreases of 9.0% and 22.9% over the equivalent figures at 31 March
2008 and 30 September 2007 respectively. There is no venture capital trust index with which to compare the overall performance of the
Company. However, the FTSE AIM All-share index decreased by 35.2% over the reporting period and by 44.4% since September 2007.

    Unlisted investments held by Gateway VCT are valued in accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation
Guidelines. Investments which are traded on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) or a recognised stock exchange are valued at their bid

    The Board is not proposing that the Company should pay an interim dividend for the year ending 31 March 2009. The new Manager is in the
process of restructuring the portfolio and the Company's cost base with a view to allowing distributions of revenue surpluses or from the
realisation of investments above their cost, but it is uncertain when the Company will be in a position to pay a dividend.

    VCT qualifying status
    The VCT qualifying status of your Company is monitored on a continuous basis to ensure that all of the criteria required to maintain VCT
status are being achieved.

    Investment activity
    During the six-month period ended 30 September 2008, eight new unlisted and AIM quoted investments were completed and a total of
�1,078,000 was invested. At the period end, the portfolio stood at 20 unlisted and AIM quoted investments at a total cost of �5,959,000. 

    The following investments were completed during the period:

 Investment                      Date        Activity              Cost �'000  Website

 MoneyPlus Group                 July 2008   Provider of debt             200  www.moneyplusgroup.
                                             management services               co.uk
                                             to individuals
 Nessco Group Holdings           June 2008   Telecommunication            199  www.nessco.co.uk
                                             services provider
 TC Communications Holdings      May 2008    Marketing and                199  www.
                                             communications                    tccommunications.co.
                                             services agency                   uk
 Training for Travel Group       April 2008  Provider of                  200  www.
                                             assessment, tuition               trainingfortravel.
                                             and training in                   com
                                             travel services
 Total unlisted investment                                                798

 Essentially Group               May 2008    Provider of sports           133  www.
                                             marketing, media                  essentiallygroup.com
                                             management and
 OPG Power Ventures              May 2008    Develops, owns and           49   www.opgpower.org
                                             manages power
                                             generation plants in
 Optare                          July 2008   Bus manufacturer and         49   www.elcb.co.uk
                                             low emission
                                             technology group
 Praesepe (formerly Aldgate      July 2008   Pursues acquisition          49   www.aldgatecapital.
 Capital)                                    and consolidation                 com
                                             opportunities in the
                                             high-volume gaming
                                             sector in the United
                                             Kingdom and Europe
 Total AIM investment                                                     280

 Total investment                                                       1,078

    Gateway VCT has co-invested with Aberdeen Growth Opportunities VCT, Aberdeen Growth Opportunities VCT 2, Aberdeen Growth VCT I, Aberdeen
Income and Growth VCT, Guinness Flight Venture Capital Trust and Talisman First Venture Capital Trust in some or all of the above
transactions and is expected to continue to do so with these as well as other clients of the Manager. The advantage is that, together, the
funds are able to underwrite a wider range and size of transaction than would be the case on a stand alone basis.

    Portfolio developments
    During the period under review, the unlisted investment in Jacobs Rimmell was sold generating a realised loss of �294,000 against cost,
although it is anticipated that a small element of deferred consideration will be received in due course. The valuation at 31 March 2008 had
anticipated this outcome and the Company's NAV was, therefore, unaffected by this sale.

    Conditions on AIM continued to be volatile during the reporting period, which has, therefore, restricted opportunities to actively trade
this element of the portfolio. 

    The table below gives details of all realisations from the unlisted and AIM portfolios during the reporting period:

                 Year acquired  Complete/ partial           Cost of shares  Sales proceeds  Realised gain/(loss)
                                exit                           disposed of           �'000                 �'000
 Jacobs Rimmell      2000       Complete                               944             650                 (294)

 Medigene            2006       Partial                                  5               2                   (3)
 Optare              2008       Partial                                  2               1                   (1)
                                                                         7               3                   (4)

 Total portfolio disposals                                             951             653                 (298)

    Principal risks and uncertainties 
    The Board has reviewed the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company in the second half of its financial year; these are
unchanged from those it faced at the start of the year, being the risks involved in investment in small and unquoted companies. In order to
reduce the exposure to investment risk, the Company is now invested in a more broadly-based portfolio of investments in unlisted and AIM
quoted companies in the United Kingdom. The Company remains compliant with the regulations governing venture capital trusts and the Manager
closely monitors the position of the Company to ensure that it complies with the various tests at all times. 

