RNS Number:9918X
Terrace Hill Group PLC
07 February 2006




The Results

It gives me great pleasure to present another set of excellent results.  The
Group has continued to grow shareholder value by increasing the Triple Net Asset
Value (TNAV) from 39.99p per share to 48.06p per share, a 20.18% increase over
the 12 month period.  Profit before tax for the year amounted to #4,237,056
(#4,083,801 year to October 2004).

The Board continues to regard growth in the TNAV as the principal measure of the
Group's performance as profits are determined by the timing of sales and are not
reflective of the Group's growth.  Triple Net Asset Value revalues our trading
assets to current value and deducts tax that would arise on their disposal.

Balance Sheet

The balance sheet at the year end reflects the disposal by the Group of fully
valued investment properties in the period and the investment of the proceeds in
the acquisition of sites for future development.  This led to a 60% increase in
the level of work in progress at the year end.  Total Group assets at 31 October
2005 were #173.4m (2004: #180.6m), and net assets, after minority interests are
#76.3m (2004: #70.8m) an increase of 7.76%.

Bank debt of #66m net of #12m cash was 86.5% of equity (2004: 81.6%).  Of the
bank debt 49.46% (68.35%) was with limited or no recourse to the parent company.
Properties held as investments were #52.9m comprising #37.7 residential and
#15.2m commercial compared to #91.3m in 2004.  Work in progress was #89.2m at
the year end (2004: #55.7m).


In line with our progressive dividend policy, we are recommending a final
dividend for the year of 0.7p per share (final period 2004 0.5p) making a total
dividend for the year of 1.2p per share (total dividend for 2004: 0.8p).  The
dividend will be paid on 31 March 2006 to shareholders on the register at 17
March 2006.  We will continue to maintain a progressive dividend policy.

The Business

I am very encouraged by the excellent progress made in all areas of our
business.  The development programme has continued to grow and was valued at
#820m at the year end with cash recycled from the sale of completed developments
at record yields into new and exciting opportunities.

The residential landbank has grown with the acquisition of some strategic land
holdings adjacent to existing sites.  We now estimate that the landbank, held
partly in joint venture with Lithgows Limited, has potential for up to 1,100
units. We are working towards the prospect of setting up a housebuilding
operation to progress these sites which may result in building over 200 homes
per annum in a couple of years; this should generate attractive profits in
future.  Housebuilders are usually valued on a price earnings ratio whereas the
rest of Terrace Hill's business is appraised in relation to its Triple Net Asset
Value.  We are currently therefore considering whether we should spin out the
housebuilding operation and obtain a separate listing on AIM.  We believe this
could create significant value for Terrace Hill shareholders.

We continue to seek ways of leveraging our equity and management over a growing
portfolio enhancing returns to shareholders.  We consequently intend to further
increase the use of joint ventures, co-investment structures and collective
funds whereby we can earn proportionally higher returns than the level of our
equity invested along with management and performance related fees.


Our management team has grown over the period to help with our expanding
workload with the employment of managers specialising in development, investment
management and project coordination.  Since the year end we have created an
Operations Board comprising executives with key skills and geographic
responsibility.  We have decided to further incentivise our management by the
implementation of a Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) which takes the form of a
Performance Share Plan granting shares at nominal cost to employees conditional
upon fair but testing company performance criteria.  We believe this further
aligns the interests of our executives with the interests of shareholders.


Since the financial year end we have restructured our board which now comprises
myself as Executive Chairman, Philip Leech (MD) and Tom Walsh (FD), together
with three non-executive directors, William Wyatt, Douglas Blausten and Kelvin
Hudson.  I would like to thank those stepping down for their support and hard
work, and indeed my Board and all the Terrace Hill team for their hard work and
commitment throughout the year.


2006 is likely to be an exciting year for Terrace Hill and the property industry
at large.  I expect the development portfolio to continue to grow and provide a
continuing flow of mature investments for sale, whilst the residential landbank
should provide a unique opportunity to enhance shareholder value.

