Brixton Metals Corporation (TSX-V: BBB, OTCQB: BBBXF) (the “Company” or “Brixton”) is pleased to announce additional drill hole results from the 2024 season at its wholly owned Thorn Project located in Northwest British Columbia, Canada. The Thorn Project is an underexplored copper-gold porphyry district with multiple large scale exploration targets areas identified.


  • Hole THN24-307 intercepted a gold dominant zone of high-sulphidation mineralization:
    • 114.50m of 0.53 g/t Au and 20.1 g/t Ag from 83.5m depth including
    • 26.00m of 1.89 g/t Au, 74.8 g/t Ag, 0.28% Cu from 172m depth including
    • 8.00m of 4.52 g/t Au, 148.6 g/t Ag, 0.54% Cu
  • Hole THN24-307 intercepted broad zones of Cu-Au-Ag-Mo mineralization:
    • 647.83m of 0.26% Cu, 0.11 g/t Au, 2.70 g/t Ag, 274 ppm Mo (0.49% CuEq)
    • 261.72m of 0.35% Cu, 0.17 g/t Au, 3.26 g/t Ag, 242 ppm Mo (0.61% CuEq)
    • 50.00m of 0.54% Cu, 0.58 g/t Au, 5.33 g/t Ag, 176 ppm Mo (1.07% CuEq)
    • 10.00m of 0.50% Cu, 2.13 g/t Au, 5.35 g/t Ag, 127 ppm Mo (2.13% CuEq)
  • Hole THN24-294 intercepted broad zones of Cu-Au-Ag-Mo mineralization:
    • 124.00m of 0.29% Cu, 0.07 g/t Au, 2.60 g/t Ag, 134 ppm Mo (0.42% CuEq)
    • 52.80 of 0.38% Cu, 0.09 g/t Au, 3.45 g/t Ag, 148 ppm Mo (0.53% CuEq)
    • 24.00m of 0.47% Cu, 0.11 g/t Au, 3.41 g/t Ag, 177 ppm Mo (0.64% CuEq)

Vice President of Exploration, Christina Anstey, stated, “We are excited to announce that the latest drill results have significantly expanded the footprint of the Camp Creek Copper Porphyry as well as identifying new areas of near surface high-sulphidation gold-silver-copper mineralization, further confirming the scale copper-gold potential and continuity of the Camp Creek system.”

Figure 1. Thorn Project Location Map with Copper Geochemistry.

Table 1. Select Assay Intervals for Camp Creek Drill Holes THN24-307 and THN24-294.

Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Cu % Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Mo (ppm) CuEq (%) 95% Recovery
THN24-307 83.50 1442.07 1358.57 0.16 0.12 3.57 169.0 0.35
including 749.50 1397.33 647.83 0.26 0.11 2.70 274.0 0.49
including 1030.28 1292.00 261.72 0.35 0.17 3.26 242.0 0.61
including 1052.00 1102.00 50.00 0.54 0.58 5.33 176.0 1.07
including 1077.00 1087.00 10.00 0.50 2.13 5.35 127.0 2.13
THN24-294 280.50 1553.00 1272.50 0.13 0.04 1.63 72.8 0.20
including 623.50 1553.00 929.50 0.17 0.04 1.61 98.5 0.25
including 1104.00 1228.00 124.00 0.29 0.07 2.60 134.0 0.42
including 1104.00 1156.80 52.80 0.38 0.09 3.45 148.0 0.53
including 1124.00 1148.00 24.00 0.47 0.11 3.41 177.0 0.64

HQ and NQ size core samples were cut in half and sampled predominantly at 2.0m intervals. Assay values are weighted averages. The true width of the mineralized intervals has not yet been determined.

Copper Equivalent (CuEq) is calculated based on US$ 4.02/lb Cu, US$ 2105.6/oz Au, US$ 25.16/oz Ag, $US 20.99/lb Mo. These prices represent the approximate metal prices and calculations assume 95% metal recoveries.

CuEq % = (Cu % + (0.764486* Au g/t) + (0.009134 * Ag g/t) + (0.000523 * Mo ppm)) * 0.95

2024 Camp Creek Exploration Summary

The 2024 drill program at the Camp Creek Cu-Au-Ag-Mo Porphyry Target consisted of five diamond drill holes totaling 6335.07m of which 3247.10m is covered in this release. For previously released 2024 Camp Creek assay results see NR’s dated July 25th and August 6th.