    Constitution of the Board
    On 15 July 2008, the Company announced the appointment of Neil Kennedy and Charles Scott as Directors with effect from 1 August 2008 and
that, subject to their re-election at the Annual General Meeting, it was intended that Michael Teacher and Neil Metcalfe would stand down as
Directors after a suitable handover period. Following the re-election of Neil Kennedy and Charles Scott at the Annual General Meeting on 12
September 2008, the Company confirmed the resignations of Michael Teacher and Neil Metcalfe as Directors of the Company, both being
effective from 30 September 2008.

    Mr Teacher had served as Chairman of the Company and, in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2008, he had stated that his
successor would be nominated from the remaining Board members. On 10 October 2008, the Board announced that Charles Scott had accepted the
nomination of his fellow Directors and had been appointed Chairman of the Company with immediate effect. The Board wishes to record its
thanks to Michael Teacher and Neil Metcalfe for their assistance in ensuring an orderly handover of their responsibilities.

    The performance of the quoted markets generally during the period has been volatile and events affecting the banking sector have caused
further uncertainty since the period end. Although there has been some stimulus from the support provided to banks by central government, it
would appear that the uncertain conditions may prevail for some time given the continuing speculation over the future of the economy.
Opportunities to invest in companies seeking to achieve an IPO on AIM have, therefore, been limited and little change in this situation is
anticipated in the short term. Whilst the Company's AIM quoted investments have obviously suffered as a result of the extended period of
volatility which continues to affect the equity markets, most of the underlying businesses in which that portfolio is invested are
performing in line with the Manager's expectations and the Directors anticipate that this should be demonstrated by increasing share prices
when market conditions improve, although the timing and extent of any recovery is uncertain.

    Shareholders will note the change in the composition of the portfolio. The new Manager intends to continue its strategy of investing
across a more diverse range of industrial sectors and in an increasing number of mature and profitable private companies, the values of
which are not directly affected by the short term fluctuations of the quoted markets. It is anticipated that these investments will pay a
regular yield, which will help the Company to meet its recurring expenses, demonstrate reasonable growth potential and develop to an extent
where successful realisations may be possible in due course. This will result in an ongoing requirement to re-invest the proceeds in
accordance with the VCT regulations and the Manager will continue to invest selectively from its flow of introductions sourced by its
regional network of offices.

 Gateway VCT plc
 Summary of Portfolio Performance
 Six months ended 30 September 2008
                         Opening valuation 31  Purchases    Sales   Realised gain/(loss)            Unrealised  Closing valuation  Total
                                   March 2008                               over opening      gain/(loss) over       30 Sept 2008      
                                                                               valuation     opening valuation
                                        �'000      �'000     �'000                 �'000                 �'000              �'000       
 Legacy portfolio 
 Unlisted                              1,424          -      (650)                 (294)                  294                774           
 Listed                                1,542          -      (369)                  (15)                   26              1,184          
 AIM                                   1,572          -        (2)                   (3)                 (344)             1,223        
 Total legacy portfolio                4,538          -    (1,021)                 (312)                  (24)             3,181        
 Investments made after the appointment of Aberdeen Asset Managers
 Unlisted                                  -        798         -                     -                     -                798           
 AIM                                       -        280        (1)                   (1)                  (65)               213         
 Total new portfolio                       -      1,078        (1)                   (1)                  (65)             1,011         
 Total portfolio*                      4,538      1,078    (1,022)                 (313)                  (89)             4,192        

 Gateway VCT plc
 Investment Portfolio Summary
 As at 30 September 2008
                                                                                                                                       % of

                                                                                                                           % of  equity
                                            Valuation                  Cost              % of net                        equity    by other

 Investment                                         �                     �                assets                          held    
 Networks by Wireless                             700                   700                 15.9                           14.6           
 Training For Travel Group                        200                   200                  4.6                            2.3        
 MoneyPlus Group                                  200                   200                  4.6                           23.3        
 TC Communications Holdings                       199                   199                  4.5                            4.1        
 Nessco Group Holdings                            199                   199                  4.5                            2.6        
 Other unlisted investments                        74                 1,350                  1.7 
 Total unlisted                                 1,572                 2,848                  35.8