We will watch with interest the government's proposed introduction of REITS.
Whilst I think it is unlikely that we would entirely transform ourselves into a
REIT we may consider spinning out certain of our assets into REITs if we believe
that would enhance shareholder returns.

I am confident that the Group can continue to maximise growth in TNAV per share
and deliver excellent returns to shareholders.

Robert F M Adair, Chairman

7 February 2006


The Commercial Division


*  Sale of three completed office developments in London and
   Uxbridge and mature investments from Grosvenor Holdings portfolio at record

*  Forward sale of Temple Circus, Bristol.

*  Major lettings at Swansea Waterfront, Decimus Park, Tunbridge Wells and 
   Queen Elizabeth Park, Guildford. Since year end, Time
   Central, Newcastle has been 50% pre-let.

*  Planning obtained for change of use from industrial to retail warehousing 
   at Blyth and Galashiels.

*  Acquisition of new sites for development at Davis House, Victoria and 
   Brampton Road, Eastbourne.

*  Since year end further site acquisitions have been contracted at Maidenhead,
   Croydon, Redditch, Filton and Sheffield.

*  Development programme (including residential) now having an end value of 
   #900m of which #350m is underway and #550m at the planning stage.


Demand for commercial property investments has continued unabated: as a result
we have benefited from the favourable pricing of our completed developments.  We
believe that there is little scope for further declines in yields which has been
the main driver of the spectacular returns delivered by property investment in
recent years.  Returns from pure investment are therefore likely to be more
pedestrian, with rental growth remaining elusive in many areas.

Terrace Hill remains very much a developer at heart and we have consistently
managed to show excellent returns on capital employed through the genuine
creation of value through development.  Our specific expertise in this area
allows us to carefully control the risk inherent in the development process and
our nationwide coverage provides diverse geographic and sectorial opportunities.

Competition for well located and deliverable development sites has increased in
areas of rising occupier demand and this is particularly true of central London.
We believe, however, that our ability to move quickly and the strength of our
regional office network will allow us to continue to build our development
programme without increasing the risk profile.

In a departure from our traditional method of buying bare sites for development
we are also targeting income producing investments where we can add value
through our development expertise.  Our first such acquisition is Castlegate
House in Sheffield which, whilst vacant, is let on a long lease to BHS.  The
property has significant potential for mixed use redevelopment in a rapidly
improving area in central Sheffield.  It is our intention to create a Fund
around similar opportunities allowing us to manage a diverse portfolio of income
producing investments with development angles.

London and the South East

Demonstrable rental growth in prime office locations within central London and
selected M25 towns further fuelled the already strong demand for well let
investment property.  Taking advantage of record investment yields the Group
disposed of the following completed developments:

*  16 Berkeley Street, to overseas investor for #39.4m at a yield of 4.65%

*  11 Berkeley Street, to clients of ING for #13.7m at a yield of 5.37%

*  UB1, Uxbridge, let to Hertz Corporation and sold to NFU pension fund for 
   #25.2m at a yield of 5.68%

It has become increasingly difficult to acquire well located West End office
development sites at sustainable prices but earlier in the year the Group
acquired Davis House at Wilton Road, Victoria for #16.1m in an off market
transaction.  Purchased with the benefit of a detailed planning consent, we have
subsequently secured planning for a reconfigured mixed use scheme improving the
design, layout and lettable floor area.  When completed in late 2007 the #55m
development will comprise 60,000 sq ft offices, 8,000 sq ft ground floor retail
and 38 apartments.   The new building will incorporate 10% renewable energy
sources helped by the inclusion of two 130m deep boreholes under the building.
Prospects for the Victoria office market are increasingly good with occupiers
moving from more expensive locations with less availability like Mayfair.
Recent commitments to new offices in the vicinity to our development have been
made by the Daily Telegraph, Google and P&O.  We have recently entered into a
joint venture with an offshore financial partner to progress this development.