The 2024 program was successful in its two-fold approach to test for high-grade areas within the known extents of copper porphyry mineralization at Camp Creek as well as expand laterally upon the mineralized footprint. Recent step-out drilling has also identified two new zones of near-surface, high-sulphidation style gold mineralization returning 4.65m of 6.15 g/t Au within 61.5m of 0.89 g/t Au from hole THN24-291 and 8.00m of 4.52 g/t Au within 114.50m of 0.53 g/t Au from hole THN24-307.

Future exploration efforts will aim to further define high-grade zones within the Camp Creek porphyry as well as determine the potential for significant high-sulphidation gold mineralization. Additionally, exploration efforts will focus on developing the district scale potential of the area including testing new porphyry targets that have been identified east along the Camp Creek structure at Cirque and East Cirque. Additional assay results are pending from the 2024 drill program at the Cirque and Trifecta targets, located 3km east and 1.5km southeast respectively from the Camp Creek porphyry.

Technical Discussion

THN24-307 was drilled at an azimuth of 155.6 degrees with a dip of -83 degrees to a total depth of 1443.10m. Hole 307 was planned to test an interpreted zone of high-grade mineralization between previously released holes THN22-221 and THN21-184 on the northern side of Camp Creek and was successful in intercepting broad zones of Cu-Au-Ag-Mo mineralization. THN24-307 returned 1358.57m of 0.35% CuEq, including 647.83m of 0.49% CuEq, and including 261.72m 0.61% CuEq.

In addition to broad intervals of porphyry-style mineralization, a shallow gold dominant zone hosting high-sulphidation style mineralization was observed from 83.50m to 198.00m depth returning 4.52 g/t Au over 8.00m within 26.00m of 1.89 g/t Au, all within a broader 114.50m interval of 0.53 g/t Au.

Table 2. Select Assay Intervals from the Gold Dominant Zone in Hole THN24-307.

Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu %
THN24-307 83.50 198.00 114.50 0.53 20.1 0.08
including 172.00 198.00 26.00 1.89 74.8 0.28
including 175.00 183.00 8.00 4.52 148.6 0.54

Figure 2. THN24-307 Cross-Section and Plan Map for Camp Creek at -400m below sea level.

Figure 3. HQ Core Photographs of Copper Mineralization from Hole THN24-307.

THN24-294 was collared from the same drill pad as previously released hole THN24-291 and drilled at an azimuth of 237.8 degrees with a dip of -80.5 degrees to a total depth of 1553.00m. The objective of hole THN24-294 was to expand the mineralization footprint to the northwest as a 235m step-out from hole THN24-291. THN24-294 returned broad intervals of Cu-Au-Mo-Ag mineralization assaying 929.50m of 0.25% CuEq, including 124.00m of 0.42% CuEq.

THN24-297 was collared from the same drill pad as THN24-291 and THN24-294 and was drilled at an azimuth of 150 degrees and a dip of -50 degrees. This hole was planned to target the upper high-sulphidation gold zone observed in the previously released hole THN24-291 as an extension of the Talisker Gold Zone located 400m to the northeast. The zone of semi-massive gold rich pyrite was not observed at this shallower angle and the hole ended at a final depth of 251m.

Figure 4. THN24-294 Cross-Section and Plan Map for Camp Creek at -400m below sea level.

Figure 5. NQ Core Photographs of Mineralization from Hole THN24-294.

Porphyry mineralization is hosted in the Cretaceous aged diorite Porphyry X unit, a crowded plagioclase porphyry characterized by well-defined stacked biotite, a feature typical of mineral-related porphyry phases. Mineralization is also hosted within Triassic Stuhini Group sedimentary rocks, which are intruded by the porphyry phases. Mineralization consists dominantly of chalcopyrite, molybdenite and pyrite as disseminations, fracture fill and within porphyry-style veins. Pyrite is dominate in the upper part of the hole with chalcopyrite and molybdenite mineralization increasing with depth. Alteration assemblages transition from advanced argillic at surface, into a pronounced zone of strong phyllic alteration and ultimately into potassic assemblages around the core of the system. In hole THN24-294 the mineralized Porphyry X unit was first observed at 1263.00m and occurs as a series of dykes intruding hornfels siltstone up to 1480.40m and are cut by post mineral dykes. The remainder of the hole was hornfels siltstones with one narrow post mineral dyke to 1553.00m. In THN24-307, Porphyry X was first observed at 807.00m interspersed with hornfels and post-mineral dykes until 1398.45m.