 Vectura Group                                    533                   553                 12.1                            0.4           
 Medigene                                         231                   576                  5.3                            0.2           
 Pilat Media Global                               180                   240                  4.1                            2.0           
 Deltex Medical Group                             112                   200                  2.6                            0.8           
 Essentially Group                                103                   133                  2.3                            0.7         
 OMG                                               89                   175                  2.0                            0.4           
 Praesepe (formerly Aldgate                        45                    49                  1.0                            1.2        
 OPG Power Ventures                                42                    49                  1.0                            0.1         
 Galapagos                                         33                   127                  0.8                              -           
 Sarantel Group                                    24                   810                  0.5                            3.2           
 Optare                                            24                    47                  0.5                            0.1         
 Other AIM/PLUS investments                        20                   152                  0.5 
 Total AIM                                      1,436                 3,111                  32.7

 Listed fixed income 
 Treasury 5.75% 31/12/09                       1,184                 1,213                  26.9 
 Total assets                                   4,192                 7,172                  95.4

 *Other clients of the Aberdeen Asset Management Group.
 Unlisted investments include assets with a total impairment value of �1,350,000 and AIM investments include assets with a total impairment
 value of �25,000.

 Gateway VCT plc
 Income Statement 

                       Six months ended 30 September 2008 (unaudited)
                                              Revenue  Capital  Total
                                                �'000    �'000  �'000

 Loss on realisation of investments                 -    (313)  (313)
 Income                                           49         -    49 
 Investment management fee                       (17)     (11)   (28)
 GAM investment adviser termination fees            -        -      -
 Other expenses                                  (51)        -   (51)
 Loss on ordinary activities before taxation     (19)    (324)  (343)
 Tax on ordinary activities                         -        -      -
 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation      (19)    (324)  (343)

 Earnings per share (pence)                     (0.1)    (2.4)  (2.5)

 Gateway VCT plc
 Income Statement 

                       Six months ended 30 September 2007 (unaudited)
                                              Revenue  Capital  Total
                                                �'000    �'000  �'000

 Loss on realisation of investments                 -        -      -
 Income                                           59         -    59 
 Investment management fee                       (32)     (21)   (53)
 GAM investment adviser termination fees            -        -      -
 Other expenses                                  (48)        -   (48)
 Loss on ordinary activities before taxation     (21)     (21)   (42)
 Tax on ordinary activities                         -        -      -
 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation      (21)     (21)   (42)

 Earnings per share (pence)                     (0.2)    (0.1)  (0.3)

 Gateway VCT plc
 Income Statement 

                                                     Year ended 31 March 2008 (audited)
                                              Revenue                Capital      Total
                                                �'000                  �'000      �'000

 Loss on realisation of                             -                   (91)       (91)
 Income                                          110                       -       110 
 Investment management fee                       (40)                   (27)       (67)
 GAM investment adviser                          (45)                   (30)       (75)
 termination fees
 Other expenses                                 (140)                      -      (140)
 Loss on ordinary activities                    (115)                  (148)      (263)
 before taxation
 Tax on ordinary activities                         -                      -          -
 Loss on ordinary activities                    (115)                  (148)      (263)
 after taxation

 Earnings per share (pence)                     (0.8)                  (1.1)      (1.9)

 All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. The Company
 has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in shares,
 securities and bank deposits.
 The total column of this statement is the Profit and Loss Account of the Company.
 The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

 Gateway VCT plc
 Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                      Six months ended 30 September 2008 (unaudited)
                                             Revenue  Capital  Total
                                               �'000    �'000  �'000

 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation     (19)    (324)  (343)
 Loss on revaluation of investments                -     (89)   (89)
 Total losses recognised during the period      (19)    (413)  (432)

 Gateway VCT plc
 Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                      Six months ended 30 September 2007 (unaudited)
                                             Revenue  Capital  Total
                                               �'000    �'000  �'000

 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation     (21)     (21)   (42)
 Loss on revaluation of investments                -    (713)  (713)
 Total losses recognised during the period      (21)    (734)  (755)

 Gateway VCT plc
 Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                                                       Year ended 31 March 2008 (audited)
                                                       Revenue           Capital    Total
                                                         �'000             �'000    �'000

 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation              (115)             (148)    (263)
 Loss on revaluation of investments                          -           (1,357)  (1,357)
 Total losses recognised during the period               (115)           (1,505)  (1,620)

 The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

 Gateway VCT plc
 Reconciliation of movements in Shareholders' funds

                                    Six months ended    Six months ended
                                   30 September 2008   30 September 2007

                                                                             Year ended
                                                                          31 March 2008
                                         (unaudited)         (unaudited)      (audited)
                                               �'000               �'000          �'000

 Opening Shareholders' funds                   4,824               6,444          6,444
 Loss attributable to Equity                   (432)               (755)        (1,620)
 Closing Shareholders' funds                   4,392               5,689          4,824