Office Development Programme    

  Development        Region      Size ( sq      Description          Timing          Potential       Update      
                                       ft)                                              Value                       
  Davis House        London        130,000      Adjacent to         Construction to     #55.0m       Negotiations    
  Victoria                                      Victoria            start early                      with JV         
                                                Station,            2006.                            partners        
                                                mixed-use                                            recently        
                                                scheme.                                              concluded.      
  Aeropark           South East    40,000       17 acres of land    Construction        #10.0m                         
  Farnborough                                   adjacent to         started Dec                                      
  Phase 1                                       Farnborough Air     2005                                             
                                                Field and                                                           
                                                Business Park.                                                      
                                                Phase One to                                                        
                                                include 40,000sq                                                    
                                                ft of offices.                                                      
  Queen Elizabeth     South East   18,400       Mixed use scheme    Final phase under   #4.6m        All retail units 
  Park, Guildford                  (phase 2)    comprising          construction        (phase 2)    sold. 30% of     
                                                pre-lets to                                          final phase pre  
                                                Esporta Health &                                     sold.            
                                                Fitness Club,                                                         
                                                25,500 sq ft,                                                         
                                                foodstore, 11,200                                                     
                                                sq ft, Academy                                                        
                                                Day Nursery 6,500                                                     
                                                sq ft (all sold)                                                      
                                                42,000 sq ft                                                          
                                                comprising 26                                                         
                                                freehold units -                                                      
                                                JV with HSBC.                                                         

  Pinewood -          South East   150,000      Planning consent    Planned             #40.0m       Negotiations     
  Wokingham                                     for office          construction                     underway with a  
                                                business park       start late 2006                  single occupier  
                                                totalling 150,000                                    for the whole    
                                                sq ft.                                               site. Received   

  Watford - 34        South East   25,000       A refurbishment     Construction        #6.2m        Sale             
  Clarendon Road                                of an existing      completed                        negotiations     
                                                office building.                                     underway         

  George Street       South East   130,000      Office              Construction        #45.0m       Site recently    
  Croydon                                       development site    start late 2006                  acquired.        
                                                in prime location                                                     
                                                opposite East                                                         
                                                Croydon railway                                                       

  Vanwall Business    South East   120,000      Prime business      Construction        #50.0m       Contracts        
  Park                                          park office         start late 2006                  exchanged to     

  Maidenhead                                    development site.                                    purchase site.   
  Time Central        North East   83,141       Planning            Completion          #25.0m       Demolition       
  Newcastle City                                permission          expected autumn                  completed.       
  Centre                                        obtained for 7      2007                             Construction     
                                                storey office                                        started Jan      
                                                development.                                         2006. 50%        
                                                JV with landowner                                    prelet.          

  Middlehaven -       North East   30,500       Chosen as           First building      #5.5m        Phase One        
  Hudson Quay                      (phase 1)    preferred           available for       (phase 1)    completed with   
                                                developer by        occupation from                  good tenant      
                                                English             July 2005                        interest being   
                                                Partnerships to                                      shown            
                                                develop 160,000                                                       
                                                sq ft office park                                                     
                                                Middlesbrough FC.                                                     
                                                JV with Helmsley                                                      

  Teesdale            North East   42,000       Part of Teesdale    Awaiting pre-let    #10.5m       Detailed         
  -Resolution                                   Business Park                                        planning         
                                                where TH have                                        obtained.        
                                                completed 160,000                                                     
                                                sq ft of new                                                          
                                                office space with                                                     
                                                units ranging                                                         
                                                from 7,500 to                                                         
                                                40,000 sq ft. The                                                     
                                                remaining phases                                                      
                                                of the business                                                       
                                                park have                                                             
                                                capacity for a                                                        
                                                further 120,000                                                       
                                                sq ft of                                                              
                                                Tenants include                                                       
                                                Barclays Bank,                                                        
                                                DVLA, Endeavour                                                       
                                                HA, WYG Plc,                                                          
                                                Brewin Dolphin,                                                       
                                                and the Inland                                                        