Figure 6. Drill Collar and Location Map of the Camp Creek, Cirque and Trifecta Targets.

Table 3. Collar Information for Drill Holes from Current Release and Assays Pending.

Hole ID Status Easting Northing Elevation (m) Azimuth Dip Depth (m)
THN24-294 This Release 627663 6492135 733 237.5 -81 1553.0
THN24-297 This Release 627663 6492135 733 150.0 -50 251.0
THN24-299 Assays Pending 630622 6493904 1089 214.9 -55 686.0
THN24-307 This Release 627874 6492229 772 155.6 -83 1443.1
THN24-314 Assays Pending 628603 6490641 667 325.0 -75 466.0

Quality Assurance & Quality Control

Quality assurance and quality control protocols for drill core sampling was developed by Brixton. Core samples were mostly taken at 1.0 to 2.0m intervals. Blank, duplicate (lab pulp) and certified reference materials were inserted into the sample stream for at least every 20 drill core samples. Core samples were cut in half, bagged, zip-tied and sent directly to ALS Minerals preparation facility in Whitehorse, Yukon or Langley, British Columbia depending on available lab capacity. ALS Minerals Laboratories is registered to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 17025 accreditations for laboratory procedures. Samples were analyzed at ALS Laboratory Facilities in North Vancouver, British Columbia for gold by fire assay with an atomic absorption finish, whereas Ag, Pb, Cu and Zn and 48 additional elements were analyzed using four acid digestion with an ICP-MS finish. Over limits for gold were analyzed using fire assay and gravimetric finish. The standards, certified reference materials, were acquired from CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd., of Langley, British Columbia and the standards inserted varied depending on the type and abundance of mineralization visually observed in the primary sample. Blank material used consisted of non-mineralized siliceous landscaping rock. A copy of the QAQC protocols can be viewed at the Company’s website.

Qualified Person (QP)

Mr. Corey A. James, P.Geo., is a Senior Project Geologist for the Company who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. James has verified the referenced data and analytical results disclosed in this press release and has approved the technical information presented herein.

About Brixton Metals Corporation

Brixton Metals is a Canadian exploration company focused on the advancement of its mining projects. Brixton wholly owns four exploration projects: Brixton’s flagship Thorn copper-gold-silver-molybdenum Project, the Hog Heaven copper-silver-gold Project in NW Montana, USA, which is optioned to Ivanhoe Electric Inc., the Langis-HudBay silver-cobalt-nickel Project in Ontario and the Atlin Goldfields Project located in northwest BC which is optioned to Eldorado Gold Corporation. Brixton Metals Corporation shares trade on the TSX-V under the ticker symbol BBB, and on the OTCQB under the ticker symbol BBBXF. For more information about Brixton, please visit our website at

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

Mr. Gary R. Thompson, Chairman and CEO

For Investor Relations inquiries please contact: Mr. Michael Rapsch, Senior Manager, Investor Relations. email: or call Tel: 604-630-9707

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Information set forth in this news release may involve forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that relate to future, not past, events. In this context, forward-looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “plan”, “estimate”, “expect”, and “intend”, statements that an action or event “may”, “might”, “could”, “should”, or “will” be taken or occur, including statements that address potential quantity and/or grade of minerals, potential size and expansion of a mineralized zone, proposed timing of exploration and development plans, or other similar expressions. All statements, other than statements of historical fact included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding the use of proceeds. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, the following risks: the need for additional financing; operational risks associated with mineral exploration; fluctuations in commodity prices; title matters; and the additional risks identified in the annual information form of the Company or other reports and filings with the TSXV and applicable Canadian securities regulators. Forward-looking statements are made based on management’s beliefs, estimates and opinions on the date that statements are made and the Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if these beliefs, estimates and opinions or other circumstances should change, except as required by applicable securities laws. Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements.

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