 The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

 Gateway VCT plc
 Balance Sheet 

                                        30 September        30 September   31 March  
                                                2008                2007         2008
                                         (unaudited)         (unaudited)    (audited)
                                               �'000               �'000       �'000 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments available for sale                4,192               5,656        4,538

 Current assets 
 Debtors                                         54                  37           45 
 Cash and overnight deposits                    202                 107          316 
                                                 256                 144         361 

 Amounts falling due within one                   56                 111           75

 Net current assets                              200                  33          286

 Net assets                                    4,392               5,689        4,824

 Capital and reserves 
 Called up share capital                        679                 679          679 
 Special distributable reserve               12,110              12,110       12,110 
 Capital redemption reserve                       1                   1            1 
 Capital reserve - realised                  (6,158)             (5,832)      (5,834)
 Capital reserve - unrealised                (1,606)               (748)      (1,517)
 Revenue reserve                               (634)               (521)        (615)
 Net assets attributable to                   4,392               5,689        4,824 
 Ordinary   Shareholders

 Net Asset Value per Ordinary                   32.3                41.9         35.5
 Share (pence) 

 The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

 Gateway VCT plc
 Cash Flow Statement

                                        Six months      Six months ended       Year
                                             ended                           ended 
                                      30 September     31 September 2007   31 March
                                              2008                             2008
                                       (unaudited)           (unaudited)  (audited)
                                             �'000                 �'000      �'000
 Operating activities 
 Investment income received                    57                    55        102 
 Deposit interest received                      4                     3          5 
 Investment management fee paid               (10)                  (30)      (121)
 GAM investment adviser                          -                     -       (75)
 termination fee
 Other cash payments                          (85)                  (41)       (96)
 Net outflow from operating                   (34)                  (13)      (185)

 Corporation tax                                 -                     -          -

 Financial investment 
 Purchase of investments                   (1,078)                     -          -
 Sale of investments                          998                      -       382 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from               (80)                     -       382 
 financial investment 

 Equity dividends paid                           -                     -          -
 (Decrease)/increase in cash                 (114)                  (13)        197

 The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

    Gateway VCT plc

    Notes to the Financial Statements

    1. Accounting policies
    The financial information for the six months ended 30 September 2008 and the six months ended 30 September 2007 comprises non-statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information contained in this report has been prepared
on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2008. 

    The results for the year ended 31 March 2008 are extracted from the full accounts for that year, which received an unqualified report
from the Auditors and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

    2. Movement in reserves

                                              Special    Capital redemption     Capital reserve -     Capital reserve -  Revenue reserve
                                        distributable               reserve              realised            unrealised
                                                �'000                 �'000                 �'000                 �'000             �000
 At 31 March 2008                             12,110                     1                (5,834)               (1,517)            (615)
 Losses on realisation of                          -                     -                  (313)                    -                - 
 Net decrease in value of                          -                     -                     -                   (89)               - 
 Investment management fee                         -                     -                   (11)                    -                - 
 Loss on ordinary activities                       -                     -                     -                     -              (19)
 after taxation
 At 30 September 2008                          12,110                     1               (6,158)               (1,606)            (634)

    3. Returns per Ordinary Share
                                                              Six months ended
                                                             30 September 2008
 The returns per Ordinary Share are based on the following
 Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares                         13,591,734
 Revenue return                                                      (�19,000)
 Capital return                                                     (�324,000)

    The NAV per Ordinary Share has been calculated using the number of Ordinary Shares in issue at 30 September 2008 of 13,591,734.

    Gateway VCT plc

    Directors' responsibility statement 

    The implementation of the EU Transparency Obligations Directive and the associated amendments to the rules laid down by the UK Listing
Authority require the Directors to confirm their responsibilities in relation to the preparation and publication of the Interim Management
Report and Financial Statements.

    The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 

    *     the Financial Statements for the six months ended 30 September 2008 have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting
standards and with the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies" (the SORP) issued in December

    *     the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R in relation to the indication of
important events during the first six months, and of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company during the second six months,
of the year ending 31 March 2009; and

    *     the Interim Management Report includes adequate disclosure of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R in relation to related party
transactions and any changes therein.

    Copies of this announcement will be available to the public at the registered office of the Company, One Bow Churchyard, Cheapside,
London; at the office of Aberdeen Asset Management PLC, 149 St Vincent Street, Glasgow; and, in due course, on the Company's website at
www.aberdeen-asset.com/gatewayvct. A full copy of the Interim Report and Financial Statements will be printed and issued to Shareholders.

    On behalf of the Board
    Aberdeen Asset Management PLC
    27 November 2008

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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