  Stockton            North East   20,000       Second phase of     Completion late     #4.0m        Construction     
  Riverside College                             College             2006                             commenced Nov    
  Phase 2                                       development on                                       2005.            
                                                Teesdale Business                                                     
  Baltic Business     Tyne & Wear   150,000     10 year             Gateshead College   #32.0m    Phase 1             
  Quarter                           Offices     development         development to                infrastructure work 
  Phase 1                           200,000     programme over a    commence Jan                  completed.          
                                    College     50 acre site on     2006. Offices mid             Planning obtained.  
                                                South bank of the   2006.                                             
                                                JV with Gateshead                                                     
                                                MBC to develop                                                        
                                                1.5m sq ft                                                            
                                                business park.                                                        
                                                developments of                                                       
                                                200,000 sq ft to                                                      
                                                Gateshead College                                                     
                                                and 60,000 sq ft                                                      
                                                to Government                                                         
                                                agency. in                                                            
                                                solicitors hands.                                                     

  Temple Circus       South West    90,000      A 7 storey 90,000   Completion          #25.7m    Recently pre-sold   
  Bristol City                                  sq ft office        expected in                   to owner occupier   
  Centre                                        development (JV     August 2006                   Stonemartin Plc - a 
                                                with Northridge                                   company principally 
                                                Capital Ltd)                                      owned by Morley and 

  Filton              South West    40,000      Small unit office   Construction        #10.0m    Detailed planning   
  North Bristol                                 development         starts spring                 application         
                                                                    2006                          submitted           

  Cyprium SA1         South Wales   40,000      In association      Completed Nov       #8.2m     Sublet by WDA to    
  Swansea                                       with the Welsh      2005                          Admiral Insurance   
  Waterfront                                    Development                                                           
                                                Agency (WDA).                                                         
                                                Prelet to WDA.                                                        

  Cyprium - Phase 2   South Wales   30,000      Extension to        Construction        #6.0m     WDA agreed to       
                                                Cyprium Phase 1     commenced                     sublet to Admiral   
                                                and also prelet     December 2005                 Insurance.          
                                                to WDA                                                                

In particular we have been looking to acquire large sites which we can develop
over a period of years.  Slower markets for larger office buildings west of
London have created opportunities for purchases of such sites at attractive
prices, Aero Park, Farnborough and Pinewood, Wokingham being good examples.

*  Aero Park at Farnborough is a 17 acre site purchased from
   British Aerospace with an existing planning consent for 350,000 sq ft of
   employment use.  The vendor had envisaged the development of large office
   buildings: we have reconfigured the first phase of the site to smaller units 
   for which there is good demand.  The first phase over 4.5 acres comprising 
   small office and industrial units aimed principally at the owner occupier 
   market is now underway.  The remainder of the site is being planned for a 
   mix of uses.

*  Pinewood, Wokingham - a site purchased from Hewlett Packard comprising a 
   redundant building and surplus land.  Outline planning consent has been
   obtained for a new 150,000 sq ft office park to be built in small units.  
   Additionally detailed negotiations are now underway over a pre-sale turnkey 
   development for a single corporate occupier.

We have identified the industrial sector in the South East as being attractive
with good occupier demand and scarcity of suitable sites for development.

*  Brampton Road, Eastbourne is a 5 acre industrial site on a main arterial 
   route into Eastbourne.  Planning consent has recently been obtained for 
   103,000 sq ft of mixed industrial and trade counter use with construction 
   due to commence in spring 2006.

*  The 170,000 sq ft industrial development at Decimus Park, Tunbridge Wells 
   has continued to attract strong owner occupier interest with the
   majority of the second phase sold by the year end.  We will now go ahead with
   the third and final phase.  We have been selling at prices in excess of our
   original appraisal.

Elsewhere in the region:

*  Construction commenced, with a third pre-sold, on the final phase of offices 
   at the mixed use development at Queen Elizabeth Park, Guildford, and 
   negotiations with planners for change of use from industrial to residential
   use at our Edmonton site were continued with a planning application
   now due to be made in spring 2006.

*  The acquisition of Grosvenor Holdings in 2004 has continued to show excellent
   results with the sale from the portfolio of industrial investments in
   Maidstone and Manchester and since the year end, the pre-letting of an 
   industrial development at Crawley.

*  Following the year end further sites have been secured for development in 
   Maidenhead, Croydon and Redditch with an aggregate investment value on 
   completion expected to be around #113.m.

Retail Development Programme

 Development            Region        Size        Description           Timing          Potential        Update     
                                      (sq ft)                                             Value  
  Blyth Retail Park     North East    55,000     A bulky goods       Construction       #10.0m          Planning      
  Northumberland                                 retail park with    starts mid 2006                    permission    
                                                 a 25,000 sq ft                                         for change of 
                                                 DIY store prelet                                       use from      
                                                 to Homebase, and                                       industrial to 
                                                 5 ancillary                                            retail use    
                                                 units.                                                 received      
                                                                                                        summer 2005.  
                                                                                                        Other prelets 
                                                                                                        in solicitors 

  Huddersfield Road     Scotland      45,000     Retail planning     Construction       #12.0m          Pre-lets with 
  Galashiels                                     consent recently    start mid 2006                     a variety of  
                                                 received for                                           retailers in  
                                                 45,000 sq ft open                                      solicitors    
                                                 A1 class non food                                      hands.        
                                                 retail. An edge                                        Planning      
                                                 of town centre                                         received for  
                                                 retail                                                 change of use 
                                                 development.                                           from          
                                                                                                        industrial to 
                                                                                                        retail summer 

  King Albert           North East    5,000      Redevelopment of    Completed          #2.0m           Both units    
  Chambers                                       2 high street                                          let to Ethel  
  Jamieson Street                                retail units.                                          Austin &      
  Hull                                                                                                  Sharpes       
                                                                                                        Sale planned  

  King Street W1        London        6,000      3 retail units      Completed          #1.0m           Sale planned  
                                                 remain to be let                                       2006          

The North East and Scotland

Progress on development sites in the North East and the Borders continued to
gain momentum:

*  At Baltic Business Quarter Gateshead, the first phase of infrastructure was 
   completed releasing 16 acres of the 50 acre site for development.  Planning
   consent was secured for three office buildings comprising 90,000 sq ft and 
   negotiations for a turnkey development for Gateshead College were progressed.  
   One NorthEast has secured funding for a 60,000 sq ft building on the site 
   which we expect to start developing, on a turnkey basis, in April 2006.

*  Time Central at Gallowgate in Newcastle City Centre generated significant
   occupier interest during the detailed design and contract tender process
   leading, since the year end, to the pre-letting of half of the building to
   Robert Muckle LLP a law firm.  Construction of the 83,141 sq ft office 
   building has now commenced.

*  The first building of 30,500 sq ft at Manhatten Gate, Middlesbrough was
   completed, where good occupier interest is now evident.  At our industrial 
   sites in Blyth and Galashiels planning consents were obtained for change of 
   use to retail warehousing.  Pre-lets are being assembled on both of these 
   sites with a view to construction commencing in mid 2006.

*  Since the year end, Castlegate House, Sheffield has been purchased in joint
   venture with Tyburn Lane Properties acting for Anglo Irish Private Equity
   Property Fund.  The property is an income producing asset and although vacant
   let on a long lease to BHS.  The property offers excellent medium term
   redevelopment potential for a mixed use scheme.

Industrial Development Programme

     Development        Region        Size        Description          Timing          Potential        Update    
                                    (sq ft)                                             Value                     

  Crawley             South East    50,000     Industrial prelet    On site             #5.5m                         
                                               development          completion -                                      
                                                                    Spring 2006                                       

  Brampton Road       South East    103,000    5.1 acres vacant     Construction        #11.0m           Detailed     
  Eastbourne                                   site for             starts Spring                        planning     
                                               redevelopment of     2006                                 obtained Jan 
                                               103,000 sq ft                                             2006.        
                                               mixed use                                                              
                                               industrial and                                                         
                                               trade counter                                                          

  Aeropark - Phase    South East     40,000    Small unit           Construction        #5.0m                         
  1                                            industrial scheme.   started Dec 2005                                  
  Farnborough                                  Part of larger 17                                                      
                                               acre site.                                                             

  Thanet Reach        South East    15,000     Completed and let                        #1.0m            Sale planned 
  Business Park                                industrial                                                2006.        

  Decimus Park       South East       170,000    Industrial park     Final phase         #16.0m     Preletting        
  Tunbridge Wells                     (total)    being developed     completes Autumn    (total)    negotiations      
                                                 in three phases.    2006                           underway on final 
                                                 Units available                                    phase.            
                                                 from 2,200 sq ft                                                     
                                                 to 20,000 sq ft.                                                     

  Ravensbank         West Midlands    220,000    High bay            Construction        #18.0m     Detailed planning 
  Business Park                                  distribution        start Spring 2006              obtained.         
  Redditch                                       warehouse                                                            

The South West and Wales

Excellent results have been produced from our two developments under
construction during the year:

*  In Bristol City Centre, Temple Circus, our 90,000 sq ft office development,
   was forward sold to Stonemartin plc, a serviced office operator who works in
   association with the Institute of Directors.  The sale for #25.75m a year 
   ahead of practical completion is a significant achievement and will have 
   considerably enhanced our return on equity.

*  At Swansea Waterfront, Cyprium our 40,000 sq ft office development was
   completed and construction of a second phase is now underway. Both buildings
   have been pre-let by the Welsh Development Agency and will be subsequently
   sublet to Admiral Insurance.

*  Since the year end a 2.75 acre site at Filton, north Bristol has been
   acquired for the development of small office units aimed at owner occupiers
   and investors and construction is expected to commence in spring 2006.

Commercial Investments with Development Potential

  Development      Sector       Region      Size          Description                      Update

Platts Eyot     Residential   South East 12 acres    12 acre listed Island  Planning application submitted for 13
                                                     on the Thames at       houses and 65 two and three bed
                                                     Hampton                riverside units

Edmonton, North Industrial    South East 5 acres     Industrial investment  Planning application for change of
London                                               with residential       use to be made   Spring 2006
                                                     development potential

Bishop Auckland Industrial    North East 8 acres     Industrial investment  Retail planning consent recently
                                                     with retail            received subject to confirmation by
                                                     development potential  Government Office.

Castlegate      Mixed use     North      88,000 sq   Vacant department      Property acquisition now complete.
House,                                   ft          store let to BHS.
Sheffield                                            Redevelopment
                                                     potential for mixed
                                                     use scheme.  JV with
                                                     Tyburn Lane Properties

The Residential Division

Residential Investment

We have recently reached the sixth anniversary of our entry into residential
investment and now hold 362 residential units valued at #37.6 million.  As the
following table shows this activity has generated very good returns for us:

     Financial Period     No of     Value     Cumulative Valuation Uplifts
     Ended in             Units     (#m)      and Gains on Disposals (#m) 
     1999                     0         0                    0 
     2000                   902      47.0                  2.7 
     2001                   919      49.5                  4.1 
     2002                 1,227      74.9                 12.3 
     2003                   585      45.7                 28.5 
     2004                   419      40.5                 36.2 
     2005                   362      37.6                 36.9 

We have always specialised in affordable flats and houses, which we have found
to be relatively sheltered from housing market worries.  Our average unit value
is approximately #104,000. Over time we have shifted our focus to the West of
Scotland, especially Glasgow where we have been seeing good value increases.

Included in this residual holding is our core property at St. Georges Cross,
Glasgow, further modern units in the Glasgow area and in the East of Scotland at
Penicuik and Dundee, with blocks of flats in Manchester and Newcastle and some
scattered units in the North of England, as shown in the following table:

     Region             No. of Units     Value (#'m) 
     West of Scotland       236           21.7 
     East of Scotland        38            3.9 
     Manchester              37            5.6 
     Newcastle/Durham        31            4.0 
     Misc. England/Wales     20            2.4 

We have not recently been active on the acquisition front but continue to look
at possible acquisitions in this area and believe the time will come when we
will significantly expand our exposure again.

Residential Development

Our first residential development at Glasgow Green is progressing well, on
budget and on time.  With no advertising yet, 36 of the 54 flats due for
completion up to November 2006 have already been sold off plan.  The 10 houses
created from, and in sympathy with, a small listed school building are now being
completed and marketing is imminent.

Land development and house building

Further residential developments are planned in Lanarkshire, West Lothian and
Ayrshire with potential for up to 1,100 units, some of which are in joint
venture.  The first planning application has been lodged for permission to
develop 174 houses on a brownfield site at Shotts, midway between Glasgow and

We believe that house building could become a major source of profits.  We are
currently in the process of establishing a house building subsidiary which we
believe could be developing over 200 houses a year in the near future.

Corporate Finance and Corporate Registrars

Substantial external costs were again saved by use of our Glasgow subsidiaries
Mercantile Securities (Scotland) Limited, which is regulated by FSA, and Park
Circus Registrars Limited, which has now grown in ranking of AiM traded clients
to sixth by numbers.

Triple Net Asset Value (unaudited)

As indicated in the Chairman's Statement, to arrive at (unaudited) Triple Net
Asset Value (TNAV), the following adjustments are made

(1)   Revaluation of current assets: properties (and rights to properties) held
in work-in-progress have been revalued from cost (or if less realisable value)
to market value. The valuation has been performed by relevant directors
qualified as chartered surveyors based on external evidence and takes account of
costs to complete and whether or not the property has been let and/or presold.

(2)   Taxation: the amount of taxation which would be payable were all of the
Group's properties to be sold at the value used for the TNAV calculation has
been deducted. This includes Deferred Tax which would be payable on sale of
investment properties and additional taxation estimated to be payable on
realisation of the uplift of trading properties to market value.

(3)   Finance: the adjustment required to revalue the group's financial assets
and liabilities to current values is immaterial so no adjustment is required
this year. No other adjustments are relevant to the Group's calculation.

(4)   Goodwill: goodwill, positive and negative, is excluded.

The Table below shows the calculation in detail.

Proforma Triple Net Asset Value per Share

                                                               31 October 2005
Shareholders' Funds (per Audited Consolidated 
Balance Sheet and after Minority Interests)                         76,335,111 
Revaluation to market value of property etc 
held in work-in-progress                                            24,655,347 
Deferred Tax                                                          (501,961) 
Estimated taxation on Revaluation                                   (7,396,604) 
Tax losses available to be offset against future profits               179,576 
Goodwill                                                            (3,286,912) 
Total Increase                                                      13,649,446 
Proforma Triple Net Asset Value                                     89,984,557 
Proforma Triple Net Asset Value per Share     31/10/05                  48.06p 
Proforma Triple Net Asset Value per share      31/10/04                 39.99p 
Increase                                                                20.18% 
P A J Leech                 T G Walsh 
Group Managing Director     Finance Director 

for the year ended 31 October 2005 

                                                     Year ended      Year ended 
                                                     31 October      31 October 
                                                           2005            2004 
                                                              #               # 
Group and share of joint venture                     28,119,495      27,495,263 
Less: share of joint venture                          1,268,809           3,739           
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
Group turnover: continuing operations                26,850,686      27,491,524  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
Continuing operations                                 3,965,973       5,302,554           
Share of joint venture operating profit/(loss)          201,716         (43,310) 
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
                                                      4,167,689       5,259,244           
(Loss)/gain on disposal of fixed asset investments         (863)            780      
Amounts written off other investments                   (11,818)       (143,796)           
Net gain on disposal of investment property           3,495,252       3,252,070           
Permanent diminution in value of an investment property       -        (279,436)           
(Loss)/gain on liquidation/disposal of subsidiaries    (108,068)        142,551           
Income from other fixed asset investments                15,142               - 
Interest receivable                                     637,356         545,821           
Group interest payable                               (3,818,876)     (4,679,668) 
Share of joint venture interest payable                (138,758)        (13,765)  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
BEFORE TAXATION                                       4,237,056       4,083,801           
Taxation (charge)/credit                               (763,155)          3,000           
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAX               3,473,901       4,086,801           
Minority Interest                                         3,933        (256,291)  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO MEMBERS OF PARENT COMPANY      3,477,834       3,830,510           
Dividends                                            (2,246,626)     (1,486,588)  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
TRANSFER TO RESERVES                                  1,231,208       2,343,922  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
Basic and diluted earnings per share                      1.864p          2.238p 
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
All amounts relate to continuing operations. 

at 31 October 2005 
                                                      31 October     31 October 
                                                            2005           2004 
                                                               #              # 
Intangible assets      
 Positive goodwill                                    4,464,918       2,467,835           
 Negative goodwill                                   (1,178,006)     (1,921,579)  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
                                                      3,286,912         546,256           
Tangible assets                                      52,958,443      91,380,965  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
                                                     56,245,355      91,927,221           
 Joint venture - share of gross assets                4,957,563       4,032,545           
 Joint venture - share of gross liabilities          (4,801,680)     (3,939,620) 
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
                                                        155,883          92,925           
Other fixed asset investments                         2,598,808         446,101  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
                                                      2,754,691         539,026  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
                                                     59,000,046      92,466,247           
Work in progress                                     89,162,161      55,687,146           
Debtors                                              13,207,068      14,626,625           
Cash at bank and in hand                             12,052,213      17,801,053  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
                                                    114,421,442      88,114,824           
CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year      (29,977,957)    (64,222,764)  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                   84,443,485      23,892,060  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES               143,443,531     116,358,307           
CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more 
 than one year                                      (66,758,066)   (44,671,808)           
PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES                        -       (121,618)
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
NET ASSETS                                           76,685,465      71,564,881  
                                                    -------------  -------------
Called up share capital                               3,744,376       3,716,467           
Share premium account                                19,368,539      19,368,539           
Revaluation reserves - investment properties         17,267,633      21,474,093           
Revaluation reserves - other                             23,162          17,566           
Capital redemption reserve                              849,430         849,430           
Merger reserve                                        8,385,522       8,115,384           
Profit and loss account                             26,696,449       17,299,595  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                          76,335,111       70,841,074           
MINORITY INTERESTS                                     350,354          723,807  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 
                                                    76,685,465       71,564,881  
                                                    -------------  ------------- 

Approved by the Board

P A J Leech                         T G Walsh
Group Managing Director             Finance Director

7 February 2006


1.  The financial information set out in this announcement does not
constitute the company's statutory financial statements for the years ended 31
October 2005 and 31 October 2004.

2.  The financial information is extracted from the financial statements
of the group for the year ended 31 October 2005 which were approved by the board
of directors on 7 February 2006.

3.  The calculation of basic and diluted profit per ordinary share is
based on the following:

                                            Year to                   Year to
                                         31 October                31 October
                                               2005                      2004
                                              #'000                     #'000

Surplus                                       3,478                     3,831
                                         ------------               ------------

The weighted average number of ordinary 
shares in issue during the period:

Basic and diluted                       186,576,536               171,192,095

                                         ------------               ------------

4.  Copies of this announcement are available, free of charge, for a
period of one month from Noble & Company Limited, 120 Old Broad Street, London
EC2N 1AR.  Copies of the full financial statements will be posted to
shareholders as soon as possible.

Contacts:   Philip Leech, Terrace Hill Group PLC, 020 7631 1666
            Alasdair Robinson, Noble & Company Limited, 0131 225 9677
            Isabel Crossley, St Brides Media & Finance, 020 7242 4477

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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